The mRNA technology is being used to sterilize males and females whether intended or not that’s the way it’s happening. I happen to believe it was intentional but not sure anybody could end up proving it. This has always been the plan to keep humanity below a certain number so that we don’t use up all the natural resources, but nobody sought far enough ahead to figure out how civilization will be maintained without enough people to maintain it. I guess their answer is just to use robots at some point that don’t eat or use any other resources.

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You just nailed it. That’s exactly what their agenda is. It’s very plain to see where this is going. Elon speaks out of both sides of his mouth. On one hand he says things like this. Maybe he’s changed. But this is a spiritual war. The satellites he strung up are not what people think they are for. He’s big on Trans-humanism. Us not so much. Seems to like the idea of inserting chips into our brains. Says it’s to help others in cases like paralysis and other neuro conditions. It always starts out that way but don’t think there isn’t a darker agenda in the mix. There’s other red flags. Bottom line I don’t trust him. Controlled opposition? I don’t know. There are many among us. Use discernment.

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Yes I agree. I would like to trust - but in the end I am Elon hesitant???? Whereas I was 100% antivax right from the start, as soon as I started researching the spike protein, only to find they had no way to stop it from regenerating around your body ad-infinitum. Fancy shooting something into humans that they haven’t found the “stop” button for??? Seriously - I discovered that just 2 weeks in and have avidly spoken out and warned about the gene therapy experiment ever since!!! I was hoping it would be a miracle cure but soon discovered it was more destructive than the Atomic bomb!!! Time has proven me right!!!

I didn’t need time - the warning bells were clapping loudly from the first page of research- a big red flag was that mRNA was ready to go before the turn of the century but they were just waiting for the right/manufactured “virus” to unleash it on us, promoted as “the cure”!!!

REGARDING ELON - the best I can hope for, is that he genuinely does believe he is helping humanity, but others more evil than him, are turning his golden intentions into pure terror for humanity, right under his nose????

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There is an even more deadly mRNA being tested in Japan - a replicating mRNA jab! That means the jab doesn't just reproduce the spike protean, but reproduces the mRNA in the body, so it becomes a forever mRNA factory (and of course, sheds to the unjabbed). 4,000 people in Japan have been injected with it already, no doubt under the auspices of the US, who are controlled by other 'forces'.

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Paul, do you have a link you could share with us?

Sounds plausible in this screwed up world, frightening but plausible.

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Also (though not about the 'self-replicating' mRNA jabs): 'Japan’s most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’: https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/japans-most-senior-cancer-doctor?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=400535&post_id=144993078&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=omgtt&triedRedirect=true

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Paul, thank you for digging these out. I had not seen this before, very important information that will not see the light of day here. Hopefully over time this news will get out anyway. Truth has a way of doing that.

I really appreciate your efforts here. Thank you so much.

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I'll try to find it, but I don't know if I can. It's genuine - try serching for it.

I'm pretty busy, and I am also always tired (4th Stage CKD, for openers).

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I suggest you reserve judgment on Elon until you read the 600 page book on musk by issacson. My take? we need more extremely rich people like him in the world because government politicians philosophers scientists theologians and social engineers really aren’t up to the job humanity faces. Or you could always subscribe to the recipes provided by Harari. That is the solution that will be pushed by the globalist rest of the richest people in the world. Gates er al. It’s a binary choice make your decision. Ultimately, it will be decided by money and power not by ideology and individual sovereign governments that claim to nurture freedom -they will be the victims.

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Musk was one of Klaus Schlob's 'Young Global Leaders', and though he appears to be doing good with X, he is also involved with building the new 'Hadron Collider' and much more anti-human stuff.

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“we need more extremely rich people like him in the world because government politicians philosophers scientists theologians and social engineers really aren’t up to the job humanity faces.”


We are seeing the limits of citizen self governance play out before our eyes.

