...still murder.

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Blatant, per-meditated and unconscionable.

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They still want us dead.

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Over in the US feeding lab grown meat to military! If the jab didn’t get them maybe the cooking will finish off the job of disabling the troops…

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SecDef Austin has blood on his hands for forcing the troops to take the covid DeathVax.

If a giant asteroid hit the Pentagon, I would not be sad.

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A nightmarish idea for writing a work of fiction could be a story about undermining the country’s defensive capabilities, through various insults to the morale and physical capabilities of the forces, from the inside. The idea would be that a nest of saboteurs are imbedded within the system, and are able to communicate with each other through cell phone technology, undetected.

At the end the battleships are lined up along the shores ready to come aboard to sign the important title documents.

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Biden, SecDef Austin, fat General Milley, and the Pentagon, have destroyed the military from within.

And those senior officers in charge of the different branches of the military...you are all cowards.

I would have at least thought that the Commandant of the Marine Corps would have at least said, "no fucking way are you injecting my Marines with an experimental mRNA gene therapy full of spike proteins, lipid nanoparticles, polyethylene glycol, and other toxic substances.

But no, the Commandant of the Marine Corps is a coward.

Who would've thought that there were so many traitors out to destroy America?

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Wait, that’s already been written! It’s called the news!

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Having done away with "Discipline" in order to try and attract new idiots –pardon me, "enlisted personnel" – I can't imagine they'd do very well in a firefight with the Russians. Oh, and by the way? I was an enlisted man in the Military...

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That's not going to change anytime soon, Kathleen.

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Thank you ever so much for posting this. We have waited a long time for this to occur. Blessings always, Sir, for all of your hard work and wisdom that you’ve shared🦋

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Best solution now! It's more like the Nazi agenda..The final solution.

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👆🏻 This. Exactly.

It was never about health.

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Contol and cull

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Cowards all. Apart from Andrew Bridgen. Thankyou Andrew.

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Criminals all. Apart from Andrew Bridgen. Thanks, Andrew!

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I wonder why the UK MSM is allowing Bridgen to say all this? Why is he asking for donations? And why are people giving him money?

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Where does it say anything about donations (and in any case, do you know of many politicians who DON'T ask for donations)? What are you trying to say: because he is supposedly "asking for donations" he is lying about mRNA vaccine deaths? What do YOU want: for people to stop talking about mRNA vaccine deaths and pretend they never happened?

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First I have to THANK YOU!!! Andrew Brindgen You Are Our HERO. It would seem

That YOU are that only ONE to Tell the Truth The Whole Truth & northing

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Of course not silly ex-leftie American.

Of course, people need to talk about mrna jibby jabs until death do they part. If you are new to this, then you have much to learn.

I am saying bridgen is not to be trusted (nor is the jibby jab pusher RFK). So bridgen has been given the platform to seemingly go against the narrative, but did you know he advocated for lockdowns? Did you know he voted for mandatory jibby jabs for care workers? He promoted get poisoned on his twatter account. He got his at the "Masons" pharmacy. He is being touted as a hero...really?

Read this and learn about andrew bridgen.


Are you aware, that left and right exist only in the mind and that both sides are controlled by the same evil parasites.

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Now, how would a freaking politician know anything about any drug being safe and effective? These people who pretend to rule us are a fringe gang of thugs where the only requirement to be in the gang is that you have at least one functioning brain cell.

Most politicians are perhaps experts or knowledgeable about law (having been lawyers), maybe business (having run them) or maybe the inner workings of government (having been life-long politicos). That's pretty much it.

Whatever else they need an opinion on or knowledge about, they must rely on others. They do not have time to think rationally, investigate what they are told or question the opinions of the experts. They trust what they are told and their only power is to try and make the public accept their non-verified facts and agendas.

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The money was made . . the piper was paid . . . #careerpoliticians #neversafe #nevereffective

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Instead of being referred to as "The Best Solution", they should be referred to as "The Final Solution".

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lol, like

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ha ha. Let us hope not...

