Jun 12·edited Jun 12

If anyone ever starts defending vaccines, especially the childhood vaccines, I ask them to explain the hepatitis b vaccine given to newborns. Still haven’t heard any coherent explanations yet. There is no logical explanation. People just have faith in the cdc due to the relentless propaganda put out by pharma through the media and captured regulatory agencies. I can’t believe what we have done to the human population in the name of “science”.

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Brandy, you’re 100% right! You hit the nail right on the head that it’s due to the propaganda from pharma but also the “scientific studies” that are fraudulent. The NEJM editor discussed that in the early 2000s here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/i-dont-know-why-liars-lie-but-they

One thing to call out is that Covid has had a lot of individuals questioning just “what is a virus” and why is everything “viral.” From the flu, to the pandemic, to hepatitis - it’s always viral, never bacterial. This is a field of science that needs extra scrutiny. Here are a couple links if interested:



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Thanks for the links. Very interesting. I am very undecided what to think about viruses. Some of what we have been told about them rings true and seems like there is evidence to support it, like the way chickenpox spreads, for instance, and how it can emerge later as shingles when exposure to the "virus" is limited (like due to how now that children are getting vaccinated against chicken pox, shingles is exploding in the adult population). And on the other hand, things that we have been told about viruses seem completely made up to support the pharmaceutical industrial complex as well as the military industrial complex.

If you care to know, this is how I look at it. If viruses are *not real*, should we follow what the "experts" say about them? 100% No. If viruses are *real*, should we follow what the "experts" say? 100% no. They have been feeding people garbage about viruses for a very long time.

None of the mandates and advice given by the "experts" has had any beneficial effect on human health nor the safety of society. We do not enhance our health with social isolation, sanitizing everything, destroying the economy, living under constant stress, eating industrialized food, staying out of the sun, taking experimental toxic injections, etc. These are all the things we were told to do to stay safe.

However, we can at any time enhance our health by eating whole, nutritiously dense foods, being active, managing stress, cultivating loving relationships, getting sunlight and grounding to the earth, sleeping well, reducing toxic exposure, etc. This will be true whether or not viruses exist! So to me, I don't really have a big unfullfilled need to figure out if viruses are real or not. Bacteria, fungi, and other microbes do exists and they all exists on similar principles. They all need fuel. If we cultivate the correct habitation in our bodies, we provide fuel that will attract the kind of microbes that contribute to our health and that are needed to thrive. If we have too many toxins, are nutrient deficient, are under constant stress etc, the kind of microbes that we do not want in high numbers will overwhelm our bodies natural defenses because we are providing them with abundant fuel. Microbes, simplified, decompose things and recycle them to use in other ways. It's nature. It has always been this way. No one is escaping death. We just have to live in such a way that while we are alive, our bodies are robust and full of vitality for as long as possible and we do this partly by attracting microbes that help us live well.

I have a hypothesis that viruses do exist and they are simply cleaning out old and dead cells from our body...? Sort of like autophagy? Thus we get a runny nose, cough, etc as our body tries to dispel old, dead cells. If we have so many dead cells that an infection emerges (due to providing lots of fuel for decomposing microbes like yeast and bacteria), this is when we can develop pneumonia, candida, sepsis, etc. This will happen more as we age due to built up toxins and dead cells from the aging process, or it will happen more frequently if we are nutrient deficient or have excess toxins from the environment. Maybe?

So, while it matters to those in power (because money and more power) whether or not people believe that viruses exists as they have explained them to us, and how to deal with them if they do, to me, it's kind of a non-issue, as far as practical application in my life. I will live the same if they do or don't. they are essentially invisible so it's really difficult for someone like me to figure out who is correct. It's literally of out of my ability to even know for sure one way or the other. If they do exist, I am not afraid of them. In my view, if the field of science (and the funding of it) weren't so corrupted, it really wouldn't matter as much to anyone. Even if they do exist, there isn't really anything people can do to stop them. They can only learn to live in harmony with them so that they aren't an existential threat, like so many people today believe they are.

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I keep an open mind re: the debate about the existence of viruses in general. But the single, most dangerous virus in the world, that I know for sure exists, is government.

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That's the only way to look at it. Bravo. You win enlightenment for the day. The allopathic model identifies pathogens and invents exogenous substances to target the pathogen, even at the cost of damaging your microbiota or your own cells. There is no regeneration, no belief in the human design, in their model; therefore, they are wrong at the incept, regardless of what the truth is about the types of pathogens out there. It doesn't matter what's true in this debate. The answer will always be the same. Strengthen and support the organism. Nurture natural pathways. Exercise free will. Free your mind.

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I think the reason everything is so backwards is that the injection rout is easier than embracing healthy lifestyle patterns. It’s not only pharma’s fault. It’s a two way street. Because of this tendency for people to want the “easy button”, pharma keeps growing exponentially while the average health of the population declines. People have the power over big pharma, they just have to take it back.

