I donno.. the dementia was bloody obvious to me by 2019...🤔

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Which is why they hid him from campaigning.

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What astounded me at the time? Were Poopypants Biden (nicknamed by his own son "Pedo Pete") and Kameltoe Harris who slept and blackmailed herself to the top, TRULY, the best The Demoncrats could do? Or was this their way of further insulting and demoralizing the electorate?

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Kamala was just "impeachment insurance", because the Dems knew no one wants her in the office, and that Joe's decompensation was already evident. Was he the "best"? No! Was he just to shame us? Possibly as a side benefit. But he had been VPOTUS, under Obama, so expected to be the next candidate.

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Jul 12
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Troll someone else with your old news!

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Me too. We were talking about it a lot in our household.

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I agree

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Biden has no brain. Cannot damage an organ that doesn't exist...

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I don’t think any of those evil people took the shot. They knew what they were foisting on the public. No way they took it.

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Exactly. Congress knew what was in the kill shots and that's why they exempted themselves. No way any high ranking politician or pharma exec took the shot or boosters. "Vaxx for thee but not for me."

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I agree. I have a really hard time believing that anyone in any of these selected positions actually took the poison. And it kind of bothers me that several very smart people like Dr. McCullough seem to think that they would. This is a tough one.... maybe it's hard for everyone to wake up to absolutely everything at once -- all of the corruption.... and then when you really ponder that and what it means, the dawning realization is truly horrifying. Maybe more than some good people can handle.

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The truth would put most people in the hospital

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... and many in prison.

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Good point. & Pfizer employees had a different jab , unavailable to the public. Etc etc. evildoers!

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That is my thought as well, I dont' think he took the real thing, unless this was part of the plan all along to somehow remove Biden after one term.

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I agree with you. Why take the experimental shot when the rest of the world will be guinea pigs?

He probably had some dementia before 2019 and we at a distance are making a judgemental call thinking he would have been "allowed" to take the shot. Nope, I'm with you.

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He did. And it showed.

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I agree.

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I'm not so sure about this. It didn't take a vaccine injury for Joe Biden to decline mentally; he's been a blithering idiot for over 40 years. He was a brainless dingbat when he "won" the 2020 election.

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Nonsense! Joe Biden is a member of the World Economic Forum. He even wrote an article - no doubt with much help - titled "How I Learned To Love The New World Order" (Wall Street Journal, April 23, 1992). Sleepy Joe is a member of the big club. No member of the World Economic Forum took the Poison Death Shot.

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If they allowed him to take the shots then they either at the time believed they were safe or they knew they were deadly and wanted him jabbed.

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No way Ole' Quid Pro Joe took real jabs. And, as McCullough has truly & completely outed himself as having turned to the dark side w/ his pushing gene modifying siRNA to help those "injured" by the mRNA/DNA gene modifying jabs, whatever McCullough is saying (and has said for a while) should not be believed. He's working to preserve the narrative that human gene modification is necessary, and GM of all other living things is necessary by extension. Evil.

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Correction - McCullough should not be TRUSTED.

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I'm glad he was out there talking about the shots, but when he started selling 10 12mg tablets of ivermectin for $60 my eyes opened and my heart broke. I'd already been buying ivm from India - 1200 12mg tablets AND SHIPPING for $200! just imagine how little he's paying for the quantities he's surely buying. 4 cents per pill? and selling them for $6 each? I probably shouldn't have been surprised, but...

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REad my comments below. Let me add more. Listen to BIden more carefully. At times he mumbles (as if he is not thinking straight) very focused and astute comments, threats, and replies. It is all acting. Every politician is chosen, not elected (the Bush family owns the ballot machines which are operated by the CIA) for their acting and deceiving capabilities. They do not create legislation, its source is the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. How do they keep aligned in the narrative?

There is another reason for our ignorance. The Bush administration created the Office of Global Communication (OGC). Its mission was to “ensure consistency of messages that will promote the interests of the United States abroad, prevent misunderstanding, and build support for and among coalition partners of the United States, and inform international audiences.”

The operation of this agency included the daily dispatch of an email of communication points to administration officials, US embassies, congress, and others. They also organized daily telephone conferences, goals coordinating foreign policy messages among US government agencies and representatives of Britain.  This ensures consistency, making the lies more convincing.

It was established in such a way as to make it possible to continue the practice after the OGC was dismantled. Emails and phone calls do not need to be credited to the OGC. This maintains and enforces a “party line,” muffling any message contradictory or opposing to the official institutional message.

The OGC and other government agencies spread disinformation – false statements under fabricated sources to mislead, confuse, and to discredit opposition who pick up these messages and distribute them.

