Ben Shapiro is the pot calling the kettle black 😆

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In other words, he is directly from the Synangogue of Satan!

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He tried to erase Candace Owen, who is one of the best speakers about what’s going on with the censorship.

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I like Candace, but as far as we can tell at the moment, she is a suppressor. Her supposed stand on the dissident side by confronting Pier Morgan, which VF posted here and framed in her favor, was marred by her shamefully blurting out that "SCORES" have been killed by the covid-vaxxes.

I assume most readers of VF understand that the real number is at least 100,000x higher than that. (And if Denis Rancourt is right, we could wind up with a world-wide number that is higher than a million-score.) Even the friggin' New York Times says that the number is "thousands." Owens is wildly uneducated on this.

Shapiro is a suppressor also, as far as I know. (Please-please-please, if anyone has evidence to the contrary, link away!) If he is, it'd be a much more serious charge, because the charge would also be that as Editor Emeritus and the "big face" of Daily Wire, he's done nothing to keep that entire outfit from suppressing.

To know the truth cold on this, one would have to be a very regular viewer of Shapiro, Owens, and a regular reader of Daily Wire. And one would have to be counting the stories. It's work. For an example of this work, which I sure hope others join me in doing, see the appendices to my recent piece on The Federalist website. I tabulated their output, and went through it, and found 20 maybe-kinda-there's-safety-issues-with-these vaxxes, out 5,000 others, over the 18 months of 2023 to now. I judged them guilty of suppression. https://pomocon.substack.com/p/mark-hemmingway-says-its-wrong-for

For an example of one of the rare professional conservatives who is not suppressing the story, see my very latest, on Eric Metaxas. https://pomocon.substack.com/p/eric-metaxas-not-a-supservative

My hunch is Owens will wind up on our side, and long before Shapiro admits and repents of what I assume is his present "Anti-Censorship!!!" yet quietly pro-suppression so-long-as-we-get-to-choose-it-for-ourselves stance.

But she ain't there yet.

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She did all that herself by being an ignorant antisemite and showing her true colors. You know, like you just did.

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lol you attack everybody with that word so nobody pays attention anymore. You think it bothers us when you call it to everyone? Give me a break lol give me a break lol

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He is an honorary & lifetime member of that synagogue 👿!

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And you must belong to the Church of St. Ignoramus. smh

Ben is a genius.

You are a moron, and we cannot expect morons to understand genius.

"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him," Jonathan Swift.

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Keep talking room temperature IQ Jew tool, you just make Jew tools look bad. Give em' enough rope...

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And you are a ZIONAZI IDIOT!

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And you must belong to the Church of St. Ignoramus. smh

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I am glad to see people aren't (((buying))) this total b.s.

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Only to morons.

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LOL, an ad hominem from a Jew tool, perfect!

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STFU, you ignorant cow.

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Deep thots, Jew whore.

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Ben is just one of many who we all should support exposing those who are trying their damndest to rewrite what our 1st Amendment means. Don't let the likes of Schiff, Biden or any talking head in the media tell you thats not true... it is. Freedom isn't FREE we must fight daily to retain it.

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LOL, do you think Mr. Shapirooooooo supports free speech for people who call out Jew crimes?

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Yes well just understand it boils down to where a person stands on the difference between the Satanic Talmud "fake Jews"/"Popist Vatican "money changer" priesthood ((Rev.2+3:9))


the Torah true remnant believers that are Judean hearted that hold to the same as WE Protest-ants do in the "Old Testament" who's Prophesy's Jesus fulfilled at least 300 of @ 1 to 10⁹⁹⁹ Power and to whom Christ will return to in Jerusalem ~

Zechariah 12:10

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Old Testament Jews who resist Israel are cool. Christian Zonists, not so much.