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They've been lying for a very long time.


What happens if, in this pathogenic soup, more than one virus infects an individual at the same time?

“People thought about this way back in the 1950s and 60s,” says Yale School of Medicine immunologist Ellen Foxman, as they observed that an initial viral infection sometimes protected against a second simultaneous infection in cell cultures. Back then, though, this couldn’t be analyzed in human populations, “because we didn’t have good tests for these viruses until about the past 10 to 15 years, when PCR became a way of testing for viruses.” All we knew is that everyone gets sick in the winter, says Foxman.


So until 10 or 15 years ago, there was no real test to see if someone was infected by more than one virus!?

They just said "stuff" or made it up.

The argument doesn't need to be about the existence of viruses. It DOES need to be about not trusting what the government tells us about viruses. Because they're literally making stuff up.

I was born 44 years ago, went the hell was I ever vaccinated a a baby!?


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Well, we are in complete agreement then. I encourage people all the time not to believe the government because they are clearly lying. To me, it was obvious from the beginning of the "pandemic" because every single thing they told people to do, in order to "stay safe and healthy", was antithetical to good health. I'm so sad that so many people trusted them. I have many injured family members, and friends and acquaintances have passed away due to trusting the government/medical industry. Hopefully people are more critical of the information coming from "authorities" next time. I'm pretty sure there will be many more next-times.

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Yeah, I also knew that something wasn't right in the beginning.

I took measures so that my wife could retire early, and avoid the hospital vaccine mandates. Plus they had been mandating Flu vaccines long before before Covid-19.

We knew then, what they were likely going to likely do. And now they are! Moderna is announcing their flu/Covid-19 combo vaccine.

The hospitals are likely to say, “You have to get this combo vaccine to protect patients…”

Not for us!

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Except it was NOT in the name of $cience!!!! It was in the name of MONEY - the possibility of scientific efficacy was a mere afterthought!!!

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not money m8, it is globalism. The covid shot was an experiment involving mRNA, PEG, graphene oxide, sv 40 cancer promoter DNA et al.

Globalism requires a huge population reduction. They have told us. Globalists ARE money power. They told us. It is my opinion, this experiment was teaching them how to best do it.

We don have to argue about who is right. Stay tuned, watch the people start to die from cancers and such.

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I too have asked that question of a few pediatricians. The closest one that made sense by one doctor was IF a baby/child were to get this (rare especially in children) disease it’s more often deadly than if adults get it. I still wouldn’t do it and talked more than once parent out if it in my nursing role on labor and delivery. Saw this series give a friend’s daughter seizures on dose #2. She’s still dealing with them 2 decades later. Very sad!

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It’s such a tragedy. Harming children by scaring parents into thinking they are actually saving their children is absolutely diabolical.

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Bill Gates bought US$50 million Pfizer shares 9 weeks before his CDC approved the Pfizer vaccines, which Bill sold last year for US$450 Million - I wonder if Gates paid Tax on his profit of US$400 Million - if that's not "Insider Trading" I don't know what is.

Biden paid Bill Gates US$7.5 Billion about the same time, reason unspecified, worthy of explanation - but it was about the same time that Gates bought the large farmland parcel?

The US Army purchased Pfizers vaccines on 21st July 2020

DOD-ATI-Pfizer-Technical-Direction-Letter-OTA-W15QKN-16-9-1002- 21 July2020 (7.86mb)


The Department Of The Army US Army Contracting Command – New Jersey Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000 for a Large Scale Vaccine Manufacturing Demonstration (Pfizer, Inc) for the total approved cost to the Government for $1,950,097,500.00

“JUST IN – Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act of 1989, Provides Affidavit that COVID 19 mRNA injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Dr. Boyle stated that the COVID-19 injections violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175 and Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023).

Covid mRNA Shots Are NOT Vaccines, Appeals Court Rules

Legal Precedent June 7, 2024 for U.S. Citizens to Deny Medical Treatment.

June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled held that “[t]his misapplies Jacobson,” which “did not involve a claim in which the compelled vaccine was ‘designed to reduce symptoms in the infected vaccine recipient rather than to prevent transmission and infection.”’ Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient.”

When HFDF asked the court to opine as to whether or not the CDC’s claim that the COVID-19 vaccines were ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?”

But here is a problem - future vaccines are now as per ”June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled are "forced medical treatment" and the CDC’s claim that the vaccines are ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?” which makes all "vaccines" illegal, by definition and purpose.

Legal Precedent June 7, 2024 for U.S. Citizens to Deny Medical Treatment.

A Legal Precedent is a Legal Instrument which is supremely powerful because it is a ruling by a Judge, which changes the "Legal Nature" of an issue by Law and it is the mechanism by which a Judge, anywhere, can issue a Judgement, on any legal proceeding, which predetermines a vaccine, as actually being a "forced medical procedure" and nothing else.

