Garbage. Jimmy Carter was a vicious anti Semite. Donald Trump should do better and be President for all people? Shame on you, Chapelle. “We are one nation, one people, one glorious nation under God…” that’s what drives Donald Trump. Shame on you, Chapelle. Palestinians put Hamas in power. They cheered October 7. They cheered 9/11. They were emboldened by terror excusing idiots like Carter. No. Not a good man. A meddling, America is always wrong, self righteous nasty old antisemite. Just because he built houses for good people? Make America Great Again. All of America. That even includes you.
Mary Sholl-- remove head from buccal cavity. You can watch videos of Nitwit-Yahoo talking about Israel strategy to prop up Hamas and pay for them...Oct 7? Somehow, magically, the normally intensely aware Israeli security apparatus was offline (just like 9/11) allowing some provocateurs to come over the border; Then fake stories about rape and babies. And 9/11.? Who was cheering? How about the dancing Israelis, who filmed the tower collapse and were cheering on. Found to be Mossad agents, they all got sent back to Israel where they bragged of their little jaunt. And how about the Israeli "art" students inside the towers for months? An "art" project? Come on child.
You must be very new to the whole "waking up" thing. Don't tell me you conflate the state of Israel with Judaism?
Btw, there are a-holes everywhere, and plenty of them are "semites." A thinking person is properly "anti" those warmongers and racists. It's time to leave Bronze Age religions behind and for humanity to graduate.
I wish to say something that draws you 'in' and does not alienate. I hear Chapelle calling for the uniting of all of us--Trump included--to draw our country and our world out of this divisive standoff that has allowed the globalist-totalitarian movement to rage across the globe. Just when it seems least likely that anything could unify us, I am so touched by Chapelle's call to Trump. Please remember that you represent ALL of us. The whole world is watching and praying. And I ask you, Mary Sholl, "Please do not throw gasoline on an already incendiary fire. Please give this new administration, and a call for 'uniting' a chance"--not because it would be the best action, BUT because it is the necessary action if humanity wants a future. Enslavement looms as a real possibility.
Thank you for your post. Yes, I want Trump to bring us together and it is clear to me that he tried before and he will try again. I am in DC for the Inaugural celebration. People from all over the country happy and hopeful. Reminds me of going to the March on Washington journey and the hope in 1963. There are forces that want to destroy that hope. And with God’s help we will get back on the right track. Chapelle’s comments were not meant to do that. Sorry. But that’s how I see it.
I am not against punishing those who have knowingly perpetrated the crimes against humanity--and there are many. But I was a Kennedy supporter before I became a Trump supporter, and the main issue that drew me was his insistence that America must unite. We cannot truly clean the swamp or stop the totalitarian takeover of our world unless humanity finds a reason to unite for a bigger purpose. There actually is a bigger purpose. It exists right now and will only grow bigger in the years ahead. We are experiencing an alien Intervention that for over 8 decades has been investigating our strengths and weaknesses and undermining the former and enhancing the latter. We think it is the globalists but in truth there is a greater threat that hopes to take over our world without a shot and utilize humanity as slave labor. They are basically resource explorers masquerading as whatever they know we are hoping for...They are the puppet masters and most do not see and very few see with the understanding of what this means for our race. There is a way to resist this takeover but it totally depends on a united front, not because we must join out love for each other. This union must be forged out of the necessity to save and maintain our freedom, both NOW and for the future of our race. We are emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life. Without a united front which recognizes that we humans have much more in common with each other that with any race in any of the billions of worlds which surround us--and see our world as a gem among mostly barren rocky planets. The saving grace for humanity in the midst of the alien Intervention here is that uniting to resist this agenda is what we need more than anything as we face a future totally unlike anything in our past. It is this perspective that humanity must have and must respond to.
Research. Most Palestinians are Christians; they did NOT put Hamas in power. Israel & the United States created ‘Hamas' as a ‘counterweight’. Hamas began in 1988 in Gaza at the time of the first intifada. Hamas was financed by Israel to weaken the Palestinian Authority. Just like the United States funded the Taliban to fight in Afghanistan, so too was Israel selling arms to Iran to fight their archenemy Iran in the early eighties. The real ‘terrorists’ — are the governments who create them, and fund them.
Just one big "no" to all that you just said. You honestly don't know that every substantive sentence you just wrote is not true? Or do you know? Which is it?
Oh Mary... what about the dancing MOSSAD men, at 9/11? What about Genocide of a civilians population? Are you also a murderer... I mean, a you know what? The J Word 😆
No man, that's shame on you for thinking that Trump doesn't need to do better. If you think he did anything right in 2020 you're clearly showing a lack of shame in him and yourself. How's Trump going to make America great again if he never made it great in the first place? You fake conservatives fail yourself a delusions and then projecting everybody else in the meantime everybody that you vote for spends all of our money none of theirs and we all pay the price why you guys turn a blind eye to it. You want to make America great again pass back our debts that you spent by allowing these government people to exist
Hey, Bob - MAGA was Trump’s slogan in 2015. He meant and means to make America as great as it was before the liberals started destroying the country. You are probably too young or too propagandized to even know what he is talking about.
