Tragic , so very tragic. The last 4 years has been nothing but heartache. 😢

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You see it every day.

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Remember that GB is a known side effect of many vaccines, not just the C shot that is gene therapy.

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You are correct, but no one should be forced to inject something into their body against their will.

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Absolutely! I didn’t mean to infer a comparison.

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Poor dear fellow!

Well, even the physicians had to admit he got GB from the shot!

It's a wonder he survived the vent and hospital negligence!

Thank God his family advocated for him!

How we cannot be continuously outraged over these heart-wrenching testimonies!

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That was painful, and I'm sorry that he had to add the aside that he knows vaccines have some good. The whole concept of vaccines is anti-health.

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These shots were NOT vaccines . They are BIOWEAPONS.

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Money making snake oil. None of them prevent what they are supposed to prevent, because they are not tested for it. These evil people are just confidence tricksters selling a dud.

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So who wants to play Russian roulette/ thinking hopefully that you’ll be the one who benefits??

I agree- he really doesn’t know who it helped- in my opinion, NO ONE WAS HELPED! It didn’t stop transmission one bit- neither did the idiotic distancing nor the mask!😡

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So tragic! I sure hope he is being treated by Doctors who treat for vax injury. If not, I implore one of you Doctors to please reach out to him.

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Dr Haider looking for 7 patients to treat for free

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Mygotodoc.com Dr. Syed Haider?

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Horrible. He needs to call it what it is, gene therapy, it is not a vaccine.

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Gene therapy is just a way to pretty up the optics in a disingenuous attempt to pretend transparency


All attempts to call it anything other than an intentional bioweapons attack and psyop against the targets no matter how "truthful" it may sound technically are distractions from what truly was going on and continues to go on

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In my opinion, all 'vaxxes' are bioweapons. ALL designed to trick, alter or confuse your God given immune system.

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100% this whole saga made me anti vax

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me too

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Me three

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Hopefully you will end up being MUCH healthier as a result!

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And me and my dogs too.

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Even when well intentioned, and I'm sure initially many if not most vax efforts were well-intentioned (we've long since strayed from any pretense of that).

But even in the best circumstance the whole vax program has served to reaffirm the axiom, you can't fool mother nature. Every time we try we are served a dish of humility because we forgot to try and work-with and enhance rather than try to fool mother nature

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If we would use what God provided, as He provided it - food, seeds, herbs, sunshine, water, etc. we would all be healthier. Homeopathy is effective with very little, if any negative side effects. But when we inject into our circulatory system (all jabs make it into the blood and beyond), things get messy. The Bible says the blood is the life - Deuteronomy 12:23. Hmm, maybe we shouldn't be messing with it!!

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Agree. And I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that all pharmaceuticals - falsely described as "medicine" - are the same.

And that all Pharmaceutical Companies would more accurately be described as Bioweapons Manufacturers.

The current explosion of chronic illness, disease, and death is because it's ALL poison.

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Amen. When you consider that our bodies are designed to heal, by the creator of the universe, in His image, that should take your breath away. Then consider that He provided for ALL of our needs in order for us to thrive and live abundantly, more pause and reverence should be given. Taking a look at the myriads of corruption that our bodies are subjected to by man’s quest to be gods, reveals a lot. Big Pharma = Pharmakeia in the Book of Revelations, perhaps there is more to this than we can even imagine. Personally, I am fixing my eyes on Jesus and trusting the One who ferafully and wonderfully created me. :)

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Totally agree. Amen my friend. I too, believe that my natural immunity would have been MORE than enough, but as an RN I was mandated to take it under the guise of protection, & safety for my patients. Now I am injured and sometimes infuriated by what I allowed them to put in my body. But make no mistake, this is a spiritual matter as well. I STAND on Luke 10:19, Mark 16:18, Psalm 91. HIS WORD IS LIVING! The answer to ALL is Jesus. Through HIM ALL things were made- He breathed and the stars were born. He has provided cures through HIS Creation! This death trap is no surprise for HIM. I will be a healthy walking testimony for HIS HEALING, HIS MIGHT, HIS LOVE & GLORY! Blessings to you. :)

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Blessings to you! Always encouragement to hear ans see others turning to God’s word for guidance in the chaotic world!

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I agree. I also would never take a product that was tested on critters, be it mice or dogs.

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TPTB even acknowledged somewhere that they changed the definition to improve acceptance. Should have been a big ole clue…

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Does not take genius. Does not take special gut instinct or cognitive insight. Even us unwashed goobers (me, perhaps not you:) can figure it out

When they redefine


That's your clue. All you need to know. No need to get into the weeds or be some sort of Nobel Laureate level tortured intellectual thought justification. Even goobers can figure it out. Perhaps the goobers have the advantage because they can keep it simple

When they tell you BAD = GOOD that's the clue

If they tell you grooming kids to cut off their genitals THAT'S A CLUE

Bad does not = GOOD

When they tell you Safe & Effective and "do it to protect grandma" but let slip "micro clotting & teaching your body to grow toxic spike proteins is the fundamental paradigm"


SUICIDAL UNCONTROLLED UNPREDICTABLE micro clotting & spike protein growth (any ole where) is NEVER a good thing

Bad does not equal good!!!

