Thank you for posting about this very vital issue that has been going on for quite some time

Changes will be made in the food industry once the public realizes that our current food is creating the majority of health problems

Then, Pharma comes around and sells you the medicine to make you better

Imagine never needing any of that and being able to live free and comfortably

That's what's coming

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We`ve still got a long way to go.

Even if there`s a 100% republican congress, they can all be bought off and block anything good Kennedy and Trump might try to do.

Warp speed gave 18 billion to Pharma. if pharma reinvested 10% into politicians, that`s 1.8 billion.

Divide that up and you get 3 million dollars for each and every member of the house + 500 million left over for bonuses.

The only way people can overcome that kind of $$$ is with power, and to comprehend how that`s done, you have to extrapolate the relationship between power and money from the international level down to the local level.

https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/power-vs-money Only power can stop money.

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WRT "they can all be bought off and block anything good Kennedy and Trump might try to do." That's if you're counting on government to solve the problem. If enough people get the message they can vote with their wallets, making the market for crap food less lucrative.

Government, of course, still has a role to play in things like subsidies.

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Mostly correct. Cheap food is neither cheap nor food!

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The entirety of our agrabusiness has model is the most subsidized market niche the world.

Cow dairy almost ubiquitously. GMO corn completely along with GMO soy beans at over 70%. Concentrated animal feed lots and concentrated herds inside of doors, like soy beans well over 70%.

The entire ethanol industry is a corn grower, distiller, and distributor subsidy being 40% of the market niche. Not to mention one of the most brown policies in history. It only takes 5 quarts of gasoline to manufacture a gallon of ethanol.

Direct payments to farmers eventually work their way up to people like John Deere, PepsiCo, ConAgra, Walmart grocers on and on .

I don't know about you, but my back hurts from carrying the Fortune 500.

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I know, it's a huge task, and you can't turn a supertanker on a dime. If it can be achieved at all it will take years (generations?) Still, I don't think anything will change without market pressure from the ground up, so getting enough of the citizenry to change their thinking is essential.

Ethanol is awful, especially for older vehicles like mine. I go out of my way and pay through the nose for non-ethanol gas. Ethanol was also touted as providing jobs in the Midwest. There was an ethanol plant in my mother's town. After the thing was built, I think only about four or five people worked there.

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We could correct it tomorrow. Your ignorance and apathy is how we ended up here. Shame on you!

How you ask? Exact same way that all statistically significant changes have ever been made any representative democracy. They are reactionary by nature.

#PeacefulMassCivilDisobedience #GeneralStrike #OccupyEverything #NoCompromiseListOfDemands

It's how women get the right to vote, it's how prohibition of alcohol started and ended, it's a civil rights came to be, it's how we ended the Vietnam war. As classic examples off the top of my head.

100 million people in the streets of America with no work and no financial transactions to have anything they wanted in 7 to 10 days. But no we would much rather have a lifetime of serfdom than two weeks of measure uncomfortability and uncertainty.

You are in the majority there. Truly wanting nothing to do with freedom. Only lip service. Freedom requires responsibility. Obviously, something you're not interested in, avoiding when possible.

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Caught me! Your mindreading is very impressive. Undoubtedly I deserve your opprobrium.

Bedside manner leaves a bit to be desired.

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And the platform that Kennedy will have in a Trump administration will help get the message out. People will change if they know the truth.

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That's my thinking too.

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What truth? As if the Trump administration will let him talk like that if he is part of it? Certainly not. The points he made are the only truth associated with the Trump campaign

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I'm loathe to respond to you because of your nasty comments to others, but I'll respond in hopes other will read it. I don't know THE TRUTH and neither do you. What I do know is that RFK Jr. has written two great books in the last few years with thousands of footnotes. So I hold him up as a good arbiter of factual information. I don't know that Trump will allow him to speak freely. But he's got a snowballs chance in hell in a Harris administration. I give it a 50/50 chance with Trump. Better then zero with the Dems. Peace brother. And try being a little more pleasant, if that's possible. We're all on this Substack bc we are mostly on the same page. Unless you're just a troll. Hope not.

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You're the troll. Nice projection always the arsonist returning to the fire.

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So what if he does say the truth but is it any of the policies going to change? Fuck off

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This isn't the LD room. Keep walking....

