Amen, brother. If I had the power, no one seeking a job where they would manage more than five people could be hired without a recent and authoritative psychopathy status certificate. We test employees and politicians for everything else under the sun; why not psychopathy?
I judge the psychopaths want to make everything their game, in the sense that they fantasize they ought rule it all, but despite their ruthlessness and total lack of empathy they are incapable of what we are. They can only corrupt and destroy, they cannot create beauty and love. We just need to remove them from our societies. I'd personally like to see them confined with one another to a small island in the arctic ocean ;^)
Agree that intuitional psychiatry today is a tool of the pathocracy. So we can't employ them to protect us from psychopaths. But Lobaczewski thought that we neurotypicals could learn to identify psychopaths and deny them power over us without having to resort to psychiatry. Some psychopaths are good at faking empathy, but I imagine we can trip up the great majority of them once our guard is up.
I think we can all agree that what you call the pathocracy (great name by the way) is in charge of nearly everything. I would add, however, that this pandemic response taught us at least two things: That they exist and are far more numerous and dangerous than any of us believed. And that they do not yet control everyone.
One of the functions of State Hospitals is as a refuge for Mafioso.
A certain individual got popped with several pounds of cocaine. There was only one witness, the cop he sold it to.
He had his "friend" kill the cop. The cop did not think anyone would be able to find out where he lived, but this was Detroit, and it wasn't hard at all for Tony Jack to get the info.
It was a modern apartment complex, with a flimsy lock, easy to pop with a credit card. The killer popped it, walked into the cop's bedroom and strangled him in his sleep with a piano string.
Even though the coke dealer didn't personally do it, his lawyer committed him to the State Hospital to confound the case.
Once there, he was immediately assigned the equivalent of a Trustee's room, away from the dormitory.
He was never required to take any drugs, and as soon as his intake was complete, he was given a Grounds Pass, which enabled him to be outdoors in a space similar to an 18 hole golf course, with an actual 18 hole golf course for the Shrinks.
No supervision and a canteen to buy pop and munchies, or play pool with his Mafia buddies.
And they kept him there, drug free, until the heat died down and when his attorney determined the time was right, they released him, totally cured, no check in with the local Community Mental Health.
Psychiatrists are good at faking competency, and every other aspect of their profession.
I believe it was Columbia University that sent teams of grad students to various Psychiatric Institutions to test the Shrinks ability to diagnose mental illness.
They also brought genuine, long established mental patients into the mix.
The Shrinks were amazingly consistent in their misdiagnosis. They judged the true mental patients as malingerers, and the grad students as disturbed and in need of treatment.
If you take the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, the Gold Standard , you will be asked if you tend to trust strangers.
I don't know about you, but in 2023, my answer is assuredly not.
Which marks me as "Paranoid".
So, you may believe it would be effective enough to justify Psychiatry, but I am more than slightly dubious.
It is such a scam, let me give you a little insight as to " how it really works", in one more post, so someone else can get a word in.
Thank you. Just for the record, I'm not suggesting anyone trust psychiatrists!
But I do judge that we need to get rid of psychopaths from positions of power, and arguably get them away from neurotypical people completely. I judge that we can do that without resorting to trusting psychiatrists.
Why not, indeed? As best I recall, in his masterpiece about pathocracy (rule by psychopaths and their fellow travelers), Lobaczewski proposed that their ability to destroy our countries would only end when we knew there were psychopaths among us who conspired to rule over us.
The artificial person we call a corporation is psychopathic. We need to return to or otherwise adopt forms of organization that hold actors responsible for their actions. I imagine this will mean an end to limited liability.
YES! We were warned. But our brothers and sisters were not yet ready to hear. I think the events of the last few years have prepared more to face this issue.
I think this is the true purpose of the lie detector. Like in FBI or CIA? reportedly used yearly on all staff - though not detecting the true lies. But you detect the perfect liars. The ones faking states of mind and EEG lines.
Those are the psychopathic narcissisitic perpetrators of the future. Then they are segregated and „specially trained“ ie conditioned to do eg mass murder without hesitation.
