P diddy is most likely a case held in reserve for an event like the discovery of the shooter in Florida and the failure of the SS to detect the individual earlier.

Folks might note that the locals and feds let the statute of limitations run out on Hunter for everything but the gun and taxes - Diddy got charged with a bucket list of charges

- Diddy earned his own money - Hunter earned tens of millions in bribes - Millions of which were shared with Dad

-Diddy hired prostitutes - Hunter hired trafficked, underage women and transported them across state lines using airline tickets which he paid for

-- No mention if Diddy filmed the events as did Hunter .... I Hunter filmed underage and legal women and then posted the videos to various sex sites Apparently some did not know they were being filmed

--Diddy apparently paid taxes Hunter did not

--Diddy is held without bail - Hunter is a Free Range dirtbag

-- Diddy pays for his own security - Hunter is protected by American Taxpayers ( While the Secret Service chief pleads inadequate resources to protect Trump )

Why was Diddy arrested and incarcerated - Most likely to take the spotlight off Joe and the attempt on Trump in Florida.

(AS a side note the incompetent head of the Secret Service claimed that they did not have the resources to scour the entire golf course so they ignored the one spot in the fenceline offering the best view of the golfers including Trump, a place that was a favorite with photographers kept outside of the club.

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Nailed it. Too many people still believe the “infamous list” of Epstein/Maxwell is going to be released. I believe that like I believe all the JFK docs will truly see the light of day.

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This investigation & charges of P.Did started a while ago. Maybe reintroducing the story is a distraction, but they have more than the assassination to distract from, imo.

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Knock it off Jen. You like your own posts too. 🤦🏼‍♀️. Really bad form. SMH

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One of the great resources , hidden by the press is the

marco polo site with a searchable collection of 125 THOUSAND OF HUNTER'S EMAILS

Sadly a constant barrage of Biden lawsuits, and the thugs of the FBI , DOJ , DNC etc have forced Marco Polo to remove a vast trove of Hunter Biden videos . Beyond the hundreds of hours of Hunter and young, trafficked women whom Hunter flew across the country , filled with cocaine and filmed in degrading sex scenes there's the documentation of political corruption ranking that of anything in US history .

In one series Hunter associate and former FBI Director and Federal Judge Louie Freeh discusses using his FBI contacts and contacts within the diplomatic circles to advance the case of Burisma . Freeh indicated he was ready to go and was already reaching out to contacts. On June 21, 2016 Freeh wrote to Hunter and team that he was working his FBI contacts and ready to involve more. https://bidenlaptopemails.com/email.php?id=20160621-214213_99759

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Are we too far gone to fix? It sure seems like we are. It’s so deep into the government we would need a complete overhaul and that seems sadly insurmountable.

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The DOJ / cia / fed will take down whoever and when ever .. when the time comes... we didn't see much of Epstein black book and to learned Epstein worked for the Mossad. Robert Maxwell (Ghislaine's father) was a Mossad agent. Who owned McGraw-Hill books to our education.. Ghislaine was Epstein 's handler. And who run Hollywood, music and porn industries ? Yup Izzy 🇮🇱 there I said it !

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My guess is that Hunter got better Secret Service protection going to court t than was offered to Trump at Mar Largo or the event where he was shot.

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Diddy drop the soap?

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I don't know who originally said that Diddy was the Epstein of the rap world, but it's exactly true.

Remember how Ice Cube casually mentioned the CIA ultimately had a say in rap lyrics back in the 90s? I see no reason they'd give up that control and would most likely look to expand it.

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The Vigiant Fox quotes: “You can't get away with 15 years of freak-offs without a little help.”

IDK, Bill Clinton and family have gotten away with a lot more than freak-offs...

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Yes, and while we're at it, when are you expecting to see the Epstein list? It is all crapola.

