How could this be more insane? All for a bad flu. It gets more obvious every day that our governments want to kill us.

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It does indeed. But the mental portion of the mass illness is even worse than any mere "conspiracy" theory would have it. Think of how many "good" soy chai latte drinkers among the New York Times-reading set support this vile crap.

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What surprises me is that Canadians tolerate this.

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Exactly!! Peace loving friendly Canadians want to drug and lock up people. What the heck happened? We are living in Bizzaro-World

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Normal World.

Look at Australia - same thing, Vienna - same thing. Germany 1939 same thing and on its way now for a repeat.

It is just moving over to the Western Hemisphere now because Turdeau is a Communist Dictator like his real father in Cuba. He is a product and controlled by the WEF. He makes a ton of money off each dose of injection given because he invested his family money in it, particularly the two Canadian companies that make the lipid nano particle outer layer.

Why wouldn't the reporters ask him if this is true this immense Conflict of Interest! It is so obvious it is laughable!

Many of the Canadians will willingly be killed to improve his bank account. That is the crazy thing. They have been lied to over and over again and just can't reconcile the fact. Pride? Lack of intelligence? Self awareness? Humility?

Maybe all the above. They are too good and trusting of people like the Chinese Falon Gong Uyghurs in concentration camps being used for organ harvesting.

Lovely, beautiful people imprisoned. Canadians don't realize it, but they to will be used for organ harvesting, the uninjected ones especially. Blood is an organ.

Many Canadians aiding and abetting the Homicidal Psychopath PM, that is the really bad part.

This is like a large scale Jim Jones catastrophe where hundreds drank his kool aid and died. Of course he did not. This is not new! Just large scale here and in the North Western Quadrant where people are supposed to be smart and educated and thinking for themselves. Obviously not. Haiti and Africa faired much better with far less mortality.

Canadians wake up and hunt your predators.

Blessings to all.

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And they repeat the 'safe and effective' lie! Do you suppose they don't realize how exposed they are now??

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The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:

What kind of system do you live under?

Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.

Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.

It’s our own fault. All of it.

We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.

Can you?

Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.

Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.


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I’m trying to like this.

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It helps if you understand the power of decentralized systems. If you are new to the concept we suggest starting here https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/do-you-want-to-know-how-to-stop-the?r=7oa9d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

associate noncompliance with someone who is either a.) a free thinker or b.) low on the agreeable scale.

c.) someone who actually reads the data on the horror jab

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Literally (part of) the overall target.

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Something is definitely up , if Canada is resorting to this to make you take the shot ! If this happens in the US , I WILL shoot whoever comes to my door to give us the shot ! I believe it’s population control related. Screw them !

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Trudeau stands to profit with every shot given.

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Not if it's lead based.

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We just became friends! That rocks!

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Amen. If you can get past my Luger you can give me the shot. But good luck because my aim is pretty good 😎

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If it is so good why are people forced to get it?

Why are they forced not to be able to think ( drugged )? Barbaric

By a part time drama teacher pedophile?

Come on people, this is going to go down in history. The Canadian Citizens are going to look really stupid! At least the Truckers had some brains and ...

Canadians should be storming the palace with their hunting equipment ; to place the Treasonous Leader in Prison or cast him to Exile.

Not an unusual occurence in a country.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

When I read articles like this, my first thought is: Please, God, let this accouncement be comprised of nothing but disinformation penned by Diablo himself. But I know in my heart and critically-thinking mind that I'm reading the Truth. I just don't know how to get my head around it. Thank you Vigilant Fox for fighting the good fight with your research and words.

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Canada has become the 4th Reich. They must be Josef Mengele wannabes. Trudeau must be in agreement since he does nothing to protect Canadians, quite the contrary.

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The CCP has infiltrated and undermines most gov.t…North American. They were welcomed in and made to feel right at home.

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North America readily welcomed the Nazis who were no longer welcome in Germany. This isn’t the CCP, it’s fascism. Plain and simple

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Yes SF. WEF new product Turdeau.

Sold out his country and murdered them for money and WEF ego boost.

Modern day Facist Tyrant. With pretty hair that the stupid women of Canada like. And yes, they are stupid. They probably pressured and murdered their countrymen and women too.

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When will someone confront these nut jobs and rightfully accuse THEM of being the crazy ones? They should NOT be allowed to practice medicine, and someone should start the process to revoke their medical credentials! Just sayin’!

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

Gives them an excuse to use MAID ~ medical assistance in dying, just sayin'. Aweful. Sinister. Psychotic they are. They should literally take their own recommendations . . . maybe even in an EUA'd mRNA fully biodistributed (crosses BBB) gene therapy antipsychotic injection or continuous IV infusion. I'm a bit cynical today, my bad.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

Yes, 1/3 non-vaxxed with 0 shots.....however, the new term is "up-to-date" so.....some with 2 or 3 shots are saying, screw you and not getting anymore....therefore, the concept of non vs vaxxed is irrelevant right now....and therefore the number would now be higher for non-vaxxed and will be getting higher the more friends and family keep dying........also, not sure if I ever believed their 1/3 number anyway....who knows if that is even accurate......might be higher and they just said that to get the fence sitters to get the shots.....

