Correction: Pfizer didn't plan this. Our very own Five Eyes deep states commissioned this from Pfizer, Moderna, J & J Astra Zeneca....giving them total freedom from liability. No testing of the actual vials, no quality control.

This is a Deep State Democratic countries operation....carried out by the Deep State.

The big question, is who owns our Deep States, and WHO is really behind it?

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I keep seeing connections over and over that point to the powerful triad of (1) The City of London, (2) Vatican City, and (3) Washington D.C.

As for the Five Eyes Intelligence sharing, it's really just the UK and ourselves, since Australia, Canada, and New Zealand are member states of the British Commonwealth and underneath the Crown.

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Even those are controlled and contrived by the very few at the top of the money pyramid.

Jesus referenced them in Matt. 23 and dealt with them harshly. They're what was behind Bolshvism and what is behind every anti-Christ effort today.

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Could you name one or two, by name?

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Sure, I could name several, none are American.

I think that you'll learn much more by doing the research on your own. In discussing this with people I also first find out where they are in their discovery process on it all. I've found that most people, even people claiming to be "Christians," are so far off the mark, even to the extent of supporting many of the satanic constructs placed before us. The things that you mentioned are constructs of the same people I referenced.

I will give you an oversimplified example of the above. Anyone working for the federal government. Our (US) federal government is satanic, plain and simple. It does NOTHING Godly. Quite the opposite. But on the simple side, I have a number of friends and acquaintenances that are federal government employees or contractors that draw their compensations from the federal government indirectly, that complain about the size of government and how it's too big.

Interestingly, when I ask them, "why do you work for it then, aren't you therefore a part of what you're complaining about?" They have no answer.

One cannot worship God and mammon both. One must choose. The words of Christ himself.

I'm digressing ...

Where are you in your understanding of that kind of stuff?

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I don't care if they're American. Will you name one?

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You don't care if those that control the Federal Reserve are American? Really?

I'm not sure this is worth continuing given that, not worth my time. Not to be rude, but it simply isn't if that's the case.

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Me too, Jennifer. My research has turned up the same connections (and more). Here's what I've written about it:


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I just read what you linked to. Very well written. Thank you for what you have put together. If everyone had this understanding, our world would change

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Newest film by Matthew Ehret and crew


The latest Canadian Patriot short film ‘Who is our Enemy: Russia, China… or Something Else? is now available for viewing on Rumble and Bitchute.

In this film, you will be introduced to the fraud of Russiagate revealed by the outcome of the four-year investigation by John Durham and admitted to have been a fraud by even leading CIA-mouthpieces at CNN.

What role did the FBI play in this giant lie which continues to shape the psyche of many Americans and how was the FBI caught red handed manufacturing domestic terror cells before, during and after 9-11, including, but not limited to, the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping fiasco of 2020, the AtomWaffen right wing neo Nazi group, January 6 “insurrection” and 9-11 itself (overseen by then-FBI director Robert Mueller) ?

What about Britain’s MI6 and the role of Britain’s web of intelligence operations infesting every branch of western society?

How did Sir Richard Dearlove's role manufacturing the 2003 dodgy dossier of Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction set the stage for Dearlove’s role in promoting his former employee Christopher Steele’s dodgy dossier in 2016 alongside the Hillary wing of the democratic party?

Perhaps most importantly, despite so many conservatives understanding the hoax of Russian interference into western elections, WHY have the vast majority of these same people found themselves incapable of recognizing how the exact same formula of manipulation has been crafted around a “Chinese election interference” story that has been crafted and promoted by the very same Five Eyes intelligence agencies?

All of these topics and much more will be discussed in the second video in our series under the title ‘Who is our Enemy’.

The previous film in this series ‘Debunking the Myth of Secret Chinese Police Stations’ can be viewed here.


His substack


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Newest article by the woman who's sued the entities and won in the ICC and working with teams worldwide to fix things, as thee Dead at Sea video has affected the majority of countries across the globe.

The Right Side of History

By Anna Von Reitz

The family of George Watts, Jr., is suing the DOD, which, by the way, is not covered by any promises from the Territorial Congress to hold them harmless -- that is, the umbrella that the pharmaceutical corporations are trying to hide behind.


Mike Adams takes Trump on for Operation Warp Speed beginning at about minute 24:00. And he's right. Trump is damaged goods. Not that De Santis isn't. Not that there are any good options on either side, with the possible exception of RFK, Jr., who will be murdered if he wins.