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OBAMAS , BIDENS , BUSHS , CLINTONS, and all the rot that goes with all of them CIA FBI , DOJ NSA , WHO , all all

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It goes higher than just this 2 bit idiot, I wonder if anyone will be brave enough to name the ones at the top, they run Jesse too.

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Some of us remember the late 1970s round table of music iou execs developing their nextup move...to utilize uneducated and disenfranchised blacks in ghettos chanting rhymes in ebonics while banging on trashcan lids...their ideas there directly translated to ear deafening basslines without midrange, electronic percussion and cheap production, and chanting without melody. ANTIMUSIC with lyrics describing drugs, gangs, death and violence; and disrespect for life, women, work and education.

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I think Diddy was Epstein’s provider to the business world. All of Hollywood Celebrities and Musicians should be exposed as well as Epstein’s list. People need to STOP idolising these filthy people, they are NOT heroes, NOT role models and NOT nice people, they are all the scum of the earth.

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and NOT our friends, but they are purposeful false idols to be worshipped, to distract from the agendas and promote satanic family values to impressionable minds. Not only can we put together numerous "Illuminati" references of eyeballs, pyramids, etc., but also hints of exploding heads, MK puppeting and similar. They are every bit as involved in the targeting of citizens illegally placed on the TSDB watchlist and harassing people to insanity and suicide as they are the pedophilia/trafficking club -- "the brotherhood". Their own material gives it away as body of evidence, but it would take a huge montage to show it.

If anyone is unfamiliar with targeted individuals please refer to Targetedjustice.com Substack, read Project Soul Catcher by Dr. Robert Duncan or watch his videos. Sabrina Wallace has a lot to say about where all this is going too, the WBAN. Also gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com

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Please let him flip. Please let him flip. Please let him flip.

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It is so exhausting, the daily evil stories. It seems hopeless.

Money is the root of all evil.

I pray for divine intervention ✝️

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I am sure you mean Money is not the root of all evil, it is the "desire" or greed for it that supercedes how we treat others. I have seen how good people make good use of money that brings tears to the eyes but it seems most have at least some problem of falling pray to self deception to total criminal enterprises. Whats the difference between P Diddy and Taylor Swift? One acts from ignorance guided by evil the other acts evil guided by ignorance. Both follow their desire without the concern for the needs of others. Promoting illegal drug or medical violence is the same both refusing introspection and truth. They use money to value themselves leaving everyone else behind in their wake. What has Taylor Swift done for mankind? Maybe she does not pull the trigger but she supports things that are just as destructive. Both are stuck on themselve and canot escape because of their "desire" for money. I pray that God will provide a come to Jesus moment for both.

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Agree, but money is the

root. The devil is laughing.

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You are describing exactly how our government is acting. We are currently not "pulling the trigger", we are just buying the weapons and handing them out.

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I join you in prayer. Praying in Jesus' holy name. Amen Amin!!

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You’re right about good people helping others with money. I enjoyed your rebuttal. ChefGreg

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Money AND sex are the roots of all evil, as we have seen and maybe participated in.

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The saying

Behind every great fortune is a great crime

may not be batting 1000, but it sure is up there batting north of Ted Williams numbers

Particularly those great fortunes that beg the question

How the hell did he get so much money?

Great fortunes of mysterious provenance inevitably suggest there may be a great crime somewhere in that fortune

And one can not help but wonder. Why they going after Diddy now? Did he refuse to release a tape that could be damaging to the Trump team or to RFK Jr? Did he refuse to join the election assassinations team and refuse to hand over blackmail worthy tapes? Or perhaps someone involved in the Ukraine war mongering needs to shut his mouth. You just never know why law enforcement suddenly takes interest in sordid crimes that seemed to be "nothing to see hear" for decades prior.

Sad to be so cynical. But, in an era where heinous crimes are routinely and selectively ignored one always ends up wondering

They've probably known about all of this for a very long time so why the sudden interest in enforcing the law now?

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Seriously you wonder why now? You/we all know why now!

