Ahh the old NAZI doctors. Did you know Auschwitz had swimming pools, a theater and brothels? It had maternity wards, family housing units and football (soccer teams). Imagine that, inmates being worked so hard they had energy left at the end of the day to play soccer.
Next to the math on how 4,000,000 Jews could have been gassed and cremated given the logistics of Auschwitz. Maybe then you’ll realize you’ve been lied to. Again. And again.
No one questions the camps. It’s interesting of course that all of the camps liberated by the allied forces were work camps while all of the camps liberated by the Soviets were death camps. What a coincidence! It’s not like the Commies were purveyors of propaganda. Maybe that’s why they built a detached chimney at Auschwitz AFTER the camp was liberated.
Did you know the Red Cross were stationed at the camps and never reported any issues. Did you know the NAZIs documented every detail of the war yet there is no written documentation found for the extermination of Jews. Did you know that the British cracked the secret NAZI code yet they intercepted exactly zero NAZI communications discussing the mass extermination of Jews. I could do this all night. The holohoax argument holds about as much water as a fishing net.
Before there was TDS, there was HDS. Most of history’s retelling is mixed with tons of propaganda -- often created & rolled out in real time as events occurred. Question everything.
Work camps. They needed the manpower to produce resources for war. You don’t put tattoos on people you’re sentencing to death. You tag assets, inventory or laborers to track over a period of time when you plan to use them (versus destroy or discard them).
It does matter. The holocaust has been weaponized against Western society. Holocaust denial is illegal in many European countries. There is no logical reason for this, where debate is crushed and dissent is met with the removal from civilized society. Just look at what David Irving went through. He was not a proponent of murdering all Jews, he only look at the historical facts and arrived at a non mainstream conclusion. This isn’t right, it’s not okay.
I don’t think that most holocaust revisionists (I’ve never met an actual denier) claim that the camps were a resort vacation. But reasonable people should be able to sort through the evidence and debate. This is impossible in most places with the holocaust. And you still have organizations like ADL, SPLC using the holocaust as a way to control society. Just look at the chaos on Twitter now. People are noticing. The same people who will not let you ask questions about the holocaust are the same people not letting you ask questions about COVID, lockdowns, the jabs, etc.
The situation is not dissimilar than with the jabs. Does it matter if the jabs harm 10,000 worldwide rather than 6,000,000? I think it does.
Somewhere in the thread you stated that the camps that were liberated by American troops were deemed to be ‘work camps’ and that the Soviets were the only ones who liberated supposed “death camps”.
Below are some excerpts from an article recounting the AMERICAN liberation of Dachau:
“What the Soldiers discovered next at Dachau left an impression of a lifetime,” the division assistant chaplain (Maj.) Eli Bohnen wrote at the time, according to the release. ““Nothing you can put in words would adequately describe what I saw there. The human mind refuses to believe what the eyes see. All the stories of Nazi horrors are underestimated rather than exaggerated.”
“The U.S. Army unit uncovered thousands of bodies of men, women and children held in the concentration camp.”
“There were over 4,000 bodies, men, women and children in a warehouse in the crematorium,” Lt. Col. Walter Fellenz, commander of the 1st Battalion, 222nd Infantry, said in his report. “There were over 1,000 dead bodies in the barracks within the enclosure.”
“Riflemen, accustomed to witnessing death, had no stomach for rooms stacked almost ceiling high with tangled human bodies adjoining the cremation furnaces, looking like some maniac’s woodpile,” wrote Tech. Sgt. James Creasman, a division public affairs NCO in the 42nd Division World News, May 1, 1945.
“Over 205,000 people were imprisoned there between 1933-1945. Some 41,500 were murdered there. #history.”
And you consider Dachau to be a “work camp”???
I want to emphasize part of what the American chaplain wrote when the camp complex was liberated:
“The human mind refuses to believe what the eyes see. All the stories of Nazi horrors are underestimated rather than exaggerated.”
“The human mind refuses to believe what the eyes see”,
Maybe that’s the reason why it’s so hard for some people to believe that it ever happened......
Sucks when the allies bomb your supply lines and everyone starved to death. There were no homicidal gas chambers, there’s no evidence of these. The pile of bodies included Jews but were not exclusively Jews.
The camps were work camps, labor camps, not Club Med. Typhus was a huge problem, hence the Zyklon B. The US did the same thing with DDT.
No one disputes that people died in the camps. The dispute is to the claim that there was a systematic plan to exterminate all Jews, and that 6,000,000 were gassed in homicidal gas chambers, including 4,000,000 in Auschwitz alone. That is the claim.
You referred to some first hand accounts of a work camp. You’re probably aware of the books written by Eisenhower, Churchill and de Gaulle after the war. Over 7,000 pages in total. Not one sentence or mention of anything related to the Jews holocaust story.
Wasn't the bombings of all infastructure, railways, responsible for no foods and medicines getting through and mass outbreaks of typhoid the prime cause of deaths and suffering? Ann Frank was not gassed but died of typhoid in an actual hospital in Belsen.
Ann was actually moved when she became ill. They tried to cure her. Seems like it would have been a lot easier to just put a bullet in her head. She was a weak and frail little girl who could not really contribute to the war effort. Why did the NAZI’s try to keep her alive? Why not just throw her into a gas chamber, shoot her or just beat her to death and burn her body? Ann’s story doesn’t fit well with the mass extermination story.
