Oct 12, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Gradually, then all at once...

I see this happening right now before my very eyes. It is going to get ugly. The masses are stirring from their deep slumber.

Thanks VF.

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

That’s good stuff!

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Like most things medical and political in today’s world, it is good verses evil, truth verses lies. Truth will always win in the end, even though there might be some casualties along the way.

I appreciate all those who are working to expose the deceit in the vaccine promotions.

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Cancer promoting DNAs in covid vaccines, at that insect DNA and snake DNA. One does wonder why those DNAs were ever put in there....

It seems so unnecessary to see all t hese young people unknowingly close to death or already deceased. One does wonder however a so called vaccine could be put together like has been, and still is infact....

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