Musk is a good guy. There are so many things to be upset about and worry about, but I am so grateful to be alive at the same time as Elon Musk.

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As I keep saying, he better get/expose "them" before they get him ... I think he's, perhaps, figured this out. The world is full of billionaires. However, very few have a chance to change the course of future events or really improve the world ... Maybe Musk is playing for a prominent and important spot in future history books?

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He is "them." Why do you think Musk parades around publicly as Netanyahu's Cuck no matter the atrocities that Netanyahu commits?

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He purchased Twitter to implement a shadowban and censorship policy. Musk is deeply involved in the artificial intelligence based assassination program of Israel.

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Elon Musk is a 33rd degree Freemason just as Trump is. See https://vaccineimpact.com/2022/freemason-satanist-technocrat-elon-musk-the-new-idol-of-the-christian-right/

If you don't believe that Trump is a 33rd degree Freemason, then see this: From



which I labelled Trump - Attends his 33 Initiation Ceremony in Scotland

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Well Arlene if both are Satanist they hide it well, guess your along for the ride now huh...!

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That's a club protecting him from the club he is in. It's like the USVI to Epstein's Islands.

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You are correct. Jesuits had formed a second division of Masons in Europe so they could ensconce themselves into Freemasonry in order to control and work through them thus fulfilling their "own your soul methodology" Ever hear Ecumenical movement (Jesuit created) Originally Billy Graham refused the worldly bring all together initiative util about six of his relative were threatened with death. You heard the names Knights of Malta, CFR, Opus Dai, Club of Rome, Bildebergers, Trilateralists, Group of 300, Illuminati, Black Nobility etc etc and dozens of others in order to not only control world leadership but to keep public citizens disoriented, confused and fearful. Brlive Trump aslso a Mason found him and Father standing under framed Mason symbolism.

Addendum:You heard the names Knights of Malta, CFR, Opus Dai, Club of Rome, Bildebergers, Trilateralists, Group of 300, Illuminati, Black Nobility etc etc and dozens of others(ALL JESUIT CREATIONS) in order to not only control world leadership but to keep public citizens disoriented, confused and fearful. Brlive Trump aslso a Mason found him and Father standing under framed Mason symbolism.

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Oct 18
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They transitioned his son may be one reason as he’s stated on firmer interviews.

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Thank you, Elon Musk, for using your brains money and talent on a bunch of Americans who feel so stomped on by this ungodly crew of child molesters and thieves who call themselves "Leaders". If not for you and Trump fighting this battle at the top, those of us at the bottom would have no hope left. May God reward you for the love and kindness you bestow on us simple American patriots, Veterans, Military, Christians, children, elderly, who, thanks to you and TRUMP, are forgotten no more. You're an American Hero. You are AMAZING and wonderful! Smart enough to Knock down all the cameras and end this communist surveillance and peering by billionaire voyeurs and control NWO freaks into our privacy. Great things coming to America!!! Blessings, and Gods' protection against the deep state assassins.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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You are mind controls Holy Grail. Holy shit. You are thanking two of America's biggest sicko's for saving you from sicko's.

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Be smart to watch n 👀 huh, esp with the likes of the creeps that 0'Biden/MA0'bama are pardoning that were totally all out trying to sink Trump for 8yrs = for some reason the Evil Pricks like Soros/Schwab had it hugely out for Trump ...!

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Those JABS got you so screwed up!! TDS plus the "Vaccines"...Talk about mind control!! lol you need a booster. Your description of yourself "Wandering" suits you

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In fact, Musk found it to be a “heck of a coincidence” that Philadelphia and Maricopa County use Dominion voting machines but “not in a lot of other places,” saying that the last thing he would want to do is trust a computer program “because it's just too easy to hack.”

PAPER BALLOTS is the ONLY way to insure a “safe & secure” election, with a valid ID in America today!

These “commucrats” know it! How else can they win a “one dog race”? They can’t, NOT without “election-fraud”!

So once again, we’ll witness a “organized crime” election night / absentee ballot election fraud, happening before our eyes!

There’s no way they’ll certify Donald J. Trump the winner, even if the entire world voted for him!