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Zechariah 12:10

It's Christ who says whats what and He is returning there to Jerusalem, and the U.S. along with every other nation is either fully or partially corrupt YET God clearly stated Israel WILL BE restored so discounting Govs. period the Judean were

prophecied to from every corner of the world didn't the Gov. would be good = Christ will deal with that...lol

Most certainly Islam and various forms of their Jihadi's are in TOTAL ERROR along with the Gazans who only want Judean genocide tho NO OTHER Muslum nation wants them for being mad dogs; meanwhile Israel has a right to exist and its right Christ followers obey Prophetic Scripture despite Luciferian controls which were already in place and under Satans control 2,000yrs ago via the Pharisee's etc /"money changers' and Rome along with ~

"ALL KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD" and that has not changed since because of his hatred of man being made in Gods image Esp those who Love Him, its expected to be corrupted to where his Luciferian cabal crews want to wipe all of us out including the very Traitorous "useful idiots" helping him...!

What coming won't be pretty and Jesus held nothing back when asked how bad it'll be tho WE are commanded to do right, keep the Faith and endure to the end...!!!

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Pssst the Scofield bible is heresy you room temperature IQ Jew tool. Hint it was the Pharisee Jews who demanded Jesus be tortuously murdered, the Romans wanted to let him go. If you had read the actual bible and not watched Christian Zionist videos you’d know that.

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Don't read nor hold with the Scofield Bible or Darby nor watch such video's kid...!

Your childish shallow grasp of reality let alone fulfilled Prophecy reveals very viscious & troubled mind with a whole lot to learn and certainly have nothing to do with Christ clearly seen in your grasp of what's commanded of us by Christ and lol...you ain't it kid...!

If anything its animals like you who are in for the real surprise if you don't change your Demonic demeanor...!

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Not interested in what an excuse maker for genocide thinks about anything.

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Exactly! Neo-cons suck. It's actually amazing to me how many people I thought were "dissident right," turned out to be neo-con Jew tools.

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Better to know sooner rather than later.

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Ben Shapiro is a controlled op. He is a highly paid shill for the UniParty. He makes millions spewing his garbage. Why should I or anyone give a rats ass what he says about anything?

He is a tool of the UniParty period. F Ben Shapiro.

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He pushed the covid DeathVax and criticized those who refused.

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Yes. But what he is saying is true. Free speech means anyone can say anything. The only way to save free speech is to have more free speech.

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In the beginning, he demonized the folks who did not take the shot.

So...he is no better than MSM or Fauci.

BTW, his wife is a doctor. How many people did she injure and kill by pushing the covid DeathVax?

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Agree. I think a lot of prominent people need to be asking themselves this question….but they won't. I think this disturbs me more than i care to admit….

I still need to further refine my general beliefs about people….and it's tough.

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I can't forgive how pushy/dictatorial/tyrannical people were about forcing the shot.

No consideration given to past vaccine injuries. No consideration given to religious objections. No consideration even given for those who believed in bodily autonomy. And no early treatment. I thought the golden rule in medicine is that early treatment is the key to a good outcome.

The first question everyone should have asked in the beginning was, "is this a bioweapon?" Close proximity to the Wuhan Institute of Virology should have been a tip off instead of the bogus bat + pangolin fairytale. I try to say to people, if a deadly disease broke out 2 miles down the road from our bioweapons lab at Ft. Detrick, the first question locals would have asked would be, "what have those jerks at Detrick done now?"

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If vaccines were actually safe and effective, then they wouldn't have to force adults and children to take them. The cognitive dissonance required to buy-in to this garbage is breathtaking!

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You know what really bothers me? Most people were so freaking scared out of their minds by the non stop fear porn…they couldn't think. I was scared too in dec2019, Jan and up to Feb 20th. When Didier Raoul said HCQ and Zithromax I calmed down..knew it was true..early treatment. But what bothered me the most was the mnra and dna that would make your body make a foreign protein and possibly integrate. I don't have a lot of faith, but once I learned vaccines are made usininf fetal cells..I decided to take my chances. I dont have a lot of faith, but I know we are not supposed to kill babies so that we can live.

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And yes Shapiro was quite nasty with it. Hav3nt listened to him since. But I still think what he is pointing out needs hearing.

And I also hope someone will also take on the Trusted News Initiative.

The banning of free speech has killed so many. I think they are all murderers...our govt and big tech. Along with the media...which is now part of govt. May they all burn in hell.