And may it be by keeping mouth shut and do a little job instead of reading the constitution again. The system of Totalitarian Bureaucracy is good at distributing the load of guilt to the level of bearability of each little toothed wheel.
When elites need a job like eradicating most people in few years by rising excess mortality by 30-40% and reducing birthrate by 10-30% eg. Just imagined without context.
Being a multi billionaire wasn't good enough. He wants to turn the world into Epstein Island with those he allows to live getting the treatment of the slaves he and his buddy Epstein kept.
Fight for TRANSPARENCY with everything we got. It is the enemy of corruption.
Also, Buy local meat. Local veggies. Stop buying packaged foods. Did you know that Carnivore diet is curing people in insane numbers? It's a MIRACLE Cure for Autoimmune, Anxiety, Type 2 Diabetes, Depression, MS, and more.
Guess what. When the carnivore eats the herbivore or omnivore,they are getting the veggies-carbs along with the protein because the veggies elements are absorbed into the herbivore-omnivore. Check out the Lion Diet. CARNOVORES ROCK!!
It is a good thing you call readers' attention to the subject.
Renz doesn't allow comments, unless I pay, and that is not by accident. His material contains nothing new, but it surely does some marketing for the mRNA red herring:
That's a great question. And goes for all GMO, chemtrails, and everything else they support and push. How do they avoid it all? They don't totally live in a bubble.
The only not contaminated food now that all their potions are all over the places is growing your own. Buying organic means nothing. And it's shocking to know that many of the most expensive restaurants drill use crap. Tom Brady will not eat any green that isn't from his garden. He travels with his food. So not only do you have to be rich. You've got to bend over backwards too.
But that has nothing to do with what I said or nor does it address my statement. Kim and I are asking how with all this manufactured death and disease... do the creators and backers of this save themselves and their loved ones.
Psychopaths who are immersed in the the system of monopoly capitalism don't think like normal people nor they "care" about their loved ones.
They don't save either themselves or their loved one as these people not only overestimate their "abilities" and their plans and they also underestimate how things can shift quite suddenly with their empires laying in ruins.
Got it. Now you are! Hah. I don't totally agree. They may not love anyone but themselves, no doubt they love themselves. And yes they are upside-down and morally bankrupt but they don't care about the poison they know they are pushing? They know the data. They know the their ends but they don't care about their own existence? I'd argue that's the ONLY thing they care about.
I'm not saying they don't care about themsleves- these are the most narcissistic individuals on earth taking advantage of a system that rewards their psychosis.
What I am saying is that they have no idea how the world works having lived inside their bubbles their entire lives so how they see things working out often has no bearing on reality even as thewy create immense damage.
Too often people give these buffoons powers of omnipotence that they simply don't possess.
History is replete with examples of how these things can turn on a dime.
Now that's a great explanation and I can see how that could be true. I've discussed this before with people and it's hard to believe they're that stupid but then again it's not.
Remember the Genesis Chamber in the movie Man of Steel? That’s how they will propagate the species in their own image. “Brave New World” was the precursor.
They have caves that they are going to live in and have filled them with everything they need for and have growing operations underground. They have been working on this for over 20 years, people have been telling this for years but everyone thought they were crazy, but I bet you will believe them know.
I actually had a dream a few years ago that earthquakes and volcanos caused them to be trapped in their bunkers. There were decent people in bunkers too but it didn't matter. They were all trapped.
Well, it was a dream, so....But the gist of the dream was that those who relied upon themselves and built up stores of earthly treasure/security found that it actually trapped them rather than offered them the security and abundance that they sought. Yes, there were innocent people (somehow I knew) who were also trapped. That was such a sad realization. It was also a sad realization that those who were wealthy, haughty, and storing up treasure for themselves while looking down upon those who couldn't were ensnared and without hope. I mean, to think of anyone in that situation is startling. But again, it was a dream that I had and I do not pretend to have some secret knowledge of what will happen to anyone, nor do I think it is somehow evil to have a bunker or prepare. Nevertheless, it did make me think about the Scriptures that talk about relying totally on God.