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ok...a few more people are "awake"....but our work is far from over. Most people are totally shocked when I show them Ed Dowd's book CAUSE UNKNOWN. Glad there are a few in congress pushing the envelope...Rand Paul and the guy from Wisconsin--Ron Johnson.

IT'S NOT ENOUGH. We need to triple down on this

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Even the people who know say to me privately, "I don't know what to do". (frontline nurse)

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Lack of imagination? Cowardice? Complicity? I think there are some who want a foot in both world. That never worked for me....

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Never worked for me either. It's either money or integrity. You can't have both.

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Rand Paul is pushing the envelope (with lots of blah, blah, blah, do-nothing lip flapping) while continuing to push the diversionary "Wuhan lab leak" and "gain of function" BS, both of which have been debunked. This was genocide (with other nefarious motives) by the D0D and planned for decades for humanity's demise. Paul is taking away from the exposure of truth to continue the psyop protecting the guilty. And Congress is part of the team who, for decades, have (been bribed and paid to) enable these atrocities and crimes against humanity. This goes much deeper and is much more nefarious than FauciFrau, or Wuhan, or gain of function. It's a planned, engineered, orchestrated bi0weap0n of mass destruction, courtesy of the U S g0vt, and Rand Paul is playing a part in obfuscation of the extent of these unspeakable crimes and who's involved. Dr David Martin always does an excellent job explaining this. Watch his latest interview with Alex Jones (a few days ago) if you're unfamiliar with the extent of these horrific crimes or you haven't followed Martin the last several years.

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Wow...the tenacity and perseverance of the people on the frontlines of this thing is certainly praiseworthy. I hope those who have used their platforms to consistently speak up and speak for truth, all while losing jobs, friends, income...being mocked, ridiculed, censored, cancelled love seeing the fruits of their labor. And for those of us who pray every day that GOD will allow the truth to be revealed in in all its fullness and all its horror, keep after it. No one can quit now if we all work in the same direction. Onward.

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Yeah, well... 🙄💩

I watched Mr. Bridgen deliver his address on the dangers of The Lethal Injections to an almost empty House of Commons. It would be hard to imagine a more palpable demonstration of their contempt for the truth. Every last politician – worldwide – who supported the Covid Scamdemic Narrative merits the death penalty, end of discussion. Their executions must be public, and televised. Nothing less is adequate.

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Yeah Capt. I saw that too. Totally sickening. They were all complicit--even the darling Trump.

Remember how he pushed remdesivir? that stuff destroys a persons kidneys. The nurses called it RUN!DEATHIS NEAR.

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Oh, I know Kathleen... I know... 😥

The horror show continues and there is nothing... absolutely nothing... either of us can do, about any of it.

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I make a promise to myself to try communicate at least one item of actual truth about the massive experiment in which MILLIONS DIED FROM THE SPIKE PROTEIN.... to someone somewhere. Not always easy because it hurts to even think about it. Then I look at my vaccine injured husband and i know i must do something.

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I refer to it as "mending the deck chairs on the Titanic"...

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well how about this version of the story: dissidents like McCullough and Yeadon are creating a life raft in a sea of trouble. People have to jump ship or they will go down with the rest. We need to learn how to care for ourselves and not rely on the medical "cartel" to supply what we need. The "titanic" of western medicine is sinking fast. They have blundered mightily and there is little to save them. I admit to buying the Wellness Emergency Kit. But it is only for one person....so that kinda worries me. Who will I safe? Me....or someone else?

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"Then I look at my vaccine injured husband and I know i must do something."


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Yes...it is awful. At least I still have him. I know people in our complex who lost their spouses in the weeks following the "roll out". This is even sadder. And imagine how the people who lost a child to this horror show must feel. I know how I would feel.

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Sort of like my vaccine injured step-daughter? She's 28, her life is over.

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Yes..but the whole ‘195’ countries just met with WHO 2 weeks ago and signed on agreement to force(mandate) the jabs again..

Only one country govt given the option of a law to let citizens have bodily sovereignty and a choice of rejecting medical interference..the Swiss..and the govt rejected the law!