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It has to be the right kinda "power". Tricky.

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Agree! WE the People need to Stop Playing the Game kind of power!!

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We the People have the power. All of it if we understood it and bothered to exercise it. But, we would rather live our entire lives as a proletariat than put ourselves in unknown uncomfortable territory for 7 to 10 days.

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The only way We the People can overcomen this is #MassCivilPeacefulDisobedience #GeneralStrike #OccupyEverything #NoCompromiseList

In other words, 100 million people in the streets for seven days. We could have everything we demand.

Starting with the two absolute prerequisites of restoring the republic. No more big dark money and removing the barriers to accessing the ballot. Without those two absolutes, there is no path to restore the republic

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Please read my comments in this feed. You will appreciate!

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Smart money is on a giant asteroid......

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The gist of the “pesticides” being harmful is valid. But the bigger issues are Atrazine and Glyphosate ( Roundup). These are herbicides used on GMOs that are resistant to their effects. Many mono crop grains have the earth “sterilized” by Roundup killing all the weeds either right before or after planting. It is also increasingly being used to dry the grain before harvesting. And our captured agencies allow it to happen. Pure human toxins.

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Agent Orange derivitives;

(2, 4 - D)

Friends of mine were bathed in it in Vietnam = its in OUR food and the Globalist Luciferian's laugh in derision over it for the harm it does to humanity while making them endless profits...!

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Part of the depopulation (WEF) agenda

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There are more effective ways than slowly poisoning.

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FFS just stop. Leave

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Problem : Crystalized micro plasma Dod funded 45% infected!

SOLUTIONS To [Saltutions]

Wash and clean food low micro biome low minerals! Low potassium cellular pump!!! Cell can’t clean optimally

Introduce pesticides to further kill bugs and biome !Gut health[ severed

Radioactive Salt pumped into Cell to cause cancer. Salt added caking agent to prevent Vit C uptake!

Introduce Glyphosate and Gmo ☠️ POISIN SALT to break down cyp 450 in the gut noPREVENT UPTAKE of Vit D n B12 Destroys ability to make hormones (fat n lazy) and all immune response to clean cell! B-12 happiness and Connection to God via Csf fluid!




Against sugar

🥩 Beef

Good seeds walnuts peacans

Margarine SEED oils

Vaccines Futher destruction introduce toxins to tbe cell enter sacrilegious Medium dna and metals direct blood stream bypassing gut response and cleanse mechanisms Then Mnra Vaxx or death shot to alter Gods Code

Bio weapon tbe Common cold or flu

Solution: med is sin to make infertility.


Die abeaties

1970s Unfinished agenda sponsored by the Rockefeller foundation Chapter: Population How Many is too many Chapter on Food Vaccines Health Care

Kissinger Controll the food controll the people control media control the minds control the banks control the world

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Our collective goals will be to find unadulterated sources of grain!

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Neonicotinoid's being a catalyst for killing pollinators is right up there.

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There is one small error in your otherwise perfectly said and completely true description of the dynamic. I'm impressed. Well done!

Atrazine is no longer in use but there are dozens upon dozens of other 24-D ester and amine formulations. There are no genetically modified crops with a resistance to him, however. They simply do what they've always done and continue to be used even though we know for a certainty they are absolute poison.

All 24-D products are lethal to broadleaves. Meaning, plant species not in the grass family. This dynamic needs to use on grass pasture, field corn, (GMO round up ready corn has created at least 10 round up resistant weeds. We have to make it even more toxic to achieve a weed control level, not affecting yield) fence rows, along with highway easements.

An absolute proven carcinogen. Highly volatile and ubiquitous used. Liquid spray on your lawn to kill weeds is some form of this highly toxic chemical and the ingredient that removes weeds and pelletized formulas such as "weed and feed."

It has a distinct odor. If you smell it, you are being exposed to things and no human being should be.

Sometime during the administration of Dubya, turf, yes TURF, the nations number one non-source point ground water polluter. Near entirely due to whatever formulation of 24-D is currently in use.

Remember, nitrogen is definitely one of the polluters of turf management in a conventional manner, but it does not make it to the ground water. It is in the runoff which gives it environmental affect of creating dead zones in the gulf it's cumulative environmental destruction dynamic.