Obviously 2020 meant nothing to those who have placed “Harris / Walz” signs in their front yard! Because 1. they’re either “sleeping” on the beach with

“creepy-sleazy-Joe” and haven’t awakened from a “50-year-nap” or 2. they want / they’re part of this “DESTRUCTION” of America happening again, before our eyes!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Hope you are wrong but I suspect the election might be stolen again.

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So do I Kent, so do I. There’s been and continues to be, extreme “gaslighting”!

Sick and demented people or as some call them “useful idiots” are exacerbating the “Trump is Hitler” narrative, which anyone in their right mind, including half asleep individuals can understand what’s happening.

As I said before, the entire world could vote for Trump and the “Globalist Elites” have a solution which is, “do not certify”!

Simple deduction of what’s been happening is a good indicator as to what will happen next. There’s no way, after Biden and now Harris, have been elevated to the “Highest” position in the world, were placed in this “position”!

Neither of these “puppets” won legitimately, everyone knows this and based on these two examples tells me, once again “We the People” / Trump will be “railroaded”!

Thank you Kent. I appreciate your input.


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That’s why they will either be gone (as in dead) or we won’t have an election.

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I agree Susan, one of the other seems most logical based on the past few years of lie after lie after lie.

There’s something much more sinister happening, something America has never seen before.

Thank you Susan.


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"Musk.....reminded politicians that the tax dollars they spend belong to the American people."

Well, that is actually wrong. Sorry Musk. The current money in circulation...the Federal Reserve Note...belongs to the private organization called the Federal Reserve Banking System (FRBS). The United States Note.. orginially printed by the US Govt and discontinued following a certain Jekyll Island meeting ... is the actual money of the American people.

The FRBS produces its product...the Reserve Dollar... no different than Ford produces trucks... except everyone in United States is not required to use a Ford truck.

If Musk really wanted to stir things up, then he should advocate allowing the FRBS to go bankrupt (like the failed private business it truly is), have the US Govt seize all FRBS assests world wide (valued in the multiples of Trillions), use seized assests to payoff/pay down US Soverign debt, and return US monetary policy back to the United States Note.

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A L W A Y S R E A L L Y —

L I V E D … I N A


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Musk is a White Hat but he was lost for a while because to get where he is and do what he is doing and get the contracts he gets, you have to be in and among the Dark ones (shall we say). Make no mistake he is a good guy.

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The one problem as I see it is that he is one of them.

He is WEF Illuminati Technocracy.

He is a puppet of them he works for.... and with...

He ain't a Genius for sure.

These articles I wrote over the last few years detailing all what and why and what the goal is.

The Hyperloop is based on my Invention and this guy is dangerous.


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🎯 why is his wef ceo still censoring on "X?" his starlink is going to be used as a huge network to track every single human alive. He's definitely one of them "controlled op."

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Read my articles on starlink especially “Starlink Brainwave Attack”.

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He is a genius for sure.

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great 🌹🌻🌸💐💚💛💜❤️🌼😍🥰

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... free speech, the Constitution, secure borders, and sensible spending.

“I've been told at times that these are, like, right-wing values. I'm like, ‘Are you insane?’ These are literally the fundamental values that made America what it is today. And anyone who's against those things is fundamentally anti-American. And the hell with them!”

Wow! It was so important for someone like Musk to speak this way. It is what people need to hear in order for the good guys to win.

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I'm sure I'm not the only one who teared up watching Elon with that little boy. Love this!!

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And yet Elon Musk reflexively protected the ‘traditional’ vaccines in his chat with Tucker Carlson.

What do Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson know about the multitude of vaccine products and repeat vaccinations on the ever-increasing ‘womb to tomb’ schedule?

Little or nothing I would wager. (See the US child, adolescent and adult schedules here: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/imz-schedules/index.html)

And yet the burden of this vaccine load is likely seriously impacting on natural health, see the book Dissolving Illusions for instance.

The Church of Vaccination which has been off limits for so long, let’s see Elon Musk go against the status quo on this one.

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Elon Musk is such a courageous truth warrior, apparently. Doesn't require much courage to speak out about issues that are politically acceptable at the moment. Isn't it curious that he DOESN'T speak out about any of the issues that are actively suppressed by both political parties? Your comment is right on the mark and thanks for saying it!

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Thanks Peter.

Check out Roman Bystrianyk’s Dissolving the Vaccine Illusion substack here:


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If Elon would be a kind of White Hat, why does he cover planet Earth with vulgar, cheap radiation satellite tools?