I'm the daughter of German parents, father called up to serve in 1943, aged 17. He was captured in Normandy and shipped to USA as POW and he was lucky as over 1m POWS under Eisenhower and French suffered and died from malnutrition and neglect. US and Brits have no idea that millions of civilian Germans, women, children, old folk, more died after the war ended. The "wolf kinder" orphans living on their wits to survive. Most of my youth was total embarrassment to be German as I believed the rhetoric but my parents, although very young at the time, knew nothing of the horrors which only surfaced long after. Only since this plandemic have I read so much and learned about banksters, geopolitics and pharma, oh and weather manipulation. Once people realise that every event that happens is orchestrated deliberately by a select few and without them the world would be a much better place. What's happening now is another phase towards one global utopia for them but now under health and free speech policy which younger ones in particular, don't understand.
We have to discern and decipher propaganda. Anyone can describe the aftermath of anything with their own bias. A corrupt cop can plant a gun by a dead body and say a murder was self-defense. Oswald can be blamed for JFK’s murder. 9/11 can be interpreted as the official conspiracy theory claimed, even though a number of the alleged ‘kamikaze’ terrorists were discovered alive after the event and Building 7 collapsed into its footprint at freefall speed like the twin towers did WITHOUT a plane striking it.
More people should be wide awake now after the Scamdemic, the money laundering via Ukraine, decades of UFO and advanced technology coverups, false flags & needless wars, etc. Even Congress concedes there are secret access programs, black budgets and covert ops that they know nothing about—all done in the name of national security & national defense.
This is status quo for our so-called Democratic Republic. Has been this way for generations.
Our founding fathers debated how much or how little federal government there should be, and were challenged by enemies both without & within throughout the American Revolution and in every generation that followed.
One also needs to learn to discern which conspiracy theories are plausible or even possible and which ones are quite unlikely to be true.
Any reasonably intelligent person who is so inclined can take the mounds of information available on the internet (whether true or not) and weave a plausible scenario to “prove “ that just about anything.
I don’t have the time or inclination to debate each of the myriad theories, and I’m sure that some of them have merit.
But the fact is, that until we have indisputable evidence (like we do with Covid...both its origins and the vaxx) that the official narrative is true, all that we can do is sit around and argue or agree with each other about the merits of each theory.
Many people seem to have made the assumption that, because “they” are lying to us about Covid, that “they” have lied to us about everything remotely questionable that has ever happened.....
The burden of proof lies upon the creator of the theory, story or narrative. It is up to those who claim that 6,000,000 died to provide evidence or proof to support this claim. A story here and there does not amount to proof of 6,000,000.
The same can be said for anthropogenic global warming, now rebranded as climate change. The assertion is that human activity is increasing CO2 levels which is increasing global temperatures which is a danger to humanity. This is true until proven false. This is a logical fallacy.
Poking holes in the 6,000,000 gassed and cremated Jews is just too easy. The 6,000,000 number was pushed by a Jewish newspaper hundreds of times before the end of WWII. Here is a collection.
The 6 million magic number was in newspapers well before any world war to drum up support for new state of Israel in Palestine which Brits agreed to but who are they to make these decisions?
Discernment takes time, energy, interest, effort and critical thinking skills. Not everyone is up to the task. Some people are expert researchers, others are good observers, listeners & thinkers (or examiners) of others’ research, others might be mildly curious, and others apathetic or too busy with daily life to get involved.
True, but many “researchers” of these various theories already have a pre-conceived idea of what they think happened (or ideas that they wish to convey) and cherry pick facts to validate their claims. In some cases they simply lie and hope that no one checks their sources.
A popular and blatant example of this is “Ancient Aliens” on the History Channel. If you bother to look into the claims made on that program, you’ll find that almost all of it is BS. The “researchers” do exactly what I’m complaining about. They cherry pick facts to fit their narrative, and leave out rational explanations by credible experts (with accompanying evidence that is ignored). They are essentially lying to the public and I personally believe that there is a fair amount of this in the realm of conspiracy theorists.
I am not saying that there is no validity to any of these theories, just that one needs to be very careful about which sources to believe.
There also is a tendency for some people to string these theories together into what really becomes an alternate history, where absolutely nothing is as it seems and everything that we were taught is a lie.
I also wonder how much these theories are being pushed by our adversaries in order to undermine our allegiance to our own country.
There were multiple camps on all sides, including Japanese internment camps throughout the US, prisoner of war & slave labor camps throughout Europe that the allies used, to say nothing of the gulags in the Soviet Union where 20,000,000 people, including Jews, had died prior to World War II and tens of millions continued to suffer and die after World War II.
Almost 2,000,000 German prisoners of war died in the allied prison camps from starvation without any food, clothing, shelter, medical aid… anything humanitarian.… like Andersonville where thousands of Union soldiers died the same way.
The Soviet union would’ve been defeated by Germany had not the US supplied them with weapons, money, intelligence & manpower. Hitler was trying to save Germany & Europe from Communism. The US and Great Britain helped it spread.
The claim, Kathie, as I’m sure you’re quite aware, is that 4 gorillian Jews died at Auschwitz. That number used to be on the plaque there. The plaque was quietly changed because of noticers.