The conventional agrabusiness, toxic from input to product subsidized by the tax payer model is pure insanity. Thank you for understanding and calling it out !!!

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Agree. I wish he had said "Pesticides and herbicides especially glyphosate (Roundup)".

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Well they have private Patents on them all...!

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Canola oil, which is actually rapeseed oil and stands for Canada Oil Low Acid, was initially an industrial lubricant. During WWII many farmers were subsidized to make this oil for the war cause, but when the war ended, they could not transition the farmland so rebranded it as a "healthy" cooking oil. Worst stuff in the world.

My husband derived an "allergy" to it and will get tachycardia of 160bpm for 6 hours if he has any seed oil.

In my experience, about 90% of US restaurants use this oil or other seed oils. We have traveled extensively and found it even in Fiji.

Just one more example of how the US food system is poisoning the planet ...

Animal fat is your friend.

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I would LOVE to find a restaurant that’s lists ALL other ingredients in every dish

Really, it should be required by law. Sadly most people choose solely by cost and taste.

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Glyphosate (RoundUp) is found in 39 of America's 44 non-drive-through restaurant chains, right on the plate. You can find a highly reputable and credible study at rodaleinstitute.org proving my statement. I have it somewhere, let me find it.

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We just do NOT dine out anymore in NA! 😳

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Your faux class superiority is nauseating. Your pseudo-and electrical gibberish is pathetic. And your attitude leaves much to be desired. Obviously you have no idea with whom you are speaking. Say hello to Felicia for me. Ciao

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yes natural fats are your friend. Eat coconut oil, EVOO (ideally organic) and even butter. Remember anything spreadable at room temperature has been hydrogenated the result of which is free radicals circulating in your system.

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Most imported olive oil in this country is cut with canola oil.

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Id like to know your proof on that. our olive oil from Abruzzo is a natural bona fide product and not 'cut' with anything. I can say the same for mass export from puglia. It is not organic like ours however definitely not 'cut'!!

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My proof is that my husband get tachycardia from grocery store olive oil, so we buy from our local olive farmer.

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buying from your local farmer is so much better! 😉

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Always and forever!!!

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If you live where you can purchase local olive oil, how do you know anything about imported products? Those two dynamics are mutually exclusive.

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not sure if your question is directed at me, but I never purchase olive oil as we produce it. And export it to Toronto where there are copious brands of olive oil available here as we have the largest Italian population outside of Italy, in the province of Ontario.

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If that is the case, it must say so on the label. That is the only single reasonable law we have concerning food ingredients and even that is less than genuine. But it will say canola oil on the list of ingredients if it contains it. That is one ingredient that does not have some nebulous manufacturing rhetoric allowed. Ancillary and anecdotal instances are most certainly not proof. Of anything. Sorry

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So here's the situation Hudson (& DG)...Last year Italy could not produce enough olives/oil to feed their own population so in November '23 and june '24 Italy imported 46 thousand tons of oil from Tunisia within an 8 month period. Spain also had the same problem and imports more from Tunisia. Source: agricultura.it

The general italian oil producers are NOT required to state this mixture So who knows exactly what 'extras' are in the oil. Tunisia however has since decided to focus on Quality oil for export considering their current volume production. So probably in the future, your best bet will be to source directly from Tunisia. 🤷🏻‍♀️...or from 'small batch' producers like us. 😉 Currently the general price for olive oil wholesale in Italy is 9.30 euros /litre.

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Don't worry what he says. He's an obvious fake ass agitprop tool. He has no proof that's why it's not provided with a citation from a credible source.

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Adulterated olive oil is a big problem. You have to look pretty hard to find the real thing.

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Go straight to the farm or importer. We have an olive orchard in Abruzzo and ship it to Canada. Its organic EVOO and very high in Polyphenols. We sell it for $30 CAD/litre. 😉

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In the United States California produces a very high quality product and altered and much of it certified organic.

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All vegetable oil should be consumed never heated. Then, olive oil is about the only one with beneficial health effects to humans. Any oil been raised above room temperature should be derived from animals. The post above us is completely true. "Animal fat is your friend"

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I think more than 90% of US restaurants use it. I wish I could find one that does not; this is why I don't eat out anymore. Restaurants use it because it's cheap. It's cheap because it's subsidized by tax dollars. It's subsidized because of industry lobbyists.