This type of operation is propaganda, which is defined as: attempts to manipulate or coerce the thinking of an enemy or captive population, the communications imposing the propaganda’s ideas into the minds of the target population. Truly democratic agents do not use propaganda, no, a democratic approach is “dialogue,” between assumed equals. This kind of propaganda’s goal is to indoctrinate efficiently. US citizens are that “captive population.”



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El Rushbo used to call it "The Narrative", and regularly read examples of "strangely word-for-word coordinated" stories from multiple MSM outlets, to prove his point.

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Biden lost his brain decades ago.

The Biden Crime Family is the product of “Crooked genes... produce crooked people.”

This applies to the Clintons, Bush Crime family, B. Obama & his “wife”

Let us repeat, “crooked genes, produce crooked people.”

Cleanse their gene pool….

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That & an aneurism years ago. He seems to be on a lot of medication now. They do that with elderly and psychiatric patients. Zombified. Jab added insult to injury.

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I call bullshit on that. This has been going on for a while. If vaccines cause Alzheimer’s then perhaps but it definitely isn’t anything to do with the covid vax’s.

Am listening to his presser as I type. First two sentences were ok but he quickly started slurring and mumbling all over the field. It’s going to be hard to keep him in the race. Too many prominent media and celebs wanting him removed.

Am just listening for laughs. Someone has to fiddle while Rome burns. I’m going to tell you guys something that might not be so popular. If JB remains in the race it’s for one reason. It’s to lose. There’s simply no other explanation.

Now why would they want that to happen. I got a bad feeling those who removed Trump might want him back in. Need some Nationalism to fight their wars dammit. The left and their masters have really blunted the enthusiasm of trigger pullers in Flyover Nations.

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Trump will ends wars on day one. He’s said that and 80,000,000 are voting for that

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You shall know them by their works, not by their words. HE cleaned out the swamp? ONE? HE arrested Killary? He built the Mexican funded wall? He withdrew troops? Don't be foolish. Every politician is bought, a puppet. Read the links. He said he would drop a bomb on Russia to his big funders, who get the truth from him.

If you were a money-loving politician, as corrupt as the rest, what would you do for a billion dollars? We will most probably find out soon enough. It would be interesting to find out how much was given to Zelensky, look at his nation. OR to see how much Netanyahu was paid. These two articles are important. Trump is indeed a war president, contrary to the words spoken to the voters (not the donors, who get the truth), he is an extreme war hawk who is willing to initiate world war 3.



Our hero who Q told us is taking on the child trafficking and ending it once and for all. We must protect people's reputations and not ruin their lives. After all, who knows whose names are on the list. (I have published some of it, and it includes TRump). Third link is less than thirty seconds. Watch it.




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This is what concerns me too. I still don’t know exactly what to make of DT. Voting for him for several reasons.

1. Hail Mary and maybe he does have revenge in the offing.

2. We have a much better chance at persuading him and holding him accountable this time around. The right can ill afford to go to sleep this time around as they did (myself included) in 2017.

3. Trump doesn’t hate Apple Pie America or it’s traditions.

4. Not exactly swimming in options these days.

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I know American history and the true foreign and domestic policies, so I am not apple pie. I love justice, and i get it with options. To even want to be president is evidence of corruption or stupidity. Presidents are not calling the shots, the ballot machines are fixed, and JFK. I am more a revolutionist. Trump has never conceeded to accountability. He continued to promote people to vaccinate long after we all saw its nature. But he just dismisses the criticism. Dont be foolish, he doesnt care what you think.

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And one more reason I am voting for Trump. He has some uncanny ability to make the shit smearing on the wall crazies on both sides to expose themselves. People who cannot think in terms other than black or white. Say the name Trump and they start foaming at the fucking mouth.

Word of advice if I may; don’t be one of those people.

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I never repeated what the MSN CIA-dominated news media says. I call him out for his real crimes. And your advice is not to be heeded, I am a truth teller and care for the people. I will expose all the evil and fight for the people or die trying. I never supported Biden. Trump got some of his information from my work, and exploited it to appear for the people. Curiously, I was incarcerated due to publishing my book in September 2016, as I was about to expose him. Of course Killary is no good also. Maybe even worse, but all politicians, ALL OF THEM ARE CHOSEN FOR THEIR ACTING AND DECEIVING ABILITIES.

People are plain stupid. They know that ballot machines are fixed, but still insist on voting. Politics is the entertainment division of the government. How many times do I have to repeat myself? People are plain DUMB SHEEP.



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lol, like

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You obviously have no clue about the administrative (deep) state and their total control of government. One man, an outsider who was laughed at and not taken seriously, is in control because of people.