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Well Duchess here's my earlier reply to the Ben Shapiro delemma ~

Ben SHIRO = nice guy and is good 80+% on everything yet he's young with much he hasn't been able to digest;

- mostly that America was and is still at its core a Christ & Scripture honoring nation that Old Testament Prophecy's are fulfilled in Christ = WE are not under the Law of Moses;

- for the full embodiment of the Godhead is seen in Christ Jesus who was God in the flesh...!

America now is in a semi fallen state caused thru the Atheist MarXist push by the Globalist cabal to remand us back unto their serfdom Dark Ages controls they had along with their silent Geo-Political monetary partner the Vatican(not the zjesus minded Ca-Tholic people (who are not Popist 1st) for Americans were+are vastly Protest-ants tho rejected the British Anglican State church tyranny just as Jefferson promised the Danbury Baptist's...!

Ben cannot dig into any of this for his brain was washed growing up in his taught view of culture only...!

Ben should strait up be made to answer ~

1) His thots on the Talmud-?

2) Does he reject the Talmud to live by the Torah-?

3) Then show him many of the Scriptures fulfilled in the Torah by Jesus[totals 300]-!!!

4) Then reveal to him the mathematical "Probability & Statistical Analysis" of fulfilling those very Prophecy's with only a few = is ONE to 10⁵⁵ Power....!!!!!!

Then have him understand Christ truly is King in the hearts of the majority of Americans which was the very impetous of OUR Founding Peoples via the ~

"FIRST GREAT AWAKENING" in a decades long massive Christ centered revival started in the 1730's = thru that century is what gave them that Faith, wisdom, brilliance and courage to yield all they had inside them and were in life- to fight for and fully grasp OUR "God given unalienable Right to Life, Liberty, Property and pursuit of Happiness" that was validated by Alex de Tocqueville a few yrs later as to ~

"Why America is great" = upon his seeing that in every town all the churches were full every Sunday's = praising God in song + Hyms with powerful preaching from the pulpits to reach for & hold to a Higher calling from OUR core being as above mere monetary prosperity but true Principles with values & morals as the acceptable norm...!

Of course there'll always be hypoctrits, greedy basturds and bad actors which is WHY to have a national embrace by the majority of the Principled in Faith to recognize as OUR Founder Peoples did by stand on Faith in the God of the Scripture'(s) - OR - America will faulter and the Constitution be trampled under as despots will reign over us and they stated so over & over for WE are all fallible people needing the teachings and example of Honoring the Creator God that made us and Whom OUR Rights eminate from by seeing it thru CHRIST JESUS "God with us" Loved us enuff to go to the Cross = to unselfishly Save us from ourselves;

- for only Light can dispell Darkness nor can Darkness dispel Light = why its necessary to grasp & embrace selflessness in Christ which He modeled for us clearly commanding us to with the gift of the Holy Spirit to aid us be Lights in the Darkness of this world, calling us to be that Light to others around us and the community, nation and ~

"To the end of the world"

AMERICA despite the naysars, Atheist MarXist's Commie Creeps, the greedy, the haters and Treasonous Traitors- HAS GIVEN more to mortal lives and the Spiritual needs of this world then any and all other people in mankinds Long Dark history prior...!

And no it didn't eminate from Atheist Humanistic Heddonism the Xtreme Left like to take credit for its Godly minded people that always give the most and unbidden at that because of that current in the core spiritual circuits this nation places on God given Rights for ALL peoples and fought a horrendous unCivil War to prove it...!

Realize the Bible was OUR first school book and was in the classroom til 1-Communist woman got the dead SCOTUS to unConstitutionally agree in 1962+3 to ban Bibles, prayer and the 10 Commandments:: e

*Everything in this nation has since incrementally gone downhill...!

This was intentional as seen in the 1963 reading into the Congressional record of:

"Communist Goals for America"

there were 45 in all = *search them- be an eye opener seeing they're now all fulfilled...!

It's not the USSR then nor only Commie governments now but it's the intended ideology that's the destructive tool worldwide to bee able to install their NWO under a OWGov......!

Anti-CHRIST Communism Is the chosen tool of the Luciferian Globalist cabal since seting up the 20th Century in 1910 @Jekyll Island to break the hold of Christ and the Scriptures has on a peoples esp. the West...!