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The entire toxic from input the product conventional agrabusiness model is subsidized, the most of any market niche in the world. My back hurts from carrying the Fortune 500. High on the list of demands it should be the end that dynamic.

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I'm almost positive any organic restaurant does not.

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I wouldn't know, as there are not any of those within 100 miles of where I live. Good to know if true.

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You must be an American! 🤷‍♂️

Beyond ridiculous they have to go far far far out of your way and most of this sovereign to acquire and consumer real food.

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I don't eat out. Problem solved.

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How pedestrian.

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We* not they

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Animal fat is not your friend.

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Good animal fat is indeed your friend. One has only to look at millions of years of evolution to understand that.

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Stating that empirically wrong. Torturing animals is wrong. The biggest study (The China Diet) ever done points to a plant based diet being the healthiest.

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Now you're dragging in morality. Not relevant to my comment about evolution.

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Dinosaurs don't count? Gorillas? None of us has conclusive proof that all human evolution is based on being carnivorous. Incisor teeth are not conclusive. Grains, nuts, berries have been around a long time, too.

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Bullshit. Cite a credible source or shut the fuck up. If that's not enough clarity, get back to me.

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Irrelevant. All human evolution is based on omnivorous lifestyle. If you don't know what that word means, grab a Merriam Webster's. Just so you know, it certainly contains meat protein. Where the hell do you think we got it back in the day there were no beans in a bag that you could grab down at Kroger's. It, being protein. You're just saying shit at this point. Really stupid shit. Go away.

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There are production method to have nothing to do with torture. Take your ignorant, vegan under nourished, not related to reality bullshit narrative elsewhere. Obviously, feed lots and CAFO's or not correlated to those methods. That said, it's the model not the practice. You are speaking on a subject of which you are ill informed, lacking knowledge of, and are not qualified to make such statements, obviously.

Like everything I've ever met nearly ubiquitously I shall qualify, you could feed yourself for a week if your life depended on it.

Denying our revolutionary and genetic make up, in any lifestyle choice, is just stupidity. Intentionally obtuse and proudly ignorant

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Well, 400,000 years in our case. But, Yeah

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Homo sapiens about 250,000 years. But we did have ancestors that contributed to our own evolution.

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A given.

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Yes, and it was implicit in my first comment about evolution.

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Aug 25
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Lol. And the brontosaurus had a tiny little head. The human brain has shrunk something like 15-20% per the fossil record over the past 12,000 or so years. Now what could account for that? I bet it’s that eating grass seeds ground up into powders and smushed into various shapes and concoctions all year round prevents the body from entering ketosis, induces insulin resistance, poisons the brain with excessive glucose, and encodes damage in the epigenome that gets passed down. Cancers also love glucose. You can’t make this world something that it is not. Look at the brain to body size ratios of all the animals. Cetaceans and humans are at the top, and we are the smartest. It’s because we eat high protein and fat diets. Ruminants (and vegetarians) are hopelessly stupid.

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Bullshit. Shut up, but don't sit down. Leave.

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Aug 26Edited
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I agree. Sorry. My passion for the issue comes from concern for the health of the species. I actually think it’s possible for science to design a food supply that uses lipids as the macronutrient base, as opposed to glucose, and achieve the same ends without us committing to even more slaughter of animals, which I love passionately like you do. But the first step is admitting the truth about human metabolism and the complete lack of character and humanity in biomedical science.

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True IF that animal has been fed Glyphosted Roundup Ready Alfalfa/Grains as fat is where toxins are stored.

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Even if that's the case, still superior to any heated vegetable oil. I promise.

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As if you know anything about the topic? Stop.

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Sit down and be quiet. Agitprop bullshit is not welcome here.

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1000% correct! Do your own research into IGF-1, found in ALL animal foods. Research the extreme importance of FIBER, especially on colon cancer rates, and the fact that animal products contain ZERO fiber, not even a nanoparticle! SATURATED fat is complete poison and your arteries will tell you that eventually.

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No that bullshit is relevant. Go the fuck away with your stupidity.

