Heart conditions are just one of the many results of the death jab. My friend, while 7 months pregnant with her son, got the vaccine. Her son couldn’t walk or talk for an entire year. He’s 3 now and constantly sick and can speak very little. Vaccines are bad enough, but add an experimental one that failed all its test phases, and you’ve got a disaster of epic proportions. I tried warning my friend of the risks and potential dangers, but by then she’d drunk the Fauci cocktail and let fear control her actions. I wonder if she - and other mothers - realize what the cause is of their child’s illness, and if they’ll ever openly acknowledge that it was the jab. Hindsight is 20/20, but regret won’t make those babies and kids whole and healthy.

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Murdering psychopaths!

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If you follow Naomi Wolf you would already know that the MRNA shots are destroying fertility amongst the women who took it. And now we find it’s crossing into the fetuses and attacking the babies hearts. Pfizer and the FDA knew this and yet told us that it was safe for pregnant women. The evil just will not end.

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What a surprise...not. Tip of the iceberg, not just for myocarditis, but neuro disorders, turbo cancers, heart attacks, autoimmune disorders, infertility, etc

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I would be surprised, even shocked if it was NOT due to the covid 19 vaccines. Wake up people!

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What could possibly be depopulating the planet.

I wonder if it’s related to all the other all cause mortality increase all over the world?

Probably just a coincidence right?

It’s really going to be weird when all the young people who bought into this hook line and sinker are not able to have babies. That will be sad.

We might want to consider getting our Mad Max outfits ready.

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If Pregnant Moms were Covid "Vaxxed", it affected the developing child, simple "Cause and Effect"....

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Are you kidding me right now? It's PUZZLING why the WHO is not investigating the alarming increases in myocarditis in newborns and infants in the UK "which might potentially be linked to" the experimental gene therapy jabs?! I know why they're not investigating it. It's because they are in on the whole depopulation agenda!

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King Murderer Charles and fake president murderer Biden are having tea at Buckingham palace today. Do you think for one moment it’s about the babies dying and the clot shot being the reason.? Or could they be possibly discussing how killing off the rest of the globe might help the ecosystem to work properly? I go with that possibility. But it’s just a guess

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There is a high rate of pericarditis and myocarditis, and now there is proof that these are caused by the vaccines. My son got Pericarditis.

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The WHO is a Criminal Organization that is responsible for Murdering Millions of innocent People. No one on this planet Earth should EVER trust them with anything again..........period

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I sincerely apologize beforehand for sounding like a callous bastard... but apparently that's exactly what I am when I say "That's what you get for succumbing to the narrative propaganda and following the edicts of a corrupt and tyrannical NWO and their global minions like a flock of sheep that have no individual faculty for critical thinking... or worse yet, choose not to use that faculty."

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It would be a simple matter to write in sarcasm since the inundation of DENIED AND SKEWED research will NEVER promote any research remotely touching 'CAUSALITY/CAUSATION', will it? We all know this Psy-Op/WWIII begins in 'The City of London' and Basel, Switzerland among the Central Banker Family Cartel' International Mafia OWNING EVERYTHING.

Is there some reason nobody is addressing those old filthy crooks ROBBING/MURDERING THE WORLD BLIND FOR ALL TIME?

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Shhh..... Nothing t see here.... Move along...

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Finally! The evidence that the dastardly acts of Putin in stopping democracy (and NATO) in Ukraine are reverberating onto the health of new born and enfants.

That is it. The evidence is clear. Nobody say "correlation does not equal causation".

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