This is scary, but I'm trying to wrap my head around how nasty it is. If animals are injected with an mRNA vaccine, and therefore have spike proteins running all around their bodies, what happens when their meat is cooked and eaten? Ingested proteins are broken down in the stomach into their component amino acids, are they not?
Proteins are broken down completely when digestion is perfect. But conditions like leaky gut (precipitated by glyphosate, etc.) allow partially digested proteins to enter the bloodstream. This is what gluten intolerance is, and casein intolerance. As a dairyman, it's why we want A2A2 genetics in our cows, so they don't make A1 beta casein, which produces BCM-7 when partially digested.
Oh no, not BCM-7! Sorry, I gather it's something bad? Thanks for this info. So the next question would be, is partially-digested spike protein dangerous? Hopefully there will be studies looking into the question.
BCM: Beta Caseo Morphin - Morphine like molecule that messes with one's endorphin receptors. Partially digested spike protein can include the prionogenic and amyloidogenic sequences, which may be the true long term killer in this bioweapon system. CJD for example.
It might be possible that they will use nano-particles to do the same things as spike proteins. These are basically extremely small particles that may be indestructible unless somehow chelated from the body. They can be programmed to form larger particles and that is what will kill a person the same as a blood clot or spike protein. This is what I am deducing, but not a scientist.
I would like to think that if the mrna injections are as devastatingly bad as we think they are then the farmers will soon drop them, they can't afford to lose that much livestock.
35 years ago I started raising and eating my own beef, chicken, and eggs. They were implanting Ralgro in the beef, which is an artificial hormone that supposedly makes them gain weight, and the chickens were fed all kinds of chemicals and hormones to make them grow faster.
I also have been organic gardening and canning and freezing produce for the same time period. I’m not obsessive about it, but as much as I can, I eat what I grow.
We also drink untreated well water. I don’t trust water treatment plants.
My kids are normal and we’re all healthy. It was a lot of work, but worth it. Also, if all hell breaks loose, I’ve got a lot of practice providing food for me and others.
The plan is for the mRNA "vaccine model" to be Pharma's new cash cow and launch an entirely new Bio-Tech wave of financialized "disease management."
The public "health management" industry is now directly tied to global markets and operates based on the demands of those financial conglomerates. Manufactured pandemics are now mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power.
The primary purpose of the medical industry is not the “art of healing” it is as a financial instrument to benefit investors.
Despite the massive revenue that Pharma generates it has over the last decade been fraught with declining rates of profit and in a constant state of crisis as it seeks to continuously generate profits.
To do so Pharma has to constantly create new markets and hunt for (invent) “new” microbes that can only be cured by Pharma’s “miraculous medicines.”
The Industry relies on blockbuster drugs to keep it’s bloated ship afloat. Without these “big sellers” (subsidized by governments) the industry implodes. So the industry will do whatever it takes to manufacture the “disease” and the rationale for the “cure.”
It's worth noting that in the USA "disease management" represents almost $4 trillion/yr of the $17 trillion/yr economy.
"Health management" has replaced war as the world's primary money spinner, the elites need continuing large-scale health crises to keep the economy going.
The cure du jour is the “vaccine”- especially after the last three years (though in reality this was all pre-planned years back to make it so) as not only does the “vaccine” have indemnity but now, thanks to the Covid Con, no longer do these biologics need to go through costly Phase 3 trials- which eat up to anywhere from 40%-90% of total R&D costs.
This fraud has been legalized by governments who are completely controlled and betrothed to large Western financial interests who are heavily invested in Pharma, rely on these investments as staples of their portfolios and have a significant portion of their fortunes tied to the fate of Big Pharma and the “disease management” system.
This is very disturbing, yet not surprising, considering the depravity of the individuals (Gates, et al.) who are pushing this agenda. I wonder if this is already happening? I sure hope not. Most people are still oblivious to what's really going on here. It's very surreal.