I’m sure you’re also well studied on the liberation of the camps themselves. I have no doubt that you find it both interesting and highly coincidental (perhaps TOO coincidental) that 100% of the camps liberated by the allies were deemed work camps while 100% of the camps liberated by our communist friends (and mortal enemies of the fascists) were death camps. Isn’t that something? I mean, what are the odds?!?
I’m also sure you know the history of the detached chimney at Auschwitz, which was build by the USSR after the end of the war. The chimney to nowhere, connected to nothing. It looks great in the photos of course.
So yes Kat, this dude is quite well aware that there were multiple camps. I’ve probably read more books on the holohoax than you’ve read books - in total.
I am open to accepting the possibility that I have been lied to about something else that I always accepted as fact. My whole world has changed in the last few years! I never even knew there was anything suspicious about 911 until quite recently! But, I do have to ask about all the horrific photos we have all seen of the emaciated people in rags or the piles of bodies in mass graves. They didn't look like they could be "workers". Do you have any recommended reading?
This is a good book to start with. For a deep dive David Irving has done extensive writing on WWII. Finding books that are counter narrative is pretty challenging.
Thank you. I expected that it wasn't a very mainstream narrative, but I've realized that may be the only way to get to the truth about anything - or at the very least to have the possibility of considering other options, not just what I've been spoon-fed.
I bounce back in forth regarding the number of Jewish casualties. As you know the Jewish leaders cooperated fully with the NAZI leadership. And according to one Jewish leader "one goat in Isreal is worth more than all the Jewish diaspora".
The number of Jewish dead continues to be debated, but for me the question is who wanted them persecuted and killed, who blocked their safe escape, who has eyes on global domination and who inflamed conflict.
This is so typical of ziotards. It’s always this kind of reply or something hysterical about great granny who walked backwards out of the homicidal gas chamber and the Sounderkommando didn’t notice because...she was waking backwards durrrr. Occasionally you get someone who claims gramps survived the masturbation machines or something. But rarely does one engage in debating anything factual. It’s always this drivel. Get another boooster Rog like your Zionist overloards demand of you. Make another sacrifice to Moloch. I’ll take my lowest IQ award and put it on the shelf with the rest of the awards anon retards have handed out. Meanwhile, the person with the highest IQ alive today agrees with me, not you.
Have you ever thought that cognitive dissonance is the plan ? To have people arguing about a number rather than be able to hold two truths ? People were tortured and kills in camps and there were movie theaters and swimming pools ? The name of the game is 1/2 truths for all propaganda so that we get stuck on tangents rather than seeing the whole picture.
Multiple layers of disinfo, distractions, lies, propaganda & partial truths create a jungle of confusion. ‘Intelligence experts’ have been honing this practice since ancient times.
Multiple researchers who are independent & unrelated but arrive at the same or similar conclusions, by putting us in touch with original eyewitnesses & firsthand documents, are the better sources to pursue & investigate.
There have been enough survivors to tell the truth. I am sure the swimming pools and movie theaters were for the workers. You’re either not old enough or have never had anymore directly related to you to tell you the horror.
And yet people like Dario Gabbai have been caught telling ridiculous lies. The survivor stories are full of wild lies and exaggeration.
Holocaust denial: the radical notion that the same people who lied about human soap, human-skin lampshades, shrunken heads, steam chambers, electric floors, rollercoasters of death, anus gas pumps, masturbation machines of death, switcharoo hands, bendable shotguns and the peddle-driven brain bashing machine aren’t telling the truth about gas chambers. Understand that there is no physical evidence of homicidal gas chambers. The logistics of such are impossible.
So go ahead and listen to survivor stories. For every one saying something horrible and unimaginable there are others who say they were work camps. If you examine the facts then you’ll see that the gassing of 6,000,000 Jews was an impossible task, and there were no recorded plans, documents or communications about mass extermination. Hitler wanted to either put them elsewhere in Europe or move them to Madagascar.
I pray Ed is correct and that we get some justice, however I’m not holding my breath. I still remain unvaxxed but everyone around me is either constantly sick or getting cancer. Some still can’t or won’t connect the dots.
I am not really too worried for myself, but exceedingly concerned for my children and the younger generations. It’s only a matter of time that we will be hunted down by the evil Democrat regime for our crime of refusing the vaccines and having our independent opinions.
Next will be the mandatory digital IDs, and Central Bank Digital Currency so that we will be completely enslaved.
Barring a decisive coup d'état, the likelihood of the horrifying prediction is extremely high.
Yep. Agree with Ed 100%, The closer we get to the critical mass figuring it out the closer we get to an 'EVENT' to cover up the crimes. It's a good news VERY bad news scenario. As much as we want transparency and justice we will instead get punished by some new nightmare. EMP? Fake alien invasion? Another release from a biolab that kills more...faster and even nastier?
You see it too! Sometimes my husband, mom and my friends and I discuss how we cannot believe how apathetic, willfully ignorant and mentally lazy people are. It's the bread and circus scenario I've heard about all of my life. As long as people have their Door Dash and Netflix they could give a damn about the country being destroyed. It is infuriating and frustrating.
Past wars, 9/11, more wars and more authoritarian gambits have already set precedents. They’ll sacrifice countless millions of people and whole countries for more power, self-enrichment and to escape prosecution for their crimes.
It's blatantly obvious that those that currently hold control over America simply cannot let go of that control. The next year and half will most likely involve MUCH turmoil 😥🙏 hold on tight & keep looking up because it's bound to get REALLY BAD..