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It makes me laugh to see that Becel margarine was the Heart and stroke's sponsor for 20 years! When i pointed out in the late 90s that their major sponsor was in fact a hydrogenated product (producer of free radicals in the body) the then Head of Communications responded in a derided manner with, 'they are only TRACE elements of hydrogenation'. Which is utter BS as any Biochemist will tell you that anything spreadable at room temp has an additional hydrogen atom!! (this does NOT apply to butter) The food industry has been manipulating the public for decades!! 😳

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Also, Monsanto market fixed in harassed organic producers out of business. There is no more organic seed or oil.

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Correct other than your rhetoric about names. Canola is just another name for the plant. Not correlated to an acronym.

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I think canola has a slightly lower linoleic acid component than rapeseed, doesn't it?

ETA I still wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.

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I'm so glad he highlighted "natural flavors." Almost every processed food - even the ones that seem "healthy" based on a short ingredient list of recognizable items - contains natural flavors, but the FDA standard for that classification is almost completely meaningless.

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The term natural flavor or natural flavoring means the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof, whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional.


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Yes, sometimes these so-called “natural flavors“ are the new fake sweeteners that are intended to lower the sugar level so as to attract more customers/satisfy WHO anti- sugar low-calorie mandate. Some of those literally make me weak and throw up within 15 minutes after ingesting. So now I have to read every label religiously, and it’s almost impossible in South America or Europe as well, where they also have bought into the WHO (low calorie substitute) “natural flavors” agenda.

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Stop consuming processed foods. It's not that hard. It comes up in a box, a bag or you can't acquire it with your hands somehow in nature, skip it.

I can't believe I had to explain that to a supposed adult. smh

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You don't have to explain it to me. I get it. I'm just pointing it out for other people.

Also, what is the point of being so rude?

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No need to be patronizing. This stuff shows up in iced tea on the road or when meeting someone for a drink in Europe.

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Think ahead. Take your own. Make a point to acquire a thermos or jug, a lunchpail......

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Consenting to Corporate capture of federal government on the department of level has consequences......

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I'm in favor of abolishing regulatory agencies. They only provide the appearance of safety and protection, not actual safety and protection. So they are worse than useless; they are harmful.

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What an extraordinary impressive level of misunderstanding. It's not the model. It's the people in the model. That is a result of the unconstitutional Citizens United v. the FEC decision.

We have no regulations on corporations. The corporate entities have captured federal government and state government on the department level.

It's part of fascism and despotism which currently and have been since 1980 our two choices.

I'm sure you're an ardent supporter of capitalism?

Well, this has nothing to do with capitalism. It requires a true and unfettered free market along with thoughtfully emplaced strictly enforced consumer protection. They are not "regulations."

That just having to do with manufacturing marketing in the retail sector in general. Every business in America should be subject to strict liability for antitrust violations.

It's the people inside the model. Not the model. Our current macro economic dynamic is "rape and pillage" having nothing to do with capitalism. It's known in Econ 101 classrooms around the world as IMPERIALISM.

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I watched the whole thing. My daughter’s functional regenerative alternative medicine practice espouses these principles.

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I'm ecstatic about RFK Jr joining the team. Been a fan since covid and watch everything on his Children's health defense website. He will be amazing!!

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GOP Putin fellation tool agitprop bullshit not welcome here.

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Here's a huge Thank You to Bobby for Spotlighting toxic seed oils: For substantially increasing both the available informational content as well as the, previously unknown to me, scandalous news that these toxic ingredients are nearly all SUBSIDIZED by our beloved uncles, the DC Swamp Creatures.

Let's not overlook a Hat's Off to Joe Mercola, DO, here as well, who's tireless efforts on this topic may well have informed RFK Jr's - or could it have been the other way around? They're both major food safety heros and friends of humankind: Bravo!

Many consumers have become aware of the dangers of eating Sugar and a wide range of others sweeteners such as ubiquitous High Fructose Corn Syrup, and a host of others including outright carcinogenic articial sweeteners... it's an impressively long list.

Avoiding toxically sweetened food is one very good reason to avoid processed food products in general - not easily accomplished. Reading all those labels substantially increases food shopping time and even those of us actually practised at it are often fooled: Deceptive intent in the service of consciencelessly increasing their bottom line is a main intent of most packaged/processed food producers.

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I use Dr. Mercola's supplements daily...

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Sweeteners in the agribusiness toxic from input to product model is really the least of your worries.