Warekracht idd dit is zeer verontrustend en dat moet dringend stoppen omdat die meeste mensen niet weten wat er echt aan de hand is die zijn het grootste gevaar voor andere mensen ik verloor een groot deel van mijn familie door die onbekwame sekte mislukkingen die zelfs niet verantwoordelijk kunnen worden laten we dit allemaal nu dan ook stoppen en schreeuw voor uw uw vrijheid terug tenemen of stem die probleem pchygopaten weg voor een betere wereld te creëren voor de mensen en voor de generaties, en jongeren, de ouders, etc....
We have a Poisoner problem. Psychopaths should not be allowed power over us.
Amen, brother. If I had the power, no one seeking a job where they would manage more than five people could be hired without a recent and authoritative psychopathy status certificate. We test employees and politicians for everything else under the sun; why not psychopathy?
The elites just eliminated the diagnosis of narcissicm from the catalog of mental illnesses.
See … their own diagnosis.
Yes! They can't have their way of being diagnosed as illness, can they?
Because it's their game. Supporting psychiatry is supporting Totalitarianism.
I will agree in one sense: everything is the psychopaths game.
I judge the psychopaths want to make everything their game, in the sense that they fantasize they ought rule it all, but despite their ruthlessness and total lack of empathy they are incapable of what we are. They can only corrupt and destroy, they cannot create beauty and love. We just need to remove them from our societies. I'd personally like to see them confined with one another to a small island in the arctic ocean ;^)
Amen again!
Agree that intuitional psychiatry today is a tool of the pathocracy. So we can't employ them to protect us from psychopaths. But Lobaczewski thought that we neurotypicals could learn to identify psychopaths and deny them power over us without having to resort to psychiatry. Some psychopaths are good at faking empathy, but I imagine we can trip up the great majority of them once our guard is up.
I think we can all agree that what you call the pathocracy (great name by the way) is in charge of nearly everything. I would add, however, that this pandemic response taught us at least two things: That they exist and are far more numerous and dangerous than any of us believed. And that they do not yet control everyone.
One of the functions of State Hospitals is as a refuge for Mafioso.
A certain individual got popped with several pounds of cocaine. There was only one witness, the cop he sold it to.
He had his "friend" kill the cop. The cop did not think anyone would be able to find out where he lived, but this was Detroit, and it wasn't hard at all for Tony Jack to get the info.
It was a modern apartment complex, with a flimsy lock, easy to pop with a credit card. The killer popped it, walked into the cop's bedroom and strangled him in his sleep with a piano string.
Even though the coke dealer didn't personally do it, his lawyer committed him to the State Hospital to confound the case.
Once there, he was immediately assigned the equivalent of a Trustee's room, away from the dormitory.
He was never required to take any drugs, and as soon as his intake was complete, he was given a Grounds Pass, which enabled him to be outdoors in a space similar to an 18 hole golf course, with an actual 18 hole golf course for the Shrinks.
No supervision and a canteen to buy pop and munchies, or play pool with his Mafia buddies.
And they kept him there, drug free, until the heat died down and when his attorney determined the time was right, they released him, totally cured, no check in with the local Community Mental Health.
Agree! Pathocracy was coined by Łobaczewski, in his book Political Ponerology (which was written under Eastern European Communist dictatorships).
Psychiatrists are good at faking competency, and every other aspect of their profession.
I believe it was Columbia University that sent teams of grad students to various Psychiatric Institutions to test the Shrinks ability to diagnose mental illness.
They also brought genuine, long established mental patients into the mix.
The Shrinks were amazingly consistent in their misdiagnosis. They judged the true mental patients as malingerers, and the grad students as disturbed and in need of treatment.
If you take the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, the Gold Standard , you will be asked if you tend to trust strangers.
I don't know about you, but in 2023, my answer is assuredly not.
Which marks me as "Paranoid".
So, you may believe it would be effective enough to justify Psychiatry, but I am more than slightly dubious.