On the microcosm level, citizen self governance can work quite well. As long as the consequences of decisions made in citizen governing bureaus remain limited and local, then citizen input can be valuable. But when the aggregation of power structures reaches across the local boundaries, acting in coordination to override local interests for their own internal benefit, we have no institutional means of providing effective checks and balances.

It’s not that corruption takes over our civil governing authorities. It is that power breeds itself into more power, mushrooming endlessly in pursuit of ever more power with absolutely no regard for social and civil responsibilities that we want to go along with that power. It’s up to the Uber rich to take on their responsibility to reign in the abuses that are inevitable with unchecked power.

Alas, the people who are the Uber wealthy of today are just as blinded by the might and glory of multinational power as the rest of us. They stand by passively hoping that someone else will stand up and do the right thing. They do not want to endanger themselves by reminding the other super wealthy of their innate obligations toward humanity.

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As the Devil said to Jesus: 'And the devil led him (Jesus) into a high mountain, and shewed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And he said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them. If thou therefore wilt adore before me, all shall be thine.' Luke lV : 5-7

Also, Jesus' quote about it being easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter Heaven (though, of course, the exception proves the rule).

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Paul, I like the part about exception proving the rule. Hmmm.

My take:

The universe is not as impressed with us as we would like to believe. Neither our righteousness nor our villainy make one bit of difference to the larger cosmos. We are nothing but ants scurrying around everywhere to keep ourselves busy. We matter only to ourselves, not to some higher power. We make up stories to give ourselves a sense of higher purpose, a validation for our existence. But seen from another perspective we are silly creatures who are all too impressed with ourselves.

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You’re right not to trust him- apart from X everything he has partnered with Bion tech to produce portable mRNA machines that can be moved all around the world .

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X is not trustworthy either. He has all our data, our beliefs, our stubbornness, and our awakenings.

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I don’t connect with Facebook tik tok instagram or x.

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I think he’s a narcissist! I don’t believe anything he says and he definitely speaks out both sides of his mouth. All these elites are psychopathic demons.

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One world government connected to Starlink? (Digital passports, digital banking, health papers and more!

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2 https!

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And what a shame he didn't mention how all these poisons are affecting the birth rates. Disappointing.

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He has both Agency and Agenda.

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At least he didn't enable and continue to praise 'Warp Speed' Bioweapons, like Zio Puppet Trump.

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Sounds to me like you are missing the point. Go away.

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Free speech is my right to say what you don't want to hear.

George Orwell trump FAILED the Covid Hysteria test.

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Blocked from likes, so must comment like!

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I also can't 'Like' posts.

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Ve vil eet ze krikets!

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Thousands of humanoid robots appear in Tesla factories


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Jesus Christ! I really HATE this world and the trajectory it is on!

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For Christians, this world is a trial. Try to do right and you are likely to get it in the neck - serve Lucifer and you'll get wealth and power galore, but it's a mug's deal in Eternity.

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World population needs to be decreased by 50%

Henry A. Kissinger New World Order.

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Fk the NWO

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And he did his best to reduce it by backing murderous regimes. That's why he got the 'Nobel Peace Prize'.

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The Globalist Jacobins have an agenda. Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries

Henry A. Kissinger

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That too has been revised - the West is now also for the chop. Check out 'Deagel's Population Forecast' for 2025'.

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They have revised that figure - now it is generally 500 million (with some suggesting 1 billion)

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It not only was intended to sterilise many, but also to kill many, and to attack everyone's immune system. Sterility and depopulation, to attain their eventual goal of 500 million humanoids slaves.

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Don't tell us Elon tell you feckless, perverted, psychopathic friends Bill Gates, George Soros, Joe "shits in his pants" Biden, Barrack "imposter in chief" Obama, Larry Fink, Mark Suckerberg, and the rest of the freak show! Elon is behind this as well, he pretends that he is an outlier but he is part of their plan!

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YES YES YES! 🎯 I just commented and said they are his tribe. Not us. He’s on the dark side.

