Question for Linda Yuckarino: how many advertising dollars do you bring in, for every censored message?

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“Yuckarino” !

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Actually, the question for Linda is:

"How much ....?"

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or, more informative yet: "Linda, what consequences would you face if you *stopped* obeying your orders to keep the platform "safe" for the viewers who count most (which we know has never been the account holders) ~ ? The question really should be lobbed into Musk's court, and the segment on Musk which ICAN's "The Highwire" aired on Thursday, August 31, 2023 was *extremely* revealing.

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The duct tape on his mouth should have the "X" shape in this case :P...

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X marks the spot....

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It should be in the shape of an X.

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Caught covid for the first time about 10 days ago in Australia. 60 years old unvaxxed, asthmatic and on meds for high BP. Only symptom was temperature and mild headache and took Vitamin C,D Zinc, Quercetin, NAC, Ivermectin, Melatonin, Metformin and 2 days later was fine.

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If your on statins, quit them now. They are only good big pharma sales. Nothing else.

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Which is NOT to say that those are their only effects, sadly ...

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You caught the new variant...B.S.24-7/1984

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It’s called a cold. CONvid is a CON.

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“It’s called a cold” until it isn’t…

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Yeah, when everyone had "colds", my friend ended up in ICU on a respirator dying. Yes, he took IVM. Nothing to not take seriously.

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So sorry, Carol. Especially since early treatment beginning on day one of symptoms with the proper dose for the person’s weight and continued for 5-10 days is usually a winner. I know with the Omicron variants, HCQ has been better at quelling the illness and the FLCCC uses both meds in their protocol at present. You just have to separate them, 200mg HCQ morning and evening and ivm with lunch. Always take ivm with food for best absorption and add on meds if it’s not working. Nitazoxinide is another good choice and it’s pennies in other countries, but surprise-surprise, highly expensive for a five day course here in the USA.

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Thanks for the information, Mel. I haven't heard of Nitazoxinide. I have both IVM and HCQ on hand and we're taking most of them with the preventative protocol. I also have a doctor who actually picks up the phone but I need to revisit the latest FLCCC page.

My friend didn't take Quercetin and a couple of others in the protocol.

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It’s on their protocol for treatment as an alternative. Mexico sells it for just $7 bucks for a five day treatment course. Here, Pierre Kory said they generally charge about $500 for a course. Shameful. Anyway, I sure wish your friend had survived. There is no better feeling in the world than helping someone through a difficult disease and having them come out the other side, thriving. If you look up Nitazoxinide in Wikipedia, (also known as “the CIA notebook” snicker-snicker) and read under the research tab in the article, it does mention it as a possible treatment for Covid-19. It appears to attack other RNA viruses as well and is very safe—so safe, that little babies can take it. Anti-parasitics are pretty fascinating drugs and seem to have multiple uses for not only many different viral infections, but many cancers as well. No wonder the powers that be don’t want us to use them… can’t be cutting into those huge profit margins by curing sick people, now can we? Cheers and best of health to you and yours. Mel

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Sorry to hear this happened to you. The question you have to ask..is what led to your friend being in the ICU? Did this friend have any pre existing conditions? Did they do as they were told and simply stayed home until they could barely breathe? What were the protocols in treating your friend? Sadly the protocols for treating Covid were wrong from the get go...so he could have been dealing with an iantrogenic problems due to the protocols rather than Covid itself.

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Thank you, Jimmy. He stayed home until his SAT dropped below 90. Started IVM a little late. I think had he been prepared with the FLCCC protocols, it would have been different. Instead, his wife was scrambling to figure out what to do and wasnt listening to me on what to take. I know, can't trust the hospitals. My unvaccinated 90 year old dad got COV from his vaccinated caregiver and started the protocol day 1, by the next day, he was sitting up and better. It was gone by day 7. So many variables, but all need to be prepared with the protocol.

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I think we are going to find out...if there is any incentive to do so, that a lot of people got Covid from their vaccinated loved ones who thought they were doing the right thing.

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It can be incredibly serious and was deadly for some without a doubt.

Maybe with proper medications and treatments, in the Hospital the majority would have pulled through.

The Hospitals were only allowed a certain number of medications and treatments that were being ‘permitted’ with the threat of losing funding, licenses, and more.

