Ask not who are Biden's handlers.

Ask who are Obama's handlers.

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It’s handlers all the way down

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🐢 🐢 🐢

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Down is right!

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Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bilderberg group...

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The same exact ones who own Drumpf. His real name btw.

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And Clinton and the Bush’s and LBJ and Carter and the Iron Shiek and Ricky the Dragon Steamboat and etc. Don’t fixate on any of the characters that they shove in your face like Kardashians. Find out who is putting on the theater show?

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Yes! The cabal and the masons

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Now ... Gates.

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… who has deceived the whole world.

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Yes , there is a whole fleet of devils !

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someone noted this week, that hell is empty and all devils are on earth. David Icke seems to think they are reptilians. Not sure about that, it gives reptiles a bad name.

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That are only mentioned by those familiar with religious fiction.

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The families behind the central bank are indeed Satanists. They have run the world for 300 years plus. Most of their names are hidden. It's definitely not Musk, Gates or Soros. Those they are the butlers for these guys. They're allowed to get rich if they tow the line. Look at Bezos. He did amazon without the elites help? LOL. That company lost money for more than a decade. Zuckerberg? There's even a movie that details Z stole it. Even though that movie isn't accurate, it was created to tell you what you know is true. Its not his creation but then they told you he stole it from two regular crypto brothers. BS. It goes to show how they work reading this blog. No one has a clue, everyone is parroting what they've been told. Its not what you've been told. Obama? He's less important than the butlers. He's a gay disordered sicko who does what he's told. Please stop repeating what you're told. This information you need to search out on your own.

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just ordered the book, Under the sign of the scorpion, by Juri Lima, after seeing part of the film (only watched until it got really gruesome)

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I am familiar but haven't read it. The creature explains how they got control. Heck, woodrew Wilson the president said he unwittingly gave up control of the USA. It's all there in history. But those who run the world alter and hide history.

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Correct! However, not directly yet. His minions are legion in the swamp, working with the godless proclaimed "Christians" and the unfaithful "Jews." Many are missing the obvious problems in America, the fall from Grace of its leaders. Not only in the DC cesspool but mainly in its CHURCHES!

I often answer that Question even more simply than your reply with a letter. The 'O'Biden O. Many of Joe's staffers were in the Obama Whitehouse. Barry himself explained what he could do to have a third term.

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Everyone with a brain (that still works) knows "Joe Biden" isn't making any important decisions. "Every one" would include EVERY employee at the White House and every political leader who's interacted with America's cognitively-impaired president for more than 20 minutes in the past three years.

So what we have here is a massive conspiracy to cover-up the fact America's emperor has no clothes (or a fully-functioning brain).

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Pretense # 6 in my list of the Ten Pretenses: "Joseph Biden is mentally and morally fit to serve as President, not a glaring embarrassment to the office, and not obviously guilty of large-scale political-financial corruption." (piece written summer of '23)

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“Obviously it’s not him”

… and yet we still delude ourselves into believing that the outcome of the “election“ matters…

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A defeatist attitude, is exactly what they want! Get out and DO something to help, spread HOPE don't surrender to the Cabal. Real help is around the corner.

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Like know your neighbors, grow your own food and care for your family.

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Not me. It's a complete illusion and they likely insert Trump back in. He and Musk are LARPS

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Nope, not likely, but definitely insert him back in. That was the playbook scenario all along. Make up all sorts of bizarre false accusations, and the emotionally-based divided dupes buy it. He was promised presidency in the late 80,s early 90’s.

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To all commenters who think Obama does anything other than follow the script that he’s given, do you think Obama arranged the JFK hit, 9/11, the Apollo moon landing?

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Right. One puppet doesn't control another.

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Clearly, the answer is that the Ashkenazim run the entire world (along with the Khazarians if you believe that line of inquiry), and that's why they have the power to now successfully carry out mass-genocide against the entirety of humanity, and be able to get away with it. If they didn't run most everything, including all the Western governments and then some, as well as Big Pharma, they wouldn't be able to get away with it. But they hold a monopoly over almost everything, and they aren't playing around. They truly, literally want most of humanity dead, and relatively soon, and they are now carrying it out through the scamdemic(s), transhumanism, and the genome-altering "vaccines". For one thing, what they're doing right now is so huge, that relatively few will believe that it's happening. It's only those who realize how corrupt and evil the world really is below the surface, who believe it, otherwise most people, especially "Americans", are willfully-clueless about reality.

Humanity is up against those who have a monopoly on the world's riches and on sympathy for themselves; and, like their lord and master, Satan, they hate most of humankind with a passion.