It is such a scam, let me give you a little insight as to " how it really works", in one more post, so someone else can get a word in.
Thank you. Just for the record, I'm not suggesting anyone trust psychiatrists!
But I do judge that we need to get rid of psychopaths from positions of power, and arguably get them away from neurotypical people completely. I judge that we can do that without resorting to trusting psychiatrists.
Why not, indeed? As best I recall, in his masterpiece about pathocracy (rule by psychopaths and their fellow travelers), Lobaczewski proposed that their ability to destroy our countries would only end when we knew there were psychopaths among us who conspired to rule over us.
Executives already take these tests and they hire them on purpose,
The artificial person we call a corporation is psychopathic. We need to return to or otherwise adopt forms of organization that hold actors responsible for their actions. I imagine this will mean an end to limited liability.
We were warned years ago.
YES! We were warned. But our brothers and sisters were not yet ready to hear. I think the events of the last few years have prepared more to face this issue.
It doesn’t look good in Canada.
I think this is the true purpose of the lie detector. Like in FBI or CIA? reportedly used yearly on all staff - though not detecting the true lies. But you detect the perfect liars. The ones faking states of mind and EEG lines.
Those are the psychopathic narcissisitic perpetrators of the future. Then they are segregated and „specially trained“ ie conditioned to do eg mass murder without hesitation.
And may it be by keeping mouth shut and do a little job instead of reading the constitution again. The system of Totalitarian Bureaucracy is good at distributing the load of guilt to the level of bearability of each little toothed wheel.
When elites need a job like eradicating most people in few years by rising excess mortality by 30-40% and reducing birthrate by 10-30% eg. Just imagined without context.
PS. Are we to think they're waiting for permission and not already doing it? Like chemtrails? They already are.
I was thinking the same. I'm pretty certain they've probably already been using MRNA vaccines on the animals we eat.
Why wouldn't they? They are moral and ask permission? These satanic minons don't give a damn. We all know that.
Gates sure is obsessed with hurting people.
Being a multi billionaire wasn't good enough. He wants to turn the world into Epstein Island with those he allows to live getting the treatment of the slaves he and his buddy Epstein kept.
His obsession is with MURDERING humanity at all costs.
"Gates sure is obsessed with hurting people."
And Hell certainly awaits him.
May i wish him "Godspeed" on his journey there.
Fight for TRANSPARENCY with everything we got. It is the enemy of corruption.
Also, Buy local meat. Local veggies. Stop buying packaged foods. Did you know that Carnivore diet is curing people in insane numbers? It's a MIRACLE Cure for Autoimmune, Anxiety, Type 2 Diabetes, Depression, MS, and more.
Don't believe it? We can PROVE it:
Guess what. When the carnivore eats the herbivore or omnivore,they are getting the veggies-carbs along with the protein because the veggies elements are absorbed into the herbivore-omnivore. Check out the Lion Diet. CARNOVORES ROCK!!
why is congress allowing this?
Cuz the elite wants us all dead ☠️
They own today's congress-critters. Those who don't serve The Parasite are out after one term.
They are paid to allow this. It's called bribery.
This is a joke question, right?
It is a good thing you call readers' attention to the subject.
Renz doesn't allow comments, unless I pay, and that is not by accident. His material contains nothing new, but it surely does some marketing for the mRNA red herring:
At this point, graphene is in everything, and "vaccines" can be inhaled, so the toxins in food must serve some other purposes...
To me, it looks like modern "Medicine" badly needs an alternative:
My Theory. Fill foods with crap/gene therapy products. Create more illnesses and death. Pharma and Corporations make a profit.
And/or evolve the Human Species into Transhumans.
What happens to the Investors foods? What do they eat?
That's a great question. And goes for all GMO, chemtrails, and everything else they support and push. How do they avoid it all? They don't totally live in a bubble.
It just doesn’t quite add up, yet?
Not at all.
Getting non-contaminated food is not difficult for the wealthy.
