Oct 24Liked by The Vigilant Fox

This is disgusting. Don’t blame us Brits, we are as pissed off about this as you guys are across the pond. MAGA

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"MBGA"? Need a vowel in there somewhere... 🤔

But it's like this everywhere Chris... You should see how Canada's disintegrated under Justin Castreau... but we just can't get rid of the little fucker...

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Hi Roy, thanks buddy. Yes I’m following it all closely it’s a global thing but at least we are all waking up globally, some quicker than others. Take care my friend 😃

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Make England (or Europe) Great Again.

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In Canada, we blame the same traitors who perennially elect the perennial traitors. England and Canada ... peas in a pod.

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Yet Starmer's party only received a third of the vote...England has a system that always seems to be at odds with its voters.

While in Canada the media is owned by the govt in all but name, and some insane number of voters work for the government. So Canada without an Electoral College set up is doomed to be controlled by an owned but slim majority.

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I read it was only 20% of the vote. Same situation as in Canada: I gathered only 20% of voters (still an appalling situation) voted last time for Justin Castreau. Seems there's just no way to rid ourselves of the sleazy little shit.

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It could well have been less, the English system is an insult to logic. And Canada used to be a model nation when I was growing up, I am so sorry for you, for us all.

I contributed via several channels to the truckers protest, all were stopped, so damning for freedom of speech. The nanosecond power ever returns to your nation install an electoral college system!

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I used to be a "Canadian Nationalist"... now? Sooner this country breaks up and joins The Union, the better; at least we'd then have the slight protections afforded by the 1st and 2nd Amendments..

Mind you, you need one Hell of a good housecleaning first..

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Re a Canadian solution: Consider how Russia was saved from an ongoing US capitalist/Russian oligarch ravaging by its KGB; which is essentially what happened when Putin took over.

In the US, under a second Trump administration, the US may be saved by a significant portion of its oligarch class from its own ravaging currently orchestrated by what appears to be a Deep State/WEF/MIC captured Democratic Party.

Perhaps there is a similar force in Canada that could save the country without Provinces having to leave to survive?

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Heart breaking to see what's happening to the Anglosphere. GB and the Commonwealth countries were the best in the world, now we're in self-destruct mode. Globalists and their woke useful fools to blame.

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We don't blame the Brits...globally there is SO much blame to go around. Much of it coming from the U.S.A. of course.

Free Speech is everything. We must prevail on speech.

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Another one worthy of hanging.

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Oct 24Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Please keep up the diligence! There are many of us who can't afford subscriptions but support and share your work nonetheless. Thank you 👍 😊 🙏

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Thanks, Mike! I appreciate the kind words, and I understand that most people are on a pretty tight budget. It's painful seeing the bill at the grocery store these days.

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"He is an authority on social and psychological malignancies on social media, such as identity-based hate, extremism, disinformation and conspiracy theories"?

IOW he's a "Woke," crypto-Marxist, totalitarian asshole.

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Hard to believe ANYONE would write such ridiculousness in their bio, let alone be taken seriously for doing so.

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"Terrifying" is the word I'd use... 🤔 There's so many of them... 🙄

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when it comes to digital hate the chief offenders are those who want to censor the free flow of opinion.

they HATE anything that opposes the agenda that they want to establish under their own tyranny

So Ahmed is the hate monger here

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Folks this s is what five eyes is all about.if it’s not legal in your country you use another country to do it for you.

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Yep, that was why they set it up, to eavesdrop all satellite phone conversations except their own those they would then access second hand from one of the other partners without court orders.

Sort of like the ANOM phone scandal.

Evil personified and time for it to end.

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It is everywhere & blatantly so in the U.S. One need only look at when Rfk jr was running, how the opposition blocked ballots to all 3rd party & how it continues to spread MIS-DIS-MAL-information about Kennedy & Musk.

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He looks vile, like an anus.

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An angry, swollen anus.

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He wasn't REALLY busted. There will be no consequences for this. There are NEVER any consequences for these leftist marxist democrat totalitaians. They always get away with everything, which greatly emboldens them to do more and more.

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It sure feels that way > But the tide is turning on them; we have to keep exposing them.

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But someone should be posting ut in his neighborhood, taunting his family, spraypainting it on his front door.

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Then you'll get arrested for harassment. Careful with the methods

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It's ok, just keep it up. They can't jail a whole city. Plus, maxine waters said its okay to harrass everyone, "out at dinner, filling stations."

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Yes, and they do those things to us. It’s time we respond in kind by multiple numbers!!!

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Yes that's the trick. Don't do it alone, show up in numbers. Then it's not harassment it's a protest

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Imran Khan's CCDH is just the tip of the iceberg. Below the chilly waters we find AIPAC, ADL, members of Congress with two passports, etc., etc.

High-time to implement FARA in strictest possible ways !!!

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His name makes me think of Nimrod

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I'm sure that he is so ashamed of himself that he will resign his position in 100,000,000 ... 99,999,999 ... 99,999,998 ....

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Yup. Guy is MI6 front. Protected.

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What exactly is a digital hate chief? Someone sho hates digital? Digital what? Who on earth came up with this post? Why?

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Ask these folks! UK's Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH)

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Lets hope that Trump succeeds and both he and RFK hand the UK government their ass.

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What does “hate” even mean in these people’s minds? It’s a simply a word with strong negative connotations that has been chosen as a symbol, masquerading as a synonym, for ideas that run counter to authoritarianism. How many people in this world actually hate someone or something? And if they did, and never take action, what does it matter? We already have laws against crimes that might spring from hate (murder, libel etc).

I know we use the word often, as in “I hate spinach”, but actual hate is probably very rare, yet these types of people and entities, along with the woke fairy tale tellers, want us to believe it’s common and needs to be verboten. Jeez…

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Ha Ha Ha... I just love it when the scum is beaten at their own game.

Like Bulls in a China Shop

The stupid... mentally deranged... incompetent and unelected....


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yes. Deranged, his eyes are dead.

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EXPOSING these Traffickers of children all over the world and their evil plans... SWEET!

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Sounds like the CCDH chief wants to re-ignite the Revolutionary War???

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