Good news. Keep going

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Something is wrong here. This is probably only being done to help BART declare bankruptcy and get out of all its debt. I doubt the victims will see a penny in compensation.

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No doubt the most probable outcome unfortunately for the plaintiffs. However, theres got to be some value in having the WIN ? Precedent setting and all that legal mumbo jumbo?

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BART has insurance and even if they decide to declare bankruptcy these people will be paid.

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Believe me the insurance companies will get out of it. Like they are doing with all the flood insurance claims and hurricane claims and most declare Covid jab injuries as self inflicted and suicide. Look it up. They are as corrupt as they can be.

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I agree, the insurance co's are up to their asses in corruption.

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Nothing to do with shot injuries. This is about people who were fired for not getting it. Either the company pays or they submit to their insurance.

I agree with you on shot injuries. The snakes will get out of everything for that damage.

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Not in the long run. All of these companies will have hell to pay.

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No. This time will be over very soon. The time of fascism will end when enough people see what's going on. The first thing is the repudiate and beat in the Ballot the Democratic Party, as they have been completely taken over by the global predator class. While the Republican Party has been bad, a lot of the truth and freedom fighters have moved there recently. Now is the time to expose all the fraud and the death shot for what it is.

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They will just declare bankruptcy, reorganize under a different name. Wait and see.

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They will get out of this as well. I assure you of that.

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It will positively affect future prescidence

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My brother lives in the Bay Area. He says BART rates are going up. They pay their employees huge amounts of money. Maybe they should start there. The stations are filthy, the BART cars are filthy. I’ve never felt safe on BART.

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These people deserve the biggest and most payout that the courts can award them. They were treated like vermin and now it turns out they were the smartest in every country, bless them. 🙏🏻

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I quit working at 3M under duress. They through the hammer down and threatened everybody with mandatory shots, with NO testing options. Can I sue 3M for being forced to quit under duress?🙏

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Unless you submitted an exemption request it’s unlikely. I’m in the home stretch of my lawsuit against a huge corporation and a colleague who didn’t submit an exemption request had no case after speaking with my attorney.

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Why not sue Pfizer for lying about the effectiveness of the va€€ine because they claimed that only the unva€€ed would spread €ovid and that is what led to the unva€€inated being discriminated against, being shunned from society and losing their jobs. So I'd say get as many people as possible in a massive tort with the best lawyers. Go for it!

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The 'testing' option is still lethal. The PCR 'test' (according to its creator, Kerry Mulis, it is NOT to be used as a test. It is a manufacturing tool), that they shove up your nose to scratch the blood/brain barrior also injures. They tried to get people coming and going.

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9 hrs agoLiked by The Vigilant Fox

This is brilliant news. Keep up the good work. ⚒

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I want to see REINSTATEMENT and back pay for all of our military who were shoved out

I am in memory of the many but one that clearly comes to mind is the USAF Senior Master Sgt with 19 years who

was scrubbed. . .for defying the jab

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Taxpayers funded the creation of Covid through NIAID. They funded the research for the mRNAs (privatizing the profits). They funded the purchase of the vax. They funded the politicians that created the mandates. They fund the SCOTUS justices (hi "Wise Latina") who couldn't get easily researched facts right when attempting to mandate. They funded OSHA who attempted to enforce the mandate. Now they are funding the damages.

Here's an idea - find the individuals who mandated it (executives, politicians, bureaucrats), take it out of their net worth *first*, put them in fucking prison, then we talk about the taxpayer's further obligation in all this.

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Wish the Nova Scotia Healthcare Worker's had some kind of payout. I was put on unpaid leave on November 30/21. And was unable to receive EI, so was forced from my home and province.

We need someone with a backbone to stand up against these people!

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I’m sorry for your loss, and thankful that you stood firm in not corrupting your body! My job was “saved” by writing a petition modeled after the sample written by attorney Mat Staver at Liberty Council here in the US. However the total weirdness of being employed while some coworkers were fired or just quit was alarmingly disconcerting! I was a nurse educator and was not involved in caring for covid victims, thank God! I can’t imagine the horrors!

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I was interested to see the skepticism in the comments here and they reflected my own when I first learned of this ruling… and then it hit me. Who pays for BART? Tax payers, right? So they paid for a system that fired people for their personal health choices, paid for the system to defend itself in court, and paid for it now pay large amounts for its previously illegal behavior. And as I learned from comments, this is all for a failing “business” that isn’t being run properly. Unless I’m unaware of an actual corporation behind this, it’s just a shell game with citizen money.

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This brings me indescribable joy! In 2021 I joined some free legal advice calls re exemptions to the mandate. One of the people before me who I got to hear share his story was FDNY. As in 911 hero, forced to retire early bc of mandates. Irish accent, quintessential NY firefighter.

This is what we did to people! Completely unacceptable.

Let the companies pay up. So this never happens again.

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Now take care of all who lost their jobs

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Agree that any worker that lost their job because they refused to have the experimental Covid injection should receive a very substantial compensation. However the behaviour of the Big pharma manufactures has been appalling; fraudulent trial data and prior knowledge of potential serious injection harms and misrepresentation of the product as a vaccine not a gene therapy. Their right to indemnity against patient harm is not valid based on fraud and they must be held liable and prosecuted.

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Sounds excellent but I don’t believe Commufornia will ever pay or even slow their oppression. There is some nefarious plan in place.

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Yet more woke sickness from BART. I can't hear the the acronym without thinking back several years, when they withheld surveillance footage of criminals in the act so as not to provoke racial tensions. Supposed good intentions, morphing into the grotesque.


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The same people who won't show horrible crimes, choosing instead to hide them from the public, will gladly get on TV that night and trash talk white people - which include my children.

I understand why evil people would do this for political gain. What I don't understand are the mouth breathing liberal women who get into this stuff and think they're part of a civil rights struggle.

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beware the who pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact the who are meeting on november 4th to begin the process of finalising it

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The icing on the cake would be 1) each of the 8 that voted for vaxxing be held personally/financially responsible (won't happen) OR the insurance/bonding of those individuals have to pay out (with luck they will never be insured or bonded again for being stupid in a public place).

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