As MAO'bama stated in 2008 on a hot mic in SanFrisco how WE pro America people continue to ~ [I'm proud to say]

"Cling to OUR Bibles & guns" well truth is those two things truly are the heart of America seen in the ~

" 1st+2nd Amendments"

Which these Satanic child killing+grooming, warped "useful idiots" HATE; and above all would cancel in a second and are desperately trying...!

If ever accomplished America is DONE -> mean no more Constitution, Bill of Rights- Declaration of Independence only total toletarian tyranny...!

JUST as President Reagan stated~

"IF WE ever forget God we'll be a Nation gone under"

Those were not mere words but the very ideals "WE the People" Founded America by- tho never to be either a Theocracy nor a Democracy only a "Constitutional Representative REPUBLIC" by a God/Christ minded minded people at their core and IS why WE need a ~

"3rd GREAT AWAKENING" when repentant revival invites the Holy Spirit & the Love of Christ into the hearts of the people sweeps over the land...!

This is what a bright young Ben Shapiro needs in his own life to experience what made America Great enuff to fully understand Whom from OUR Rights come from as understood by those Founding People whom gifted us America by their ~

"firm reliance in Divine Providence" in which they gave everything...!

For the 1st time seeing it, President Reagan showed the "Declaration of Independence" to SOVIET Gorbachev whom was flabber gasted on the worda WE stood on to defy the mighty British Empire as a group of mostly farmers...!

☆MY APOLOGY'S for length if it bores you too much, tho IS what I believe deep within myself about America of which I believe Ben and all need to understand is at OUR American core Foundations that are necesaary to embrace for all the Right reasons or "WE the People" are lost...!

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Im glad you believe that. Gives me comfort. Envious.

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Ridiculous bullshit!

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Important point. I have a long comment above which assumes that Shapiro and the DW are guilty of the moral sin of "suppression," which is a failure to live up to one's duty as a journalist to report on major stories, esp. when you see others suppressing them. The worst suppression happening right now is of the story about the covid-vax-harms/deaths. I am not 100% sure, but I assume Shapiro and the DW are guilty of it. (I again plead for contrary evidence!)

But censorship is what is done by the government and its proxies, against the will of outlets like DW. Shapiro's words on that topic are vital, and correct.

I just wish guys like Shapiro would realize they're never going to fight censorship effectively if they are participating in suppression.

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He is a fucking hypocrite who was all for censoring opposing views to the SCAMdemic bullshit and to the crimes of the zioNAZIS!

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Anyone except Candace Owens.

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Chris Paul is tearing into Shapiro right now on his live stream. lol

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Uniparty… just say AIPAC or Israel 🇮🇱

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I support Israel in this present war. I would like to hear GOOD critiques of their present policy for winning the war, including those which accuse them of behaving in ways that lead to more Palestinian deaths than are necessary, or of striving for impossible goals. They might convince me; or, they might not.

I am also open to hearing about charges of malfeasance on the part of the Israeli intel agencies, in any number of areas. They've not seemed on the democratic side on Covid-issues.

But know I cannot hear good critiques from those talking about AIPAC, or "Zionism-this, Zionism-that." Nor am I likely to hear honest talk from such about the "ACAB"-style moral depravity and raw ignorance of 95% of the pro-Hamas protestors. Let alone about the outright Nazism-meets-Islamism of Hamas itself.

And notice how this issue is being used to divide the health-freedom movement.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12


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The current state of Israel 🇮🇱 is a nation that was created by the Rothschilds. You think you are supporting Judaism but it’s a front for Rothschild imperialism.

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Oh, and Candace Owens actually attempts debate on this issue, you know. I'll give her that!

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In the first week of June (2024) the EU elections resulted in huge wins for what they call the "right" and what I more accurately call the Anti-Globalists. It is well summarized by this commentator in the video below where he says the following. "Europe's populists have emerged from different political Traditions. They disagree with one another over the war in Ukraine, on questions of tax and public spending on welfare, abortion, and other social policies. Some are more unsavory and liberal than others. But what unites pretty much all of them is a fierce opposition to the Ironclad consensus of the Brussels bureaucracy particularly on sovereignty, migration and Net Zero."