“forced medical treatment” , “safe and effective for what?”



Like going to your Sales Representative for Big Pharma Doctor, to get an ingrown toenail removed - another forced medical treatment perhaps?

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Covidiots are destroying humanity

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I was required to get this crap to become an X-ray tech. After one of the three required doses I'm pretty sure I was having a stroke and felt way off and could barely thinks straight. This along with every other vaccine should be pulled from the market. And as far as children and vaccines go, they should test every single child for methylation defects before anyone gets anything at all even if they parents still think that these childhood crappies are still in any way necessary.

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you probably werent having a stroke you were overdosing on aluminum in your 🧠

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This is why I quit my nursing career a long time ago. After educating myself about vaccines, I got out of the medical field. I discovered that you can lead people to knowledge but until they’re ready, a large majority won’t listen.

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Same here, never looked back

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Ditto to Pamela and Lisa. I quit in 2008 knowing the best years of medicine were behind us at that point. Sad. I use my nursing knowledge to research and try to alert others. Thankfully, my research on Covid early on helped me convince my family members NOT to get vaccinated. Not one of them regrets not taking the jab.

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It's about compliance. Just like the Covid vaccine was. You must obey and do as you are told. It served to weed out dissidents and mark them as such.

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The Divergents must form a parallel society. Reject us? We reject you!

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Here’s the best one yet … “your baby may get bit at daycare “…. 🤨.. yep straight out of the mouth of a post partum nurse . What a sick uninformed loon.

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Bitten by a intravenous drug using baby 🙄, do they think before they speak?

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They're doing it on purpose. The adverse effects of the vaccines are no accident

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Dumbing us down generation by generation!!!

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Two decades ago before I gave birth at the hospital, I told everyone there that I didn't want that shot given to my baby. But who knows if they listened to me or not, since it's such "standard fare" and as such they don't always follow your wishes? Wish I'd done a home birth with a doula!

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Don’t let that baby out of your or your husbands sight for one second.

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Review your baby's medical records. All injections MUST be documented.

Your refusal to have your baby vaccinated should be documented also.


(p.s. I was an NICU and nursery R.N.)

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We aren't being told much of anything about ALL big pharmas drugs, vaccines and mRNA poisons. All are extremely risky since we do not know what any of these drugs really contain.

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I was an RN for 36 years. In 1987, when the Hepatitis B vaccine first came out, the hospital I was working at encouraged all the nurses to take it because AIDS and Hep B were prevalent among a certain population and the risk of being stuck with a needle by a patient with one of those diseases presented a health risk. One day while I was working, I went to the Employee Health office on my lunch break and took the first shot in what was supposed to be a series of 3 of the Hepatitis Vaccine. I went back to my unit and was standing at the desk talking to my co-workers, and according to the story I later learned, my eyes rolled back in my head and I hit the floor and went into full respiratory arrest. Fortunately, there was an anesthesiologist sitting at the desk (I worked in Labor and Delivery) who immediately intubated me and began to bag me while the nurses called a code and I was transferred to ICU. Being that I was young and healthy, I woke up several hours later, unaware of what had happened, where I was, why I was there. I recovered quickly and went home a couple of days later. But my husband and children were traumatized. I was supposed to pick up my daughter, who was in 1st grade from school that day. She was looking so forward to that because it meant she didn't have to ride the bus home. When I failed to show up, and they couldn't reach me, or my husband she was terrified. This was before cell phones and all my husband had was a beeper. He was a salesman with accounts spread out all over the state. Which meant he had to drive around until he could find a pay phone that worked. Plus, I had 2 other little ones at Day Care that needed to be picked up. The whole thing was a nightmare. Needless to say, I haven't taken any vaccines, not even a flu shot, since that day in 1987. But you know, I still wasn't an anti-vaxxer. I just thought it must be something weird about me. Until Covid and that vaccine. When they started bribing people with donuts and gift cards and lottery tickets, then had to threaten your job, and even your right to enter a public place if you didn't take the jab, well that was a bridge too far. Now I'm an anti-vaxxer. Hard core. No vaccines ever. For anyone. Especially for babies. Or children. Ever. Never. They damn near killed me. They aren't touching my grandbabies. Nope. Not happening.

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Fortunately I declined the Hepatitis B vaccine for both my infants. The disapproval (and paperwork to say I was a conscientious objector) from the Midwives was palpable.

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I can’t believe that anyone these days allows that crap to be put in their new borns. I imagine that people were ignorant and trusting before but with internet research at your fingertips there’s no excuse today. Poor children, breaks my heart

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These earth and sky fearful devils spend all their time thinking up ways to kill us off - starting with infants.

We can defeat them if we all resist and refuse.

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Jabs are all rage...until they are not.

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