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"They" said it. He did not. Don't believe it.

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Says the man who wants to put a chip in every head to humanoid them.... He's starting to look more and more like a Wolf in Sheep's clothing (although not Sheep in the sense of the ignorant masses). X may seem freer, but there are some who are banned for life for broaching subjects that he doesn't approve of. I cannot trust this man and haven't ever.

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Do not; He is representative of the DOD with Space X, and is the Gaslighting "Golden Boy" of the Green New Deal which is one of the biggest political money grabs of mankind besides the Scamdemic!

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boom boom

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No they swapped out the old elitist commie Elon with a clone controlled by the white hat good guys.

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How many times can you possibly fit 'UM, and um...' into a sentence without sounding ignorant - Perfect analogy, his sister is fathered by none other than Charlie Manson. More of the same demonic ilk.

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Ironically, the solution for the dangers to humanity does not come from great powers or great Billionaires.

The solution comes from each individual acquiring the Power to rise beyond money and fear.

Just as Power overrules money between Nations, the same is true for each and every man and woman. Individuals with internal power rise beyond the control of $$$.


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Absolutely spot on!

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How can people not see that Mr Neuralink is one of the architects of the plan to destroy humanity?? So obvious that it is blinding.

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It’s incredibly easy to fool people. He comes across as very likable even as he is littering the sky with tech that will be used for devious reasons. The demon clan are very good deploying all their psychological skills to fool most people. I see an infiltration into independent media by a few trusted people because there comes a point when the long time old way has reached a point where their effectiveness has jumped ship. Soooo WOW Tucker becomes more brazen in his reporting giving rise to being fired. Then he is king of interview circuit and sounds credible but you HAVE TO LOOK AT ALL ANGLES. Although I love his laugh, he could be laughing at all the dumba**es out there. Don’t trust Alex Jones and most he interviews regularly and more on independent media.

God help us all🙏❤️

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I have found a lot of information that Tucker is CIA controlled opposition. I researched both him and Musk and they do appear to be just that. Also Alex Jones. And many more “truthers”. Discernment is desperately needed here. They are very clever.

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Lucy, what do you think about attorney Todd Callender, Dr Lee Merritt, & Dr Carrie Medaj?

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I have seen reason for concern. They have a lot of good points but then appear to be on board with some of the globalist objectives. I just keep doing more research into everything. I always ask our Heavenly Father for confirmation on everything I find.

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I, too, see reason for concern.

We are talking about fellow human beings. Therein lies the rub.

I trust another human as far as I can throw it...

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I don’t agree - and I hope history proves me right. The man is socially inept and exhibits autistic traits of “lacking in empathy” but in the end I believe, like pompous, proud, stubborn Trump they both think they are helping humanity in their own bumbling way!!!

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It's well known that Elon is on the Autism scale.

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Whatever his diagnosis is, it is not an excuse to destroy humanity. We must be very careful whom we trust.

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How do you know he will destroy humanity?

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He practices what he's preaching too! How many kids has he fathered in his short lifetime? With how many different females?

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Truth bomb 💣

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Hide your (hideous) intentions in plain sight and they’ll be overlooked.

Look actions, not what’s being said!

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Yes. I agree with Musk. And this can't be the trans-human variety with doctored DNA via the vaxx injections--or the babies nurtured in the plastic wombs without any mothering womb and murmurs to begin their socialization as little humans. We are a Divinely created race of being--as are all the others in the universe as well. But we must guard this part of who we are as we go boldly forth into the New World and the Greater Community of intelligent life of which we are a part. We are not ready for this, but it is ready for us and on our doorstep. We cannot allow them to recreate us in their image and likeness. We must guard our DNA and our minds from this contamination. AlliesofHumanity[dot]org

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what he says we know, he is not the right messenger.

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Not many know - it needs to be repeated by many people who have a voice.

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You are correct. Just because we know does not mean anyone knows. People are honestly clueless.