You are constipated with bullshit from those in control.

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You just said it and after everything you witnessed since DT came on the scene you should know that entity has no plans to let him back in…unless they want him.

Like I said there’s still reason for hope but we must also be on guard.

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REad all my comments. They do want him in. IT is all theatre. Politics is the entertainment division of the government. THey are making him look like he is anti-establishment and unstoppable. They are throwing him softballs for charges and the news media

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How many people took the vaccine? Because they are smart? RUmp gave it to us because he is good? If you actually read all my comments, I showed where legislation really comes from. Not politicians, not congress, not senate or executive. The legislation is made in the CFR. The Vatican and globalists are the power, not any so-called deep state. You repeat what you are told by a high profile rich man, a bought sold-out narrative. You don't hear of me because the government really wants me stifled, as I speak radical unheard-of-before truth, and name names, provide evidence, and have out-of-the-box solutions that are easy and doable. But the one demanding a billion bucks to do the will of his masters is who you will vote for. Read the first two links in my previous post.

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Learn your facts before trying to act smart.

Trump got the vaccine made and available.

BIDEN and the administrative state demanded MANDATES for masks and the clotshot - not just for the elderly at greatest risk, but for healthy, middle-aged, and college students who have virtually NO RISK from Covid. They also invented physical distancing, school and business closures ALL OF WHICH HAD NO SCIENTIFIC BASIS.

Trump is against any and every mandate and other arbitrary controls invented by the corrupt deep state agencies and the Biden administration.

Get your history straight.

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Trump gave us Operation Warp Speed. He is fully aware that the military is in business of murder, not health. There really was no covid, it was a hoax. Evidence is on my website


I have been warning that Gates would depopulate the planet using vaccines since my first book published in May 2016- and gave evidence of the hoax long before the vaccine was distributed, saving millions of lives.

millenniums. The same people who are overloading nuclear reactors, spilling oil all over the oceans, destroying our drinking water, destroying our food supply by altering its genetics; are telling us that we are overpopulating the planet. I watched Bill Gates do a speech on just that. First he came up with all kinds of statistics of how many people there would be on the planet decades from now. He then used statistics to show how much food we would have, of course the numbers indicated that we would not have enough.

He then gave some solutions to overpopulation. One of the solutions was vaccinations. That confused me at first. Aren’t vaccinations a way to promote more life?

The answer came a few days later in my research. Another documentary revealed that some vaccinations in Africa funded by Gates caused about 47,000 deaths. Furthermore, I learned that Gates intends to reduce world population by 15% via means of vaccinations. In Chad, Gates-funded vaccinations recently caused 50 paralyzations.

He also funds abortions. It sounds like an agenda of death for this billionaire “philanthropist” (he publicly announced his generous contribution to abortions and like donations).  Does that not enrage you? If not, there is something seriously wrong with you, as there is with that lovely murderer, Gates. Funny,


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Yo, JB had signs of Dementia as early as 2019. Tucker Carlson brought it up. I sure as hell wasn’t surprised at the debate. In other words, he was very similar to other Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients long before 2021. I did not take the vax. Too much screwy shit set my alarm bells off. I’ll i am saying its probably not a good look to blame it in this particular situation. Blame it for other shit all you want. I always like Dr P this doesn’t help my confidence in him.

I am NOT a conspiracy person. I try to use nuance and logic to understand things. I just call it like I see it.

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What does the FBI and CIA do? They investigate plots against the people. That is conspiracy that they investigate. And you believe them when they say "conspiracy theory"? Are you still thinking that building seven as well as the twin towers went down in perfect demolition job due to the wind? Do you really think that the bioweapons were made by mistake? that they thought they were healing us? The pharmaceuticals requested the contents of the "vaccines" to be hidden for 75 years because they are accountable and didn't know the harm they would do? Come on, please grow some brains and discernment.

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I AM a conspiracy person, but I go by Occam's razor. Which is more likely:

1) Biden was already showing significant signs of dementia in 2020, and it's gotten worse over the last 4 years.

2) Biden's handlers gave him an experimental shot that had minimal benefit and known terrible risks, even though safe and effective treatments for COVID were available.

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oh, yes, I have a bridge to sell you quick. Do you really believe that ONE politician took the bioweapon? How many do you see with myocarditis? You can believe the BS regarding people known to lie that they took the vaccine which they SAY was safe and effective. He has been acting for a long time. Look at my other comments. Politicians are Selected (not Elected) for their acting and deceiving abilities. The ballot machines are owned by the Bush family and operated by the CIA. Votes mean absolutely nothing, and haven't for decades. Trump was also Selected. From one of my books


This is where we need to take a look at people, and their character. In the two previous books that I wrote, I brought forth evidence that we have been misled intentionally and deliberately. It is becoming obvious that rich, famous, and/or powerful people have no concern for, nor any interest in the rest of us, and do not intend to assist, help, or protect us in any way. If they do anything for the poor or weak, it is a token measure to gain trust, or has some benefit for themselves.