What I wonder about is that in Germany, right before C19, in late 2019, a law was altered to include state "recommended" vaccines as something where people can get financial support in case of damages, and to pay that if it gets big, people e.g. who own houses can be forced to take a mortgage on their house. ("Lastenausgleich")
This smells like they could use the damage they inflicted and hasten the path to "you'll own nothing" with it, as if they had re-usable bullets.
They don't even need to use bullets, as we saw in Maui, they'll just dew us and build back better...these are really evil people we're being attacked by...ugh!
PREP Act protects the killers and established a State of Emergency. They stole the last election and the election in 2020. Ramping up right now for Nipah. I do not think they need War Powers. They are in control. Think Maui. Further since this is global my opinion is Agent Biden has his job of destroying the USA so the North American Union can rise from it's ashes. At this point we're simply in a Moderate Totalitarian order able to go hard at any time with likely little resistance no matter word of mouth. Unless there is a Maquis there is no Resistance possible in Vichy USA.
The passivity of the covid vax victims and their loved ones is astounding. I would have expected extensive torch and pitchfork events followed by tar and feather and lynchings by now. Maybe if you’re sheepish enough to get the vax you’re sheepish enough to accept your slaughter☠️
These wicked people will never give up their power, now that their power has grown to the criminal level. They will become more and more desparate to cling to it at all costs. They have no conscience and serve the father of lies. Only God can save those who give themselves to Him, and He is our only hope, not this world. It is time to repent, and turn to Jesus the only Savior, and get ready for whatever comes because He is the Victor now and at the end of all things.
I find that it is best to take a counter viewpoint most of the time. when you understand what is really going on in Ukraine and other parts of the world, you will understand why there will not be a hot war with Russia next year.
Don't forget, we are in 5GW warfare and there are agents, (Dowd? Carlson?) whose job it is to spread disinformation at times to keep the bad guys off balance.
you are spot on.j.harold,devolution,justice rolls slow, glad to see u r awake,starting to believe a lot on "good/truth" r the most dangerous wolf sheep yet.personally i don't think russia isgoing to touch us or vice versa.other than clearing out ukraine and other places our non ds militaries r working together, right now my enemy is my friend is what is really the case.Ghost military been active against ds for long enough 4 maga head to as he said "know about everything".Now, after we bring justice to currant enemy those at the top of "freedom alliance" may show a lot of true colors we need to watch out 4.See, satan is the supreme shadow.Cling to God , Jesus, Holy Spirit. He still has a lot to bring forth that will make this look like a happy place.I believe in the church being spared.NOTHING is as it seems.maranatha.God be with u berean.
sorry, i forgot this thought...have u noticed who trump always does his interviews with?I think they should be watched as possible snakes. he rolls like that. just a theory.
They could also be agents from bad side to spread molrale killing disinfo. to put those just waking off balance. Just hold tight is my opinion as wellBegin going back to original lesser magistate(state,county,city,family) instead of toxic national fed.like the 1776 original plan.MOST important is keep eyes on God.Bible is more accurate than any human news source.Its crazy how things begin to make sense that i used to just almost not pay attention to as far as prophecy and letters in New Testament...actually throughout all of it.
In this 5GW everything flows out of The Art of War by Sun Tzu. There is also a lot of "double reverse sting operations" going on. Trump was trained, specifically, for this position, including to play the role he is playing at present. As you mentioned above, we are in Devolution, and the Biden Administration is not in control. that will become apparent to any one with at least a 5th grade education in a while.
totally agree.Read "Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate" by:Mathew Trewalla.No matter what God is essential. He is very much a master at discernment, pinpoint accuracy, and war against the enemy is impossible w/o the Armour of God...to win it at least.The Bible is so spot on currant events right now it has blown my mind.Take it literally when you read it. Knowledge, the only Truth, and the peace of spirit brought by The Holy Spirit are the only reason i have not died of head explosion, or despair.Good Luck.If u have not yet, please get to know the true Biblical God.He is a master Warrior.He is fighting at our sides.He loves you so much He would have sent His Son Jesus Christ to Die on a tree for you alone.We are for some reason unknown to me, extremely important and loved by our Adoptive Father.On the other side(and when all is said and done there are only two sides)satan hates God and us more than i ever could have imagined. Iwill cling to God with a vice grip.Good Luck.Best Blessings in the Name of Jesus Christ i pray for you.
Thanks for your prayers, they are appreciated. I have been very familiar with the Bible and the Bible's God and his promises of protection for nearly 70 years.
some need to swing. some very high people need to swing. no different than nazi doctors.
Ahh the old NAZI doctors. Did you know Auschwitz had swimming pools, a theater and brothels? It had maternity wards, family housing units and football (soccer teams). Imagine that, inmates being worked so hard they had energy left at the end of the day to play soccer.
Next to the math on how 4,000,000 Jews could have been gassed and cremated given the logistics of Auschwitz. Maybe then you’ll realize you’ve been lied to. Again. And again.
Mmmm, nope. Pretty sure the camps happened.
No one questions the camps. It’s interesting of course that all of the camps liberated by the allied forces were work camps while all of the camps liberated by the Soviets were death camps. What a coincidence! It’s not like the Commies were purveyors of propaganda. Maybe that’s why they built a detached chimney at Auschwitz AFTER the camp was liberated.
