"No one, under any circumstances, may receive any pressure, coercion, or threat of reprisal for either taking or not taking any medicine or injection.”
That's why we put Rand Paul into the mix, so he can point the finger at fauci and the nih and China,. Then people won't see that many more were involved in breaking laws and common rights of people.
War crimes for sure!
Peter McCullough is such a brave and principled man. He was one of the first people to wake me up to the truth about Covid and the vaccines.
That's why we put Rand Paul into the mix, so he can point the finger at fauci and the nih and China,. Then people won't see that many more were involved in breaking laws and common rights of people.
It's ingenious.
Here's one for you Vigilant Fox ! : ) (Alex Jone's clip is on fire. It's good! Check it out : ) https://theinfowar.tv/watch?id=62e1a71f2a02302e3f69a454