People also simply look more haggard or rough than they used to. It's like people are aging more rapidly. This observation is, of course, subjective, but I'm not the only person who has made this observation.

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I feel haggard after 4 years of this!

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I am past haggard. . . . and being asked AGAIN

during a medical appt if I did not want to have the latest booster

does NOT help

I told her "I rejected it all in '20 and still do"

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I fired my last doctor because he was all in and kept pestering. Changed to an MD who treats the root cause of disease and not just the symptoms. Don’t be afraid to shop around for a good doc. They’re your employee, you hired them, you pay them. You can fire them. And I say this as someone who was married to a doctor for 10 years. Don’t be afraid to stand up to them!

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Amen. I fired my Dr of 25 years because she told me that unvaxxed people like me were taking up hospital beds. This is the same Dr that asked me if I wanted the new shingles shot. I asked her if she had taken it and she replied that she was going to wait and see how people were reacting to it. 🙄. I've never even had a flu shot and after everything I've learned in the past 4 years I won't be taking anything, ever!

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Sounds like you dodged a bullet with that doc! My ex(the aforementioned doctor) has told me that what they’re being taught in med school these days pretty much amounts to anatomy and pharmacy. How to treat symptoms, how to administer drugs/treatments. He’s appalled and only keeps practicing medicine because he worries about his long time patients having to deal with these young doctors!

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I never took any of those. My husband got two covid jabs and now can barely walk. Guillaine Barre Syndrome. Of course he says it's not from the "vaccine". You do what you can.

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I'm sorry that your husband is suffering with GBS. I hope his health will improve.

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I gave my doctor, pollies and hospital a letter declaring clearly that under no circumstances was my family to or me receive the jab in 2021. Boy, you should have seen my doctor go berko! In all the decades I have been his patient I've never seen such a performance.

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I’d laugh, if it wasn’t so tragic! Good for you. Wish more people had stood up.

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I am a vet under care at the VA. They assign a primary

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Husband is also a vet. He uses the VA as little as possible. We are lucky in that we live far enough away from the VA that he can use local doctors. I forgot what the program’s called, but he’s really glad he has that option. He does use a satellite VA office for primary though, bloodwork, annual wellness, etc. Other than that he uses specialists outside of the VA.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

Thank you for your service, Rosalee. Our VA needs to take better care of our vets!

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No more medical appointments for this cowgirl!

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I have primary care every 6 months and

endocrinology same

That is sufficient.

Thank God the latter does not pester me about the jab

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Oh, nothing against your protocol, Rosalee.

I would just make it a point in the clearest of terms that if a jab is suggested, you're prepared to doctor shop.

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They are STILL pushing this death juice. I guess they earn commissions and bonuses for every new customer they jab. (They actually do).

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Thanks Bill Rice---Yes they are STILL AT IT. But how do you know that they get a "commission"? I mean I am not surprised....just wondering if an MD told you that or did you read it somewhere? Curious is all. ...

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I wrote an article - highlighting the work of a pediatrician - who outlined al the bonuses doctors clinics get for meeting jab quotas. Basically, the clinics couldn't stay in business if they weren't giving these jabs. The payoffs ("carrots") are massive.

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wow...would love to read that....send link if possible. Thanks.

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I don’t do medical appointments. Period,

I’d rather walk into my woods and die naturally. I never give my sovereignty to authority! Especially lab coated quacks!

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the woods/nature/birds singing-- this is love incarnate. You will outlive the jab takers....poor souls.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

I wish I had that option, but I don't. . .That all ended in 2003

with brain surgery (brain tumor) which

left me without a pituitary so things are no longer normal (despite assurance from 'doctors' in 2003 'other than a few pills you will be fine as new')

Speaking of, when I was in MICU, following a catastrophic collapse following my second surgery, a physician, who I did not recognize, told me "IF they tell you everything will be just fine, save for a few pills you will

need to take, they are lying to you"

He actually did not need to tell me but I appreciated his candor as NOBODY else did me the same service

I live on medications (one a nightly injection, given I can no longer make

growth hormone), which literally keep me alive

That is one reason why the jab was simply not an option for me

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But did you seek out a new doctor?