Mary Troll, anyone can see that Jimmy Carter was a peacemaker. October 7 False Flag shows there's no religion in those semites anyway...... more like o'er-vaulting bloodlust and power-drunk delusions of global domination which .....AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. We can all now see why Carter's exhaustive efforts to achieve peace ultimately failed. The (perpetual victims) Semites( who are alsothe Original Aggressors) have larger regional ambitions.
The Zionists’ blood lust dates back to the late 19th century at the very least. Israel Zangwill toured Palestine and was discomfited by Jews who lived there and told him they sought a peaceful coexistence (with Jews in the role of savior and paternalistic civilized, but still, coexistence). He went back home for a few years then began lecturing, proselytizing really, his concept that the Jews should drive out the “Arabs” by the sword. He found willing ears, and people only shushed him whenever it seemed like foreign leaders, say for example the Sultan who ruled Palestine, or European supporters such as the donors who gave the Zionists cash for their project, were becoming aware of this more fundamental element of their plan.
What were you saying about viciousness against Semites? These European Jews had it in for the constant inhabitants of Palestine, and for their property, too.
And by the way, the Jews, including Netanyahu, put Hamas in power. I don’t just mean his support of their government so that they would remain an easy target for bigots, I mean: no Jewish invasion, no resistance. Easy as can be.
America would be much better off without having to clean up the discord the Zionists create at all turns. It’s fundamental to their strategy for keeping their false nation stumbling along: create a conflict and lure a neighbor into retaliating, then wage convention-shattering war on them while making short term promises to ease off then immediately breaking them; use a standard air then ground strategy to deliver grossly excessive response to a measured retaliatory sally, and continue throwing the world’s deadliest bullying tantrum until forced to stop by some other country or the international community, then spend time proclaiming innocence and restocking armaments, then wash rinse repeat a little while later, when a new crop of IOF is eager to hurt some people. Sort of like spoiled sons of the plantation master, taking a turn beating the slaves as a coming of age gift from the tolerant west. The strategy has been well analyzed and one thing that pops out is how uncreative and dependent on what was created in the past they are. So we can definitely expect to see them try this stunt again, unless Trump does better and keeps his son in law out of the situation this time, and takes a different and more historically informed approach to his value judgment of Israel and its colonial, yet really vastly premodern, savagery.
You are a vicious idiot. Proven by your idiot worthy statements. Jimmy Carter was a courageous, good man, but of course you have to villify him for your own murdering militant Agenda.
Sorry. But no. Don’t have time or inclination to unravel this. Palestinians are not Christians. Where you got that idea is a mystery. And yes they voted Hamas into power. Permanently.
Are you unaware of the Palestinian Christians? There are some widely known Christmas sermons from the past two Christmases which may be something you would appreciate seeing. The crèche is something sublime, and I do not mean beautiful in any simple way. I mean sublime. There are also the videos of the Christian church destroyed by deliberate Zionist attack, not an accident. One of the oldest churches that there were. I do suggest looking for these. The Christian presence has been there all along, peacefully so. Small yes, but not despised by the true Palestinians.
I think President Trump will indeed Make America Great Again and Make America Healthy Again. It won't all be done in 4 years, but it will be a start. Everyone will benefit, not just one preferred group. 🇺🇲
I think Dave, who is my neighbor, should stick to comedy and not try to be politically influential. I have all but stopped watching movies because so many of the actors have involved themselves in politics and they are ALL on the side of the Democrats which I believe are a cancer on the American idea.
In the words of another comedian, “So if you do win an award tonight, don't use it as a platform to make a political speech. You're in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg. Come up, accept your little award, thank your agent, and your God and f*** off, OK"?
Israel/Palestine is not a democrat issue and not a political issue. When is it ever a bad thing to remind people to be humane? As I have watched the horrible wildfires in California -- the huge devastation there and dislocation of so many people who are likely never to have their familiar community back -- made me think also of the Palestinians who have been displaced so many times with rubble all around them and nowhere to go.
I hope that Trump will mastermind a two-state solution that works. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Carter is relevant today because he died. I lived through his bumbling presidency, sat in the every -other- day gas lines, etc. Yes, I love Dave's humor for the most part, but after listening to this, I'm wary of his good sense. Taking a political stance is a dangerous thing for a celebrity to do, and he also left out western NC, Tenn., Ga. and SC as well as West Palestine, Ohio. There have been other "coinsidental" man-made catastrophes this year, as well as 2 assassination attempts on the President elect. The state and fate of Palestine is the last thing on this piece of "human garbage's" mind! PLEASE! Bring on our new President! Bring on bad consequences for bad behavior! I am praying so hard for this ship to be righted!