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It's far deeper and more nefarious than that. If it's not USDA certified organic, it's toxic.

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What? They're subsidized by the proletariat. Blue-collar working people! It's the reverse Robin Hood model. Every taxpayer in America is liable for $8000 per year to corporations and $37 to his fellow citizens. You're suffering from the illusion of choice.

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Know those dirty dozen . Read labels and educate yourself and your family. Thank u vigilantfox for posting.

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We just returned some crackers to the store after reading the label that said it had a ‘bioengineered food product’ in it. Cricket or mealworm ‘protein’ perhaps? No thank you! You definitely have to read those labels!

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Cricket or mealworm would be way more preferable to any "bioengineered" product! Crickets are animals (essentially). A bioengineered product is created in a lab by a human. Not the same at all.

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Not necessarily. Chitin causes Allergic Reaction in some people; and it can be very severe.

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The carcinogens pesticides and ubiquitous heavy metals and other fossil fuel extractions are far more health threatening and life in the dream

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Where are you? United States has no GMO labeling lost therefore no corporation is going to voluntarily put them on the label. Get a grip

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Non-organic wheat products obviously that includes flour, are the highest constituency a glyphosate of any food. The chemicals found in the dirty dozen could possibly be worse. It's some small consolation that we have not allowed round up ready vegetables in the marketplace. Don't kill yourself, they already exist.

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Thank you for posting such valuable information we Americans NEED TO KNOW!

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The “Beauty of Humanity” is when truth is spoken! This is a human trait we’re all born with. Then, as we grow older, some people become corrupted while others become more truthful and more honest.

I never agreed with all of RFK JR’s politics, but IMO, he’s always been honest and trustworthy.

“We the People” can’t ask for anything more from our political leaders? Yes it’s a great day for America especially when two politicians with different views come together for the American People.

We should be demanding more of this and unless we have true honest leadership, this nasty and dangerously corrupt rabbit hole of communism, will get progressively worse and continue until America becomes a “Communist Nation”!

The DNC can try and make it all sound good and look good, but in reality, they can’t fool anyone! They may think they can and is exactly why they have to lie, cheat and steal their way into power! Their ideology doesn’t fit America! Never has and never will which is exactly why so many people are suffering today!

Think about why RFK JR and Trump made the decision to align together? The same Kennedy family legacy has sided with, has gone so far off the rails, they’ve emerged as complete “Communistic Movement”!


This one decision made by two different people,

Trump and RFK JR, with different political views and beliefs systems, have joined forces with each other for the betterment of America! No other reason can explain why this happened.

The kind of political thinking we’ve seen recently, hasn’t happened since I was a child. The last time I remember seeing anything similar, was when Reagan and RFK (1967) were dancing together, many decades ago.

Today I have more hope and a better feeling than I’ve had in the past few years. This doesn’t mean to let our guard down, more importantly it means we should all try and explain to those who believe differently, why they need to do a little research about who and what they’re voting for with a Harris / Walz vote. It’s not freedom I can tell you that much!

Looking back and thinking how quickly America has fallen / been deliberately divided, should scare the life out of everyone! And why this happened?

Everyone except for those who align themselves with Harris / Walz / Obama / Biden etc. either don’t understand what’s happening or what’s they’re doing or they don’t understand what Harris / Walz will do to America if they secure the presidency.

I pray Trump and whoever he decides, if he decides to change Vance for another VP, are kept safe and sound throughout this election cycle period.

Today in America, thanks to RFK JR and Trump deciding to partner up is a big win for all Americans! And this is a giant step forward securing America’s future direction, IMO.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Putin cocksleeve much?

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No "honest and trustworthy" person would never, under any circumstances endorse a child rapist. Nor a money launderer, the conspirator against the United States, nor a seditious insurrection inciting feces still skin bag.

So, no. Just NO .

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Wow! Kennedy is exposing the food industry which are our corporations, the three letter agencies that buy our politicians to be able to cut corners to save them money and poison us at the same time! And somehow Fox wants to do the right thing🤓🤨and interview Kennedy.

I do love Kennedy for what he does but I do not love Fox!

Kennedy has exposed and won a lawsuit against Monsanto 🤷‍♂️👏👏


Calling them out, in your face👏

We have seen for a long time what they’ve been doing to our American food.