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You don't know who??? Thats because you'd be dead or canceled if you mentioned it. Money on this planet gives you power and control. If you think Musk and Gates are the richest people in the world you're lost and have no clue what's really going. Moreover, you absolutely do not understand who is behind the central banks and what their goal and aim is. It's really not that hard. Zionists control it all. They are slaughtering a whole race of people and annexing a city with millions and no one says shit bit the people. Please figure it out, our collective lives depend on it.

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Soros and Obama. Get rid of those two and things will change.

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Well you hit two of the main character's, but spirit of the antichrist in a deeper sense, has a seat in the oval office. The UN~WEF~WHO~NWO, are filled with Satan's minions. If you prefer, EVIL MEN and WOMEN. Of course there are the "secret" societies behind the scene as well.

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Yes , that’s very true.

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And the rest of the democrat socialists

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How about the republican socialists?

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They’re not socialists, the Demorats unabashedly are. The Republicans are cowardly traitors.

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Oxford defines socialism as "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole." Which part of that doesn't apply equally to the two major political parties, constituting a bipartisan dictatorship that is anchored by a shared guaranteed ballot access arrangement where both function as a controlled opposition for each other while preventing third parties from getting on the ballot to compete with both of them?

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I agree that each has a controlling arm that keeps a third party off of the ticket. The fact still remains that those true, not frauds, to the tenets of the Republican party honor the original brilliantly constructed US Constitution and lawful free market Capitalism. No country on the planet has Ever been truly free and successful under the serpent’s trickery of socialism.

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Both of the major political parties began as anti-federalists and have come to be federalists that don't know their own history or original raison d'être.

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You actually think they're at the top? You think a group worth 500T is going to let you know who they are? That's preschool. Obama is a nickle bagger.

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They're the active players.

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I assume Obama and Susan Rice are President, Biden not in the loop.

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Biden might be in charge of the coffee maker...

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Except he can rarely find the coffee, and sometimes mistakes the microwave for the coffee maker.

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One day some whistleblower is going to write a book and tell us just how bad it really was. The stories will stun us all.

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It was about twenty years or more before Peggy Noonan was willing to describe publicly, the cognitive decline of Reagan. Her description is of a man full on in dementia.

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And Biden's case is 100X worse than Reagan's. Reagan could read a teleprompter with no problem and could get through an occassional press conference or 1-on-1 interview.

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How about Russ Baker's FAMILY OF SECRETS?

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Susan Rice has never been president, thankfully.

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I just assume she is the messenger between Obama and the Clinton and Obama people in the White House.

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I doubt that they require a messenger since they frequently share space.

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Obama told you clearly with a front man he can do a 3rd term.

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Biden is nothing more than a pitiful facade, obviously. I for one doubt he decides much more than what to have for breakfast.

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“Without God, what are we but a guide to our own destruction.” St. Augustine.

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I believe Obama and possibly Clinton are calling the shots, along with a few others from the Obama days, I am 100% sure peanut butter brains Biden isn't calling any shots, he probably has a hard time aiming when he pees.

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They probably have a nice big rhododendron out back for him.

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You're playing checkers while.repeating what you hear. They never tell you. If they did they'd be killed and it would be wiped from record

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Isn’t the United States of America already part of an international/global New World Order, facilitated by the World Heath Organization? The question “Who’s in charge of the United States?” seems to imply that the national sovereignty of the country hasn’t already been eroded beyond repair. I, as a citizen-subject of the USA, am more interested in the questions “How has the sovereignty of the USA been eroded beyond repair? Why? By whom?”

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Reaf the book, The Creature from Jekyll Island and understand the central bank families controlled the world in 1913 and before. Its just gone from 50% of the world to.pver 90% of the world. They run it all.

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“The central bank families own and rule the world” is your statement of fact then. Makes sense to me. I’ve heard of them referred to as “the Black Nobility” and they date back to the days when certain Roman Senators fled Rome for northern Italy, specifically Venice.

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Great question, Tucker. He's using the Socratic Method again. No one is supposed to do this.

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Thanks for the "Socratic Method," mention being a high school dropout (thank God,) my self-learning has some holes. Interesting, several TED talks and videos have brought me somewhat up to speed. However, I disagree with your premise of not using it. His death apparently was more of a religious thing than his method.

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(I think) Socrates was given a death sentence for "corrupting the youth" of Athens. I guess his jurors said he was turning the youth against the Greek gods. The same thing is happening today. You can't question the other authorized religions - espoused by Fauci and the Climate Change cult members.

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... Of course, Socrates himself was put to death for asking the wrong questions.


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Oh, c'mon. The CIA has been running the US since Nov. 22, 1963.

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