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Who is not the right messenger?

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This world is a trial, it's where we decide who we follow, God or the Devil. Side with God, and you get it in the neck (Jesus referred to the Devil as the 'Prince of this world' three times in the New Testament, and the Devil is recorded as saying: 'And the devil led him (Jesus) into a high mountain, and shewed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And he said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them. If thou therefore wilt adore before me, all shall be thine.' Luke lV : 5-7

This is reflected by the fact that evil people gain all the wealth and power in this world, but they will pay come Judgement Day. Musk must be aware of WHY populations are falling.

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Probably not!!!! How do I know - he has 11 children!!! Lol.

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He would not have gone within a million miles of the Frankemjab. Many so-called 'Elite' try to spread their 'superior' genes around - including Jeffrey Epstein.

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Didn't he take the jab?

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What do you think? Do you really believe he does not know what those jabs are for?

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I am not talking about evil people here--though there is evil in the world. I am talking about incarnate beings--the same as us--who are resource explorers from other worlds with a tried and true plan that has worked many times. Are they evil? They have simply used up their worlds and are part of a consortium working to take over our world and convince us they can do it better than we can--even though they have made a mess of their worlds to begin with. We must understand where they are coming from to be able to understand the mindset that is causing this. They have the same instincts for survival that we have. We need to be aware of what drives our enemies who hope to take over here. We must become more intelligent--while at the same time more connected to our spiritual center, for it will only be this that saves us. This is our deeper Intelligence instilled in us by our Creator.

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As a beleiver in Christianity, I trust the alleged words of Jesus, that the Devil (Absolute Evil) is the Prince of this world. He has been granted the power to pass immense wealth and power to those who serve him. As Jesus also said, we are up against 'Principalities and Powers', not Alien invaders from Outer Space.

Also, an 'Alien Invasion Hoax' has long been on the Globalist's agenda for world domination.

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“Without God, what are we but a guide to our own destruction.” (St. Augustine)

Not only are the WEF devils in Davos to blame, but firstly it is the the people who worship the Self and commit infanticide - euphemistically called abortion. God has NOT given us the right to murder our own children.

The consequences are that Islam is overtaking us population wise and soon they will be our masters. We have already invited them in.

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Only ones reproducing like rabbits. They can have more than 2 wife...

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NO all of them are evil. Just read the Koran and see what they believe in. Pure evil!!! Beheading stoning raping are all encouraged.

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Have you read the Koran, oh knowledgeable one?

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Only 20% of Islamic scripture mentions religion at all, rather it concerns fighting infidels, conquest, spreading the Islamic political system, and enforcing sharia.

"It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations, and to extend its power to the entire planet." Hasan L-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood

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The Quran was mentioned, not the rest. Furthermore, the Vatican secretly rules over the United States (Romerica) and thus the world, as well as over every CHristian denomination. They worship Lucifer. Christians don't talk of domination, they do it. Christians talk of freedom, democracy, liberty, etc.. Thomas Jefferson, who wrote "life, liberty, and the pursuit ... " had 180 slaves. This nation started out by genocide of American natives, then slavery, every war the US participated in, to spread liberty and freedom, was started with false flags and murdered millions for economic purposes. And we are told in the bible that the love of money is the source of all kinds of evil. THat is true. And another truism? The devil is a liar. Americans are proud to be Americans and CHristians. Their god is their belly and their glory is their shame.

You need to remember that the news media is full of propaganda.

Notice I said that the Quran is also full of bullshit. Just as the Bible has no reflection on Christian behavior, they are all hypocrites, so it is with Muslims, few really follow the nonsense. The radical ones who preach death and hatred are promoted to be that way due to schoolbooks provided by the US.

