It’s beyond sickening. And they don’t even apologize for the lack of funds. Plenty of money, always, for Ukraine and for illegal aliens. Never for our own citizens.

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Human beings really suck.

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Not all human beings... just certain ones and its is obvious who they are.

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Americans are being Fleeced and THEIR Treasury LOOTED for Everyone BUT Americans! Our government has turned its back upon its Citizens to Continue Forever Wars for Other Countries. Meanwhile Innocents are being blown up or drowning in Flood Waters with NO Assistance from FEMA. Apparently all of the FEMA Money has been spent on illegal aliens, I mean Asylum Seekers, I mean Newcomers, I mean Thieves & Rapists & Murderers. FAR PAST TIME TO BOYCOTT DC‼️

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Criminal invaders, what they actually are. I never did get "into" PC, let alone"sensitivity training"; truth is ever so much more accurate, and easier to remember! I'm literally, physically allergic to DC, which sits in the upper portion of what USNH Bethesda (I know it joined with Walter Reed awhile back), and the NIH have been calling "allergy strip" for decades!

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Actually, $1 trillion is going to kleptos, Biden and Harris. "Biden-Harris Approaches New Record, Highest Improper Payments in Single Term of $1T"


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$750 Dollars a slap in the face. With price of clothing today that won’t even replace their wardrobe.

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With the cost of food, that's about 1 wk's groceries for a family of 4, forget clothes, medicine, and shelter entirely!

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As someone living in SC, I can tell you we have/had over 1 MILLION people without power and a vast majority of those are still without power. Our electric co-op sent out text messages this week and some people were told 3-4 weeks and others told 5-7 weeks to be restored. We have a lot of rural communities, I live in one myself, and if you don't have electricity then you don't have water because we are on well and septic tanks not city services. Well pumps run on electricity... If you live in an area with city water, many of them are being told they need to boil all of their water until further notice. If you try to apply for FEMA money the first question is do you have insurance. If you answer yes, you are immediately denied and told to file with your insurance company. Some people have exorbitant deductibles $5K or more and are stilled denied their insulting pittance of $750.

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The cheapest hotel room I could find in Asheville was $209 for one night, and I was doing good to get that.

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Its worse than you can imagine. I live in Hendersonville NC. No power, no Duke Energy trucks out making repairs. Water now back on but I am blessed compared to people dying in places like Banner Elk, totally cutoff and likely with no or limited water. Its not just for lack of money. Its lack of humanity.


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My daughter and her family are in Asheville. I’ll be there tomorrow to help. I’m praying for all of you.

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Also, Chemtrail dispersion and seeding all over the Ground Zero area near me for 3 weeks preceding storm.

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I saw it too and heard on catholic radio in NC from a presenter that a military friend was told to drop a pallet above weather systems. He was not allowed to ask what was in the pallet. Seeding and weather modification are rampant in NC. Leadership is minimal here. Look up people at the sky. Planes don’t fart. God please help us🙏through the intercession of Jesus’ Mother. Our Lady🙏

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I know this is happening. It’s Lahaina all over. DEW target for fires,chemtrails can manipulate weather. They have this technology. Our gov. is not our friend. Plus, the more the death toll, the more they can justify more people believing in “ climate change “. It’s a scam.

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How do you know this?

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I can’t put this on my fb page because they said it’s spam.

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Mine was removed for false information , so I posted the actual press release from the Homeland Security Website dated April 12, 2024.

I'll wait and see what happens with that!

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I stopped wasting time on Faceplant and TheirTube a long time ago.

Even the Twatter is a waste of time, extensive shadow-banning now since Saviour Musk took over, accounts are no longer suspended or terminated for the most part, it's not necessary since very few people ever get to see your posts if certain ideas are posted: https://x.com/LegerPhoenix3/status/1783304386866819202

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It's called SIGNATURE REDUCTION. And it's all done by A.I. and it's been going on for years. It's just that now they are fine tuning the kinks and it's CONTROL is unfathomable .

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Ah! You have a link to that ? Or, will search...

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I guess fb got some of that money too, huh? As in bribe $....

You tried posting the video, I suppose ? ( was thinking of that also...)

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Apparently so.

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Yeah....long ago. 😉

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Boycott Facebook - you know it makes sense.

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Did you back out the link to just after the question mark? Like this: https://open.substack.com/pub/vigilantfox/p/wheres-the-money-for-hurricane-victims

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The FBI will send their crooks to visit you as well. We must wake up to the reality that the US government under Deep State is an evil regime.

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Where's the money? It was sent to Israel and Ukraine. 🤑

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Not Israel, Hamas and Iran, along with Ukraine, but mostly supplying the invaders in grand style!

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Genocide is being committed against the Palestinians and now in Lebanon they're attempting to do the same. Not to mention, the ongoing war in Yemen, the bombings in Syria, and the assasinations in Iran.

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Sick bbbb assss turdzzzz

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Mayor of Asheville is a yet another Jew. Wikipedia entry- “Manheimer graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder, and she served as campus director of the American Movement for Israel.”

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What does that got to do with the price of tea in China?😁

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Heard the govt plans to bulldoze the towns, bodies and all, then confiscate the land from the owners

Think it has anything to do with the lithium in the mounts?

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You’re right on the money (as they say)!

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Based on how cavalier the Uniparty is behaving, it is self evident to anyone else that the Deep State is convinced of the margin of fake votes in place for the upcoming POTUS (rigged) election. Theyre not even attempting to fake their interest in the deplorable US citizens... especially those affected by the hurricane.

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The nation needs to blame Harris because if she wins these kinds of things will happen more and more.

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Yes - they are evil!

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Let us not forget the wholesale waste that is aid to Ukraine … $200B? That could have covered it. This administration is an endless exercise is malicious incompetence. Engineered stupidity … with a purpose. Who is behind it … EXACTLY. Investigative reports: please find out!

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I just heard on a video by And We Know, that it is being reported that Fema & Red Cross is confiscating donations at Davy Crockett high school in Greene County Tennessee given for the hurricane relief! This is criminal if this is true! Sarah Carter on Sean Hannity's show said the people she talked to in North Carolina have not seen any help from Fema!

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FEMA and Red Cross did the same thing to help in Hawaii also. I see a pattern here. They don’t want survivors to live.

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There is a specialized lithium plant in the mountains - look it up. Another Lahaina for sure.

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The first 5 seconds sums it up … https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yr5iwBoLa5c

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Wake up WE THE PEOPLE!!!!

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Can't stand this shit anymore.

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It’s in Spanish.

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Wow it got switched … infiltration

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Even though it was in Spanish, one can get the jest of what it is about.

You’re a slave and you are going to love it. Can’t you see how much fun it is.

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Thanks John Roberts , the whole thing got changed. I didn’t know that could happen , creepy.

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It went to the migrants. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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exactly where it was for all the MAUI families they killed/decimated...LAUNDERED IN ISRAEL

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I’m sitting here crying at what I’m watching! This regime is the most evil, American hating group of fascist Marxist there is. How darn they fund illegals with our tax payer money and go broke so they can’t help real Americans! We need to help Pres. Trump drain the swamp today, not next year!

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