Carter was always incompetent especially in foreign affairs. From the debacle with the Shah of Iran and the hostages that the komeinist took to the so called ‘palestinians ‘. He was certainly not a friend of the Jews. His center received a lot of arab money.
Carter was a hard core Globalist. Part of the Trilateral Group . David Rockefeller’s robot. I confess I am not a SNL watcher. Just another group of sickos.
Chappelle acted to move the broader audience towards a softer neverTrump status, their natural psychological defenses lowered via humour. He opened their eyes to look for the compassionate side of Trump, which MOCKINGBIRDs have blinded neverTrumpers to.
Sometimes even small progress can be disproportionately important, if it results in a change in momentum.
This is typical of liberals. No mention of all the hundreds of thousands of violent illegal alien criminals who’ve been killing innocent Americans, or the 340,000 missing children being trafficked and other gruesome and horrible treatment to feed the elites sick appetite, or the money going to illegals that should have been sent to help Americans in East Palestine, North Carolina and other states ravaged by the manipulated Hurricane Helene, now the manmade wild fires caused by intentional neglect by California officials to build their smart cities (President Trump warned them that this neglect would be disastrous, but that was the plan), the fires in Lahaina and Maui, and the billions to house, feed and bribe the illegals in all the blue cities while Americans are forced to be homeless, etc. I could go on!
This was all on Obama and Obiden!! We all know Obiden was the puppet! I don’t watch any of these creeps on TV anymore. They’ve lost their humor! Obiden/Obama and their heads of the three letter agencies that have been fully corrupted all should be arrested for abuse of power and stealing from the American people! The people who could also do better are the ignorant liberals who think what Obiden/Obama did to America is okay and they support destroying America further!! Just like the stupid march in D C yesterday and these anti-Americans were defacing property as they marched! No talking heads said a word!! I can think of lots of people who must do better, but they always get a pass with the left! How about the 158 democrats who voted against the Laken Riley Act!!
We’ve learned that the majority of democrats these days are all criminals and the left has better wake up to that fact!! Like I told my ignorant liberal brother in law…do you think these illegal aliens will ask them what their affiliation is before killing them???? He looked at me and couldn’t say a word!! He had the nerve to say, oh, there isn’t any crime in NY!!! Let’s ask the lady who was doused with gas and lit on fire by an illegal on the subway!! Why ole Hochul bragged that subways were safer!! Oh sure!! Let’s ask all the police being attacked. And I could go on and on!
I don’t believe Carter was a good man. Walking into Palestine after writing a book favoring them does not make him brave. And you’re correct, Chappelle was unfair and bias with his comments on Trump. Why these people think they know better is beyond me.
Well, you know what they say about people who assume. Sounds like you haven’t had your cup of coffee yet today. What a stupid remark. If that’s what you got out of what I said, your ego needs a vacation.
You know, it is possible to not care for either side in this, right? You can believe they’ve both been bad actors, right? Don’t assume. It just makes you look stupid… like she said.
While I don’t like where Dave’s coming from, I do believe Trump can and will do better this time around. God gave him 4 years in the wilderness to plan for his return and I believe he learned much from that. He is fully aware of the many ways that the deep state thwarted him in his first term and, in the immortal words of The Who, “Won’t Get Fooled Again!”
I like Dave Chappelle but am disappointed in him singling out President Trump instead of Biden & all the horrific Democrat Governors & Mayors who have supported criminals instead of the police & law & order?
When Trump was President the first time everything was better & cheaper & economy headed back in the right direction, except for all the trouble the corrupt Uniparty & Soros types & the lying MSM who did everything to try to stop Trump from MAGA.
The corrupt NWO Uniparty which is run by the WEF elite tyrants have embedded traitors in our government & military & DOJ in the highest levels.
They are trying to divide us & destroy America because they want a One World Government where they have complete power over everyone.
They want MASSIVE depopulation worldwide & they want to destroy the middle class & take away our ability to own any land.
They want to make it impossible for any of us to become wealthy.
They want to rule EVERYTHING & make us their slaves who will be corralled into their 15 minute “Smart Cities” which will end up becoming like concentration camps.
It is why they allowed (helped?) LA to burn, because they need the land to rebuild their first “Smart City” which they already planned a few years ago & called: “LA 2.0” & they want to have it mostly completed before they host the Olympics in 2028.
Newscum seems more excited about this rebuilding of LA than caring about everyone’s loss?
He singled Donald Trump out because he’s genuinely relevant, no matter what side you're on, if you agree or disagree, if you’re abhorred or enthralled by his views - Trump definitely has personality - for Chappelle to satirise Dozy Joe, it would be a cruel monologue of mumbling dementia jokes!
Regarding the Trump comment... Trump has been attacked from every direction and he still wants to Make America Great Again... for everyone. He is rich, he did not have to take on this huge responsibility... but he did. He is not a petty person.