Did you know the Red Cross were stationed at the camps and never reported any issues. Did you know the NAZIs documented every detail of the war yet there is no written documentation found for the extermination of Jews. Did you know that the British cracked the secret NAZI code yet they intercepted exactly zero NAZI communications discussing the mass extermination of Jews. I could do this all night. The holohoax argument holds about as much water as a fishing net.
Before there was TDS, there was HDS. Most of history’s retelling is mixed with tons of propaganda -- often created & rolled out in real time as events occurred. Question everything.
Work camps. They needed the manpower to produce resources for war. You don’t put tattoos on people you’re sentencing to death. You tag assets, inventory or laborers to track over a period of time when you plan to use them (versus destroy or discard them).
Oh, and you still didn’t do the math on the 4,000,000 gassed and cooked Jews did you.
Does it matter how many were deliberately murdered?
I mean this respectfully.
Half a million is an atrocity, so is 10,000.
It does matter. The holocaust has been weaponized against Western society. Holocaust denial is illegal in many European countries. There is no logical reason for this, where debate is crushed and dissent is met with the removal from civilized society. Just look at what David Irving went through. He was not a proponent of murdering all Jews, he only look at the historical facts and arrived at a non mainstream conclusion. This isn’t right, it’s not okay.
I don’t think that most holocaust revisionists (I’ve never met an actual denier) claim that the camps were a resort vacation. But reasonable people should be able to sort through the evidence and debate. This is impossible in most places with the holocaust. And you still have organizations like ADL, SPLC using the holocaust as a way to control society. Just look at the chaos on Twitter now. People are noticing. The same people who will not let you ask questions about the holocaust are the same people not letting you ask questions about COVID, lockdowns, the jabs, etc.
The situation is not dissimilar than with the jabs. Does it matter if the jabs harm 10,000 worldwide rather than 6,000,000? I think it does.
You make a good case.
Somewhere in the thread you stated that the camps that were liberated by American troops were deemed to be ‘work camps’ and that the Soviets were the only ones who liberated supposed “death camps”.
Below are some excerpts from an article recounting the AMERICAN liberation of Dachau:
From https://americanmilitarynews
“What the Soldiers discovered next at Dachau left an impression of a lifetime,” the division assistant chaplain (Maj.) Eli Bohnen wrote at the time, according to the release. ““Nothing you can put in words would adequately describe what I saw there. The human mind refuses to believe what the eyes see. All the stories of Nazi horrors are underestimated rather than exaggerated.”
“The U.S. Army unit uncovered thousands of bodies of men, women and children held in the concentration camp.”
“There were over 4,000 bodies, men, women and children in a warehouse in the crematorium,” Lt. Col. Walter Fellenz, commander of the 1st Battalion, 222nd Infantry, said in his report. “There were over 1,000 dead bodies in the barracks within the enclosure.”
“Riflemen, accustomed to witnessing death, had no stomach for rooms stacked almost ceiling high with tangled human bodies adjoining the cremation furnaces, looking like some maniac’s woodpile,” wrote Tech. Sgt. James Creasman, a division public affairs NCO in the 42nd Division World News, May 1, 1945.
“Over 205,000 people were imprisoned there between 1933-1945. Some 41,500 were murdered there. #history.”
And you consider Dachau to be a “work camp”???
I want to emphasize part of what the American chaplain wrote when the camp complex was liberated:
“The human mind refuses to believe what the eyes see. All the stories of Nazi horrors are underestimated rather than exaggerated.”
“The human mind refuses to believe what the eyes see”,
Maybe that’s the reason why it’s so hard for some people to believe that it ever happened......
Sucks when the allies bomb your supply lines and everyone starved to death. There were no homicidal gas chambers, there’s no evidence of these. The pile of bodies included Jews but were not exclusively Jews.
The camps were work camps, labor camps, not Club Med. Typhus was a huge problem, hence the Zyklon B. The US did the same thing with DDT.
No one disputes that people died in the camps. The dispute is to the claim that there was a systematic plan to exterminate all Jews, and that 6,000,000 were gassed in homicidal gas chambers, including 4,000,000 in Auschwitz alone. That is the claim.
You referred to some first hand accounts of a work camp. You’re probably aware of the books written by Eisenhower, Churchill and de Gaulle after the war. Over 7,000 pages in total. Not one sentence or mention of anything related to the Jews holocaust story.
Wasn't the bombings of all infastructure, railways, responsible for no foods and medicines getting through and mass outbreaks of typhoid the prime cause of deaths and suffering? Ann Frank was not gassed but died of typhoid in an actual hospital in Belsen.
Ann was actually moved when she became ill. They tried to cure her. Seems like it would have been a lot easier to just put a bullet in her head. She was a weak and frail little girl who could not really contribute to the war effort. Why did the NAZI’s try to keep her alive? Why not just throw her into a gas chamber, shoot her or just beat her to death and burn her body? Ann’s story doesn’t fit well with the mass extermination story.
I'm the daughter of German parents, father called up to serve in 1943, aged 17. He was captured in Normandy and shipped to USA as POW and he was lucky as over 1m POWS under Eisenhower and French suffered and died from malnutrition and neglect. US and Brits have no idea that millions of civilian Germans, women, children, old folk, more died after the war ended. The "wolf kinder" orphans living on their wits to survive. Most of my youth was total embarrassment to be German as I believed the rhetoric but my parents, although very young at the time, knew nothing of the horrors which only surfaced long after. Only since this plandemic have I read so much and learned about banksters, geopolitics and pharma, oh and weather manipulation. Once people realise that every event that happens is orchestrated deliberately by a select few and without them the world would be a much better place. What's happening now is another phase towards one global utopia for them but now under health and free speech policy which younger ones in particular, don't understand.
