This is all talk. These Deep State assets will do nothing.

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This guy gets it.

Anyone else old enough to recall a young lawyer running for President who said all the right things, all those sweet things we had wanted to hear for years?

Also, I want to hear DeSantis respond to the allegations made against him by that Gitmo detainee.

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Desantis has been aware of the special agents in the police supervising the torture of me by corrupting my medical records to cover up my child's abuse since 2021. I'm pretty sure he was put in the role as the free state to pretend to help - just like he did at gitmo.

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How can people overlook DeSantis going to Israel to sign a bill that takes away their right to protest against Israel? I hope people considering voting for him will take a deep look into his actions before he became governor and the Covid protocols that he did follow. So his AG isn’t recommending that young men get jabbed, but has he said anything about the effects of the jabs on pregnant women? Kids? Will he really take on big pharma? Has he even spoken about it?

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Don't get me started. He is well aware his laws to help aren't protecting anyone. Plus he has law sb2006.381.00315 which he refuses to remove (the right to use any force necessary to inject or isolate) his grand jury research partner FU promotes vaccines in breastmilk and announced their C40 cities target in lockstep with the rest. He also does nothing in regards to human trafficking - Epstein lived in Florida, what does that tell you? He should be pushing for the list to be released.

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Desantis is Knights of Malta....words can lie, but actions do not.

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What do you suggest?

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Total mass nonviolent noncompliance on every level is what I suggest.

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Agreed. Should have started with COVID.

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Yours truly started well before PSYOP-19.

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Sure, I did, too. Lots of individuals did. That's not "total mass noncompliance on every level". People have been lulled a multitude of ways into stupefaction so, absent a strong leader showing the way, they will do nothing. That's been proven time and again. Trump has the following but he doesn't appear to be the strong leader or he'd stop talking about the past and lead the resistance.

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Mister Operation Warp Speed ain't saving you.

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I voted for him in both of his elections because Trump endorsed him. Now that I’m reading about his backroom deals, corruption and his NWO globalists backing him I would never vote for him again. I’m glad he finally put his hat in the ring. The dirt is going to pour out like a D5 hurricane. Trump is going to crush him. He’s committed political suicide. By the time he drops out and his financial backers walk away from him he will have to get a real job outside of politics. This horse will never run again in a race.

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He was also JAG lawyer at Gitmo for a stint, and a detainee has stated when they were force fed through their noses, he laughed.

That is one person's statement. I would like to hear a response from DeSantis about that.

Beware the song you want to hear.

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You won’t hear anything from DeSoros. He only talks to a friendly News reporters and pre scripted answers.

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Lol I like the name

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Oh I hope you are right and this dumb as a bag of hammers RINO globalist CFR and WEF neocon puppet disappears up his own ass. The polling says he's toxic with women and he's clearly the dream candidate that Biden and the Dems want to face. It will be wonderful if you are correct and he has committed political hari kari. I am sure Dr. Ladapo would do a much better job if he was governor.

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It’s true and Trump will take him down eventually. Exposure to his backroom deals and dirty deeds is going to be revealed like a D5 avalanche. By the time Trump is finished this horse won’t win another race.

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That's great because he has proven himself unfit for 2028.

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I read another complete summary of the DeSantis interview. He is saying what he thinks his "base" wants to hear. Almost everything he proposes to do has already either been done or has been spelled out in an action plan by the real President, Trump.

Why does Sanctimonious think we need him? We already have a strong leader who knows how to get things done in DC. Currently America is suffering under a marxist occupation after being overthrown in the 2020 election, which Ron refuses to acknowledge.

We are at war with the deep state and globalists, and R.D. is one of THEM. They are using him in an attempt to divide the Republican Party. He will never be the man Trump is and he will not get the nomination.

RFK, Jr. is also exposing the corrupt medical establishment and Big Pharma, and the Dems likewise will not allow him to get THEIR nomination.

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Great analysis. You are right. We don't need Ron :-(

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The one prominent politician in the world who stood up to the atrocious science and medical establishment - and is still fighting them - and we don't need someone like that to lead the nation? I don't get it. That's exactly the type person this country needs. He wasn't just talk. He backed up his talk with actions - actions that went against all the "expert" narratives.