Chapelle is a gaslighter that believes his own crap! He obviously has zero insight, even about God- God doesn’t hate, and blaming the fires on God- is using a lie about God to further the left’s agenda- (pro- terrorists, anti-American, and pro- Communist ways)!
The fires were caused by the abysmal incompetents and planners sitting in the highest offices of CA government! Newscum, Pelosi, and by extension the DEI hires, Karen Bass and her lesbians, and money laundering “ leaders” in LA and the burning surroundings, set this up for their land grab, and money laundering schemes! They want 15 minute cities to be experienced by southern CA citizens up close and personally!
Let’s see- Hunter Biden’s “ paintings” were insured and he will be reimbursed 20 million, but the homeowners in middle class neighborhoods were kicked off their insurance 4 months before the fire- and 100% re-imbursement is on the way for the rich property owners! Sounds like collusion between government, wealthy insurers and the CA wealthy class!
LA would still be standing if CA leaders had listened to Trump in 2016- fill the reservoirs, clean up the forest floor, invest in fire fighting preventatives and stop stealing from the people to fund your agendas ( trips to Ghana)! But- as it is- YOU and yours will be paying for this liberal money/land grab fiasco! Even though CA liberals stole from CA citizens - the Federal government ( that’s you and me for those in Rio Linda) will be re-funding that! We will watch the insurance companies pass those high costs onto the rest of the country as well, by increasing their homeowner’s insurance for everyone in the nation needing it! The liberal stench is sickening- vote out the liars, thieves and usurpers!
Agree that Biden was a hot mess. Chapelle underscoring that in the moment would not have helped anything, and I think it would have diluted the focus of the moment: his message to DJT about the future. Trump already knows and has said that he was unhappy with how things went the first time, is more carefully choosing people, but whether Trump's "Better" is OUR "Better" is a) yet to be seen, and b) our definition of better is going to vary from person to person. I'm willing to watch and see if Trump can deliver on his agenda, where I have a surprising number of areas of personal agreement--but then, who am I, and what does it matter what one man thinks?
In the end, it's clear that it's not what someone says, but what they do. Even if we only focus on the agenda that we can all generally agree upon (instead of focusing on our differences) it can make a big difference.
Anyways, I agree with Chapelle, let's all of us "Do Better" in the ways we can. It's the collective action--not the collective posting and tweeting" that will make the most difference.
What do I think? Let's start with that's NOT Dave Chappelle. No way is that guy really him. Dave has been replaced and I believe that's what Dave was very fearful of...of being cloned and killed off against his will. I believe Dave refused to play ball with these Satanists.
He doesn’t look the same and his voice is very similar, but not exactly the same. It’s not just like he used to sound. It’s like a really good impression, but not spot on and same with how he looks.
He was being very vocal about what was going on in the world over the past few years. He didn’t like it and he was quiet for a while and said he’s probably in trouble for the things he was saying against the left. Now he’s talking up the left again. And, he looks and sounds a bit different. Whatever the truth is, he was nervous for telling the truth about what happened over the past 4 years. Too bad. He was right in saying what most of us knew to be wrong.
Give the guy his due. He did say "all of us do better." I would suggest, in his case, that he might try to begin to understand that the Jews are the most displaced people in the history of the world clinging to their very existence as a people, mostly in small enclaves here and there in the world. If he considers the Palestinians to be displaced, he should really really begin asking himself why they're where they are and why literally NO ONE wants to give them sanctuary EXCEPT ISRAEL!
Garbage. Jimmy Carter was a vicious anti Semite. Donald Trump should do better and be President for all people? Shame on you, Chapelle. “We are one nation, one people, one glorious nation under God…” that’s what drives Donald Trump. Shame on you, Chapelle. Palestinians put Hamas in power. They cheered October 7. They cheered 9/11. They were emboldened by terror excusing idiots like Carter. No. Not a good man. A meddling, America is always wrong, self righteous nasty old antisemite. Just because he built houses for good people? Make America Great Again. All of America. That even includes you.
Zionists will always support their apartheid, regardless of who else is destroyed.
You do not know the definition of apartheid
Jimmy Carter learned it from South Africa and recognized it in Israel.
Mary Sholl-- remove head from buccal cavity. You can watch videos of Nitwit-Yahoo talking about Israel strategy to prop up Hamas and pay for them...Oct 7? Somehow, magically, the normally intensely aware Israeli security apparatus was offline (just like 9/11) allowing some provocateurs to come over the border; Then fake stories about rape and babies. And 9/11.? Who was cheering? How about the dancing Israelis, who filmed the tower collapse and were cheering on. Found to be Mossad agents, they all got sent back to Israel where they bragged of their little jaunt. And how about the Israeli "art" students inside the towers for months? An "art" project? Come on child.