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Hello Bill, ✨ I agree with you as I have noticed the same things you are describing with certain family members and friends. Being honest with you I begged them not to get it but no they wouldn’t listen, even after showing them all the great information I gave them. Now I have lost 2 friends that I dearly loved and I know it was through the jab. Two healthy people within 2 months dead. It's heartbreaking Bill absolutely heartbreaking. Plus other so call friends that I thought were friends will have nothing to do with me thinking I'm crazy and have lost it...LOL..Mind you it doesn’t worry me what people think as I have been called all the names under the sun.. LOL...I'm so glad I'm on the crazy side, as it's like I tell them I love being a critical thinker and having a BIG open mind so I can learn different things and be open to all the strange weird stuff.. I have always been that way even when I was young..I know at times it would drive my parents mad..LOL...O boy even the teachers in my younger days! Thank you Bill for reading my comment and I hope you and your family are doing really well. Take care. With love ❤️and blessings 🙏 A Friend from NZ..Debbie..

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Thanks, Debbie. You are a member of "Team Right."

.... Blessings from L.A. - "Lower Alabama."

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81 not jabbed I do not give a damn what anybody thinks anymore! my sister in law died of lung and brain cancer, my sister has the same and dying and her daughter in her early fifties also had lung cancer... I also have a friend in New Mexico who just died liver and kidney and other complications she was in her thirties....my wife has three friends also died of lung cancer....and I hear of others whose friends have died suddenly....hell it just makes no sense.....This was all planned and I pray that they will pay and pay dearly !

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My Dear Jean Pierre LaRocque, 💖💥💖 I'm so very sorry for your loss as it's everywhere you look and hear. You sound just like my darling dad who is 90. I told him from the start dad if you get that jab I'm going to kick you in the bum hard!! LOL..He didn't thank goodness. My dad lives in a retirement village in NZ and I gave him great info to give out to his friends. So many there have died since the beginning of 2021. I did tell my dad this would happen if they got it..Sick or death.. Plus the funny thing about it his friends are still alive! They thanked my dad and he said NO thank my daughter. I don't need to be thanked as if I could save someone I will. I feel now we need to start spreading love ❤️ loving ourselves and going within ourselves to heal with what has happened in every country. The brutality of the police when people are peacefully protesting and standing up for their RIGHTS against the tyranny of everyone’s governments. You take care 👍 With love 🧡 and blessings 🙏 to you and your family. A friend from NZ. 🇳🇿

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So true! I recently ran into a "friend" who unfriended me in 2021, because of my unvaxxed status. I barely recognized her! She had aged 15-20 years in just 3 years. Surreal. Others too...

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I would be curious to know if the jabbed recognize these changes? Or are we simply observing these changes?

I see changes as well. They ain't good...

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Yes...a LOT of changes. Such as cancer diagnosis and thrombosis and strokes and heart attacks. On the floor I live on...there are four cancers and two heart conditions. It wasn't like that before.....but people just shrug and say.."We are old...what can we expect"....I never expected this. Old people don't HAVE to be sick...do they?

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i m just not seeining this

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THEY continue to point the accusing finger in the direction of those who rejected it all, including me, and THEY STILL pester to step up. . ..

Someone recently told me that those who have refused the jab are the reason for the increase now in

COVID cases. . .

While 2 friends have died and several been sick more than once (ALL fully jabbed)

I remain for 4+ years not so much as a sniffle

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The tide is changing, Rosalee! It is SO much easier to point fingers then to admit you fucked up.

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there never will be any responsibility taken. . .because to do that, they would have to admit it was deliberate and calculating

It was and still is


based on

GREED and insatiable need to


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Each and every day more news is leaking out that these jabs are grotesque. Expect lots of tripling down. The dam is trickling. It will soon break!

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yup, me too. The jabbed know on some deep (or not so deep) level that they made a terrible mistake. They are angry at having been conned and deceived...so who do they blame? Not themselves....YOU...it is YOUR fault because THEY are sick. What good would it do for them to blame their lying sack-o-crap medical "professionals" who got paid to kill and hurt them.."If only YOU had taken the jab...we could all be sick together...." It is a hard wake up for these smug people who spoke about the awful "anti-vaxxers" and what to do about these miscreants.

Anger is not logical. Rage is not rational. I don't blame them for feeling it...but there it is.

I appreciate real doctors like Dr. McCullough and others who are getting right down to the nitty gritty of what to do about it and how to detoxify from these poisons. It is known now that the covid "vaccine" is nothing but a bioweapon. The human body is a wonderful creation. Where there is a will--there is a way. I am experiencing the "rage" of the vaccinated as well.

