Until there is a VERY good explanation from the Feds, the only explanation for Crooks's strategically near perfect sniper rooftop position (and ladder roof access) with a tree line obscuring the line of sight of two secret service countersniper and over-the-head of a third sniper overwatch positioned within the same building complex with no roof line of sight, is that Crooks had advance knowledge of where the counter-sniper assets would be positioned during the rally.. The prima fascie evidence for this advance knowledge is the Secret Service Director who is on the record stating she denied for no apparent reason a sniper overwatch position on the same building complex roof used by Crooks. Why she is not being interrogated by the Feds is absolutely stunning.

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The silence is deafening...

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There is silence because they did not think Trump would survive. Plan B (Trump survives) is messy clean-up (cover-up). The problem now, unlike JFK, the internet will NOT allow for a cover-up to proceed as easily as JFK.

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And the "science" is execrating.

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Why? We all know why it is evident, just like the rigged election in 2020, just like the fake Russia Hoax, Just like the Fake impeachments, Just like the Scamdemic of 2020! The so-called Deep State is the new mafia that is indirectly going after legit tax-paying citizens! We are witnessing the crumbling of an empire. My father said forty years ago that the United States of America would not last; he said it would crumble long before any empire (Roman, British, etc.)

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For me this is all a huge yawner so I never bothered enough to get as far as reading/hearing the shooter's name. I had no idea the shooter's name was "Crook."

If true, that's another howler. And a great clue.

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Listening to Dan Bongino, who has inside contact, he said he climbed up the AC unit outside. The cop that that saw him on the roof was lifted up by another cop.

Still doesn't answer the questions.

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Pfizer and Murderna assassin's have successfully stolen more lives so they can continue their blood money excess deaths.

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Exactly - more distraction here - let's keep our eye on the ball - and not forget that Trump signed Amercica's death warrant with mass vax and the Secure 5G act.

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Trump never mandated the “vax.” And you should know by now that those COVID jabs were developed years before Trump was in office. You should also remember that he promoted early treatment with ivermectin and HCQ but was scewered by the mass media, the public, Academia and professional organizations around the world for doing so. I wish that he would stop praising the jabs. Perhaps, after the election, he will finally admit that he was lied to by so called “experts” and that he plans to do a thorough investigation of the debacle. If he were to admit that now, he would lose the votes of the pro-jabbers too. He has already lost the votes of a great many anti-jabbers. In a recently leaked phone call with RFK Jr, Trump invited him to serve in a role to put some common sense in, at least, the pediatric vaccine schedule. If RFK Jr would accept such a role, he would have Trump’s attention.

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100%, and the wireless communication and cell phone industry has been unregulated since its inception! If we are to take personal responsibility for our electronic gadget habit/addiction and perhaps pick up a book instead of reading off of a computer, tablet, or phone.

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Well said. Trump made many mistakes in his first term trusting and taking advice from those he shouldn't have, as many had their own agendas he wasn't aware of. Heck, he even trusted Fauci at first until he found out differently.

With his 1st term experience he's all the wiser now.

A common theme with Trump is whenever he makes a decision, everyone benefits - contrary to the Administration we have now

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DJT is a very gracious person. He even mentions the secret agents gratefully.

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I spite of all of Trump’s braggadocio about his accomplishments, he has always been a very gracious, generous, compassionate person. He just doesn’t go around telling people how kind he really is. Many, since 2015, have reported how Trump helped them through personal crises and grief in so many ways, but the left only wants you to think “orange man bad.”

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He has the right to list his accomplishments because if he doesn't do it, nobody else will, and since he has the following and the platform to do that, he should. Despite all the attacks in his four years in office, he has proven himself. Imagine how things would have been if the DemonRats and RepubTurd/RINOS had worked with him!

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Thank you so much for sharing this. An important part of history. Thank you.

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I still feel like I am in a shock at what happened in my state of Pennsylvania.

We came so close to losing our country.

After the trauma of covid, the lockdowns, school closures, demise of small businesses, inflation, and treachery in Biden's White House and government agencies, how much more can we take?

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Did he say he got blood all over his hand?

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Yeah…. But he didn’t. They’d better get their story straight.

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You haven’t seen all of the pictures, obviously. I saw pictures showing blood on his hand.

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Photo editing software can work wonders.

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lol but not when I was supposed to be there.

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He only wants to say the story once because it is hard to keep things straight when they are lying.

This was all part of a pre-meditated plan and Trump was in on it.

There are more holes in the story than in his head.

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It was a PR stunt but people bigger than trump were in on it, just like they were in on 9/11. People can’t get their head out of partisan politics. The red/blue game is just a sham/cover. The people in charge (who no one can see) pull the levers.

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Good for you for being able to see the bigger picture.

So many people I know that have spotted other false flags for some reason didn't see this one.

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“[Teddy]Roosevelt then said : "Pettigrew, you know the two old parties are just alike. They are both controlled by the same influences…”

- R. F. Pettigrew, “Imperial Washington,” The story of American Public life from 1870 to 1920 (1922), p 234


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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

I cannot express how glad I am that Trump was spared and is safe. But no matter how unpopular it is to say so, the terrible events 5 days ago point out a painfully obvious reality that so many (including Trump himself) will always refuse to admit. Guns are meant to KILL. Period. Guns needlessly cost thousands and thousands of human lives every year. Guns DO NOT "keep people safe" (NOBODY sincerely believes that). If mRNA vaccines kill 2 people for every 1 saved (certainly possible), guns kill 10-100 people for every 1 saved. Look at the data. That's why I am anti-mRNA vaccine AND anti-gun, because I refuse to be a hypocrite. More liberal access to GUNS=more needlessly DEAD people. Period. If you think you disagree, keep in mind the fact that one day it could be YOUR loved one needlessly and brutally killed by a gun. Think about that.