You must be very new to the whole "waking up" thing. Don't tell me you conflate the state of Israel with Judaism?
Btw, there are a-holes everywhere, and plenty of them are "semites." A thinking person is properly "anti" those warmongers and racists. It's time to leave Bronze Age religions behind and for humanity to graduate.
I wish to say something that draws you 'in' and does not alienate. I hear Chapelle calling for the uniting of all of us--Trump included--to draw our country and our world out of this divisive standoff that has allowed the globalist-totalitarian movement to rage across the globe. Just when it seems least likely that anything could unify us, I am so touched by Chapelle's call to Trump. Please remember that you represent ALL of us. The whole world is watching and praying. And I ask you, Mary Sholl, "Please do not throw gasoline on an already incendiary fire. Please give this new administration, and a call for 'uniting' a chance"--not because it would be the best action, BUT because it is the necessary action if humanity wants a future. Enslavement looms as a real possibility.
Thank you for your post. Yes, I want Trump to bring us together and it is clear to me that he tried before and he will try again. I am in DC for the Inaugural celebration. People from all over the country happy and hopeful. Reminds me of going to the March on Washington journey and the hope in 1963. There are forces that want to destroy that hope. And with God’s help we will get back on the right track. Chapelle’s comments were not meant to do that. Sorry. But that’s how I see it.
Thanks for this reply, Mary. I see you more clearly now and appreciate you.
nitpickers everywhere
The correct one would be: "give this new administration a chance and an appeal NOT to 'unite'", BUT TO PUNISH ALL THESE CRIMINALS.
Because it is weakness that feeds the hatred of the weak and cowardly: GO TRUMP!!!
Globalists Want to 'Reduce Carbon'? So let them start with themselves!
Didn't the war industry that put Biden in power want "wars" to sell old weapons? ... And now they want to "unite"?
I am not against punishing those who have knowingly perpetrated the crimes against humanity--and there are many. But I was a Kennedy supporter before I became a Trump supporter, and the main issue that drew me was his insistence that America must unite. We cannot truly clean the swamp or stop the totalitarian takeover of our world unless humanity finds a reason to unite for a bigger purpose. There actually is a bigger purpose. It exists right now and will only grow bigger in the years ahead. We are experiencing an alien Intervention that for over 8 decades has been investigating our strengths and weaknesses and undermining the former and enhancing the latter. We think it is the globalists but in truth there is a greater threat that hopes to take over our world without a shot and utilize humanity as slave labor. They are basically resource explorers masquerading as whatever they know we are hoping for...They are the puppet masters and most do not see and very few see with the understanding of what this means for our race. There is a way to resist this takeover but it totally depends on a united front, not because we must join out love for each other. This union must be forged out of the necessity to save and maintain our freedom, both NOW and for the future of our race. We are emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life. Without a united front which recognizes that we humans have much more in common with each other that with any race in any of the billions of worlds which surround us--and see our world as a gem among mostly barren rocky planets. The saving grace for humanity in the midst of the alien Intervention here is that uniting to resist this agenda is what we need more than anything as we face a future totally unlike anything in our past. It is this perspective that humanity must have and must respond to. It is best to educate yourself about your enemy.
Research. Most Palestinians are Christians; they did NOT put Hamas in power. Israel & the United States created ‘Hamas' as a ‘counterweight’. Hamas began in 1988 in Gaza at the time of the first intifada. Hamas was financed by Israel to weaken the Palestinian Authority. Just like the United States funded the Taliban to fight in Afghanistan, so too was Israel selling arms to Iran to fight their archenemy Iran in the early eighties. The real ‘terrorists’ — are the governments who create them, and fund them.
How Israel Helped Create Hamas:
As for the ‘Semites’ — Start here: 'The Last Semite' by TJ Smith
Everything is NOT as it seems. Godspeed ✞🕊
Just one big "no" to all that you just said. You honestly don't know that every substantive sentence you just wrote is not true? Or do you know? Which is it?
Oh Mary... what about the dancing MOSSAD men, at 9/11? What about Genocide of a civilians population? Are you also a murderer... I mean, a you know what? The J Word 😆
No man, that's shame on you for thinking that Trump doesn't need to do better. If you think he did anything right in 2020 you're clearly showing a lack of shame in him and yourself. How's Trump going to make America great again if he never made it great in the first place? You fake conservatives fail yourself a delusions and then projecting everybody else in the meantime everybody that you vote for spends all of our money none of theirs and we all pay the price why you guys turn a blind eye to it. You want to make America great again pass back our debts that you spent by allowing these government people to exist
Hey, Bob - MAGA was Trump’s slogan in 2015. He meant and means to make America as great as it was before the liberals started destroying the country. You are probably too young or too propagandized to even know what he is talking about.
Bobb? You mean Boob. As in dumb? Right.