Unless we, the rest of us, all get together and shine.

Stop waiting and hoping. You are the only answer. You are the only answer there has ever been.


We don't expect the outcome to be different for the DOD or Big Pharma, either one. They'll be bankrupt and so will all the other organizations that have benefited themselves financially from medical murder.

Their officers will be charged with willful murderous profiteering.

Their co-conspirators, too.

The statistics now tell us that 600 million people worldwide have died or been disabled. This dwarfs the death toll in every major war since the American Civil War added together, and the news media, the politicians, the medical community --- they are all trying to turn a deaf ear.

When not turning a deaf ear, they are squawking like wet cats, plaintively alleging that they should have "amnesty" for their part in this catastrophic crime.


For the same reason that the pharmaceutical corporations are claiming: "The Government made us do it."

And what is the "government" at this time in our history?

It's two huge Municipal Corporations acting under color of law and conditions of deliberate deceit, masquerading as the actual government of this country --- which is vested in your actual State Assemblies and their Federation of States, The United States of America --- Unincorporated.

These are foreign, for-profit corporations no different from any other such organizations. They each have a "President" --- one has Joe Biden and the other has Donald Trump --- and they've been caught playing a game with all of our lives.

I received a message from a military officer in the British Territorial United States Government (the one that President Trump leads) and he was dizzy with delight that the disease had been successfully released at the World Military Games in Wuhan China.

They were trying to set up China, and they tried hard.

These men are still pretending that they are in a Civil War, and that they have "war powers" and that they have a right to engage each other's forces and murder millions of people on the basis of 160 year-old Mercenary Conflict that is, and always was, both illegal and unlawful, and which has nothing to do with this country or it's actual government or its people.

It's just two gigantic Municipal corporations, the modern day equivalents of the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company, squaring off again, and the issue they are fighting over, is slavery, or, rather, who owns the slaves. Us.

The British Territorial Federal Subcontractor that runs the U.S. Military had a complex plan carefully crafted ever since 1965, that not only killed off large numbers of Baby Boomers and thereby excused their corporation from paying the Baby Boomer's end-of-life expenses, but which also increased their surveillance and control powers and gave them a "free" ownership interest in the victims.

Everyone who received an mRNA shot received a scrap of foreign genetically engineered mRNA which was patented.

This patented "product" then binds to and changes the actual genetic content in the victim's cells. They become "Genetically Modified Organisms" -- GMOs, and GMOs can be owned as property.

Thus, the same Perpetrators who schemed to unlawfully convert living men and women -- people -- into male and female persons, have now made a bid to illegally convert these same male and female persons into things which have no gender, no rights, no security, and no future except enslavement for the benefit of the patent-holders.

Except that what the patent holders have done, from first to last, is a crime.

This is all, predictably, but regrettably enough, coming from the British side of things. Their City of Rome counterparts are just as vile in their own way: Rome needs slaves to survive, so they have been going along with all this criminality, so long as they get their usual 60% share interest.

So, even after the British Monarch and the British Crown have sold humanity down the crapper, they still only get a 40% non-majority share interest. Guess that tells you who Jabba the Hutt really is.

As we have always said, they aren't really smart -- clever, devious, and determined, but not geniuses. Not inspired. More like plodding clods of banal evil, reviewing every successful fraud scheme they've run for the past 2,000 years, tweaking it here or there, and playing it again, Sam.

Then they cover their dirt like a cat scratching over its own scat, not by deeds of valor and daring, but by rewriting history and telling Big Lies to little children in schools that they set up and run "for the public good".

If we could only count the cost of these institutions and the ignorance they have induced, the minds they have crippled, and the lies they have spread like a perverted Gospel, we'd gladly bear the responsibility for educating ourselves and our children, too.

Donald Trump is, as Mike Adams observed, on the wrong side of history and it's up to him to get on the right side and stay there.

Otherwise, he and the Department of Defense both go down in flames lit by the Municipal DOD and Lloyd Austin and the PENTAGON, INC.

It's time for the truth, not some Narrative dreamed up in Hollywood.

The truth is that there are people so stupid, so arrogant, and so selfish, that they believe that they will get away with killing a third of the planet's population --- without a scratch to their precious selves.

They also think that they will get away with destroying the world's economic system and buy everything up for pennies on the dollar, in another reprise of the 1929 Stock Market Crash Scheme.