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Yes, studies show it works during elections if you announce someone is winning. Majority of people then vote that way.

I doubt very many if any rural Canadians took these poisonous gene editing injections.

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I totally agree with you.....I was speaking more to "them" than you......absolutely, damaging.....not good.....

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Just wait...the 2/3 will "die suddenly."

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Unvaxxed at an Advantage for sure. They have brains and use them.

If you need help from us, just let us know.

You can always cross over the boarder any day into US illegally and claim asylum if needed. Lots of jobs, good money, millions and millions of illegal foreigners from all countries doing it daily. Many, many Canadians. Lots of Bosnians lately. Freedom still in US. Especially the south.

Other countries possible too. This happens every century or so. We are unlucky.

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The "psychologists" of the period had a diagnosis, drapetomania, for slaves who ran away as running away from slavery was considered mentally ill https://allthatsinteresting.com/drapetomania. Also happened in Russia, dissidents being drugged with psychiatric drugs.

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Not Russia - The Soviet Union

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I have been expecting this. It seems that "their" pattern is to push and push their agenda and then back off for a while and send conflicting messages. It looks like they are returning back to the "push" cycle. I am concerned that this is going to ultimately lead to door-to-door enforcement of "vaccinations". I know this sounds alarmist, but why else would True Dope be offering significant sums of health care dollars to provinces in exchange for patient data? (This information came out late last week, I believe.) Unless or untill ALL Canadians stand up, especially those in the health care fields, Canadians, like myself, are doomed to be sacrificed on the altar of communism.

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Don't ever let yourself be " sacrificed ". It is much worse them communism this time. You practically have that now. It is enslaving, capturing and murdering. The Great Reset just wants middle Class dead. Period.

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I agree wityou. This is precisely why I avoided the jab. You are correct. It is kind of like communism on steroids with a macabre Malthusean twist. True Dope was so keen to announce the "post-Christian" era, because those he caters to want a return to pre-Christian times where there were two classes and Christian morality was non-existant ... and where anything goes.

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These are the people that need psychotropic drugs and psychotherapy...inside a prison. Healthy people question. Unhealthy people blindly comply to outside authorities who's intentions are less and less honorable every passing day. What's the commandment...have no false gods. These people are false gods and too many people are worshipping them.

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IF the people allow it, so be it! Fight or die.

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God please help us!

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God helps those who speak truth to power.

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Two weeks.... turned into two years

A Krispy Kreme...... turned into forcibly drugging you

This is how frogs are cooked

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Alex Jones was right.

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Oh indeed he was!! Glenn Beck also has been predicting this for years. So many “conspiracy theorists “ and they were ALL SPOT ON

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About a year and a half ago Tom Woods said something along the lines of, "I always thought these conspiracy theorists were fringe, nut jobs who couldn't interpret information properly. Well, now, I have to offer them my sincere apologies, because what I am looking at right now, it looks to me that they were right."

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

It has been painfully difficult to wait for you all to get caught up.

Consider this fact. You are still about the same distance behind again.

It gets much worse. Rumble.com odysee.com bitchute.com

Dr.David Martin, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Michael Yeadon, FLCCC, AFLD, CHildrens Health Defense, Thé Epoch Times, substacks, Planet Lockdown , Catherine Austin Fitts. All this has been a prelude to what they are really trying to do. We need to know our enemy, defend and go on the offensive to win. We outnumber them, we outarm them. Do Not Comply

If everyone Does Not Comply we simply defeat them. It is that easy. Unfortunately the compilers are putting us under and aiding and abetting the enemy. More then you can imagine.

We do greatly appreciate your apology. Thank you.

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Not sure why you addressed this to me, I was relaying what a well known Libertarian professor and author stated a year and half ago. I've been here since Iran Contra, friend.

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Great interview! Confirmation of our worst fears. Terrorize and take over…we tend to focus on the small details because the big picture is outrageous. Also, the small details are in your face over the top tyrannical overreach. This is happening all over the world but some areas (uK, Canada, Brazil) are further along in the successful walk towards permanent institutional change…Aka insanity. The fact we’re able to speak, write, talk about this activity is a blessing but wouldn’t be so painfully limited and difficult to find if our media weren’t compromised, too. Thank you 🦊. And God Bless you both!

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Step one - verified online ID (Twitter is the trojan horse)

Step two - weaponize mental health

Step three - anyone who questions anything online is now ID verified and can be tracked down for forced meds

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Let's try it on them. Repeatedly.

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