The Anti-Globalist Revolution is gaining traction in the US, EU and around the world

Why Globalist Corporate Media refuses to adopt the Anti-Globalist Paradigm

BRUCE CAIN, JUN 23, 2024


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" WHY" is because they sold their souls for handed out "filthy fiat lucre" and installed positions given them to act out as puppets to what they're told handed down from the unseen Luciferian core power structure...!

The greatest lie ever perpetuated upon mankind is that "Satan doesn't exist";

- YET clearly stated he offered Christ ~ "All the Kingdoms of this world" that belong to him = how much more indepth does he own them in today...?

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(((filthy fiat lucre)))

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Ben Shapiro would be more effective if he would slow down his speech a little bit. He speaks faster than most people can process what he’s saying. That said, I happen to agree with everything he said. It’s been very obvious to anyone with an unbiased viewpoint.

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Now have him do free speech for people who dislike Israel. SUDDENLY Jews need a safe space from evil mean "hate speech," sob!

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Put'em on .75 speed it works...!

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Real question is: who is actually going to step up & do anything about it? Jesus will return before anything is done to correct any of this

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There are many who hold our Constitution dear who have & would literally fight to the death to keep it whole. What we see today is that it is always under attack and we can never rest easy that enemies (even current politicians using it to rile the masses) will simply give up.

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Yes its possible = because WE failed in trying which He commanded to do~ "To the end of the world"

The Luciferian 5th Generation Warfare junta is deeply entrenched which WE allowed...!

Tho this was when Christ-["God with us"] walked among us-> even the Judean Pharisaical leaders were in direct cahoots with "Rome" and the "money changers" - He drove out with a whip

【only violence He ever did】

ie = "Keep the Faith"

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Ben Shapiro is a Zionist whose loyalties are to Israel...NOT to America. He's a traitor making money off of the MAGA movement. I don't give a rat's arse what his views are on anything.

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Uh-oh, it's the Zzzzzzzzzzz word...I feel my head nodding forward...

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When anyone starts talking/ complaining about government censorship and they say they are in the know, why don’t the know about the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act. This act signed into law allowing our government to legally propagate (lie) to us. Bring that law to the forefront, reverse it, add stiff fines and federal jail and it stops. Why doesn’t Rand Paul, Ben Shapiro and the rest address that??

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....A B S O L U T E L Y....

Where's the Federal Court Orders shutting down the Southern/Northern borders + flown in terrorist country influx-??????

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Ben Shapiro is Zionist dual loyalist scum.

The fact that Congress allowed him to speak instead of Candace Owens and others (like Chris Hedges and Russell Brand) shows who they serve and what they’re actually doing - allowing MORE censorship of whatever a certain group doesn’t like.


You should condemn this disgusting charade.

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When the right breaks its stockholm syndrome and turns on faux allies like Shapiro, wake me up. Until then, imbibe your Goy slop and leave me alone with this garbage. Theater. Meaningless. Empty. Lies and more lies.

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Ben Shapiro initially pushed the covid DeathVax.

And, he pushed them hard.

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More performative theater from the right wing of the captured uniparty. "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

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Tell me, who else is delivering a much needed truth? I am for truth, whomever delivers it.

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THAT is just it ! Not enough people speaking truth in the face of such bullsh*t.

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Flood the town square with bovine excrement so the truth is indistinguishable from the lies. Give preference to the lies by making them both plausible and easily accessed. Repeat the preferred lies loudly and often. This goes all the way back to. Genesis 3 "Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?”"

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It is an old script with a new twist and man is no wiser since those times.

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You mean Ben Shapirooooo the liar who fired Candace Owens for wrong think? Who needs a safe space now?

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Nobody. Controlled Op, limited hangout like Levin and Bongino. Complete waste of time.

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Give me a break. That rat faced traitor is neither conservative nor against censorship.

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Can you say hypocrite?! This guy is a joke and a weasel. As long as his cartel does the censoring all is well

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Can someone please kick Ben Shapiro? And why wasn't his cryptonite also there? Candace Owens where are you?

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