We have to discern and decipher propaganda. Anyone can describe the aftermath of anything with their own bias. A corrupt cop can plant a gun by a dead body and say a murder was self-defense. Oswald can be blamed for JFK’s murder. 9/11 can be interpreted as the official conspiracy theory claimed, even though a number of the alleged ‘kamikaze’ terrorists were discovered alive after the event and Building 7 collapsed into its footprint at freefall speed like the twin towers did WITHOUT a plane striking it.
More people should be wide awake now after the Scamdemic, the money laundering via Ukraine, decades of UFO and advanced technology coverups, false flags & needless wars, etc. Even Congress concedes there are secret access programs, black budgets and covert ops that they know nothing about—all done in the name of national security & national defense.
This is status quo for our so-called Democratic Republic. Has been this way for generations.
Our founding fathers debated how much or how little federal government there should be, and were challenged by enemies both without & within throughout the American Revolution and in every generation that followed.
One also needs to learn to discern which conspiracy theories are plausible or even possible and which ones are quite unlikely to be true.
Any reasonably intelligent person who is so inclined can take the mounds of information available on the internet (whether true or not) and weave a plausible scenario to “prove “ that just about anything.
I don’t have the time or inclination to debate each of the myriad theories, and I’m sure that some of them have merit.
But the fact is, that until we have indisputable evidence (like we do with Covid...both its origins and the vaxx) that the official narrative is true, all that we can do is sit around and argue or agree with each other about the merits of each theory.
Many people seem to have made the assumption that, because “they” are lying to us about Covid, that “they” have lied to us about everything remotely questionable that has ever happened.....
The burden of proof lies upon the creator of the theory, story or narrative. It is up to those who claim that 6,000,000 died to provide evidence or proof to support this claim. A story here and there does not amount to proof of 6,000,000.
The same can be said for anthropogenic global warming, now rebranded as climate change. The assertion is that human activity is increasing CO2 levels which is increasing global temperatures which is a danger to humanity. This is true until proven false. This is a logical fallacy.
Poking holes in the 6,000,000 gassed and cremated Jews is just too easy. The 6,000,000 number was pushed by a Jewish newspaper hundreds of times before the end of WWII. Here is a collection.
The 6 million magic number was in newspapers well before any world war to drum up support for new state of Israel in Palestine which Brits agreed to but who are they to make these decisions?
Discernment takes time, energy, interest, effort and critical thinking skills. Not everyone is up to the task. Some people are expert researchers, others are good observers, listeners & thinkers (or examiners) of others’ research, others might be mildly curious, and others apathetic or too busy with daily life to get involved.
True, but many “researchers” of these various theories already have a pre-conceived idea of what they think happened (or ideas that they wish to convey) and cherry pick facts to validate their claims. In some cases they simply lie and hope that no one checks their sources.
A popular and blatant example of this is “Ancient Aliens” on the History Channel. If you bother to look into the claims made on that program, you’ll find that almost all of it is BS. The “researchers” do exactly what I’m complaining about. They cherry pick facts to fit their narrative, and leave out rational explanations by credible experts (with accompanying evidence that is ignored). They are essentially lying to the public and I personally believe that there is a fair amount of this in the realm of conspiracy theorists.
I am not saying that there is no validity to any of these theories, just that one needs to be very careful about which sources to believe.
There also is a tendency for some people to string these theories together into what really becomes an alternate history, where absolutely nothing is as it seems and everything that we were taught is a lie.
I also wonder how much these theories are being pushed by our adversaries in order to undermine our allegiance to our own country.
Prett sure there were multiple camps dude
There were multiple camps on all sides, including Japanese internment camps throughout the US, prisoner of war & slave labor camps throughout Europe that the allies used, to say nothing of the gulags in the Soviet Union where 20,000,000 people, including Jews, had died prior to World War II and tens of millions continued to suffer and die after World War II.
Almost 2,000,000 German prisoners of war died in the allied prison camps from starvation without any food, clothing, shelter, medical aid… anything humanitarian.… like Andersonville where thousands of Union soldiers died the same way.
The Soviet union would’ve been defeated by Germany had not the US supplied them with weapons, money, intelligence & manpower. Hitler was trying to save Germany & Europe from Communism. The US and Great Britain helped it spread.
The claim, Kathie, as I’m sure you’re quite aware, is that 4 gorillian Jews died at Auschwitz. That number used to be on the plaque there. The plaque was quietly changed because of noticers.
I’m sure you’re also well studied on the liberation of the camps themselves. I have no doubt that you find it both interesting and highly coincidental (perhaps TOO coincidental) that 100% of the camps liberated by the allies were deemed work camps while 100% of the camps liberated by our communist friends (and mortal enemies of the fascists) were death camps. Isn’t that something? I mean, what are the odds?!?
I’m also sure you know the history of the detached chimney at Auschwitz, which was build by the USSR after the end of the war. The chimney to nowhere, connected to nothing. It looks great in the photos of course.