They are wrong.

The time for using euphemisms and double-speak to cover the Ugly Truth is over. They will own it, and there won't be any rewrites.

600 million. 600,000 in Ethiopia alone.

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What's the "end game" here? One is central bank digital currencies, which will be "check mate" for real freedom.


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Her and the American States Assemblies is on actually combating this, not merely writing about it, and throwing your arms up doing nothing. Understanding how the British Territorial is in charge and has been since the Civil War is important to start with, as so many still actually believe "we the people" still have the control under the current system.


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Why would there be that many victims in Ethiopia? I think the "vaccination" rate is very low, like around 15% like other African countries.

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You might be surprised at the control the crown has over US, I would suggest these two videos. Yes, Vatican City State, City of London or the Square Mile originally Londinium, and the other Country within a Country Washington D.C. Edit~ok they're not literally countries within countries other than the countries they're in have no authority over them so to speak.

Anna has won lawsuits in the ICC so don't be put off by this little old grandma her info is all well researched by a worldwide team.


This explains the birth certificate scam and can be watched on youtube, but this link comes with a transcrip.


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Not sure what you mean about Five Eyes being "really just" the UK and US. In collaboration with Canada, Australia and NZ, the British created a global signals intelligence gathering network with listening stations in locations all over the Commonwealth/Empire. As good little vassals, the British invited the US to join the network and share the product; but the US did not really add much value to what was already a global network.

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Look at the history. GCHQ, MI6, and MI5 were the first major military intelligence agencies (excluding the Jesuit Order), created out of the 1909 First Imperial Press Conference in London by the press barons, royalty, and the key players at the heart of the political establishment.

We already had control over telegraphy by that point, then they gifted to Marconi the work of Nikola Tesla so that the British could weaponize radio technology and dominate it first.

Then the CIA was established with the help of MI6.

Five-Eyes is predominantly UK. All the other member states are subordinate to his majesty's secret service. That's the whole point. These intelligence agencies are one network at the top most level, for the sole purpose of maintaining and expanding the control of the ruling class. They never were about protecting the public or country, they are just a semi-legal way for the ruling class to enforce their agenda in a way that regular police and regular military can not.

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Wouldn't the US have brought the CIA?

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I guess the CIA does share intel with the UK, but I assumed you were referring to the 1946 "UKUSA Agreement" signals intelligence treaty, which AFAIK is to what "Five Eyes" generally refers. The CIA is probably not directly involved in that. That would be the NSA. Sorry if I misunderstood.

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The "Deep State" is a term used by the CIA in its efforts to prevent people from getting to the core of what and who it really is.

To find that out, all one has to do is to ask who controls things. The answer to that is the Central Bankers and that should beyond obvious by now given that our world has been ultimately corrupted by money/mammon.

So, the answer is whomever the private owners of the Federal Reserve as well as its counterparts that sit under the BIS are.

A related question is why do we have foreign citizens in the most important and influential positions throughout our government, including Cabinet members and Dept. heads.

Anyone looking to find out who's ultimately behind it should start there.

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Always "follow the money." I actually think one of the world's greatest unexposed scandals has been the on-going effort to rig or manipulate gold and silver "markets." The reason the Powers that Be disparage gold "BUGS" is to dissuade people from acquiring history's money - the money that is actually a massive threat to the fiat, "printed" money the entire corrupt system depends on.

For decades, the powers that be have been protecting this magic and vital printing press and, more specifically, the dollar as the world's reserve currency.

I also think this magic printing press still isn't producing enough "money" for all the expenses/entitlements coming now and in the future. Because of this, they HAVE to roll out central bank digital currencies, which will ultimately result in the banning or near-elimination of cash transactions. They will now more easily be able to confiscate "our" money ... which will more easily become their money.

That day will be the last day of real freedom in the world.

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"Deep State" is a euphemism. What and who it really is: the alien presence on Earth. The CIA is their base of operations on Earth. They control, manipulate and harvest the US to fund and manage their operations on the rest of the planet. The bankers and the financial system are part of the mechanism used to control and manipulate.

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Jews, Jesuits, and their Masonic Organizations. Done, now you know

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Or "people" pretending to be Jews, Jesuits and Masons....

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This is a video put-out via a Blog called From Rome with Br. Alexis Bugnolo and it's rather long; however...It's the real words coming from those planning these PREMEDITATED CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET. It's called 'From Eugenics to Plandemic'.