Mary Troll, anyone can see that Jimmy Carter was a peacemaker. October 7 False Flag shows there's no religion in those semites anyway...... more like o'er-vaulting bloodlust and power-drunk delusions of global domination which .....AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. We can all now see why Carter's exhaustive efforts to achieve peace ultimately failed. The (perpetual victims) Semites( who are alsothe Original Aggressors) have larger regional ambitions.
The Zionists’ blood lust dates back to the late 19th century at the very least. Israel Zangwill toured Palestine and was discomfited by Jews who lived there and told him they sought a peaceful coexistence (with Jews in the role of savior and paternalistic civilized, but still, coexistence). He went back home for a few years then began lecturing, proselytizing really, his concept that the Jews should drive out the “Arabs” by the sword. He found willing ears, and people only shushed him whenever it seemed like foreign leaders, say for example the Sultan who ruled Palestine, or European supporters such as the donors who gave the Zionists cash for their project, were becoming aware of this more fundamental element of their plan.
What were you saying about viciousness against Semites? These European Jews had it in for the constant inhabitants of Palestine, and for their property, too.
And by the way, the Jews, including Netanyahu, put Hamas in power. I don’t just mean his support of their government so that they would remain an easy target for bigots, I mean: no Jewish invasion, no resistance. Easy as can be.
America would be much better off without having to clean up the discord the Zionists create at all turns. It’s fundamental to their strategy for keeping their false nation stumbling along: create a conflict and lure a neighbor into retaliating, then wage convention-shattering war on them while making short term promises to ease off then immediately breaking them; use a standard air then ground strategy to deliver grossly excessive response to a measured retaliatory sally, and continue throwing the world’s deadliest bullying tantrum until forced to stop by some other country or the international community, then spend time proclaiming innocence and restocking armaments, then wash rinse repeat a little while later, when a new crop of IOF is eager to hurt some people. Sort of like spoiled sons of the plantation master, taking a turn beating the slaves as a coming of age gift from the tolerant west. The strategy has been well analyzed and one thing that pops out is how uncreative and dependent on what was created in the past they are. So we can definitely expect to see them try this stunt again, unless Trump does better and keeps his son in law out of the situation this time, and takes a different and more historically informed approach to his value judgment of Israel and its colonial, yet really vastly premodern, savagery.
You are a vicious idiot. Proven by your idiot worthy statements. Jimmy Carter was a courageous, good man, but of course you have to villify him for your own murdering militant Agenda.
Sorry. But no. Don’t have time or inclination to unravel this. Palestinians are not Christians. Where you got that idea is a mystery. And yes they voted Hamas into power. Permanently.
Are you unaware of the Palestinian Christians? There are some widely known Christmas sermons from the past two Christmases which may be something you would appreciate seeing. The crèche is something sublime, and I do not mean beautiful in any simple way. I mean sublime. There are also the videos of the Christian church destroyed by deliberate Zionist attack, not an accident. One of the oldest churches that there were. I do suggest looking for these. The Christian presence has been there all along, peacefully so. Small yes, but not despised by the true Palestinians.
With funding from the US and the Zionists.
I think President Trump will indeed Make America Great Again and Make America Healthy Again. It won't all be done in 4 years, but it will be a start. Everyone will benefit, not just one preferred group. 🇺🇲
I think Dave, who is my neighbor, should stick to comedy and not try to be politically influential. I have all but stopped watching movies because so many of the actors have involved themselves in politics and they are ALL on the side of the Democrats which I believe are a cancer on the American idea.
In the words of another comedian, “So if you do win an award tonight, don't use it as a platform to make a political speech. You're in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg. Come up, accept your little award, thank your agent, and your God and f*** off, OK"?
(Ricky Gervais)
Israel/Palestine is not a democrat issue and not a political issue. When is it ever a bad thing to remind people to be humane? As I have watched the horrible wildfires in California -- the huge devastation there and dislocation of so many people who are likely never to have their familiar community back -- made me think also of the Palestinians who have been displaced so many times with rubble all around them and nowhere to go.
I hope that Trump will mastermind a two-state solution that works. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Carter is relevant today because he died. I lived through his bumbling presidency, sat in the every -other- day gas lines, etc. Yes, I love Dave's humor for the most part, but after listening to this, I'm wary of his good sense. Taking a political stance is a dangerous thing for a celebrity to do, and he also left out western NC, Tenn., Ga. and SC as well as West Palestine, Ohio. There have been other "coinsidental" man-made catastrophes this year, as well as 2 assassination attempts on the President elect. The state and fate of Palestine is the last thing on this piece of "human garbage's" mind! PLEASE! Bring on our new President! Bring on bad consequences for bad behavior! I am praying so hard for this ship to be righted!
Carter is relevant because he earned his Nobel Prize instead of buying it like Obama did.
Carter was always incompetent especially in foreign affairs. From the debacle with the Shah of Iran and the hostages that the komeinist took to the so called ‘palestinians ‘. He was certainly not a friend of the Jews. His center received a lot of arab money.
