How sad that she can be injured by the jab and then say she’s do it again. I truly do not understand that mindset. I’ve got just this one life, I’d like to live it as long as I can and be as healthy as I can while living it.

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This woman is nuts. She would do it again because that's what you do to save people? Looks like the jab affects more than the face and damages the frontal lobe. It does not offer any protection against Covid, but maybe she doesn't read the stats.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

“It’s what we have to do to see people…”

Fuck that shit.

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago

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My wife had bell's palsy when she was pregnant with our third child. She still has a problem although it barely noticeable after 30 years but you can still see it if you look closely. It was devastating to my wife (it hurts your confidence) and it was a major reason we did not take the shot (we heard of cases the first month the vaccine was out). One of the reasons she never fully recovered was they would not allow her to take a steroid ( the typical treatment) due to her being pregnant. Now we give an untested shot to a pregnant women go figure.

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Wow, see this is what we are up against. They have suffered physical harm from an experimental injection and yet, when can they line up for another jab! It’s absolutely pathetic! What is wrong with these people? Sort of like the woman who recently dropped dead in a Saskatchewan Shoppers Drug Mart recently, immediately following her jab (bless her family). Apparently people stayed lined up for their killer jab despite witnessing this happen! So right before your eyes you see someone drop dead and you stay lined up to get a killer jab? How do you explain this? Mental illness? Someone help me understand this behaviour! We are living in alternate realities.

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Put your trust in God, not in man and love your family.

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My word. She lost her mind as well.

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I’ve never gotten the jabs. I was going to, but decided to wait because something wasn’t right about it. I’m glad I did.

One of my kids got 3 jabs and now he has heart problems. Fortunately he decided not to get more jabs.

We need to learn from our mistakes, not continue to make them.

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I got covid from someone who was fully vaxxed and boosted. My fully vaxxed and boosted friend got covid from her vaxxed and boosted friend and gave it to her fully vaxxed and boosted boss.

Do we even tell this actress that her sacrafice was in vain and she saved no one?

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Wellness check needed for this lady. I am guessing if she gets better she will coerce other people?

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This looks like "Mass Fomation Psychosis" which is akin to brainwashing. This lady has been told over and over that the vaccine is safe and effective and she truly believes it.

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This is so freaking sad. She said she would do it again because this is what we have to do to see people. So, in other words, because it's "policy".

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It is so sad that people can actually be programmed like this. A family member of mine had two strokes; one mild one, two weeks after first jab, and then a major one, four weeks post jab, and was found to have clots all in his legs. After fighting to learn to talk and then being able to walk with a cane and brace on paralyzed side, they actually got the booster!!! Two weeks post booster they ended up in the hospital for an infection that spread to the bone from a blister they got on their heel from the brace (immune system gone!) and had to have 1/2 foot amputated. While still in the hospital waiting to see if more would need to be amputated, they had a heart attack and needed to have a stent put in. Four days later found the bone infection spread to where they needed to amputate more, from the knee down. I begged them to not get any more shots and asked them can’t you see what is going on? I think perhaps now, they do…so sad!!!! And their sibling still got the booster and will probably get more!!!! I pray all can build a relationship with God to combat this fear that consumes them!

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Outsourcing one's thinking to people who hate you and want you dead comes at a price.

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You can't fix stupid. Many were warned of this poison but they went ahead anyway thinking they were all so smart. Not looking so intelligent now. Us "conspiracy theorists" warned you... but you bought the dirty govt lies. Common sense isn't so common these days.

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This is all very sad. Anyone know how long she has been like this? And Bieber - where is he? Hiding?

This lady should take herself along to 24 Sussex Drive Ottawa and ask Trudeau what she should do now.

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