The ironic truth is...I begged them not to take these vaccines. I had books and articles and websites to show them exactly why they shouldn't do it....I was shrugged off and ridiculed and now they are angry at me. I live in a senior housing facility where there is a dining hall and no one would sit next to me then. If I hadn't tried to stop them from this....they would have never known that I never took the "vax"....But they were my friends. I wanted to save them. So that is why they are kicking me in the butt now. They don't know where to put their anger. The doctor who jabbed everyone here has left town. They have a new one here now. Heh.

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German Researcher Harold Klautz said they were injected with some type of advance MK-ULTRA mind control weapon that causes them to Hate the unvaccinated and go mental. Listen for your self.................................>>>>


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nothing surprises me anymore....If an AI robot came to my door with an injection all ready for me...I would not even blink before I bashed him one.

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Cognitive decline simply means the jabs are working! Congratulations!

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If we can't kill, at least we can make them drones incapable of a clear thought

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And there's that! What's not to love?

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The DoD bioweapon is working as planned.

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My like button just stopped working again lol...

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Mine has been broken for over 1 month now.

Using a laptop not a phone.

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LOL - My mobile phone suffered a fatal error right after I learn't Bill Gates was an expert on Ebola. I sort of remember paying for a landline still...

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Billy Bob Gates should fix his man boobs...not Ebola.

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Safe and effective.

Safe and effective.

Safe and effective.

Safe and effective.

Safe and effective.

Safe and effective.

Safe and effective.

Safe and effective.

Safe and effective.

Safe and effective.

Safe and effective.

Safe and effective.

Safe and effective.

Safe and effective.

Safe and effective.

Safe and effective.

Oh wait, it is not.

Oops. Our bad.


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That applies to every drug on the market.

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Indeed. . .unlike that barnyard paste ;-)

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Horse dewormer.

Horse dewormer

Horse dewormer.

Horse dewormer.

Horse dewormer.

Horse dewormer

Horse dewormer.

Horse dewormer.

Horse dewormer.

Horse dewormer

Horse dewormer.

Horse dewormer.

Oh wait, it is much more.

Oops. Our bad.


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I never used barnyard paste. I used Merck's Nobel prize winner in '15

as part of my protocol for the entire time they were stepping up for the jab. . REPUTABLE outlined what

to use and my naturopath set it all up for me early in '20

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I *did* use actual horse dewormer, cuz that is what I could acquire. Tastes nasty, but I was symptom-free in 36 hours (Delta era), so I call that a WIN!!

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My Mum has a science degree. However she losses ability to note absence of long term safety data. Daughter did law degree and notes lack of informed consent...

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

Extremely worrying of course, although a "44% surge in anxiety and related disorders" might reflect vaccinees knowing they might have been adversely affected by the injections, no wonder they're anxious!

But what I think I've noticed is a people seem more argumentative and harder to reason with, although in fairness I'm willing to accept it might partly be confirmation bias on my part

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

Good point!

The rise in depression, anxiety, etc could very well be the result of realizing you have poisoned yourself!

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But not the excess deaths ("it's all in your head" doesn't cut it there- it would be a VERY convenient excuse for the deep state).


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But guess what? They have tons of drugs to cure depression now. There are some 350 variations of "depression" and "mental" diseases classified by these murderers.

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I fully expect the definition of "mental illness" to change.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

I think it already has done to some extent.

How often do we hear these days of people claiming "mental problems" (tm) (sportspeople having to take time off due to having mental issues .... usually better explained by them simply playing badly!)

In years gone by it'd just be put down as someone being a bit "pissed off" or a bit "down", usually sorted out by talking to friends and family, and time was the greatest healer. Social media obsession hasn't exactly helped either.

Nowadays it's always "mental illness" and people seek "medical help"

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I have no intention of dismissing or diminishing the issues related to vaccine-caused injuries, but when I read this list...

"• A 68% rise in depression

• A 44% surge in anxiety and related disorders

• A 93.4% increase in sleep disorders

• A staggering 138% jump in mild cognitive impairment

• A 23% rise in Alzheimer's disease"

... I couldn't help but wonder whether these things are actually related to the differences in people, that lead to them choose to take the jab. Of course, that consideration evaporates, if the majority of people who got the jab, were coerced to do so. But it's always necessary to carefully consider the evaluation of cause/effect relationships.