Carter was a hard core Globalist. Part of the Trilateral Group . David Rockefeller’s robot. I confess I am not a SNL watcher. Just another group of sickos.
You are right on
Carter had nothing whatsoever to do with the installation of the Shah of Iran. That was the CIA, as usual.
Respectfully disagree somewhat. Chappelle is smart. He knows the SNL audience tends left/Dem/neverTrump. Recall in 2016 on SNL, he said he was giving Trump a chance to a Trump-hostile audience.
Chappelle acted to move the broader audience towards a softer neverTrump status, their natural psychological defenses lowered via humour. He opened their eyes to look for the compassionate side of Trump, which MOCKINGBIRDs have blinded neverTrumpers to.
Sometimes even small progress can be disproportionately important, if it results in a change in momentum.
Nice comment, that’s a good take on this.
Thank you for the kind sentiment, Gabe.
This is typical of liberals. No mention of all the hundreds of thousands of violent illegal alien criminals who’ve been killing innocent Americans, or the 340,000 missing children being trafficked and other gruesome and horrible treatment to feed the elites sick appetite, or the money going to illegals that should have been sent to help Americans in East Palestine, North Carolina and other states ravaged by the manipulated Hurricane Helene, now the manmade wild fires caused by intentional neglect by California officials to build their smart cities (President Trump warned them that this neglect would be disastrous, but that was the plan), the fires in Lahaina and Maui, and the billions to house, feed and bribe the illegals in all the blue cities while Americans are forced to be homeless, etc. I could go on!
This was all on Obama and Obiden!! We all know Obiden was the puppet! I don’t watch any of these creeps on TV anymore. They’ve lost their humor! Obiden/Obama and their heads of the three letter agencies that have been fully corrupted all should be arrested for abuse of power and stealing from the American people! The people who could also do better are the ignorant liberals who think what Obiden/Obama did to America is okay and they support destroying America further!! Just like the stupid march in D C yesterday and these anti-Americans were defacing property as they marched! No talking heads said a word!! I can think of lots of people who must do better, but they always get a pass with the left! How about the 158 democrats who voted against the Laken Riley Act!!
We’ve learned that the majority of democrats these days are all criminals and the left has better wake up to that fact!! Like I told my ignorant liberal brother in law…do you think these illegal aliens will ask them what their affiliation is before killing them???? He looked at me and couldn’t say a word!! He had the nerve to say, oh, there isn’t any crime in NY!!! Let’s ask the lady who was doused with gas and lit on fire by an illegal on the subway!! Why ole Hochul bragged that subways were safer!! Oh sure!! Let’s ask all the police being attacked. And I could go on and on!
You already did.
As you already have...
I don’t believe Carter was a good man. Walking into Palestine after writing a book favoring them does not make him brave. And you’re correct, Chappelle was unfair and bias with his comments on Trump. Why these people think they know better is beyond me.
I assume that you regard Zionists as God's people.
Well, you know what they say about people who assume. Sounds like you haven’t had your cup of coffee yet today. What a stupid remark. If that’s what you got out of what I said, your ego needs a vacation.
I'm not the caffeine addict that you are.
I'm not the caffeine that you are.
You know, it is possible to not care for either side in this, right? You can believe they’ve both been bad actors, right? Don’t assume. It just makes you look stupid… like she said.
Wow, great comeback. I’m devastated.
I don't pick on the devastated, especially when they did it to themselves.
While I don’t like where Dave’s coming from, I do believe Trump can and will do better this time around. God gave him 4 years in the wilderness to plan for his return and I believe he learned much from that. He is fully aware of the many ways that the deep state thwarted him in his first term and, in the immortal words of The Who, “Won’t Get Fooled Again!”
Chapelle may be the long-awaited replacement for Carlin.
Why don’t you like where Dave is coming from? IMO he’s always pretty moderate in his views and errs towards common sense and humanity.
I have always liked Dave. What I am referring to here is his very apparent slight of Trump. Very disappointed in a man I admire.
I like Dave Chappelle but am disappointed in him singling out President Trump instead of Biden & all the horrific Democrat Governors & Mayors who have supported criminals instead of the police & law & order?
When Trump was President the first time everything was better & cheaper & economy headed back in the right direction, except for all the trouble the corrupt Uniparty & Soros types & the lying MSM who did everything to try to stop Trump from MAGA.
The corrupt NWO Uniparty which is run by the WEF elite tyrants have embedded traitors in our government & military & DOJ in the highest levels.
They are trying to divide us & destroy America because they want a One World Government where they have complete power over everyone.
They want MASSIVE depopulation worldwide & they want to destroy the middle class & take away our ability to own any land.
They want to make it impossible for any of us to become wealthy.
They want to rule EVERYTHING & make us their slaves who will be corralled into their 15 minute “Smart Cities” which will end up becoming like concentration camps.
