Senator Onsie's got schooled 🤣! Bonus, he was called out for battering the witness!

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That self-righteous, pompous-ass POS is just as corrupt as everyone else in our government... fcuk that guy.... OH and BTW, just guaranteeing "every American the right to free health care" aint gonna do SHIT about Making America Healthy Again... Trust me, I'm doctor!!!!!!

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Right, it will just give them MORE PEOPLE TO KILL WITH THIER TOXIC B S CALLED AJAB 💉☠️💀💀

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Oh, no. No no no no!

Emphatically no less.

"You haven't answered the question..."

Time's up!

Gotta love it!

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So basically he got walloped and then had to tap out….love it! MORE light into the FishBowl!

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“It came from the pharmaceutical workers” Cool trick Bernie. 😂

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Ah yes the hard working pill bottlers and syringe stuffers! What a fuggin fraud

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I think this demonisation of hard working senators has gone too far.

It is clear these senators only took those bribes, sorry donations, for medicinal purposes.

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Hey look, I need the best senator money can buy!!

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Are you supportive of this onesie?!?!


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I am so glad that RFK Jr. is talking! He tells it as it is. 🙏😊

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RFK is just as corrupt. He never answered Elizabeth Warren's question about whether or not he would promise never to receive kickbacks from lawsuits filed and won against big pharma. He completely blew her off on that question.

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DemocRATS….. The best politicians money can buy.😡😡

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We know it is not just DemonRats, there are many Republicans taking those bribes.

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To be fair you beat me to it

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Great excerpt of Rfk jr nailing Bernie. Get rid of lobbying congress.

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You have a mistype:

SANDERS: “Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no!”

SANDERS (should have said KENNEDY): “In 2020… you were the single largest receiver of pharmaceutical dollars — $1.5 million.”

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Corruption has consequences from North Carolina to California.

NC's "Culture of Corruption" from Coast to Raleigh to D.C. Damns Asheville Flood Victims.

Nobody cares until it's their house or family that suffers and still few such victims do ANYTHING to REFORM America's MOST damaging, horrific domestic threat to democracy, the US Constitution, Justice, Rule of Law and ethical, moral, Judeo-Christian virtues and prevention of more sexual and targeted victims.

As a former elected official I experienced and have knowledge of the sinister, criminal collusion the US DOJ & FBI prioritize to aid horrific violent crimes including rapes, sexual abuse of children, embezzlement, lynching, torture, public funding of smear campaigns and sadistic, brutal torture to aid State and Local officials in these and other crimes and further torture “Under Color of Law” to subvert democracy, protect corruption and advance sadistic evil criminal actions in lieu of Justice, Rule of Law, Due Process, Constitutional and civil rights and Christian virtues.

Congress rewards the corrupt, evil officials & institutions, and media, responsible...NEVER holding any of their pals accountable or EVEN holding a hearing when violent anti-democratic attacks or child abuse are involved (unless the US Gymnastics team offers a photo op the victims are less than human unworthy of empathy)!

Ground Zero: North Carolina "The DA Rape, Reformer Lynching State of America" with US DOJ & FBI Partnership:


After decades of embezzlement, bribery, rapes, lynching's, child sexual and physical abuse in public schools. and political violence and terrorism by N.C. judicial, law enforcement & government officials, aided by DOJ, FBI, other Federal Agencies & officials.


Sexual abuse of children, violence toward political “threats” to corrupt NC officials, aid to these crimes by NC & Federal government, judicial, law enforcement, “trusted” institutions, media...the traumatized victims and grieving families DO NOT MATTER in NC.

District Attorney Office's used for rape, theft of taxpayer funds, child abuse and sadistic violence are NC's "Culture of Corruption," according to the FBI. This is the same FBI that has and continues to aid and collude in criminal misconduct "Under color of law," subverting with violence representative democracy, Rule of Law, Constitutional & civil rights, due process, whistleblower protections, protection of minors from abuse & sexual violence trauma, engaging in sadistic brutality, torture, deprivation of basic rights, and deliberate, dehumanizing torment of crime victims (including minors).

Extensive undeniable evidence illustrates US DOJ, FBI, US Attorney for Eastern NC, the corrupt son of a corrupt Governor appointed by a President who LOVES consequence-free Corrupt Political Family Criminality, NC Attorney (soon to be Governor) General Josh Stein & predecessor child rape & DA rapist abettor Gov. Roy Cooper.