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Certainly plausible and reasonable as a PARTIAL explanation. But that would NOT be a plausible excuse for the excess deaths ("it's all in your head" wouldn't cut it there).


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Of course not. And my comment wasn't intended to encompass any of that. I just happened to notice that all of the listed items involve mental health or state of mind. I immediately wondered whether the state of mind lead to a decision? Or did the "decision" (through external effects) lead to the state of mind?

I didn't really intend to imply that I believed the inverse cause/effect relationship. Just that it can happen, and is easily overlooked.

Now that you've wound me up a bit, I have to confess that I believe all statistics must be questioned. The most fundamental principle of statistics is that it's based on a "random distribution". All of the mathematics are built on this. But there is no such thing in all the universe. And it's the first thing that statisticians forget.

Sorry if I've ventured too far from the initial subject. It's just an old peeve that suddenly started to itch.

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Points well taken- I agree that all "statistics" must be questioned. For example, if unbiased polling reveals reproducible findings that ~30% of the population has an extended family member who died unexpectedly of "natural causes" in 2021-2023, while only ~15% of the population has an extended family member who died unexpectedly of "natural causes" in 2018-2020, but the "official" statistics claim no mortality increase in 2021-2023, then I would say the "official" statistics are EXTREMELY suspect and almost certainly manipulated. But in this case, as you can see in my link above, the excess death problem is pervasive and severe enough that it is impossible to hide even with the most skillful manipulation which I'll bet has nevertheless occurred to SOME extent (but short of outright full-blown data fraud).

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Dear Reid, the differences in the people who took the vax and those who would/will not is summed up in one 4 letter word: FEAR

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I was afraid....afraid of Pharma and big Gov and the very not so GREAT RESET. I was afraid of the fourth generation proto-nazi WEF I was afraid of idiots bearing syringes and wearing white coats and I was afraid of people who hate the "unvaccinated"....No more. I hope the get their heads screwed back on. "They" are dropping like flies. I feel fine.

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We’re still just a couple years in from the start of the vaccines. Wonder what it’ll look like in 10 years, as those vaccinated age what will be the life expectancy of those who got all the boosters and the unvaccinated. I may be around and will be sad for so many who trusted the government and Fauci. Still they want to push us through even after many governments around the world are stopping the charade.

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So sad, so terrifying. Where's the justice? Is it coming? No "justice" can bring these people back, but those guilty of "pushing" this pharmaceutical should be held accountable.

I've personally witnessed, among those I love, turbo Dementia, turbo Alzheimer's, greatly reduced cognition, greatly amplified anger, as well as a zombie-like quality in so many unable to comprehend what's occurred to them,

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So let's treat the injuries with more mRNA " failed technology"( as Dr Makis has labeled s them) products.



The defense of Dr McCullough's newest therapies absolutely makes no sense except in the light of his association with Dr Malone whom even dr Paul Alexander criticized heavily on his substack last year.

Now since the wellness company has become profitable for those associated with it , everything has changed. Money talks the loudest.

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Where does this post say anything about "treating the injuries with more mRNA"? What is YOUR agenda: to stop people from talking about mRNA vaccine injuries and pretend they never happened?

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siRNA injection to treat MRNA spike protein lipid nano particle bio weapon. Except siRNA is also encased in LNP & ingredients can also cause heart issues. McCullough has lost credibility.

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Exposing the elephant in all the spike detox rooms is MY agenda after being told by one victim what happened to her.

Dr McCullough never responded to the question of the white clots appearing in not only the deceased but the living when I asked . His detox included natural products like nattokinase which degrade natural thrombi NOT fibrous polymer hydrogels !

Some people who received the shot or shots have white clots slowly filling and obstructing their blood vessels. They ARE being removed from living people in active cath labs in hospitals across the world and according to embalmers, from the bodies of deceased.

Dr Chetty states in this video below to other Physicians that they have discovered TIN ( Sn ) in these polymerized clots never before found in the human body.

Ask yourselves ............

If Dr Malone, the so-called "truther", who claimed to have made one of the first mRNAs truly did, why isn't HE giving the world the anecdote to dissolve these dangerous fibrous polymer fibrous clots NEVER before seen in the human body?

I personally know of and met one woman who had white clots removed from her coronary arteries in a cath lab and replaced with stents. Her cardiologist told her they were from the covid shots she had.