And the only ones that do not care are the processed eaters!

Rep Luna is also working with bills regarding our food.

Maybe she can work with Kennedy🤓A win win!🏆

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This will be NUCLEAR to the Satanic BigFoodAg business, and Globalist profiteering accomplices FDA & Ag Dept, CDC, NIH hope Robert burns'em down...!!!

Just be aware people this now means an all out attempt to stop them both = no holds barred, including a plane crash killing all aboard-> "they" have everything to lose...!

Pray the Lord of Creation has OUR righteous & sincere pleas to avail much in the unseen battle that now will really rage:

"Eph. 6. [12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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Yup that's what I'm worried about. Those companies will go into overdrive to stop him.

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Aug 25
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You're conflating things.

The burning remark is metaphorical.

The plane crashes were not a suggestion, but rather a real fear about something that might be instigated by the institutions threatened by RFK's agenda.

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Excuse me?

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Well who do you think runs this worlds monetary, physical and political systems...?

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Thank you Bobby Kennedy for joining the Trump team to save our people and our country. I am so sorry about the rejection and pain you may feel from your own family. They may not realize it, but not only will you be saving us, you will be saving your family and their children too. May God bless you for making the very hard choice to do the right thing. 💕🙏✝️

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beware of Malone not being far from Kennedy….

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Something wrong with Malone?

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Really? He is a darpa boy. He pushed Famotidine + Celexicob for C19 Through DOMANE program. He lied to teens about the dangers of the Covy shot (after he almost died from it; his claim.) He helped manage Veklury (remdesivir) for Ebola Countermeasures for Gilead; which doesn't work. I'd say he is a liar.

RM: I'm a pretty big insider.


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Webb n Housatonic are gems. Nice link.

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I'm sorry blogs are not a credible source. No more so than you which means no credibility whatsoever please stop with your bullshit. you're wasting your time and energy. Not cool

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I live in a Continuing Care Retirement Community and I’m required to have their meal plan. I’m not required to eat it, but I cannot afford to buy my own food and pay for the meal plan also. The cooked food is all grilled using seed oil. The hamburgers have an unpleasant smell due to being cooked on the grill that has been making the seed oil more toxic. The foods often taste very salty and beef is usually very fatty. Other residents love the food here. Many people are overweight and there are a few who are morbidly obese. I don’t think they would be willing to give up the ice cream, carbs and highly seed oiled “food.” I have tried to get them to switch to olive oil. Not practical to expect them to bake meats rather than grill them because of the number of meals they need to prepare. They certainly would not pay for organic food. That would greatly increase our already high charges.

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To them WE are not only "deplorables" but expendable...

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We are not expendable. We are necessary. The goal is to lead a long life of sickness before death. Their existence completely right relies upon ignorant uninformed consumers. Like you.

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lol...they don't see us that way = truly "they" wish us dead-!!!

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Like he said big ag big medisin allopathy all wrong stayed away my entire life and it worked its joyful being a redneck little weird too but dont give a flyin want success great results always taught everyone whatever government tells you do 180 degree opposite and you’ll be great

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Only in sovereign where the citizens are apathetic ignorant choads...

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I just recently went down a rabbit hole about Folic Acid and how it correlates to feminizing the young boys. It's in everything, including prenatal vitamins. These 3 letter agencies need to be scrubbed!

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Do you mind sharing some of your sites please? I was just talking about this with my daughter about her health as well as my new grandson - thank you in advance 🙏🏻

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- Most supplements are not naturally sourced.

- Folate has a metabolic cycle, and it can be disturbed by too much of something else (folic acid/the supplement form, in example)

- Possible absorption deficiencies

- yes, biology is complicated. Pls more good clean food, exercise, and rest.

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Thank you Peter! 😊🙏🏻

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I'm pretty sure it was this podcast, but it seems like I read it also. If I come across the article again, I will share. I'm trying to convince my daughter (who just had a baby as well), good luck to you.

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Thank you so much Paula! I really appreciate you taking the time to find it again! Good luck to you as well 😊🙏🏻

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🤣😂🤣 obviously, she needed to qualify from a credible source. Get the fuck out

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No. They need corporate control taken away. Fuck off with your agitprop bullshit

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