Never ever ever!!

That is part of the psyop. To so brain wash and weaken your mind that you're ready to accept BAD = GOOD.

Keep it simple. Keep it virtuous. If your mom or your elders or your church were virtuous (not always true) you have what you need because they told you how to discern bad versus good

You don't have to get into the weeds. Stick to the dundamentals

Rape Bad

Coercion Bad

Murder Bad


Keep to the basics

Bad NEVER equals GOOD

If they try to groom your kid to cut off their genitals because it is "gender affirming" just remember the basic stuff. Where was that EVER a good thing except in Mengele world.? So why the hell is it suddenly a good thing now. Why the hell are our taxes used to fund it? Why the hell can they use it as justification to take your kids just because you won't endorse it (they don't just want you to ACCEPT Bad = Good, they don't just want you to ACCEPT coercion. THEY WANT YOU TO ENDORSE IT!!!). Once upon a time we fought a war against it and had a Nuremberg tribunal to enshrine sanctions against it

At the same time we enshrined the idea that involuntary coerced and uninformed needle rape and other such violations and experiments were CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY

It is simple



No matter how they spin it.

If you have minimal confidence in your fundamental sense of right and wrong you have the tools to confidently assert

NOPE! You have no right to needle rape me or my friends & family no matter how guilty you try to make me feel. Rape is NEVER good even if the kids are going to be intelligent beautiful and productive



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Don’t call it “gene therapy”!!! The definition of therapy is: medicine, healing, cure, etc

This is Gene-Altering

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Or how about mass murder?

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A clandestine way to commit murder

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It is not gene therapy. It is a bioweapon, plain as day.

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So very sorry for what you’ve gone through with these evil “vaccines”. Prayers for continued progress.

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Omg millions of people died and millions got injured How can this not be ignored 😢😢😢

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You mean, "How can this be ignored."? We all need to do our part to put this in front of prosecutors. I am about to publish my 2,000 page second book. It's called "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders" and calls for prosecution of the people who did this to society.

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Thank you for doing this book!

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You're going to love it, Lori.

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What’s the publishing date?

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Book One of Five will be sent in in 10 days and available a few days after that. Call it June 27 or 28. Then there will be four more, one each month. Thank you for your question. Please help me talk it up!

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Fauci, Gates , Tedros & the state premiers to go first!

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That's what I am having trouble understanding. It's overwhelmingly clear, yet nothing has stopped them.

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They have a network of evil minded, money hungry, self righteous, save the planet morons in charge of getting rid of deplorables.

The sad truth is that the real deplorables have access to a higher quality of healthcare, medication, housing, transportation, leisure, and food supply and they do not want to share! Hence they have attempted to destroy those of us they deem unworthy, so they can be known as elite, and maintain their access to resources. The people we have elected to represent us, are climbing the ladder to become one of them, therefore, it is not in their best interest to go against such potentially enriching power.

So they drag the hearings out, or don’t address the obvious demise flung onto humanity.

They have the fence to sit on. They sway this way and that way.

The compass of morality, has lost the magnet that directs position!

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Politics is rampant with narcissists, they feel no empathy so they do all they do without any remorse.

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Brilliantly said. Thank you

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The establishment media is powerful, look who they’re in bed.

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You mean, "How can this be ignored."? We all need to do our part to put this in front of prosecutors. I am about to publish my 2,000 page second book. It's called "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders" and calls for prosecution of the people who did this to society.

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It’s all part of their plan.

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Leave it to the establishment media to cover up the sins.

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God bless this man for speaking out.

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As the ads keep saying. Brought to you by Pfizer. The unsaid part is "On behalf of DARPA the DOD & your government using your taxes to fund it

We are not even close to free when our own funds are used to create and deploy weapons and psyops against us.

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I find very few able to comprehend the enormity of the rot in our DOD, alphabet agencies and beyond. They just want to get back to their entertainment and frankenfood (also brought to you by big pharma). Pathetic. And partly why this was allowed to happen.

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In a different (perhaps related I can't remember) context I remember seeing something in a thread that said (paraphrasing) something to the effect of "the lower (more fundamental) you target the bigger the eventual effect". Had something to do with a Michael Crichton interview where he mentioned that if some clown targeted a virus or bio weapon or whatever at photosynthesis (or something equally basic) it was the end of the ball game. It would take out ALL life.