According to what she told me with tears in her eyes, she has to have periodic angiograms so they can discover if she has any more what she called , "rubber bands" arising in any other blood vessels, as do others who have had to have limbs amputated.

Dr Chetty has stated that it may be the hydrogel in the LNP's that carried the spike factory message into the cells, that created these white fibrous blood vessel occluding polymer like clots. He said they are like "castings" . Dr Chetty in this video below also states that TIN is also used in the creation of PVC piping.




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The white clots are amyloid. The only way to find truth these days is to find a theory that has sufficient explanatory power to explain all that we know. It's all amyloid. The spike induces misfolding of the prion protein into the scrapie form. It makes sense that, if these amyloid occur in the vasculature or the organs, you'd see heart disease and cancer rise first. But what is happening in the brain? I think that's where this goes next.

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I just returned from my GP who is one of the Doctors who was at the Geneva Conference and will be speaking in Japan at another post covid pandemic conference in the near future.

We spoke about the white clots and she recently spoke with Dr Ana Mikalcea Amyloid protein is just one component of what is also in the white clots .

More and more it looks like bio hydrogel is playing a big role in the newer and even the old remakes of Pharmaceutical products .

Dementia is a rising concern like turbo cancers. .

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Dear She left, RFK is anti vax yes, but EVERYTHING and I mean on every issue he is as liberal as the rest of them rats in DC. A vote for RFK is a vote to keep the insane liberals in charge of your life.

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What's better? A vote for Trump whose Operation Warp Speed gave us the HIGHEST EXCESS DEATHS at any point in modern history, and who has the audacity to claim that that deadly Operation actually SAVED LIVES? No way. I care about PEOPLE much more than I care about vacuous fear-mongered "issues" that are overblown to make Trump SEEM appealing.

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There is no left and right....you are given the illusion that there are 2 (or 3 or 4) sides, but the ones running the show own both sides. They OWN both SIDES.

Sometimes it probably just feels good to keep on dissing trump, esp being an "ex-leftie". Personally, I could less about any of them. It is ALL theatre, a show, a comedy horror show.

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I didn't confess I was all in for DJT...he needs to apologize publicly for trusting Fauci and other misdeeds, and RFK will have to get much closer to the middle before he gets my vote. As common sense voters we are stuck in a tough place.

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That's quite reasonable, though I would add that Trump needs to publicly admit that the mRNA vaccines DID NOT save lives and in fact did the opposite. Clinical trials showed more killed than saved, excess deaths tell the same story.

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Watch and listen carefully.

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President Trump declared a national emergency in March 2020, making the pandemic eligible for government action under the Defense Production Act.

President Trump said he invoked the Defense Production Act more than 100 times to facilitate Operation Warp Speed.

President Trump for the US Army, purchased Pfizer's vaccines on 21st July 2020. Trump was the only person with the authority he gave himself, to be able to do that with his "Operation Warp Speed".

DOD-ATI-Pfizer-Technical-Direction-Letter-OTA-W15QKN-16-9-1002- 21 July2020 (7.86mb)


The Department Of The Army US Army Contracting Command – New Jersey Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000 for a Large Scale Vaccine Manufacturing Demonstration (Pfizer, Inc)

You will find Operation Warp Speed mentioned in that contract, in the 3rd paragraph down.

The vaccinated are countermeasure prototypes, for the US Army, to see the objective of a Covid-19 (vaccines) countermeasure, in the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity" by spike protein,the most antigenic and toxic part of a coronavirus" (vaccine) based on the measurable effects of their (the vaccines) deployment", by the US military's own definitions of terms used in Operation Warp Speed contracts, the (vaccine) products it commissioned "amount to bioweapons" and the vaccinated are part of the US Army experiment to see the effectiveness of their Covid-19 vaccines weapon, as explained below:

The injection of these "countermeasure prototype vaccines" which satisfy the US military definition of a biological agent into people has killed some recipients and permanently disabled increasingly large numbers of others, "resulting in their (vaccines) operational effectiveness based on the measurable effects of their (vaccines) deployment", by the US military's own definitions of (vaccines) terms used in Operation Warp Speed contracts, the (vaccines) products it commissioned "amount to bioweapons".

The US military defines a biological agent as a micro-organism (or toxin derived from it) that causes disease.

Vaccines are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration as biological products, therefore they can be described as biological agents.