So yes Kat, this dude is quite well aware that there were multiple camps. I’ve probably read more books on the holohoax than you’ve read books - in total.
I am open to accepting the possibility that I have been lied to about something else that I always accepted as fact. My whole world has changed in the last few years! I never even knew there was anything suspicious about 911 until quite recently! But, I do have to ask about all the horrific photos we have all seen of the emaciated people in rags or the piles of bodies in mass graves. They didn't look like they could be "workers". Do you have any recommended reading?
This is a good book to start with. For a deep dive David Irving has done extensive writing on WWII. Finding books that are counter narrative is pretty challenging.
Thank you. I expected that it wasn't a very mainstream narrative, but I've realized that may be the only way to get to the truth about anything - or at the very least to have the possibility of considering other options, not just what I've been spoon-fed.
This link tells me that the channel is restricted because it "contains incitement to hatred". I don't know if there is a way to bypass that or not.
I bounce back in forth regarding the number of Jewish casualties. As you know the Jewish leaders cooperated fully with the NAZI leadership. And according to one Jewish leader "one goat in Isreal is worth more than all the Jewish diaspora".
The number of Jewish dead continues to be debated, but for me the question is who wanted them persecuted and killed, who blocked their safe escape, who has eyes on global domination and who inflamed conflict.
CK you get the lowest IQ award for todays comment.
This is so typical of ziotards. It’s always this kind of reply or something hysterical about great granny who walked backwards out of the homicidal gas chamber and the Sounderkommando didn’t notice because...she was waking backwards durrrr. Occasionally you get someone who claims gramps survived the masturbation machines or something. But rarely does one engage in debating anything factual. It’s always this drivel. Get another boooster Rog like your Zionist overloards demand of you. Make another sacrifice to Moloch. I’ll take my lowest IQ award and put it on the shelf with the rest of the awards anon retards have handed out. Meanwhile, the person with the highest IQ alive today agrees with me, not you.
Have you ever thought that cognitive dissonance is the plan ? To have people arguing about a number rather than be able to hold two truths ? People were tortured and kills in camps and there were movie theaters and swimming pools ? The name of the game is 1/2 truths for all propaganda so that we get stuck on tangents rather than seeing the whole picture.
Multiple layers of disinfo, distractions, lies, propaganda & partial truths create a jungle of confusion. ‘Intelligence experts’ have been honing this practice since ancient times.
Multiple researchers who are independent & unrelated but arrive at the same or similar conclusions, by putting us in touch with original eyewitnesses & firsthand documents, are the better sources to pursue & investigate.
An interesting documentary on this.
Part 8 addresses the alleged holocaust.
There have been enough survivors to tell the truth. I am sure the swimming pools and movie theaters were for the workers. You’re either not old enough or have never had anymore directly related to you to tell you the horror.
And yet people like Dario Gabbai have been caught telling ridiculous lies. The survivor stories are full of wild lies and exaggeration.
Holocaust denial: the radical notion that the same people who lied about human soap, human-skin lampshades, shrunken heads, steam chambers, electric floors, rollercoasters of death, anus gas pumps, masturbation machines of death, switcharoo hands, bendable shotguns and the peddle-driven brain bashing machine aren’t telling the truth about gas chambers. Understand that there is no physical evidence of homicidal gas chambers. The logistics of such are impossible.
So go ahead and listen to survivor stories. For every one saying something horrible and unimaginable there are others who say they were work camps. If you examine the facts then you’ll see that the gassing of 6,000,000 Jews was an impossible task, and there were no recorded plans, documents or communications about mass extermination. Hitler wanted to either put them elsewhere in Europe or move them to Madagascar.
yes, i’d like another covid shot, please. 🤣
I went to private, catholic schools from kindergarten thru JESUIT University...the "holocaust " was NEVER MENTIONED...
I pray Ed is correct and that we get some justice, however I’m not holding my breath. I still remain unvaxxed but everyone around me is either constantly sick or getting cancer. Some still can’t or won’t connect the dots.
I am not really too worried for myself, but exceedingly concerned for my children and the younger generations. It’s only a matter of time that we will be hunted down by the evil Democrat regime for our crime of refusing the vaccines and having our independent opinions.
Next will be the mandatory digital IDs, and Central Bank Digital Currency so that we will be completely enslaved.
Barring a decisive coup d'état, the likelihood of the horrifying prediction is extremely high.
I’m hoping that we find our balls before that happens and use the second amendment.
Yep. Agree with Ed 100%, The closer we get to the critical mass figuring it out the closer we get to an 'EVENT' to cover up the crimes. It's a good news VERY bad news scenario. As much as we want transparency and justice we will instead get punished by some new nightmare. EMP? Fake alien invasion? Another release from a biolab that kills more...faster and even nastier?
Don’t underestimate people’s ability to not give a shit. Apathy is strong in the 21st century.
You see it too! Sometimes my husband, mom and my friends and I discuss how we cannot believe how apathetic, willfully ignorant and mentally lazy people are. It's the bread and circus scenario I've heard about all of my life. As long as people have their Door Dash and Netflix they could give a damn about the country being destroyed. It is infuriating and frustrating.
Past wars, 9/11, more wars and more authoritarian gambits have already set precedents. They’ll sacrifice countless millions of people and whole countries for more power, self-enrichment and to escape prosecution for their crimes.