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And if a gun wouldn’t have stopped the shooter who would have?

Do you blame the car when someone runs over your cat?

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Without a gun the shooter would have been stopped from being a shooter.

Is limiting guns a 100% solution to stopping violence, of course not. Do you think wearing a seat belt should be avoided because it doesn't stop anywhere near 100% of deaths in cars?

Your first question is worse than Pfizer asking: "if Pfizer's Eliquis wouldn't have stopped the (Pfizer vaccine induced) fatal heart attack then what would have?"

And regarding your second question: Cars are meant to transport. Guns are meant to KILL.

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Good guys with guns eventually stopped the bad guy with a gun.

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Guns and cars do not have a meaning. They have a use. Véhicules have been used in terrorist attacks and guns have been used to protect the innocent-as they should have been in this case, but were not until it was almost too late.

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And look at how many knife and machete attacks happen in Europe.

And it was a truck that killed and injured hundreds in Nice, France.

Crazy people intent on murder will always find a way.

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I am 100% for the removal of all guns, that is a beautiful thought and I agree. And we'll do it like this: First we take away all the guns from all the bad guys, and then we'll take them all away from all the governments, and then it will finally be safe to disarm all the citizens.

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No he wouldn’t. Criminals manage to get guns just as easy as druggies get illegal drugs. Time to WAKE UP!

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"Without a gun the shooter would have been stopped from being a shooter."

Guns are not the only things that shoot. Ever hear about a crossbow or even a slingshot? Guns are not always used to kill; sometimes they're used to send a message without killing anything.

And what's wrong with killing in self defense?

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Your logic isn’t logicking.

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Knives, blunt objects and cars kill more people than guns. I knew it would not be long after the assassination attempt that the gun control advocates would be on it again.

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Probably drugs, both legal and not, along with dumb***"dokters" kill more than guns.

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Crazy people kill.

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Agreed that guns in the wrong hands are a huge problem. But if you prohibit gun possession, the criminals won't abide and the problem is then even worse. As far as I know Switzerland is the country with the most guns in private possession and what a peaceful nation they are. There are too many hot topics in the US and this has been the case for decades, which is why you have these tragedies from time to time. You need a president tlabd a government that can begin to defuse these issues. It will be countered by the proponents of Agenda 2030, however, because the success of their project depends on civil strife, poverty, food shortages, fear and uncertainty and hatred. But be assured that many across the world are praying a. For the failure of Agenda 2030 and b. For your country because if the US refuses to implement Agenda 2030, it fails. God bless the USA! ❤️

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I have always believed that guns never should have been created. However, since they were created, & will likely never be entirely eliminated, then the playing field needs to be leveled by making sure that every citizen is armed & is able to protect themselves. In Switzerland, every able-bodied male is expected to have a fully-automated firearm in his home (perhaps that now applies to women too). As a result, there is very little gun violence in Switzerland. A good book on the subject is, "More Guns, Less Crime": Understanding Crime & Gun Control Laws, by John R. Lott, Jr.. There are several editions with the earliest being 1998 & the most recent being 2019. That would be a good starting point in better understanding the issue.

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Except the video evidence shows no blood on his hand before he dropped down or after he stood up. Also no blood on his neck or collar. How can this be, given ear wounds bleed profusely, as Trump himself admits the doctor said.

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Im an independent. sick as F over the state of America & the world. Im glad x President Trump wasnt seriously harmed let alone killed thank God. Ive not been a Trump fan past ,except as, lets say the “ Molotov cocktail “ he seemed to be to chuck at the status quo creeps running us up on the rocks & destroying America for decades. Xdem since 2016. Im presently for Jill Stein a very good fit to change American for the better honorably. but i dont see a 3rd party win YET. An assassination attempt is profound ,it probably has massive effect on a personal level for the target that lives . So, i look forward to his policies to consider. But anything but a bullshit lib crazy posers like the crack heads we have today in power & the duoparty shit has to end. Bring back fair elections no more bananna republic bs 🙏❤️‍🔥& ❤️‍🔥🍉free palestine & no more war pigs.so....?

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Watching now. Been quite moving. Too bad there are some so blackpilled and apathetic they can’t enjoy the moment.

Check this shit out from our modern day Thomas Paine. “Right Wing Cancel Squads” hahahaha….BRILLIANT Boys and Girls from John Carter!!!


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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Without access to guns, terrorists tend to resort to improvised explosives and arson, which tend to kill even more people.

9/11 was carried out with box cutters.

ETA: this was supposed to have been a response to SEF, but the sign-in process changed it to a stand-alone comment. Sorry for any confusion.

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"9/11 was carried out with box cutters."

Gimmeee a break.

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It was. Look it up.

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MF DT... how many people has he killed through warp speed?

He wants to bring back death penalty against Antisemitism.

He protects Jewish Nazis.

He has a Ark of the Covenant at Mar a Largo

Double twisted Zionist traitor.


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Off your meds today?

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May God's justice flow like a river.

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What's better, strychnine or cyanide? 🤷 Both sides of the Aisle - Pro BigPharma versus pro BigPharma. That is NOT a solution good for Humans.

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Isn’t it peculiar that nothing was mentioned at the convention about the whole world shutting down with Covid.

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