The FBI and DOJ along with Congress, State and Local officials, government leaders & personnel in violation of the law and public trust, and bribed media paid with taxpayer dollars to invent purely fictional stories intended to destroy & discredit any “threat” to NC’s pervasive, sadistic, deviant “Culture of Corruption,” together (Fed, State & Local).

The FBI aggressively, criminally, utilizes violence, torture and the corrupt, broken judicial system as evil as the FBI, and officials who are responsible for such evil relish subverting the Rule of Law, legal procedures & Due Process, undermining local democratic government for the corrupt allies of these CORRUPT institutions, and providing for embezzlement of public funds for personal theft, and aiding armed violence, brutality, extortion, retaliation, violent, horrific, persistent, criminal, sinister acts resulting in death, or worse, and subjecting innocent victims to a fate worse than death.

Followed by life-ruining attacks on families, businesses, and reputations, using bribery & aid of media, law enforcement, clergy, both major political parties and officials to torture, brutalize, and compel under penalty of death by armed deputies operating as an armed hit squad under the DA and Sheriff.

This pattern has been repeated for decades, but none of the smeared victims has ever committed any crimes prior to or after this collusion to destroy any opponent to corruption and proponent of democracy, justice, law-and-order & public service by the US DOJ and its FBI and relevant divisions in violation of its mission and claimed purpose. Evidence provided upon request and the US DOJ, FBI & corrupt Biden-Harris appointed US Attorney for Eastern District North Carolina.



Chickens come home to roost eventually…maybe imminently, often years or decades after pervasive, cherished citizen and clergy indifference to corruption, injustice and evil criminal cultural & political values.

Disdain for Christian virtues, Judeo-Christian values, justice, Rule of Law, empathy, Constitutional & civil rights, government & media accountability. Secular shared lack of basic decency, ethics, accountability & empathy, and cheered, rewarded violence targeting anyone courageous enough to fight for public not selfish interests AND OPPOSE corrupt, criminal government, public & community institutional corruption.

EXAMPLE: Child sexual abuse and lynching rewarded by North Carolina, aided by Federal “partners” US DOJ, FBI, Congress and media, Rapes by DAs and Gov. Roy Cooper, Josh Stein and others, theft and smear campaigns using public funds that could have prevented recent tragedies, promoted justice and fixing a broken justice system, and other benefits in policy. Citizen preference for persecution, hatred and torture, unspeakable sadism to DESTROY any “threat” to what the FBI called a “Culture of Corruption” has consequences beyond providing laughter for these sins of N.C. and other CORRUPT populations!


Replace the U.S. Dept. of Justice and FBI for being too complicit in corruption, child sexual abuse, habitual government & criminal justice system misconduct with the aid of DOJ & FBI at every level from the top-down.




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Bernie, your senator salary didn’t buy you the three homes that you own. Also, you and your communist cohorts do not have the right to take what other people have and give it away or “distribute” it. You can f**k all the way off.

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Except for Kennedy and his supporters, this was a pathetic clown show. Who could ever hold any faith in such a sewer full of degenerates?

“For who can be so tolerant of this monstrous city, who so iron of soul, as to contain himself …?”

Juvenal, SATIRE I, Difficile est saturam non scribere, Sentence 12. ~ 100AD



"By the blood that you have shed you have become laden with guilt, and by your idols that you have made you have become defiled; and you have made your days draw near, and you have come up to your years; therefore have I made you an object of shame to the nations and [a subject of] gossip to all the lands.

Tanach, Yechezkel - Ezekiel - Chapter 22


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Defund congress! They are all millionaires off the backs of us taxslaves!! NONE OF THEM deserve one penny and they certainly DO NOT represent anyone I know!!

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Pssst they are all corrupt...

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You wrote: "As A Midwestern Doctor thoroughly details, the senators who were the most hostile towards RFK Jr. during the Senate confirmation process were—you guessed it—the ones receiving the most Pharma dollars." But the links to A Midwestern Doctor do not show that list of how much each Democratic party senator got from pharma. And even if that is true, where is the same list for the Republican senators in that hearing? Did they get a lot less from phama than the Democrats? How much less, if true?

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