They were paid bonuses for every ventilated Covid patient and huge bonuses for deaths due to Covid.

Many Hospitals got large paydays out of following the guidance of ‘treatments’

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Apparently no one gets real sick from the new covid. Not even the shotted.

Now, covid cases people had two years ago, of course, are causing the epidemic of sudden deaths.

Imagine believing the covid story the whole time. Imagine how confused you would be.

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We need to understand that this isn't just about Linda or Elon. This is about a Global Government in the shadows that control everything. How? they counterfeit trillions of dollars and buy corporations, media, puppeticians, etc.

Who are THEY?

What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?

Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.

The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!

For example, I start with this video (2 minutes):


(caveat: pot destroys your brain…)

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach and all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the owner, with his 2 grown up siblings, failed to show up for work (never skipped work before)… by the way, he first took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them. The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!:

4 min. (0.75 speed):


Where’s the plane for the 2nd Tower (WTC1)?


Controlled demolition?


Why is 9/11 called a Pearl Harbor event? Both Churchill and Roosevelt were masons and plotted to get the reluctant USA into the war by provoking the Japs and letting Pearl Harbor (left the whole fleet defenseless and concentrated there as an easy candy to be taken from a kid, no radar warning from outer islands, etc.) and MUCH MORE:

Please read and watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”

- J6: The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


It's such a mason manual that they organized the same J6 play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:



- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom after this page:


- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:




- Wake up videos:



- It's genocide for depopulation:


- It’s the masons, who create counterfeited currencies (trillions of dollars and EUROS) and bought the listed corporations, media, healthcare, universities, parties and political careers:


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


Pllllleeeeease, on my knees, don’t believe me, just do your own homework by searching the following in yandex.com, mojeek.com (includes crawl date filter and substack search), gigablast.com, startpage.com, duckduckgo.com (not Google, Bing, Yahoo censors). The key terms to test them? Child Satanic Ritual Abuse, Child Satanic Ritual Murder.



If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.

President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons


Masonry's Satanic Connection


Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books


Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See


Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]


Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed




The best way to have a real dialogue about vaccines being weaponized to handicap, infertilize and murder the “over-population” is to start with vaccine contamination: nobody could be in favor of contaminated pharmaceuticals.

1. Carcinogen SV40 in Oral Polio Vaccine: they knew it since the 60s but kept distributing it even until 2016 !!!

2. hCG in vaccines to infertilize women detected since the 90s: still going on

3. Thimerosal, aluminum, Mono-sodium Glutamate (MSG) and other NEUROTOXINS

4. Heavy metals

5. Human DNA 2000% in excess of FDA 10 ng limit (main driver towards brain damage like autism/asperger/ticks, leukemia and non-Hodgkin cancer), probably related to point 7 below.

6. Graphene oxide in Flu and COVID shots but now with anything injectable (even dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.).

7. Carcinogenic SV40 genomic sequences and double-stranded DNA in mRNA COVID shots: the hacked DNA in the cell doesn’t stop producing the poison when the cell dies, but its descent continue the poisoning until the haccinated casualty dies.

8. Bluetooth nano-routers injected with COVID vaccines and inserted with swabs (which explains why they rejected the cheaper non-invasive saliva test).

Proof of criminal intent:

Points 7 and 8

Censoring and blocking 30+ COVID cures

Labeling the most lethal batches with a lethal code (howbad.info)

Blocking the real knowledge of effectiveness v. "adverse event" rate

That proves:

A. There's zero Government control

B. There's zero Manufacturer liability

C. There's zero Media coverage

D. All that, during decades and still going on, not only with vaccines but also with medicines, food&beverage additives, etc. Everything, even institutions have been weaponized!

E. There's zero political action to stop that (except RFK2 in the USA)

A school buddy told me "I know you make sense but if I recognize it's true, I won't be able to enjoy life anymore".

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


If we don’t succeed, they’ll succeed with their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:


Change goes in hand with the number of awakened! Thank you for sharing this to save lives!

PS I'm sorry I'm linking to my own substack. It’s not self-promotion: I couldn’t find better links but if you find anything better, I'd be glad to replace.

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“What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?”

Walk away.

We cannot force people to accept anything they are not ready to, regardless of how much evidence is presented to them.

Rather than bang my head against a wall, I do my best to educate and provide source material - then move on. In some situations time does allow even the most resistant to let their guards down.