So all the other countries agreed to this forced (intervention)?

I guess it will show up very soon. 🙏🏽

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The WHO pandemic treaty didn't go through.

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So they say it didn’t go thru..but all the countries did sign on IHR rules..and I believe one was mandated jabs..why were Swiss the only country given a chance to pass a law on bodily autonomy..choice of jabs or not..and their govt rejected it? None of other countries given that choice? I believe it’s the plan to do pandemic again with absolutely forced jabs..

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The international health regulations were unfortunately approved under coercion by the WHO. Get ready for forced vaccines if you travel. I’m going to see my elderly mother this year, it will probably be the last time I see her and the rest of my family because I refuse to be “vaccinated “

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Well..they do not want us travelling..fuel emissions you know..they just want us in one place so each govt can force their own citizens to obey! Never mind they each have private jets..helicopters..yachts ect. Only for VIP’s..

Only can travel if you are a migrant you get UN pass to travel anywhere!’can you believe it?

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Completely academic Nina: They got what they wanted.


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No...not yet. We will win this fight. Truth is seeping out everywhere -- especially now that they have added the mRNA platform to ALL VACCINES ON THE CHILDHOOD SCHEDULE--so where does that leave parents?

Kill your child and send them to school...or "homeschool/private school and keep your child from a life of auto immune hell and an early death.

I know what I would pick

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"You can't fix 'stupid' no matter how you try."

-- John Wayne

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You are right..they got more than they wanted..the next round is coming and it will be ‘forced’ whoever thinks this isn’t true should read the whole agenda that took place..🙏🏽

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"There's no underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

-- HL Menken

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You are right..they got more than they wanted..the next round is coming and it will be ‘forced’ whoever thinks this isn’t true should read the whole agenda that took place..🙏🏽

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Premeditated Murder ☠️💉☠️

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100 years ago the selectivites did the same thing... killing Millions with vaxxines in preparation for a world war.

And all the connections point to the same culprits... the Rothschild Cabal and the Jewish Occult.


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I am so happy for Mr Bridgen who sure has fought like the hero he certainly is, alone against a back drop of unlisteners in the committee, then in the House and so on and so forth. Well worth a gigantic applause and we all know he did this basically on his own in the Parliament!

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Safe. Effective. My ass!

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Love this. Love Andrew Bridgen. The man is a warrior. The man has stood before an empty parliament speaking Truth - may those who ran now come scurrying back on bended knee.

"The best solution".

What a hoot.

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Perhaps it would be wise for US politicians to follow suit, instead of double down like Fauci just did!

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Fauci has killed more people than than any other one person in history. He was responsible for the horrifying AZT debacle in which many thousands of people died after the terrible AIDS fear campaign revved up.

As Celia Farber did say...this is not "dr." Fauci's first rodeo.

All I can say is I pray to God almighty that it is his last. And that it ends in the gallows.

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A "virus" did not cause "covid" any more than a "virus" caused AIDS. Both AIDS and COVID were just excuses to kill people with deadly "vaccines".

Inventing the AIDS Virus

Book by Peter Duesberg

Inventing the AIDS Virus is a 1996 book by molecular biologist Peter Duesberg, in which the author argues that HIV does not cause AIDS. Duesberg contends that HIV is a harmless passenger virus and that AIDS is caused by unrelated factors such as drug abuse, antiretroviral medication, chronic malnutrition, poor sanitation, and hemophilia. Wikipedia

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Here they come to stuff the bewster...

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Actually there have been senate hearings in the US investigating Faucci, nada in the UK, just Bridgen speaking out.

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Rand Paul...Ron Johnson...thank you!

Fauci looks like a monkey on a strong in those hearings.

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Here they come to push the bewster...

ya'll gonna die....

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Unfortunately, it will all come to naught, because that’s what our politicians do best…hold inquiries, write strongly worded letters or tweets, and then vote to send more money to Ukraine, but nothing to hold those responsible for this heinous scam accountable. I’m sick of the lip flapping while they do nothing!

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