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When Islam came into being, the Vatican, the Romans, were in power globally. It was oppressive and murderous, furthermore, the Bible is a portal to hell, and is a tool of oppression (read Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 regarding obedience to rulers, and in six different places in the NT it tells "slaves obey your masters no matter how wicked they are") nobody loved the faith, and they were under oppression. Of course they wanted liberation and to keep the hounds of hell at bay. Remember that the OT was the original book of Jehovah, and Romans worshiped Saturn (what does that name sound like? ) Saturnalia being on December 25th... the NT was composed by Pharisee Josephus to impose a slave and submissive mentality on the citizens of Rome to render them easier to rule over. My book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY proves all that. I use many hundreds of scriptures to prove scores of points debunking the bible. THe OT also had many scriptures instructing the Hebrews to slaughter whole nations, including children and animals. Don't come at me with your Christian higher moral ground, It has a foundation of straw, not the rock it claims. The devil is a liar. And the book does spend a chapter debunking Islam as well.

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My comment which you are replying to does not mention Christianity at all. The choices aren’t limited to Christianity and Islam. About oppression, holding little girls down for clitorectomies is killing them without killing them. No orgasms for them, ever. Not that orgasms are the point of life, but half of their population gets to have them.

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From one of my books:

Snowden. According to viral information some time ago, somebody reported that ISIS’ leader, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is an Israeli Mossad agent born to Israeli parents by the name of Simon Elliot. Snowden’s lawyer Ben Wizner denies such claims that the information was originated by Snowden, but Snowden has not denied such.

Al Qaida’s leader Ayman Zawahiri said that Al Baghdadi had been a member of Al Qaida, but they broke ties with ISIS in early 2014. Supposedly they have a similar mission, so why the rejection?

Al Baghdadi had been “trained” in Camp Bucca, a US prison camp in Iraq. He was third in the terrorist hierarchy, and the two above him were killed by US military, yet somehow, Al Baghdadi was freed.

Now observe who ISIS attacks. Not Israel, not the US, but more than anyone else, they target Shiite nations. Notice that when they attack the US and its allies’ forces, they do so from within Arab citizen habitats; and in retaliation, U.S., Saudi, and Israeli (as well as others) bomb the civilian areas to rubble and dust.

Syria is nothing but concrete destruction. Yemen is almost gone. Iraq is a graveyard. The US forces somehow can’t defeat ISIS, but Russia and Hezbollah have success.

As much as we are told that Hezbollah are evil, the truth is that they are freedom fighters that remind me of the black panthers. Defending Iran and their allies militarily, they also provide medical and social services, to their credit.

ISIS is a dangerous terrorist organization, and are obviously a covert US and Israeli operative. “Oh heaven forbid, how could you have the nerve to accuse the US of terrorism? They are the good guys.” “Oh yes, and they would be the first to tell you so.” What is the motivation? One


Citing religious rhetoric, leaders of every movement are able to incite zeal and enthusiasm to murder, that is the nature of militarized radicals who use religion to justify murder. My book shows how all kinds of politicians and rebels and leaders use religion to muster up the desire to kill and rampage. In every land. I am not a Muslim nor Christian, I am stating facts.

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I studied the Bible independently as a devout true believer 10,000 hours- I finally came to the conclusion that it is full of contradicting concepts, bad values, occult symbolism, spells, and outright lies, and is a portal to the hell realm. I read the Quran twice, it is also bullshit, but rightly ridicules the bible. The stories of rape and beheading? Stories. The West, whose establishment and Christian news media are dominated by the CIA are propaganda. Gullible Idiots believe the bible and the news.


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At least they support their other wives - unlike Westerners who typically have many 'temporary wives' whom they then leave in the lurch to abort their lustful progeny.

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How many here shack up and move on without starting families?