The mRNA (ModRNA) products instruct recipients cells to make a form of its spike protein, the most antigenic and, some researchers argue, toxic part of a coronavirus.

By the US military's own definition, The US Army Covid-19 vaccines bioweapon provides "the objective of a countermeasure which is the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity" by spike protein,the most antigenic and toxic part of a coronavirus,as a weapon,is proven,but for the vaccinated, they are the vaccine experiment then.

The end result expected, to achieve a world population, down from 8.5 billion down to 250 million within the next few years and on target to achieve that, according to Deagles, better known as "The Great Reset" which you have volunteered to be part of by agreeing to be vaccinated (it only applies to the vaccinated)

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DID NOT AGREE...never will. I know those that did signed a "release from liability" agreement.


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Trump is guilty--I can see that. But he still seems sort of "alive"...not like our current globalist puppet. I think Bydon is put in there for the express purpose of humiliating American Patriots who don't buy into the Great Rescam program. How can we be proud of our country when that pants pooper occupies the top position?

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You bet...it is a humiliation ritual...years long. That is part of the luciferian agenda, demoralize, degrade, dehumanize.

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My FREE Salt Water Cure for Bird Flu and Covid and any other virus:

3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any burning sensation at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.

I have been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be.

Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.

Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure

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Refused it. Four dead and ten injured. Turbo cancer with three. Still- it's everything but the "thing" they all took.

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I noticed back in 2022 driver’s were struggling with, yes driving!

I drive on average 35-45k miles per year and it became very obvious at first. Then it became very 1. frustrating and 2.dangerous!

Highways and local roadways became a “demolition derby” of sorts. I watched many people seemingly forget how to drive.

Of course the “truth sayers” known as our wonderful lying, tyrannical group of “Useful Idiots” known as , the “MSM” had an answer. They explained it away perfectly, like clockwork, blaming of course, “lockdowns”! Yeah OK! IMO the MSM are the ones who should permanently be lockdown! Sayonara!

Also, something far more dangerous and disturbing I learned about these

“Weapons of Mass Destruction” “Bioweapon Shots” to the heart, is what’s has now been determined and cause Alzheimer’s disease which is “Neuroinflamation”.

Swelling of the hippocampus. This injury yet another example of the damage caused by and will eventually lead to “Alzheimer's Dementia” typically occurring in older people but seemingly happening in much younger adults too.

Some people may present symptoms down the road and over time while others may present symptoms very quickly. I believe the latter is responsible for poor driving performance today.

I’m sure insurance analysts could ferret this out for sure!

A German Scientist made the connection between these bioweapon shots and swelling of the hippocampus.

When an unknown poison such as a “genetically modifying” LNP encased spike protein is injected into the “masses”, God only knows how much damage will continue to be reported due to the “evilness” of such corrupt individuals and institutions!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Thanks AJE...."A German Scientist made the connection"...can you remember which one?

I read several....

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The video I mentioned to you was aired on April 3, 2024 on “X”, Bit-chute and I believe YouTube.

Tucker Carlson had “Michael Nehls” a German scientist and neurologist on his show Monday. That show answers your question:

“The Indoctrinated Brain”.

Dr Nehls explains how the hippocampus section of our brain becomes inflamed due to the Covid Bioweapon Injections.


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i found an article--good stuff! thanks

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You’re welcome Kathleen.


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He was on with Tucker Carlson, as soon as I find the video I’ll reply back to let you know.


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Never before in the history of mankind has such a globally organized crime against humanity been plotted and successfully carried out. These are NOT 'vaccines' and to call them 'jabs' is whimsical and misleading as to suggest they have some redeemable, beneficial medical purpose. They do NOT! These lethal injections are BIOWEAPONS... plain and simple! Because the makers of these products have been knowingly and purposely pursuing a satanic, world-wide depopulation agenda they MUST be hunted down, arrested, tried, sentenced and EXECUTED as the laws of all our civilized societies deem necessary for the benefit and preservation of mankind.

This is what THE GREAT TRIBULATION looks like and we're now in it. WAKE UP sleeping Christians!!

William Raymond: pastor & ambassador at Law for the Christ

MartinTaylorRickenbacker@gmail.com - THE GREAT TRIBULATION REPORT ONLINE (daily blog)

WilliamRaymond@thechurchatSalem.info (personal email)

www.thechurchatSalem.info (website)

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explains a lotta those 'personality changes,' eh?

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