I am so disappointed that humanity's theatre proves itself to be not more then a cheap, old fashioned good&bad story. Have we watched and played too many virtual games on out television set? And has that influenced our reality maybe? Even Harry Potter is more interesting. It would be all so laughable if it weren't so bloody and ferociously murderous. All VERY disappointing...

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The slight problem with "Trump is our saviour" and he will build the wall, and he will bring Kennedy in to look into big pharma and food, and he will bring Musk in to look at government waste, and he will release the JFK/Oswald/Officer Tippet murder documents etc etc etc ............ is that we have been here before and have heard most of these promises before from the exact same man, Trump, and what did we get? A poison chalice injection in the arm from his big pharma mates who he gave the key of the treasury to to raid for their shareholders and directors whilst never even insisting that they took their own poison shots. Trump is an old man and old men don't change.

If he wins I doubt if we will see Kennedy and Musk in his administration for much longer than General Flynn was before Trump stood back and hung him out to dry along with all the others. Where are the Jan6ers that Trump studiously refused to back for years despite Jan6 obviously being a Pelosi set-up? Where is Steve Bannon that backed him to the hilt? In prison ......... exactly where Kennedy and Musk are headed. The grown man knows the world he lives in and one would have thought the world's "richest man" would have learned by now that revolutions only occur after the people realise who their real enemies are and Trump is most definitely on that list based on his first presidency let alone his second.

Remember Trump supports your freedoms except the freedom to criticise or act against his owners, for that you will be ejected from the country, ...... his words about anyone daring to criticise his genocidal maniac chums not mine. Remember also despite what Musk said about guns that Trump said in his first presidency that "We will take their guns away and sort out the legalities later" when speaking about "mentally deranged" people but also remember he regards anyone who stands against his genocidal tribe as "mentally deranged".

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Ok buddy. Vote for commie kammie then, she'll save you.

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Amen and thank you greatly for having the courage to post your insights. It is discouraging to read so many comments that reflect the "white knight" mentality here. Trump will save us, Musk will save us, Harris is a demon, or flip each stance around and you have "the other side", as if this is Sunday and we're sitting around mindlessly reveling in the NFL games on the television. We have apparently reached a point in our country where folks need to believe whatever they are told to believe. Where is the evidence to support the view that Trump is a patriot and not seeking office for his own self-aggrandizement? And how can I believe that Elon Musk and Bill Gates are geniuses, when their actions and statements reflect quite the opposite. Perhaps because I don't buy into the concept that personal financial wealth somehow bestows superior personal qualities upon the wealthy. Make note of how many commenters reference the idea that we "need" Trump and Musk and [insert name here], instead of recognizing that as the same mentality that has supported every political movement in every country throughout recorded history. Didn't the Germans need Hitler? And the Russians needed Stalin? And the Chinese needed Mao? To paraphrase Larken Rose, the issue is not about who you want to sit on the throne, the issue is that you believe there should be a throne. Please consider not voting, as a way of communicating that you refuse to participate in your own enslavement that has been sold to you as "democracy".

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Re not voting for one’s own demise.

This is a tricky one…

About wasting a vote. But if you don’t want either of the alternatives, what to do?

There should be a category for people who are consciously not voting for any of the candidates, so that it can be observed there is something seriously wrong with the system.

It should be clearly identified there is a significant portion of the electorate that is feeling disenfranchised, and this is going to challenge the validity of the mandate of the ruling party.

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Musk is a hypocritical neoliberal. Venezuela pissed off the US for kicking out its military ’advisors’ and using its oil to help its own people. He wants to exploit them as he wants to exploit Bolivia for lithium.

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Exactly right. Until the US regime goes under and can no longer interfere around the planet in direct contravention of its own constitution we have no idea who voted for what in any country around the planet where the US currently holds sway and that includes in every single NATO nation where it is the US regime owners pushing a stream of degeneracy on the people and no-one else.

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Vigilant Fox- how do you follow the page? I don’t see any buttons or other visual cues for that. I love your content. Thanks for all you do.

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If you click on vigilant fox name it should take you to their home page. You can subscribe/follow from there.

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I don’t plan on tip- toeing around a corrupt govt who wants to rob me of a right given to me from my creator.

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