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Funny that you talk of masters. That language is common amongst those who participate in the master/slave concept. Not many muslims think that way. That is actually common to the Roman Empire, or Romerica, where you have rich slave masters and the managers who are obedient to them, obligated to work and destroy mankind to pay off the college loan, mortgage, and car loans. For the opportunity to earn money to pay back debt for bright shiny glittery stuff and more stuff. Funny also how the CHristian nations' allies the Israelis took down the twin towers, but we were all told that Muslims did it. Blame the muslims for all of it. Praise Israel and murder Muslims without reason, and fear that they will be your masters. Despicable. And I was born Jewish, so don't call me anti-semitic. I am anti-Israel and agree with Arabs regarding who the big satan and little satan are. And by the way, I am American. But I don't judge by loyalty, but by character. Just callin it as it is. Why fear anything if you are righteous?

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Amen. I can't uptick for some reason.

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Amen! 🙏❤️🙏🙌

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Jehovah is Satan. I worship no God, man, or woman. And Allah is the same entity, I do not worship him either (just another name for Horus/Jehovah/Jesus/Allah/Satan. You may feel the need to worship somebody or something. Just because I do not bend my knee to an evil entity or government, does not mean I worship self. I made a conscious decision to serve humanity in 1986, and followed up on that. I have volunteered 50,000 hours unpaid service, and have lived in poverty willingly, while the American Christians serve God and money and sex. Who is the one who is really enslaved? Who are the real sinners? Who are the deceived? Don't look at me, just face the mirror.

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It’s amazing how easily we have become trained to accept “live” interviews and podcasts pre-recorded on crippled fake background, with software crippling the talking head into a caricature - at the same time when parallel deepfakes are impossible to tell apart from “reality”. AD 2024, when a decent camera costs less than a fastfood serving. Performed by people whose financial resources would make you think that they care. Maybe this is what progress means.

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What a hypocrite! He and his friends (Kill Gates etc.) have been singing their plans to reduce the global population. His grandfather was a eugenicist.

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Let's start with OUTLAWING abortion🤔it will be rare...we were told. 70,000,000 murdered innocents later. Where would the numbers be without birth control and abortion🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

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Lust is of course one of the 'Seven Deadly Sins'. Perhaps we should learn to follow the Commandments.

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Well, think about it this way. Who's babies are being murdered? Mainly left politically and non-Christians. Perhaps this is nature's way of stopping these wacky ideologies from advancing over the long run - just saying.

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I've thought that myself. Who are the gender benders and gays who cannot procreate? By far the libs. They're self-destructing before their very own clouded eyes.

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I am sorry to say that there is too much point to the wisecrack that life is extinct on other planets because their scientists were more advanced than ours.

John F. Kennedy

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Oh yeah, so more humans can be guinea pigs for experimenting on to produce more evolved AI connected humans.

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We can choose not to be Guinea pigs.

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And how much longer will that last looking at the past and the present conditions in the US and around the world?

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I like him. Does he have the answers? Of course not, he is a man with thoughts and ideas and some financial resources to put his ideas in to practice. Should there be an oversight of “useless” rules- yes, and perhaps a sunset clause.

Is the environment important, sure, but not more important than people.

Less government, absolutely, I liked his analogy of a football game.

Declining birth rate- hmm, I don’t know, he personally has added to the population, my grandma had ten, my mom had three, I had three, each of my three have had one, so I guess from my perspective it is declining a little- regarding “doomsday, around every corner” - a statement that gets tossed hither and yon but so far hasn’t come to pass, will it eventually, maybe, maybe not.

He wants to colonize mars, I say go for it, someone wanted to populate North America. Is he a good man or a bad man, I say he is a human man, and probably like most, both a little good and a little bad.

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Well said!

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A very fair and objective take on what Elon had to say and has done thus far in his extraordinary life.

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Absolutely right. The environmental extremists are trying to kill us all.

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Er, agreement with most of Elon's comments, but regarding Other Beings in the Universe, it should at this point be common knowledge that there are untold numbers of other beings besides humans. The Earth has billions of life forms, some still undiscovered, and it is known that there are vast numbers of planets in the Goldilocks zones, as they are called. It is rather ridiculous to think that one planet in a Universe whose outer limits cannot be known by man at this time would have all of the life forms that exist. If one grain of sand on a beach could represent Earth, then all the other grains of sand on all of the beaches on Earth, with each grain representing a planet, would still only be a fraction of the number of planets that exist, from what man has already observed. And keep in mind that beyond what has already been seen, extrapolation is used to estimate an almost infinite number, but we are unsure how many planets the Universe holds, as our knowledge in these matters is still in its infancy.