Considering Cecil Rhodes of the Rhodes Scholar Program which is merely a program to INDOCTRINATE the world's citizens into their Techno-Imperial Fascist Ideology based in Eugenics; it's highly surprising and impressive that Dr. Wolf sounds as though she's overcome her brainwashing at Oxford. 🤔🤔 Hm-m!

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No question about it, Duchess. Col. L Fletcher Prouty in his book “ The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World” laid it all out in detail. The ST is detailed, US and International assets and the deep pockets which call the shots. Pfizer is a very powerful cooperative tool for profit.

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It's less about profit and more about livestock management.

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Correct, thank you.

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"Our very own Five Eyes deep states" is a USA HomoGlobal run network administered by the Pentagon, DoD, WHO, WEF, UN, CFR, Gates’ “nonprofits”, et al. who as a collective entity has used Pfizer, Moderna, J & J Astra Zeneca, et al. as nothing more that their own specialized dogs of war for the planning and execution of the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history.

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It's clear who the deep state is, if you simply walk backwards through known European history. All of this nonsense can be traced back to the Roman Empire.

Washington D.C., London, Rome. All sovereign states in their own right, all sharing the same symbolic architecture, all bound together by centuries of political espionage and financial dealings.

Washington is controlled by London, all three of its branches corrupted, and parts of the military and intelligence apparatus too. This goes right back to the founding fathers e.g. Hamilton "Number 7".

London is the financial centre of the world, through which global wealth (legal and illicit) is skimmed and pushed out into offshore jurisdictions to the official tune of £27 trillion now.. though the actual figure could easily by in the quadrillion scale by now. The history of England, and the City of London, show a clear link to Rome. The juicy stuff is harder to come by, because like the financial evil of London which takes place off the books over a cup of tea, the tangible connections which could be taken to a court of law are obviously obfuscated. Rothschild is a primary agent of control, the obvious proxy man.

As for Rome. One of my favourite bits of information is the fact that during WW2 the Vatican were using cyphers that even the British could not crack. How? And why? Why is a religious institution in the possession of mathematical genius that allows them to hide what they are really up to? Why would they need to hide anything at all?

The other favourite is of course the Jesuit Order themselves. The British roundtables and secret services are all modelled on them, the word propaganda is associated with them, they famously tried to blow up British Parliament, they were at the forefront of science right from the start, the first to truly infiltrate China, their fingerprints are all over the place. They have several centuries of expertise under their belts now at psychological and political chicanery.

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You believe that places like China and Russia were not affected?

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I'll give you three guesses who the deep state is. They at least some are quite visible.

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You are gonna have to tell me. I am only at

BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard

The BIS (includes al the Central Banks)

The 1 percent (inclusive of WEF, UN, all the other "globalists" and the Bill Gates, Bezos, etc. of this world...)

The khazarian Mafia

The Committee of 300

The Rockefellers (All the families going down through the ages)

The Black Nobility

The Jews (also see Kazarian Mafia above)


I'm not sure if I covered them all, but DO tell.

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I think you've covered all I don't trust, well a few individuals at One Political Plaza. Otherwise you've got it all.

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For me, I don't expect others to be this paranoid, angry whatever. I left out the medical mafia. It is my belief that in '73 a sloppy surgeon killed my dad. Not through, in the coming years my mom went through 4 bouts of cancer, then dementia proved too much at 97. Then this year in April I found my wife on the floor in a pool of blood. She couldn't hear much so I called 911. They transferred her to a different hospital. Why I don't know. Who dies of a broken hip? Multiple head trauma makes much more sense. They spent maybe a day on her head. They were really waiting until she was cleared to operate on. That is why they have lost my trust. Masks? I can always say no.

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Excellent and courageous work, Naomi Wolf! 🦁

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In the presence of brazen Evil we will fight, flee, or freeze like deer in the headlights. Most of our fellow citizens have chosen the latter.

Jesus said, “Look, I’m sending you out as sheep to the wolves. So be as gentle as doves and as cunning as serpents.”

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Jun 2, 2023
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You are describing a world without God! It will not end well.

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I...think that DePop Agendas meeebbbeeee go a bit further up the chain than Pfizer.

To the Rockefellers, Rothchilds, Gates, WEF, CFR...