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He wasn’t the only one. There were 7 governors who never ever shut down for even a minute. They don’t get the media press. They didn’t mandate masks or social distancing either. DeSoros did. He threatened business owners if they didn’t follow his mandates they would be fined $2500.00 each offense. He took on a real Hitler persona. He was pushing hard to get the vax and testing, testing, testing. He’s corrupt and it will be revealed.

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Have you read his recent letters to the FDA and CDC? He might have one time been pro-vaccine and pro-testing, but he's now a high-profile skeptic of the vaccines, testing and of course the lockdowns. I've been struck by this recent narrative that he is corrupt, a Neo-con, part of the establishment, etc. It also seems far too coordinated to me. I think the powers that be are afraid of him and probably want Biden vs. Trump ... not Biden vs. DeSantis. They also don't want Kennedy for the same reasons. I just read a quote from DeSantis that said he thinks all these science/medical agencies are almost beyond repair and need to all be "dismantled."

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Of course he is changing course. He’s sees the writing in the wall and he’s going to jump over to tell the people what they want to hear. I saw a video where he said he had to be careful how he got his message out so he didn’t piss off Trumps base.

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He is running for president as a Republican and probably 70 percent of Republicans are huge Trump supporters. So that's the group he has to try to draw votes from if he wants to get elected ... so, yes, he has to thread the needle and differentiate himself from Trump without alienating Trump's most avid supporters. That's Politics 101.

FWIW, Trump doesn't seem concerned about alienating DeSantis supporters.

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Respectfully, you have no problem w/ Trump’s role in lockdowns, listening to (& never firing or at least marginalizing) Faux-Xi, Collins, Birx, Redman ad nauseum? And esp “warp speed” & that while he has toned down his bragging about the poison “saving millions of lives” & one of his greatest accomplishments, he STILL refuses to acknowledge the severe damage & death caused by then, now irrefutable? I voted for him twice; never again.

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You are absolutely correct on both points. Thank you.

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You folks are delusional about Trump. He had his chance and he blew it big time. Tried to BS his way through Covid and yet kept the lying Fauci and Birx in place Even if Trump were to win he has proven he doesn’t know how to govern and we will waste four years of getting nothing done but a bunch of executive actions that will be undone on day 1 of the next Democratic president or overruled by some court. I want to actually win and have someone who can get something accomplished vs someone who just BS’s.

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Agreed. I want a leader, not a flame thrower. But the bottom line is, as long as the bank window is open, nothing will change, nothing. They will just increase the debt limit.

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Both DeSoros and Vivek mimics Trumps ideas. They don’t have original thoughts. DeSoros mimics Trump by his hand gestures, photo ops etc. it’s pretty sickening.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

You said earlier that DeSoros took on a real.Hitler persona but DeSoros is a lot scarier than Hitler. I'm no fan of Hitler but he had some ethics in that he followed the Geneva Convention for POWs, refused to use chemical weapons and brought in animal protection legislation. He did terrible things and he hated the Jews but he wasn't corrupt and wasn't a psychopath - psychopaths are not animal lovers and they don't adore children - and he didn't party with high school girls as an adult and he purged his associates of pedophiles. If he becomes POTUS DeSoros will have far more power than Hitler did and will have the nuclear codes and that is chilling. DeSoros actually reminds me of Ted Bundy. Bundy was a RINO with gubernatorial, and perhaps higher, ambitions. Bundy was a lot better looking and more charismatic than DeSoros and thankfully was caught but there is something about the DeSoros personality that is very Bundy like.

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I will bet when all is said and done we will find out a lot of very dark perverted things about DeSoros. When he attended Yale University he was a member of St. Elmo’s Secret Society. It’s a step above Skull and Bones. Both daddy and son Bush were members along with John Kerry. It is well know this consists of satanic rituals and pedophilia. His wife Casey DeSoros has many dark ties and it’s been said she’s involved in a child sex trafficking ring where they ship the children to Ohio. If DeSoros was really for the people and for the children he would have shut down the sex trafficking rings in Florida which is prolific. Florida is a major hub for child sex trafficking.

