some need to swing. some very high people need to swing. no different than nazi doctors.

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I pray Ed is correct and that we get some justice, however I’m not holding my breath. I still remain unvaxxed but everyone around me is either constantly sick or getting cancer. Some still can’t or won’t connect the dots.

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Yep. Agree with Ed 100%, The closer we get to the critical mass figuring it out the closer we get to an 'EVENT' to cover up the crimes. It's a good news VERY bad news scenario. As much as we want transparency and justice we will instead get punished by some new nightmare. EMP? Fake alien invasion? Another release from a biolab that kills more...faster and even nastier?

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Don’t underestimate people’s ability to not give a shit. Apathy is strong in the 21st century.

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Past wars, 9/11, more wars and more authoritarian gambits have already set precedents. They’ll sacrifice countless millions of people and whole countries for more power, self-enrichment and to escape prosecution for their crimes.

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It's blatantly obvious that those that currently hold control over America simply cannot let go of that control. The next year and half will most likely involve MUCH turmoil 😥🙏 hold on tight & keep looking up because it's bound to get REALLY BAD..

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Nothing will be able to cover it up.

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This is just one part of their quiet war on us. It’s an attack on every aspect of our daily lives we hold dear, faith, family and our freedom.

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What I wonder about is that in Germany, right before C19, in late 2019, a law was altered to include state "recommended" vaccines as something where people can get financial support in case of damages, and to pay that if it gets big, people e.g. who own houses can be forced to take a mortgage on their house. ("Lastenausgleich")

This smells like they could use the damage they inflicted and hasten the path to "you'll own nothing" with it, as if they had re-usable bullets.

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PREP Act protects the killers and established a State of Emergency. They stole the last election and the election in 2020. Ramping up right now for Nipah. I do not think they need War Powers. They are in control. Think Maui. Further since this is global my opinion is Agent Biden has his job of destroying the USA so the North American Union can rise from it's ashes. At this point we're simply in a Moderate Totalitarian order able to go hard at any time with likely little resistance no matter word of mouth. Unless there is a Maquis there is no Resistance possible in Vichy USA.

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They will just create a new permacrisis, this time with observable consequences. Or they may pin the sudden surge in deaths on Disease X.


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The passivity of the covid vax victims and their loved ones is astounding. I would have expected extensive torch and pitchfork events followed by tar and feather and lynchings by now. Maybe if you’re sheepish enough to get the vax you’re sheepish enough to accept your slaughter☠️

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These wicked people will never give up their power, now that their power has grown to the criminal level. They will become more and more desparate to cling to it at all costs. They have no conscience and serve the father of lies. Only God can save those who give themselves to Him, and He is our only hope, not this world. It is time to repent, and turn to Jesus the only Savior, and get ready for whatever comes because He is the Victor now and at the end of all things.

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They will just approve more drugs to treat more symptoms. It’s what they do. Give you poison and sell a cure Great business model

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You can run but you can’t hide

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I find that it is best to take a counter viewpoint most of the time. when you understand what is really going on in Ukraine and other parts of the world, you will understand why there will not be a hot war with Russia next year.

Don't forget, we are in 5GW warfare and there are agents, (Dowd? Carlson?) whose job it is to spread disinformation at times to keep the bad guys off balance.

Sometimes the best course is a "wait and see."

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