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Epstein and Diddy are just two of the people in a giant web of these creeps.

"It's not just Diddy" is drastically understating the issue.

There are undoubtably many other Diddys (or however you would spell a multitude of Diddy)!

These are the people that are being outed to make it appear as if something is being done about the issue. Chances are Epstein and Diddy are small fries compared to others we have never heard of -- and likely never will.

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The plural would be "Diddys." It definitely wouldn't include an apostrophe since that is reserved for the possessive form. If you're wondering why it's not "Diddies," that's because proper names aren't modified to form the plural. As an interesting side note: The Wall Street Journal uses "US Treasurys" which is in conflict with typical English grammar rules, but one could argue it's a proper name; see: "Diddy."

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I'm an English nerd, too! Respect!

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Yeah, I was joking. Originally I put it as "Diddies."

It's a nonsense nickname-type deal, so we would have to ask Diddy himself to be sure. However, he would likely say something like, "There's only one 'Diddy' at any point in time." You know, like he's the last Highlander or something. 🤣😂

This whole situation reminds me of R. Kelly. He had women complain of similar types of treatment.

Note: I've since removed the apostrophe to avoid further English language violations. :-)

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The last Highlander. 🤣🤣 But the opposite of he

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No chance of that - no doubt he’ll “commit suicide” and join Epstein wherever they put him

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sacrificial lamb and a distraction so they can try and catch their breath. nothing is working for them. they have to figure out their escape plan. they will be 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️ for their lives real soon trying to escape prosecution and incarceration for their egregious high crimes. Babylon is falling!

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What country will prosecute them? Virginia Roberts played the victim in the E/M saga. The girl was paid for a long time to procure girls for the enterprise. That’s (at minimum) being an accessory. What is she doing today? Sitting on her millions in the bank after playing her phony victim card. Only one to stand up to her was Dershowitz. I’m. It his biggest fan (still believes OJ Simpson), but he was able to prove Roberts was lying about him and sued her over the slander. She shut up when she was exposed on that one.

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Russia will.

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You might want to look up Putin's remarks about letting our depraved Western values in his country (rightly so I might add). You can't go put people guilty of crimes in our country on trial in another. Might want to watch that incredibly slippery slope.

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If the music industry gets tanked, just play Freebird and hold up your cigarette lighter like your sporting a turbo mullet and everything is still fun and cool.

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What are the odds he will get “suicided” behind bars?

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No chance he takes the spotlight off Hunter

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So the pervs who are compromised want the dhs fbi doj stooges to destroy the blackmail. Everyone said kanye was crazy to discredit him but he told people this years ago

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I used to love music. But the last music I bought was over 30 yrs ago.

Bought my first LP at 10. It was Glenn Miller. 1953.

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My first was an 8-track tape of Andy Gibb because my dad loved The Bee Gees. 🤣🤣 I came from a lower-class white farming family, but was raised on the golden oldies, the Spinners, the Four Tops, everything Motown and R&B. I loved it.

Then my dad branched out to The Bee Gees and Kenny Rogers. Lmaooo. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I eventually progressed into things like Elvis, Beatles, The Who and Queen during college. Still to this day the Motown music moves me the most. I love it.

But I’ll never forget my first purchase of Andy Gibb and his poster on my bedroom wall. Lolol

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Loved Mo Town ❤️ 60-70’s music was the best

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You can bet the feds are frantically going through those recordings ensuring there are no connections to 'protected' people.

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"The whole music industry" collapsing would be a good thing. We can all go back to local music and take a lot of power away from the celebrity tools of the elite. The dumbing down (and keeping them down and dumb) of whole classes of people by way of 'popular' music will cease.

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So we gonna have it change it from Epsteined to Puffsteined?

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🤣 love it

And Routhsteined, because there is no way that guy is going to make it out alive unless DeSantis somehow regains custody of him.

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Who has him in custody right now?

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