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The strong leader listened to the corrupt bureaucrats and locked us up. Sorry, don’t want to go through that again. We all like a show, that’s what you get with Trump. I’d prefer someone that leads and takes decisive action against the left.

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Indeed. I bet mostly bots tuned in--“technical glitches and crashes” my *ss!

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Do not underestimate Bobby Kennedy Jr., his commitment to ACTUALLY cleaning up the Swamp, or the People's capacity to recognize a Genuine Human Being when they hear him speak. He has been jousting and winning against the biggest monsters on Earth and the captured Regulatory Agencies who enable them, all his life. If the people are conscious enough to get behind him we might actually see

RFKJR for the New American Revolution.

: ))

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And it was Trump who sold out RFK Jr’s vaccine advisory board position (pre COVID) to Pfizer. And did Trump build the wall he promised? 30’ concrete wall? No, he settled for a half built fence. Now we have an invasion by the 3rd world. Did Trump send weapons to Ukraine? Yes. Did Trump pardon anyone aside from some thug rappers? No Assange. I’m a big fan of Trump, I’ve got the flag and everything but he’s not even close to perfect. He’s no Pinochet, that’s for sure.

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Nope. Trump is Mike’s ahead of the Deep State gangsters. Watch.

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Pence was in charge of Operation Warp Speed.

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Pence was put in charge of Operation Warp Speed by President Trump.

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Yes so what’s your point?

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Your reply was disingenuous. You intimated, or at least attempted to intimate that OWS was Pence’s. That’s obviously factually incorrect.

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And my statement is not disingenuous. Seek help for your TDS.

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Things were done behind Trumps back and that corruption will be revealed in time. Pretty soon as a matter of fact. People forget about Pence backstabbing Trump the same entire time.

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Desantis is lying. This is NOT A NOVEL VIRUS and he knows it, but isn't saying it. At least he's trying to say some good things but start speaking the truth. The fake-Vax is a bioweapon made of spike producing mRNA technoolgy, LNP encapsulated to circulate it all through the human body poisoning everyone that's unfortunate to get the purposeful made bad batches. IMO

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Isn’t Trump still praising the vaccine?

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Yes, which makes him ineligible as well.

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Yes and it is frightening. Is he that stupid? No way. So what does that mean?

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Yes he is that stupid but his ego is so big he cannot admit he was wrong or duped. Even when it makes no sense. Narcissists just keep doubling down. I voted for him twice and watched him cower off in the sunset. He could have called insurrection on that phoney election. Instead he just slunk back to Mira Lago and played golf. He was elected legally but he was too much of a pussy to use the military to defend the American peoples choice in a president. He is a coward. Meanwhile Ronny DeSantis has said and done all the right things in Florida. Sure his Jew handlers tell him what to do but at least he gets things done. It his been thrilling watching him nail Disney to the wall.

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He’s the only person other than RFK jr to get close to recognizing these crimes.

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“Dr. Jay Bhattacharya asked Governor DeSantis how we avoid the mistakes of lockdown policies from happening again.”

What kind of question is that??!!

How about, “How will you ensure that ZERO lockdowns occur ever again?”

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Unfortunately all these people are still talking about a 'novel virus' and '...when there's another pandemic'. That the real issue of Covid being a fraud designed to genocide the population by psychopaths' is never addressed, despite the overwhelming evidence, is concerning.

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Sure, that's what he said. But what will/can he do? Without a solidly united Congress on his side, there's little he can accomplish. DeSantis has a tough road ahead - be MAGA-Light or shift right? Frankly, neither option looks good. It's early in the game. He's going to pander to the crowd that is upset and looking for change (without the mean tweets). This is no different than what we've heard in the past from, oh, say Pelosi. "You have to pass it to see what's in it." Same holds true for elections.

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Ron is backed by the deep state, the RINOs, the globalists, and the Establishment Republicans, all of which are anti-American and anti-Constitution.

There is only one man who can lead us in this war we are in with them. He won in 2016. He won again in 2020 with 12 million more votes than 2016. The current resident of the White House is a puppet of those who stole that election.