I bring it up because I think that is where we are at when facing the enormity at what has been happening. We can talk all we want about new laws systems and protections BUT FACT IS we already have fairly decent laws systems and protections. BUT WITHOUT ENFORCEMENT because PEOPLE are the ones that inhabit those laws systems and protections

Point is, if we are to have ANY chance of fighting back EFFECTIVELY over the long term we need to refocus on making better people and rebuilding what is virtuous about our cultures in the same way that the Evil (I blame the commies and others) have worked to fundamentally break down those virtues. If we had more old school people inhabiting the systems and organizations perpetrating these crimes the crimes would never happen. If the masses rather than the individual here and there do not stand up and say NO WE WILL NOT BE PART OF THIS then the crimes will persist because the lone individual will always be crushed

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Perfectly said. I hope that Trump would highlight the need for goodness in the country. He could do this while being the example. I wish I could have that conversation .

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Agree, nice response. It starts with those who are discerning, care about others and have courage. I am already swimming upstream and will continue to do so, iss nice to see so many others joining.

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Death to the deep state.

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IMO the events and pain over the last four years will forever change the climate of healthcare in our world from breaking the backs of Big Pharma and Corporate health interests, to eliminating non-elected beurocrats such as the CDC, FDA, WHO, etc. Especially the corporations of the CDC and FDA in the US that are largely funded by.Big Pharma and do not serve the interests of the people, no transparency.

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I certainly hope so

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As my grandfather often said, it is a very ill wind that blows no good. I worked as a Pharmacist for 18 years, but left the profession in '98.because I could see the writing on the wall. Our system didn't serve us then and it definitely does not serve us now. The nails are in the coffin, the burial is about to begin.

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Pray that it will, and quickly. Amen.

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This was so hard to watch, how many others like him are there. The demons that did this to him need to be held accountable, I chose court and then hang the bastards.

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There is the Nuremberg Code and the Freedom Of Information Act that others had used.

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And so far NOT ONE person has been able to bring justice using the Nuremberg Code. FOIA has been used by attorney Tom Renz and numerous others. The deep state, the uniparty, the military, and all other 3-letter agencies worldwide have connived to disallow attempts to bring justice.

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All by design unfortunately. It by itself isn’t recognized here in the states, but with the constitution as well as civil laws it’s effective.

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God bless you Mike!

If the Ohio Legislature has any brains at all they will pass this legislation, if they do not pass it, the have no brains at all!

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Or soul.

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So tragic and should never been allowed to happen.

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Multiply that voice and video and the sense of tragedy by tens perhaps hundreds of millions (we will never know) and you will have a sense of the scope of what has been perpetrated

Instead what we have is managed anonymity and the suspicion that "something really bad happened"

If we can't bring ourselves to execute the most egregious perpetrators of this crime we should sentence to life imprisonment in a cell where nothing but these sorts of videos are piped in showing the broken lives, families and bodies of those harmed by their callous greed. 24/7 watching videos of people in convulsions and worse as a result of the completely unnecessary clot shots is a small punishment for the crimes that have been KNOWINGLY committed

And even disregarding the crime of the clot shot. There is the crime of knowingly deploying the man made bio weapon on the masses. Even if it was an "oops" it wasn't really an oops because if your are out there making deadly bio weapons and they happen to escape you can't call "oops" because surely anyone smart enough to make bio weapons is smart enough to know it will escape. They are ALSO smart enough to INTENTIONALLY DEPLOY IT TO COLLECT THE DATA FROM THE LAB RATS and then call it an "oops we didn't mean it"

Sorry, we've lost our sense of humor and aren't buying it.

They know what they did and they know what they are doing. And so do the lab rats know what is being done to them

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The psyop that increased fear in order to "get a needle in every arm", to drive neighbor against neighbor, and even family member against family member DELIBERATELY, needs complete investigation, and publication and the same SHAME (and legal consequences, if possible) brought on the makers and the pushers of this "vaccine" (recently declared by a court to NOT be a vaccine) as the people who were subjected to this deliberate psyop. This "vaccination" has destroyed countless lives, even if you DO NOT COUNT the death and destruction caused by the elimination of "early treatment" (first time EVER that early treatment was avoided) in the hopes of pushing more "vaccination"

This money making series of unethical, illegal (imo) policies needs to be ferreted out, and these policies should be infamous and anything CLOSE to the policies should be forbidden forever (like it was SUPPOSED to be after the Nuremberg Trials)

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Start with yanking Big Pharma's "no liability" card.

If that travesty of law had not been in place, none of this could have happened.

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This is heart-wrenching. What kind of government does this to its own citizens? We are ruled by psychopathic criminals. Please see this:


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I appreciate this man coming forward with his persoanltestimony. It helps everyone. I am sorry for his pain and suffering and glad that he has recovered somewhat....

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