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Actually, #Walkaway has a brilliant strategy. It simply presented viewers with individuals talking about their own process of waking up. Testimony, like 12 Step programs do, is very effective at inspiring others. Its not directly threatening, in fact it doesn’t ask anyone to do anything they aren’t ready to do. Before they got banned from Big Tech, they were really successful. So much so, Brandon Straka got targeted in the J6 fed ploy and it got siloed. Its still going on its on platform but it doesn’t have the reach it once did. Straka’s not giving up though. He’s got an event coming that includes some serious firepower.

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put some of this into your pod cast... byandforthepeople.org

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I agree we can't force people to accept anything, but I'm not doing it for people to accept what they hear, but to hear it. On twitter I get into the same sad arguments all the time. Either one of two things could be happening. Either they aren't listening, or they haven't heard it. I am ticking off one of the options.

I can't tell you how many times I have talked about seat belts, condoms, and peeing on someone else not wearing a pair of pants. Or how about why surgeons wear surgical masks. Either they don't listen, or still they have not heard.

Usually I don't have to walk away. I get blocked. But they have yet heard from another "antivaxxer antiscience ignorant minimizer" who has told them something other than the usual round of virtue signalling they are experiencing.

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Where I am.

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But then why did x allow trump back?

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Elon may have had good intentions, but his hands are financially tied and remember, all masons must obey orders! Most of banned twitter accounts have been kept banned. Only the most notable ones were returned just to give a sense of normalcy... until Linda took over.

Some think he’s playing good in the good/bad cop show, while furthering Global Government goals:

1. Electric Vehicles causing cancer (drivers at an unshielded EMF from 400 V power line)

2. Solar energy

3. Satellite grid

4. Artificial Intelligence

5. E-persona: turning Twitter into a wallet

6. Transhumanist neuro-implants

7. Sex robots

He’s done a terrific job in furthering those goals, standing on trillions of dollars coming from Government: juicy overpriced contracts, subsidies, monopolistic regulations, etc. Without Government aid, Musk wouldn't have achieved anything. Without Government, Musk would lose everything. He wouldn't get critical income. He wouldn’t be able to pay the Bank loans. He’s completely in the hands of the masons in Government and Banking.

For example, without draconian taxes and laws against combustion cars and huge tax-deductions, subsidies and grants for EVs, they can’t compete, costing at least twice as much as fuel cars in free-markets, with much lower autonomy and with the huge cancer rate. The free market would bankrupt Tesla and similar companies in seconds. Why do all governments get the consumers to pay hundreds of billions to the EV industry? The same reason they pay trillions in “green” energy (Musk’s Solar City): mason media has succeeded in brainwashing the electorate about their anti-scientific eco-narrative.

In his main companies, Musk is plugged in the Government’s tits. I'll soon post a lot more about him

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musk's greatest accomplishment has been convincing people he's a genius. his second greatest? that he's 'one of the good ones.'

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Thank you for this. I have been telling people all of the above for years to no avail. His billions were our billions. Keep writing, it is always helpful to know we are not alone.

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Thank you for your encouragement! I'll soon be posting unique stuff.

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That’s an easy question. To reel people, namely conservatives, back in. CIA operatives for $400, Terry.

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God alone knows what plans They will execute in that department ... but it's safe to say They have him where They want him. More will be revealed.

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Great work by RFK Jr

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Yes. The analysis is spot-on. And, he's talking about the ORIGINAL SAFETY DATA. That's the part that still blows my mind. I'm glad The Fox posted this clip. RFK Jr's getting good at telling this story. It's important to tell people things, and it's important that they hear them, so it's important that your words have full meaning and are easy to listen to.

I'm getting better at telling people about the NFL players. I wrote an article with a list of 10 NFL players -- current players -- that suddenly died or had pericarditis or atrial fibrillation or a stroke or something. I put it up on Aug 23rd. And then the next day I find out the NY Giants' Tommy Sweeney collapsed at practice, then the New Orleans' Saints' Jimmy Graham had that seizure episode that led to his arrest, and THEN the Miami Dolphins' Daewood Davis just collapsed during a game after light contact much the same way Donald Parham Jr. of the Chargers did in a game against the Chiefs.