I really don't think Pfizer went Rogue and Bourlas just said, Fuck it, kill the babies.

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Bourla is just their little beach.

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I feel like the message has come down from on high: Serve up Pfizer.

Pfizer can be sued of of existence and replaced in like a day.

New "ethical" herd culling Pharm Company (*DOD privatized arm)

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Exactly. Pfizer is a word. When you contract with government agencies, you can swap out the main contractor during the “bidding process”, but somehow the guys running the “contracted work” are the same. Only the CEO figures get swapped around.

Train “gravy” keeps a rolling all night long.

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Add the Bank of International Settlements, the City of London, and probably, the Vatican.

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Sage, thanks to you, I wrote a thing. You have had paid-only comments recently but I wanted to share with you. Thank you. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/here-is-the-depopulation-plan-the

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Sage, it's even easier to understand than that. It's Fascism. And fascism, in its overt expression we've witnessed, I believe, is the symptom, not the cause of these excess deaths. I believe it is the obvious product of two prevailing ideologies today, amidst global excess death, that keeps the world in a fascist lockstep: namely latent, nihilistic Nazism in Britain, and the Radical Islamic agenda, under Obama; they are gouging out a placehold–a stranglehold–in America and Europe, concomitantly, and in collusion. These are silent (somewhat), respective yet, colluding coups, under King Charles III (everything falls under Charles, read my previous post which incontrovertibly proves he's the Antichrist) which I describe, based on my experience as a Targeted Individual, culled under the (deep state) CIA. It's the fear created out of these movements, that causes the conformity which birthed the acceptance of the vaccine, whereby millions of deaths ensue, a black swan event, without affecting any moral response en masse. It must be a climate of fear which induces the conformity and lockstep, beyond the fascist, heartless, godless hubris which has besotted our nations. I give an eschatological account for the times with which we're in, to bring us back to a place where we can recognize one another again, perhaps to heal, and hopefully, to gain a stronger hold on the official COVID narrative, if from the periphery, the fringe as we know it, from the experience of this Tl. https://open.substack.com/pub/jlparker/p/the-co-infectious-coinciding-nazi?r=1hky4n&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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And further up the chain than those also. Surely the intellect behind the war on humanity and its enslavement is not human?

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And the press will blame the Covid virus and illness, not the jab on all these issues we are seeing in the vaxxed!!! They are doing now it and will trumpet it even louder in the future!!!

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Yep, and that's why they'll say we need more boosters. And people will line up for it. In addition, they'll also blame "climate change" (whatever that is).

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That psyop limited hangout is already underway... recent peer reviewed published article about how the covid Protein is to blame for MANY things- the article found the covid Protein is the root cause for a long list - but- the kicker is, the article always referred to the Protein of covid, and specifically avoided any reference to the well known fact that the covid jabs included the Protein and the jab contents TOLD your body to produce said "really bad covid Protein". Boggles the mind how like sheep and wolves this whole thing is

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Maybe Australia could be used as an argument? Low covid/high vax injuries.

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Still waiting for the moms and dads who got their teenage daughters injected with this crap to become angry. Why is this not happening? There's a big chance their daughter may never conceive....that they will never become grandparents....that the family tree stops with an injection that THEY knowingly pushed upon families.

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My now ex-wife did this to our 3 daughters. Her head remains firmly planted in the sand

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I'm so sorry she did this to your daughters. I hope and pray they will be among those who are unharmed and/or received a placebo.

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Thank you. I’m resigned to whatever will be

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I’m still waiting to be a grandpa. All of these revelations make this seem more unlikely.

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Unfortunately about 70% of the population is still asleep. That's why.

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Thanks for sharing, and as some have stated Pfizer wasn't in on this alone as the tentacles of the evil is deeply embedded through many agencies across the globe.

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In the Jackson vs Pfizer trial, Pfizer said in open court: "We delivered the fraud the government ordered."



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That statement can be taken and directed/misdirected in many ways, but absolves them of nothing. Until we know exactly by who and what directives they were given to them that they still followed and provided and masterminded the msm advertising assault, as well as government agencies and personnel who promoted the whole plandemic, it is mere rhetoric and likely meant to be directed at a specific target.

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You're right, it absolves them of nothing; but the judge dismissed the case anyway, of course. As for knowing "exactly by who and what," have you read the archive at Katherine Watt's Substack, "Bailiwick News"? You will probably find those answers there:


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I think the cabal behind it controlling the many tentacles is well known to many. If you have a specific article your talking about there I'd be willing to look.

