We’re gonna need a lot of rope.

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Nah! Rope is reusable.

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And The Green Hornet.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Great article, as always. Thank you.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

I love Dr Roger Hodkinson. I got to ask him a question on Zoom last spring. He's One of Our True "HIPPOCRATIC OATH HERO'S!"

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He was with us from beginning. Blood in the streets quote!

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We're so lucky to have Dr. Hodkinson!

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It's permeated all of Government. FBI, DOJ, HHS, ICE, Military and CIA.

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SecDef Austin and Gen. Milley have blood on their hands.

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If my son suddenly drops dead because he was forced to take the jab, I will sue big time. This mama bear us furious to say the least.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

Sue? Fucking murder them. My son dies and I'm going on a rampage

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Remember, Dr. Josef Mengele got away.

Ran off to South America.

Don't let anyone get away again.

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Excellent article. Received at the same time as this other substack.

"Five Small Stones Legal Network is a US-based network of attorneys, doctors, nurses, paralegals, research scientists, data analysts and others working to use legal systems to raise public and judicial understanding of the global cull now in progress, stop the cull and obtain relief for injured and killed victims and their families."


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Yes, we're coming for them, and there is no hiding. We can do no less than to seek justice for those who have been harmed. Otherwise, we are also culpable.

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Dr. Roger Hodkinson is one of my very favorite warriors and over the past year and a half I have watched several of his interviews.

He does not mince words and his intense anger about the horrific events transpiring is justified, powerful and inspiring.

I wish more people could open their eyes and get angry and use their righteous anger to make permanent positive changes to our society.

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What viruses do to people pales in comparison to what governments do to people. By refusing to submit to vaccine coercion we preserve the right to free medical consent for future generations, protecting our children from crimes against humanity being committed under the guise of healthcare.

So what is the difference between Informed Consent and Free Consent?

Informed Consent: I am informed of the risks and benefits of this medical procedure, and that I will lose my job and profession if I refuse it.

Free Consent: I might not fully understand the scientific merits of this medical procedure, but I know that my rights and freedoms will not be restricted if I refuse it.

If those who act in your name do not believe in the unconditional right to free medical consent (with no exceptions for martial law, public health emergencies or government approved injections) then you should ask yourself whether they really serve your children’s interests. Ask them.

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7 doctors? not enough...

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The scamdemic - jab pushers - election connections.

No place to run. No place to hide.

The usurpers and their stooges! Last call for whistleblowers. Those with at least a remnant of decency within, or those that are smart enough to be practical and save their own ass while they can.

No mercy for all involved. Very public executions upon conviction!

Voter ID - Vote in person - No "VOTE COUNTING" MACHINES!

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The Zionist true Nazi Israeli Jew Mossad literally hunted down every Nazi that lived into their old age all over the world and brought their Holocaust killers to justice in Israel. Now Israel has become the greatest second mass murder, Holocauster on the planet killing innocent Palestinians and Arabs, Muslims, Christians via ISIS, ISIL, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra and covert assassinations in Iran. That's not including killing their own Jewish people in Israel as test subjects via these deadly fake vaccine bioweapons injections from Pfizer! Here's some links:


Bright Light News Published October 13, 2021 2,012 Views


Testimonies after covid-19 vaccination by Israelis https://www.vaxtestimonies.org/en/

Israeli Snipers were killing American Soldiers in Iraq https://www.goyimtv.tv/v/3549177608/Israeli-Snipers-were-killing-American-Soldiers-in-Iraq

Chekist https://www.goyimtv.tv/v/3896988088/Chekist Take a look on the right column also...

Covid Vaccine /Lethal Injections, Injuries/ Deaths


https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/XXQ5OOF88i7w/ I have tons of info on my channel...Talmudic Chabad Lubovitch satanic cultists are behind all this evil, death and destruction.

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Seven swung but the worst ones escaped.

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And the push goes on and on and on ---------- no matter how many die or are disabled. It's insanity! And we know it is.

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Thank you. We must continue to research and share the truth as you do.

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The research has been done. Ad naseum.

Doesn't matter.

We share the truth, where it's possible to do so.

Doesn't matter... No one it's sent to opens links or reads the data. (No interest.)

Here: we preach to the choir.

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These demons have to be wiped out. With God's help, we will win, we are winning...too many innocents have died and will die...this fall is another dark round of evil..

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