I am sorry to be so sure that depopulation is the ultimate objective but there’s no plausible explanation that fits the observations other than this.

Just recorded an hour with Brian Hooker of CHD-TV, out next Thursday. Please watch & share widely.

Those who see it: please attempt to rebut me, I want to be wrong.

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I will definitely be checking this out. Thanks, Mike!

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Take their business model away from them. Remove the viruses.

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I’m at the point where I repeatedly state that I’m no longer convinced that there is a novel pathogen.

Unfortunately, just stating “it doesn’t exist”, even though that’s now my opinion, on the balance of probabilities, cuts absolutely no ice with those in the narrative.

I have described several independent & verifiable paths which are stronger & show that there’s no pandemic; I explain why vaccines against a respiratory virus even if it existed, could not accomplish its stated aims; that the deployment of the “vaccines” is counter to all public health philosophies & practises....

I could go on.

Unfortunately & evidently, we’re not dealing with rational decision making.

I wish we were. It’d be over in a few weeks.

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If you have common sense you can see and know exactly what their ammo is..The problem for a few decades now is the political correctness, that has been shoved down everyone's throat especially in education.. It takes the rebels to stand up and unmask all that has occurred in the especially last decade with the ohshithead in office..Ex: I worked at a large hospital in NY. When Oooo came into office there were so many layoffs occurring for supposedly job being obsolete..Then 2 months later boom they hired all black and Hispanic..

The saying goes eyes wide shut....

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Thanks, good information.

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Now I heard it’s more than that, it’s land acquisition for a one world government smart city. Yes sounds crazy but we are talking about people planning decades in advance and I’m sure there is a back up. But we don’t want to believe this sort of thing and that is why we will lose. Listen learn and understand

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