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And did you hear....JOE is the first Chinese President of the US. Why hasn't he been tried for TREASON of the United States of America. What a disgrace. His son and his Family hide out at the White House so he won't be served papers on his child support. Then

JOE's granddaughter (Hunter's daughter) and her husband live at the White House, too.

Must be nice while taxpayers foot the bill.

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But isn’t it possible that all these rinos think that Ron is the only game in town against Trump – – despite misgivings about his Covid policies? I think there is a lot of Democrat and Trump sponsored propaganda hitting us.

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I agree with most of your first statement. All after is conjecture. If the future of our country rests with one man in one position, we have no future.

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I like DeSantis as Florida Governor for the most part. In Florida he has backed up his words with actions.

I’m not as confident about what he would do as POTUS. He flew to ISRAEL to meet with big donors and sign a bill to help jews in FLORIDA. Make sense? I hope not. DeShabbos is bought and paid for by Israel. He instantly flip flopped on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and called Putin a war criminal. So he’s got some of his own ideas and probably had some latitude to operate with some boundaries but on the big issues he’s Israel’s bitch. I don’t really want Israel’s bitch in the WH.

But, you’ve got to pick someone right. To the extent that voting actually matters.

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You said it perfectly. Why is it always about Israel and the JEWS?

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Our government is and has been occupied by Zionists.


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That is what I have read. There is a man who has a website and writes about Zionists and other issues. www.henrymakow.com I'm not saying I believe him on every subject.

Thanks for the information :-)

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Thanks for the link. Unz.com is also good, it’s a news aggregator and has a lot of good articles on the topic.

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Thank YOU, too. I always like checking out new websites.

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Ron ~

Promises, promises which will never be delivered on. You talk about 'standing up' to the status quo. That's really rich when your principle backers are billionaires who are the quintessential status quo. How about showing is how many donations you have of $100 or less.

I suppose you plan to take down Big Pharma, the DoD & the misinformation cabal that is choking off free speech while you're at it. I think you are just another fraudulent, ambitious groomed political candidate who has been coached to say what disaffected voters like me want to hear but whose background (military & otherwise) is murky at best.

Florida may laud you but the rest of the US isn't that impressed.

Who are you really?

Certainly no one I would vote for.

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Trump has shown no remorse for promoting lockdowns and the shots. Zero remorse. At a minimum he got played(how exactly might be interesting to know) by the intelligence agencies and NIH. And he wasted a lot of time not cleaning up the government the first time, partly because he appointed former Pfizer and other execs to run the agencies. Ever wonder why Ben Carson wasn’t put in charge of FDA? It was the obvious choice. So I’m not sure there’s a viable Republican alternative to De Santis. Trump was very brutally attacked, yes, but that doesn’t mean he can either win or solve the problems.

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“I think all of those [health] agencies need to be cleaned out.”

Cleaned out? Really? How about completely dismantled?

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Need more info-He was for the bioweapons then...did DeSantis get the bioweapon but more importantly did his young healthy wife in turn get the bioweapon and cancer rear its’ ugly head-ergo he changed teams? If any truth to this, how can we trust someone to ALSO not do their homework. they, too, are impacted like so many globalist expendable cogs in the wheel. Just one of many red flag questions.

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DeSantis has displayed quite a chameleon characteristic. Touch of the shape shifter about him too.

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Ty for refusing to just parrot the absurd pro Trump narrative. I get it, I voted for Trump, but was extremely disappointed & disgusted when he threw the Constitution out the window in favor of Fauci lies. Still today claims he saved 4 million lives or some nonsense. We need someone to confront him on this.

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Months back, my wife asked me if I thought that Ronda Santez might run for president.

My first thought was, "Who is Ronda Santez?" Then it hit me seconds later, I realized she was using speech to text!

I agree with other people who have said, "Why do we need him?" What is he supposed to do that's different than Trump?

We know that DeSantis is saying what everyone wants to hear. While being funded by people who financially dependent on things staying the way they are. It's unreasonable to assume that he would bite the hand that feeds him.

He's rather hated in the northeast. I don't see him going anywhere really.

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Desantis refers to coofid as a “novel” virus. From what I’ve read, it was not novel….

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That's what I say, too. NOVEL! He makes it sound like just a cold.

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