Hundreds of military and commercial airline pilots have documented sitings of UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, the newly coined term). Tons of information are available through MUFON.

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Tell Elon this,... If we ditched the OBSTETRICS of the evil false science, then the ''accelerating'' deterioration of the birth rate would REVERSE.

False, yes, it's not just vaccines and statins and opioids and endless etc

It's them that are responsible for the DEATHS of all the ''MISCARRIAGES''... 20% of all pregnancies...

The orthomolecular medical obstetric practice of HI-SPREAD-DOSING w VitC during pregnancy

by a doctor Frederick Robert Klenner had a miscarriage rate of ZERO..

Klenner's patients were up to 15,000mg of vitC PER DAY... basically 1000mg every waking hour.....

The USA would be at replacement level if we got rid of the AMA's obstetricians

--b/c they PREVENT USE OF the Klenner Protocol



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Speaking on behalf of the rest of Nature -- bears, zebras, bees, eagles, the myriad of life in the sea and the soil -- I think humans and their technologies actually ARE a bit of a menace. Mainly it's the technologists. These idiots are ruining the soil and the ocean. They're flooding the world with electromagnetic pollution that didn't exist at all until they invented cell phones. I wouldn't actually be at all unhappy if they ALMOST did die out -- at least declined until there were not enough of them left to keep producing all this POLLUTION. Then the rest of us could recover and get on with living the lives we evolved to live. And the good ones of the human kind could start breeding successfully again and repopulate the planet -- until they do it all again, of course -- their species will never learn. No, I'm afraid the awful truth is that humans ARE determinedly wrecking what used to be a perfectly nice planet.

And NOW, one of the most efficient polluters presumes to declare that the only answer is to move out and pollute yet ANOTHER planet -- if only he could find one a hundredth as good as this one. Give me a break! This is THE BEST planet you'll ever be able to find, Mr Musk. Just stop the rest of humanity from polluting it with toxic agrichemicals & geoengineering chemicals and toxic EMFs and toxic, Marxist ideas. https://youtu.be/LOFIHp6aTuE Look at the effect of your technological "advances" on LIFE. Pretty, pretty please.

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Yeah, I generally agree. From the Earth's perspective, humans have been a pest. We're also very arrogant thinking we are the supreme lifeform.

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Uhm really? We are pests? Then who IS this world for? That's what you said Susan, we a menace to the world. Then you too are a nuisance and who gets to leave this earth first? Is it you? Me? Who decides?

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To answer your questions, Janet:

1. Q. Who IS this world for? A. All of the myriad forms of Life -- not just humans. I did say, but probably could have said more clearly, that in my view the humans who are a menace to the world are those who pollute the place, with :

* toxic agrichemicals (glyphosate, atrazine etc) which contaminate the food of all herbivores, kill soil organisms (worms count as life too, y'know) & generally mess with the ecosystem

* toxic geoengineering chemicals (aluminimum, silver iodide, all the things they spray into the upper air to create clouds "so that sunlight will be reflected back into space" (because some manipulative bastards back in 1971 decide that humans are causing global warming which will fry us all unless we do what they tell us) -- which sprayed things inevitably fall all over the rest of us, polluting ALL food and water)

* inescapable EMFs, which are proven to cause cancer in animals, kill trees, prevent birds & bees from navigating properly, directly kill many insects (notice there are fewer mozzies this year)? ... and so on and so on.

So probably you and certainly I do not count as part of the human menace.

Finally, Q. who gets to decide? A. Anyone who works towards STOPPING THE POLLUTION. Maybe even you, Janet?

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