The list went from 10 to 13 in like a week. So luckily I'm getting lots of practice telling people about it. The last 3 TROME's are headlined by football stories, including the The NFL are Falling Down one, which is devoted to the NFL, and is badly in need of a big update.

I'm a little behind on the TROME's. Turns out people are biting the dust so fast it's hard to keep up. In case you're interested, here's the latest:

The Rise of the Medical Emergency, Pt. 80 - Aug 21st - Aug 23rd Reports

Football, high school, flying, driving, directing, prison, responding, dialing, wedding, parking, rolling, driving, waterslides, lying, and also ID'ing. Now with sudden collapses. It's TROME



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Old hat isn't it? ...unless someone is flying a proverbial kite.

Still it is grist to the mill of truth that must eventually prevail. It might take awhile yet for the billions of the duped to appreciate their potentially unpleasant predicament. In time it should also become increasingly uncomfortable for the legion of expediting professional participants, who as always, will adhere to a claim that, 'they followed orders', 'didn't know what was going on', 'really believed'.....etc...

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This one thing would be sufficient to have me jumping ship if I were still giving the obviously devious Mr. Musk a shot, were I still on Twitter. (My account is live, but I was locked out when a fifth-degree Branch Covidian, angry that I had exposed her medical credentials as nonexistent, reported me for using the term "skank," which not only was indefinable in its 80s heyday but is completely obsolete today. Anyway, I refused to kiss the ring and delete the tweet to rejoin the fray.)

It was already questionable for anyone to be forking over $8 a month despite the tempting gains in functionality. But if this is how it is, this is how it is and the experiment is over -- free-speech people should unconditionally unsubscribe. Musk was always as inside "the complex" as some insisted he was, and given how his Space X functions this was inevitable from the outset. I hope he starts snorting his Ozempic and has a series of jittery breakdowns as a downscaled punishment.

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I was locked out for stating that Treason is punishable by death. Never went back, never intend to.

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It’s the truth they want to hide, hard to trust anyone or thing now.

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What a disappointment if this is to continue. Free speech is not free speech if it being vetted first.

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WTF, Elon? Then again, we were always looking askance at him, weren't we? I know I was. He should've stopped at freedom of speech. Once the woke WEF woman stepped in, I knew we were doomed. I'm permanently banned, so what do I care.

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It's a joke of a platform. I can't believe the free speech veneer hasn't worn through yet.

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By now we all realize “ they” are killing and incarcerating us. Once you have a preponderance of evidence stop looking for more and take action. You can still read about 9/11 where 3000 were sacrificed. It does not get the job done. We have found a way. There may be other ways but this works. People are assembling on every state. Many are do-gooders; agent provocateurs; controlled opposition; charlatans and the like. We need Jural Assemblies with one goal returning to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023. We flipped Oregon from de facto to de jure November 2022. It took us 4.5 years at 1 step at a time to go from 6 founders to several hundred on Oregon. There may be other ways. However, this works and it can be done in 30 days. Everyone that reads this already knows 50% more than you need to. It is time to take action. Keep it in your state as the feds look for people that cross pollinate in others states.. Charlie prepared a packet to get you started. Each state, commonwealth and territory is different. Remember we are dealing with over 160 years of organized crime and they do not want to let this go. Every state from Kansas on is color of law. The perpetualUnion was broke the second time December 24 1860 when South Carolina seceded. We lost "original jurisdiction" and got color of law then and martial law/Lieber code March 1861. DJT added FEMA. Ex parte Milligan removes those issues. With full faith and credit governing law is established in this document at this time to be: Declaration of Independence; Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union; Oregon’s Original Constitutions circa 1859, and The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859. And ORCP 20A; Clearfield Doctrine; Accardi Doctrine; ex parte Young; ex parte Milligan; McCarran Walters Act 1952; Judiciary Act 1789-Sec 32; Judgment Nihil Dicit are all specifically called into this document. They are all governing law, which must be accepted. The current 13th and 14th amendments are bogus and must be rejected. Take Heed of the Blackstone Commentaries. The DOJ is agent to the entity responsible for the enumerated requirements of Article III, the one supreme Court that must claim original jurisdiction to be a court I would consider to have jurisdiction when found in conjunction with Amendment VII Court… The DOJ has failed miserably in their responsibility. ..We must do it ourselves. We define the words we use. We decide our method of communication. Each of the 33 states were flipped after 1906. Oregon was flipped into de facto November 8, 1910. If you are just a reader or one that needs a seminar or to buy a membership and be part of a larger group where someone else carries the load and you pay dues or follow along. This is not for you. You come later when it is time to climb on the band wagon and ride. www.orsja.org; ronvrooman38@gmail.com; 503 641 8375

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A Republic or a Democracy? Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


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How long will we be able to continue asking such questions on Substack?