It is why they allowed (helped?) LA to burn, because they need the land to rebuild their first “Smart City” which they already planned a few years ago & called: “LA 2.0” & they want to have it mostly completed before they host the Olympics in 2028.
Newscum seems more excited about this rebuilding of LA than caring about everyone’s loss?
He singled Donald Trump out because he’s genuinely relevant, no matter what side you're on, if you agree or disagree, if you’re abhorred or enthralled by his views - Trump definitely has personality - for Chappelle to satirise Dozy Joe, it would be a cruel monologue of mumbling dementia jokes!
Regarding the Trump comment... Trump has been attacked from every direction and he still wants to Make America Great Again... for everyone. He is rich, he did not have to take on this huge responsibility... but he did. He is not a petty person.
Chapelle is a gaslighter that believes his own crap! He obviously has zero insight, even about God- God doesn’t hate, and blaming the fires on God- is using a lie about God to further the left’s agenda- (pro- terrorists, anti-American, and pro- Communist ways)!
The fires were caused by the abysmal incompetents and planners sitting in the highest offices of CA government! Newscum, Pelosi, and by extension the DEI hires, Karen Bass and her lesbians, and money laundering “ leaders” in LA and the burning surroundings, set this up for their land grab, and money laundering schemes! They want 15 minute cities to be experienced by southern CA citizens up close and personally!
Let’s see- Hunter Biden’s “ paintings” were insured and he will be reimbursed 20 million, but the homeowners in middle class neighborhoods were kicked off their insurance 4 months before the fire- and 100% re-imbursement is on the way for the rich property owners! Sounds like collusion between government, wealthy insurers and the CA wealthy class!
LA would still be standing if CA leaders had listened to Trump in 2016- fill the reservoirs, clean up the forest floor, invest in fire fighting preventatives and stop stealing from the people to fund your agendas ( trips to Ghana)! But- as it is- YOU and yours will be paying for this liberal money/land grab fiasco! Even though CA liberals stole from CA citizens - the Federal government ( that’s you and me for those in Rio Linda) will be re-funding that! We will watch the insurance companies pass those high costs onto the rest of the country as well, by increasing their homeowner’s insurance for everyone in the nation needing it! The liberal stench is sickening- vote out the liars, thieves and usurpers!
Well, you don't know which "god" Hollywood bows to, so it may be more accurate than you're giving him credit for.
Defining actions as hateful and then using God as an excuse for that is not of God!
Carter was a total GLOBALIST who fooled everyone. After all he brought this country :
1. The Department of Energy
2. The Department of Education
3. Senior Executive Service
Agree that Biden was a hot mess. Chapelle underscoring that in the moment would not have helped anything, and I think it would have diluted the focus of the moment: his message to DJT about the future. Trump already knows and has said that he was unhappy with how things went the first time, is more carefully choosing people, but whether Trump's "Better" is OUR "Better" is a) yet to be seen, and b) our definition of better is going to vary from person to person. I'm willing to watch and see if Trump can deliver on his agenda, where I have a surprising number of areas of personal agreement--but then, who am I, and what does it matter what one man thinks?
In the end, it's clear that it's not what someone says, but what they do. Even if we only focus on the agenda that we can all generally agree upon (instead of focusing on our differences) it can make a big difference.
Anyways, I agree with Chapelle, let's all of us "Do Better" in the ways we can. It's the collective action--not the collective posting and tweeting" that will make the most difference.
What do I think? Let's start with that's NOT Dave Chappelle. No way is that guy really him. Dave has been replaced and I believe that's what Dave was very fearful of...of being cloned and killed off against his will. I believe Dave refused to play ball with these Satanists.
He does look different. Beefed up.
Dave was of a slight build. This Dave is a weight lifter...definitely not the real Dave.
Maybe just gained weight as he got older? The husky voice is the same
He doesn’t look the same and his voice is very similar, but not exactly the same. It’s not just like he used to sound. It’s like a really good impression, but not spot on and same with how he looks.
He was being very vocal about what was going on in the world over the past few years. He didn’t like it and he was quiet for a while and said he’s probably in trouble for the things he was saying against the left. Now he’s talking up the left again. And, he looks and sounds a bit different. Whatever the truth is, he was nervous for telling the truth about what happened over the past 4 years. Too bad. He was right in saying what most of us knew to be wrong.
No...this guy is a weight builder. I've seen him in knit shirts...big muscles. This is NOT Dave Chappelle.
Give the guy his due. He did say "all of us do better." I would suggest, in his case, that he might try to begin to understand that the Jews are the most displaced people in the history of the world clinging to their very existence as a people, mostly in small enclaves here and there in the world. If he considers the Palestinians to be displaced, he should really really begin asking himself why they're where they are and why literally NO ONE wants to give them sanctuary EXCEPT ISRAEL!
Excellent. Bless you