It's blatantly obvious that those that currently hold control over America simply cannot let go of that control. The next year and half will most likely involve MUCH turmoil 😥🙏 hold on tight & keep looking up because it's bound to get REALLY BAD..
Nothing will be able to cover it up.
This is just one part of their quiet war on us. It’s an attack on every aspect of our daily lives we hold dear, faith, family and our freedom.
What I wonder about is that in Germany, right before C19, in late 2019, a law was altered to include state "recommended" vaccines as something where people can get financial support in case of damages, and to pay that if it gets big, people e.g. who own houses can be forced to take a mortgage on their house. ("Lastenausgleich")
This smells like they could use the damage they inflicted and hasten the path to "you'll own nothing" with it, as if they had re-usable bullets.
They don't even need to use bullets, as we saw in Maui, they'll just dew us and build back better...these are really evil people we're being attacked by...ugh!
Yep, that is how it works & that it was a trap was pretty clear from the beginning... Which was around a decade ago or more in many countries!
PREP Act protects the killers and established a State of Emergency. They stole the last election and the election in 2020. Ramping up right now for Nipah. I do not think they need War Powers. They are in control. Think Maui. Further since this is global my opinion is Agent Biden has his job of destroying the USA so the North American Union can rise from it's ashes. At this point we're simply in a Moderate Totalitarian order able to go hard at any time with likely little resistance no matter word of mouth. Unless there is a Maquis there is no Resistance possible in Vichy USA.
They will just create a new permacrisis, this time with observable consequences. Or they may pin the sudden surge in deaths on Disease X.
The passivity of the covid vax victims and their loved ones is astounding. I would have expected extensive torch and pitchfork events followed by tar and feather and lynchings by now. Maybe if you’re sheepish enough to get the vax you’re sheepish enough to accept your slaughter☠️
This is a tread in healthcare that started long before ConVid. People like their disease labels and their magic pills
These wicked people will never give up their power, now that their power has grown to the criminal level. They will become more and more desparate to cling to it at all costs. They have no conscience and serve the father of lies. Only God can save those who give themselves to Him, and He is our only hope, not this world. It is time to repent, and turn to Jesus the only Savior, and get ready for whatever comes because He is the Victor now and at the end of all things.
They will just approve more drugs to treat more symptoms. It’s what they do. Give you poison and sell a cure Great business model
You can run but you can’t hide
I find that it is best to take a counter viewpoint most of the time. when you understand what is really going on in Ukraine and other parts of the world, you will understand why there will not be a hot war with Russia next year.
Don't forget, we are in 5GW warfare and there are agents, (Dowd? Carlson?) whose job it is to spread disinformation at times to keep the bad guys off balance.
Sometimes the best course is a "wait and see."
@Bitterroot Glad to see a Biden’s clown speaking nonsense here.
you are spot on.j.harold,devolution,justice rolls slow, glad to see u r awake,starting to believe a lot on "good/truth" r the most dangerous wolf sheep yet.personally i don't think russia isgoing to touch us or vice versa.other than clearing out ukraine and other places our non ds militaries r working together, right now my enemy is my friend is what is really the case.Ghost military been active against ds for long enough 4 maga head to as he said "know about everything".Now, after we bring justice to currant enemy those at the top of "freedom alliance" may show a lot of true colors we need to watch out 4.See, satan is the supreme shadow.Cling to God , Jesus, Holy Spirit. He still has a lot to bring forth that will make this look like a happy place.I believe in the church being spared.NOTHING is as it seems.maranatha.God be with u berean.
sorry, i forgot this thought...have u noticed who trump always does his interviews with?I think they should be watched as possible snakes. he rolls like that. just a theory.
They could also be agents from bad side to spread molrale killing disinfo. to put those just waking off balance. Just hold tight is my opinion as wellBegin going back to original lesser magistate(state,county,city,family) instead of toxic national fed.like the 1776 original plan.MOST important is keep eyes on God.Bible is more accurate than any human news source.Its crazy how things begin to make sense that i used to just almost not pay attention to as far as prophecy and letters in New Testament...actually throughout all of it.
In this 5GW everything flows out of The Art of War by Sun Tzu. There is also a lot of "double reverse sting operations" going on. Trump was trained, specifically, for this position, including to play the role he is playing at present. As you mentioned above, we are in Devolution, and the Biden Administration is not in control. that will become apparent to any one with at least a 5th grade education in a while.
totally agree.Read "Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate" by:Mathew Trewalla.No matter what God is essential. He is very much a master at discernment, pinpoint accuracy, and war against the enemy is impossible w/o the Armour of God...to win it at least.The Bible is so spot on currant events right now it has blown my mind.Take it literally when you read it. Knowledge, the only Truth, and the peace of spirit brought by The Holy Spirit are the only reason i have not died of head explosion, or despair.Good Luck.If u have not yet, please get to know the true Biblical God.He is a master Warrior.He is fighting at our sides.He loves you so much He would have sent His Son Jesus Christ to Die on a tree for you alone.We are for some reason unknown to me, extremely important and loved by our Adoptive Father.On the other side(and when all is said and done there are only two sides)satan hates God and us more than i ever could have imagined. Iwill cling to God with a vice grip.Good Luck.Best Blessings in the Name of Jesus Christ i pray for you.
Thanks for your prayers, they are appreciated. I have been very familiar with the Bible and the Bible's God and his promises of protection for nearly 70 years.