Substack doesn't require advertisers, but it does use centralized payment processors that can be leaned on by the banksters.

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Which is why I repost a lot of this information on GAB and not a peep out of the owner as he is a free speech absolutist and truly believes in Christ which we may or may not but it does mean he serves a higher power than DC which sadly for the US has always been for the best for the whole of its disappointing existence. Quite how a country could that was founded as the US was with a pretty decent constitution and split powers has allowed itself to degenerate into the state it is today where every pillar has been subverted easily by the failure to see the money printers, thieves, as the only real problem is a salutory lesson for the world.

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“Safe snd effective”

For depopulation.

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Oh well, it's the US. Freedom of speech is not valued and facts are a dangerous thing. The US is the land of fake news. Telling lies is the norm. The truth is taboo. US mean IQ is quite low by international standards. Elon is fully Americanized now.

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For a moment there, I thought you were describing the USSR of Cold War times......

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america and israel are perfect examples of the old 'we become what we hate.'

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No. I was describing its successor for the title of worlds's greatest communist superpower. China didn't quite make the grade. They may engage in censorship too but they don't coerce modRNA jabs. Also, they can't match the US when it comes to attacking and occupying other countries.

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Well, from the get go, I was saying ‘how much I loved a secluded beach.’ I can remember Ft. Walton and Destin being just a small fishing village. Just think, less traffic, more parking, cleaner air. Less trash on the beach, both in the Human form and what humans leave behind.

It’s been a rough road with Bill Gates attempting to push this through the healthcare community, the mandates. I have seen colleagues injured. I have threatened to walk away completely, and go sell cars, or wait tables, or cut grass. Humans suck. Bill Gates sucks. Fauci and all his ilk suck.

When the subject of vaccines arises with patients, I tell them, ‘I know how they are marketed. But be an informed consumer. And know that you are always entitled to a second opinion and proper informed consent.’

Unreal what we have been through. It’s 3:46 AM and I can’t sleep. Some of us have PTSD.

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The key point is the practitioner...the person who stuck the needle and contents in the arm.

Did they have voluntary informed consent?

Did they properly inform the person/parent of a child about their risks with the disease, and the risks and benefits of the vaccine?

I say it is impossible to get authentic voluntary informed consent with these vaccine products, because so much is unknown.

Also, the practitioner wielding the needle is likely to be a GP, nurse or pharmacist - these people are not qualified to administer this intervention because they are not specialists in the disease or the vaccinations.

And voluntary informed consent can certainly not be obtained under coercion, under mandates.

In regard to coercion/mandates, the practitioner should have said straight away "I can't do this under coercion, under mandates, that would violate voluntary informed consent".

But so many didn't do that...and here we are...with billions of needles in arms, and no valid consent...

Practitioners have a legal and ethical obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

Again, this is the major angle that has been missed...

There has been no voluntary informed consent.

There is no valid consent...for the billions of Covid injections that have been administered around the world.

What happens when the penny drops on this? Who is going to be accountable?

Will the practitioners be thrown under the bus...for just 'following orders'...

It was their responsibility to obtain voluntary informed consent.

For example, see my formal complaint/notification about the Australian Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly, and his violation of voluntary informed consent via recommending mandatory vaccination: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/notification-to-ahpra-re-medical-practitioner-paul-kelly.pdf

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See my presentation on voluntary informed consent and vaccination mandates, given to the international PANDA group in April: https://rumble.com/v3a28f6-considering-jab-mandates-elizabeth-hart

Transcript and slides accessible via this link: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/08/voluntary-informed-consent-and-jab-mandates-e-hart-presentation-to-panda.pdf

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Not only did FDA fast track the shots despite the dismal performance , they wanted to allow Pfizer to hide the safety data for 75 years !

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I agree except with the term "dismal performance". The shots performed exactly as they had been designed to do ten years earlier when they were actually developed and that was why they tried to hide it for 75 years.

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