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Sorry, it seems my "memory" was faulty, it was Sasha Latypova who published the article of which I was thinking; but there are many more on both her and Katherine's Substacks:


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So our government had nothing to do with these shots? It’s just Pfizer who wants depopulation and our government is being duped? Did Pfizer have the power to mandate the shots? Did Pfizer have the power to sign our sovereignty over to the WHO during pandemics?

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It seems a bit unfair to me, to criticize the column for not extending its reach beyond what Pfizer documents show. It took a huge amount of effort to dig through those docs to distill out what is reported here. A great deal more effort will be required to answer the additional questions you pose. Should this column have been withheld until those other questions are answered?

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Naomi’s work has been great. I respect her work and read her stack. My point is that if there is a depopulation agenda, did it originate with Pfizer or did it come from higher up?

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"By 1976, WHO researchers had conjugated tetanus toxoid (TT) with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) producing a “birth-control” vaccine which causes the pregnancy hormones to be attacked by the immune system." scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=81838

""Similar 'tetanus vaccines' laced with hCG have been uncovered in Mexico, the Philippines, and Nicaragua. In addition to the WHO, other organizations involved include the UN Population Fund, the UN Development Programme, the World Bank, the [Rockefeller] Population Council, and the Rockefeller Foundation..." pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12346214/

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Agree. This is just one aspect. The pie is huge and there are many slices.

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And many pies.

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This entire psy- op was a DoD operation. Still is. Pfizer and Moderna gain mightily by bootlicking the Deep State.

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Jun 2, 2023
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Yet our government allows the “vaccine “ to be given.

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Is this why children in classrooms (and Target clothing etc) are being groomed for non-reproductive sexual activity?

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In a word, yes. The future reductions in births can then be blamed on this activity

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Yes, absolutely. Please read the comprehensive depopulation plan https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/here-is-the-depopulation-plan-the

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The greatest crime in the history of the world!

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Jun 2, 2023
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The plague was a crime?

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FYI, the plague of the 1340s wiped out about 1/3 of the European population based on best estimates we could get from old records.

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Gates said, “with vaccines, we can reduce over-population” and he was one of the WEF Globalists in attendance at Plandemic 2020.

Mere coincidence! Nothing to see here, move along...

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He’s lower than a snake.... Can’t understand how these people haven’t been hunted down

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They haven't been hunted down perhaps because we the people have forgotten that, as citizens of a common law based jurisdiction, we have the right to come together in our local communities and convene a common law court in full lawful legitimacy. We are capable of judging and sentencing any person, business or organization fairly regardless of the status they hold in society. It's up to us. Nobody is going to do it for us.


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Prospectus 2017 from world bank, an insurance police which pays $225M for every 2500 dead from Coronavirus or Filovirus to participating nations. Is this financially incentivized genocide via Pandemic Emergency Financing Facilities? World Health Org is supposed to count the deaths. Let's see we have WEF involvement, WHO involvement, but are we talking enough about WB involvement? https://thedocs.worldbank.org/en/doc/f355aa56988e258a350942240872e3c5-0240012017/original/PEF-Final-Prospectus-PEF.pdf

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Thank you, Naomi. You are a warrior woman of the best kind. Though I have listened horrified to all of your podcasts and talks, I want the book itself in my hand. And remember, this is just part of the story because there is Moderna also ( gave me permanent myocarditis damage 2 years ago). Everyone please read "Turtles All the Way Down" on vaccines and of course RFKs Fauci book.

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I am so thankful for Dr. Wolf and her tireless effort at finding the truth. She’s saving so many women. I still cannot believe that we got here. I mean I believe it and understand it, but when you take a step back and look at the entirety of it all, it takes your breath away at how evil this entire scheme was and still is.

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Dr. Wolf. I implore you to watch the Amazon US TV series Utopia (not the UK version). They outright state exactly this. They release a flu virus so they can give out a vaccine that causes lack of ability to reproduce for THREE GENERATIONS. It was written and produced in 2019 and released on Amazon in 2020. See my thread on Truth Social for quotes from the movie and horrific Podesta-style art and images that show their true agenda that you just laid out here.


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It's not Pfizer's agenda. It's the US Government's agenda. Pfizer is a tool, very much replaceable by any other pharma company salivating over government cash.

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