The only not contaminated food now that all their potions are all over the places is growing your own. Buying organic means nothing. And it's shocking to know that many of the most expensive restaurants drill use crap. Tom Brady will not eat any green that isn't from his garden. He travels with his food. So not only do you have to be rich. You've got to bend over backwards too.
The Transhuman nonsense is just fear mongering, fanatasy, marketing and racketeering.
The illness and death for profit is the game for these ghouls.
But that has nothing to do with what I said or nor does it address my statement. Kim and I are asking how with all this manufactured death and disease... do the creators and backers of this save themselves and their loved ones.
I wasn't responding to you.
Psychopaths who are immersed in the the system of monopoly capitalism don't think like normal people nor they "care" about their loved ones.
They don't save either themselves or their loved one as these people not only overestimate their "abilities" and their plans and they also underestimate how things can shift quite suddenly with their empires laying in ruins.
Got it. Now you are! Hah. I don't totally agree. They may not love anyone but themselves, no doubt they love themselves. And yes they are upside-down and morally bankrupt but they don't care about the poison they know they are pushing? They know the data. They know the their ends but they don't care about their own existence? I'd argue that's the ONLY thing they care about.
I'm not saying they don't care about themsleves- these are the most narcissistic individuals on earth taking advantage of a system that rewards their psychosis.
What I am saying is that they have no idea how the world works having lived inside their bubbles their entire lives so how they see things working out often has no bearing on reality even as thewy create immense damage.
Too often people give these buffoons powers of omnipotence that they simply don't possess.
History is replete with examples of how these things can turn on a dime.
Now that's a great explanation and I can see how that could be true. I've discussed this before with people and it's hard to believe they're that stupid but then again it's not.
Remember the Genesis Chamber in the movie Man of Steel? That’s how they will propagate the species in their own image. “Brave New World” was the precursor.
They have caves that they are going to live in and have filled them with everything they need for and have growing operations underground. They have been working on this for over 20 years, people have been telling this for years but everyone thought they were crazy, but I bet you will believe them know.
Will they pop out of their caves when the majority of humans are dead? Start all over? These Snakes should be going back to eating Rodents.
I actually had a dream a few years ago that earthquakes and volcanos caused them to be trapped in their bunkers. There were decent people in bunkers too but it didn't matter. They were all trapped.
Hi can you plz elaborate? Like even normal ppl who made bunkers were trapped and why exactly?
Well, it was a dream, so....But the gist of the dream was that those who relied upon themselves and built up stores of earthly treasure/security found that it actually trapped them rather than offered them the security and abundance that they sought. Yes, there were innocent people (somehow I knew) who were also trapped. That was such a sad realization. It was also a sad realization that those who were wealthy, haughty, and storing up treasure for themselves while looking down upon those who couldn't were ensnared and without hope. I mean, to think of anyone in that situation is startling. But again, it was a dream that I had and I do not pretend to have some secret knowledge of what will happen to anyone, nor do I think it is somehow evil to have a bunker or prepare. Nevertheless, it did make me think about the Scriptures that talk about relying totally on God.
This is scary, but I'm trying to wrap my head around how nasty it is. If animals are injected with an mRNA vaccine, and therefore have spike proteins running all around their bodies, what happens when their meat is cooked and eaten? Ingested proteins are broken down in the stomach into their component amino acids, are they not?
Proteins are broken down completely when digestion is perfect. But conditions like leaky gut (precipitated by glyphosate, etc.) allow partially digested proteins to enter the bloodstream. This is what gluten intolerance is, and casein intolerance. As a dairyman, it's why we want A2A2 genetics in our cows, so they don't make A1 beta casein, which produces BCM-7 when partially digested.
Oh no, not BCM-7! Sorry, I gather it's something bad? Thanks for this info. So the next question would be, is partially-digested spike protein dangerous? Hopefully there will be studies looking into the question.
BCM: Beta Caseo Morphin - Morphine like molecule that messes with one's endorphin receptors. Partially digested spike protein can include the prionogenic and amyloidogenic sequences, which may be the true long term killer in this bioweapon system. CJD for example.