Politicians are not stupid, although some of them put on an appearance that they are. A genius can act and appear ignorant, stupid, innocent, or any which way. Less intelligent people cannot appear as genius, and few can act convincingly in any way.

Trump plays the buffoon, but trust me, he is a crafty and conniving deceiver, an evil actor. Money, power, and sex do things to people, as can the true reason-serving under the rule of an evil entity.

When I was Christian, before and after I published my first two books, yet before I was incarcerated in 2015, I was a bit of a Christian celebrity. My writings were popular, I was debunking major Christian doctrines in popularized email debates, and some friends and acquaintances were making public my good works. The Republican Party approached me to offer candidacy for office, and I had three different sources voice their intention to commit a total of thirty-three million dollars.

It never materialized, because I turned away from god. No regrets, I would have been in hell with the freemasonry Christians, and the planet would have been doomed. I would have been a famous evangelist or charismatic leader I suppose, although my intentions were to have a ministerial outreach to help the poor, but also to “save” them (in my ignorance).

Now I am going to attempt to deliver the righteous and oppressed from the powers’ destruction and dominance. I am a loose cannon who is the underdog. I am sure that many others went that path and didn’t return.


I have a similar concept being introduced elsewhere from this book

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I'm sure a lot of members of congress took the clot shots. We've seen three or four fairly young democratic senators have strokes, for example, and one congressman had a teenage daughter die in her sleep, and another congressman had a teenage nephew die while swimming due to heart problems.

I can't rule out the possibility that Biden took a couple of real clot shots, but I think it's a lot more likely he didn't and that he's just 4 years further down the Alzheimers/Parkinsons road.

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But they cheat

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I will vote like hell for Trump and encourage people to do so. There’s a slim ray of hope with him (Hail Mary in a sense). I have other reasons as well.

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Stupidity? Deluded? Ignorant? I am no fan of Biden, but no democrat or republican politician gets any significant position without proving loyalty to the globalists and the Vatican


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IT is all theatre> Trump is charged in courts and with the media with phony charges easy to overcome. Makes him look anti-establishment and unstoppable. This is designed to be so when the establishment is so hated. Trump gave us Operation Warp Speed and shut down the nation. BIden gave us Ukraine, mandates, and Israel. They are both puppets of the real ones in charge. I have come up with much more dirt on tRump than any news media, and have absolutely no journalism formal education. Why am I doing more? The CIA dominates the establishment news media, as well as the CHristian ones. I prove that in my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH, with names dates documents quotes sources.

They are all actors and deceivers. Politics is the entertainment division of the government.

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When did you become a degreed virologist with a detailed understanding of the mRNA gene therapy shot (NOT a vaccine) and the spike protein that is the second deadliest toxic in the human body next to cyanide? Yes, all clotshot victims have trillions of spike proteins floating through their bodies, only second in line to cyanide as being deadly.

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Rumors say Prions, are in the Covid jabs, ( think Mad Cow Disease) no cures.

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It isn’t a rumor. There are papers printed showing the spike can misfold the prion protein. I don’t doubt it’s going to cause tons of dementia, but I also suspect that we come into contact with proteins capable of doing this on a frequent basis. I don’t think it’s rare at all, and I think our bodies, if healthy, have effective countermeasures. After all I’ve learned, I don’t buy for one second the dogma about prion seeds and unstoppable cascades. I think that’s more allopathic germ obsession and fantasy. The fear would do a nice job of destabilizing society though.

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Nah, my dad died from Parkinson’s/Dementia and he exhibited the same symptoms as Biden.

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Yup. Same here.

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A Perfect Loop; V💀X injured Leaders leading V💀X injured nations, reported on by V💀X injured MSM. 👏 hmmm 🤔 more V💀X!

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Most were pretty brain damaged before a shot got anywhere near them. They knew the risks and foisted it on us anyway!

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That wasn't "brain damage" Julie: That was "psychopathy."

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lol, like

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So he may develop "stiff person syndrome" yet.

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When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Biden was exhibiting symptoms of confusion before the vaccines. I seriously doubt the vaccines have anything to do with this.

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Respectfully, I’ve seen footage of Biden with a tremor from a few years back. But I think you are on to something with the vax injury theory!

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