It might be possible that they will use nano-particles to do the same things as spike proteins. These are basically extremely small particles that may be indestructible unless somehow chelated from the body. They can be programmed to form larger particles and that is what will kill a person the same as a blood clot or spike protein. This is what I am deducing, but not a scientist.
If I forced fed my children the list of chemicals that are in vaccines. I would be arrested. Wrap your head around that.
It's NEVER Ending.
And no one offline believes me. I feel so helpless.
I know! Me too! They all look at me like I have two heads!
How so? It's public info. Site then the public info. But sites it matter? What are they going to do
I would like to think that if the mrna injections are as devastatingly bad as we think they are then the farmers will soon drop them, they can't afford to lose that much livestock.
35 years ago I started raising and eating my own beef, chicken, and eggs. They were implanting Ralgro in the beef, which is an artificial hormone that supposedly makes them gain weight, and the chickens were fed all kinds of chemicals and hormones to make them grow faster.
I also have been organic gardening and canning and freezing produce for the same time period. I’m not obsessive about it, but as much as I can, I eat what I grow.
We also drink untreated well water. I don’t trust water treatment plants.
My kids are normal and we’re all healthy. It was a lot of work, but worth it. Also, if all hell breaks loose, I’ve got a lot of practice providing food for me and others.
The plan is for the mRNA "vaccine model" to be Pharma's new cash cow and launch an entirely new Bio-Tech wave of financialized "disease management."
The public "health management" industry is now directly tied to global markets and operates based on the demands of those financial conglomerates. Manufactured pandemics are now mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power.
The primary purpose of the medical industry is not the “art of healing” it is as a financial instrument to benefit investors.
Despite the massive revenue that Pharma generates it has over the last decade been fraught with declining rates of profit and in a constant state of crisis as it seeks to continuously generate profits.
To do so Pharma has to constantly create new markets and hunt for (invent) “new” microbes that can only be cured by Pharma’s “miraculous medicines.”
The Industry relies on blockbuster drugs to keep it’s bloated ship afloat. Without these “big sellers” (subsidized by governments) the industry implodes. So the industry will do whatever it takes to manufacture the “disease” and the rationale for the “cure.”
It's worth noting that in the USA "disease management" represents almost $4 trillion/yr of the $17 trillion/yr economy.
"Health management" has replaced war as the world's primary money spinner, the elites need continuing large-scale health crises to keep the economy going.
The cure du jour is the “vaccine”- especially after the last three years (though in reality this was all pre-planned years back to make it so) as not only does the “vaccine” have indemnity but now, thanks to the Covid Con, no longer do these biologics need to go through costly Phase 3 trials- which eat up to anywhere from 40%-90% of total R&D costs.
This fraud has been legalized by governments who are completely controlled and betrothed to large Western financial interests who are heavily invested in Pharma, rely on these investments as staples of their portfolios and have a significant portion of their fortunes tied to the fate of Big Pharma and the “disease management” system.
They have no power if you don’t go to a doctor. Pharmaceutical companies can’t make a penny unless you come to them.
Lettuce-Vectored mRNA Vaccines
What Could Possibly Go Wrong ?!?
This is very disturbing, yet not surprising, considering the depravity of the individuals (Gates, et al.) who are pushing this agenda. I wonder if this is already happening? I sure hope not. Most people are still oblivious to what's really going on here. It's very surreal.
Warekracht idd dit is zeer verontrustend en dat moet dringend stoppen omdat die meeste mensen niet weten wat er echt aan de hand is die zijn het grootste gevaar voor andere mensen ik verloor een groot deel van mijn familie door die onbekwame sekte mislukkingen die zelfs niet verantwoordelijk kunnen worden laten we dit allemaal nu dan ook stoppen en schreeuw voor uw uw vrijheid terug tenemen of stem die probleem pchygopaten weg voor een betere wereld te creëren voor de mensen en voor de generaties, en jongeren, de ouders, etc....
When does this come up for a vote in Missouri?