Soon as I saw in the legacy news that the infections AND hospitalizations were up by that much, only thing I could think of was those damn shots. Abd if course here (in Canada) they've been approved right down to babyhood. Poor little souls.

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"Jesus wept." (John 11:35)

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They will all reap what they have sown. Sadly, for the innocent ones whose foolish parents did this to them.

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My family felt great pressure to take the vaccine here in Israel, no movies, restaurants, nail or hair salon, yoga class, Shul and more, we were excluded from because of the green pass port. We saw life long anti Vaxer’s say they just want their life back and take the shot. Now we were never anti vaxers, but forcing people, well that meant to us, it was no good.

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I am one of those in Israel who did not get it and had my basic human rights taken away as a result. We built a new community offering alternative social structures and I made woo new friends. Fortunately my family supported my decision

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Too bad the Essenes aren't still in existence.. you could possibly have joined them..

In Lovely Liberal British Columbia as a consequence of not taking The Kill Shot or using the government's damnable Vaccine Passport I was forbidden to attend sports events, movies, concerts, theatre -- in fact any large public gatherings -- or attend worship services. I was largely banned from employment, or even to patronise bars or restaurants. Remind you of anything?

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Israel was the one who started all this BS and the inventor (1st to come out with obvious QR based) VaxPassport, before all the nutjobs in Canada, Australia, EU, etc. They this fully knowing it did not not stop transmission as per leaked docs. Their only partial redemption was they were the 1st to drop it, when the public bagn finding the truth.

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Considering Jewish history (the Nazi Nuremberg Laws of 1935) the precisely analogous exclusion from society of The Pure Bloods with the Green Pass is nothing less than incredible.

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Indeed & ironic. They forgot their history (in fact most in world did), and opted to use their hightech prowess for this mobileQR software and license it to other nations.

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So did you get the vax then?

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I foolishly got it before I knew any better. If I could go back and undo it, I would.

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There have been seeing increasing posts within my FB church groups that ask for prayers because their kids and babies are suffering from RSV. My first thought is always, “Is the kid vaccinated?”. The new booster is out and it’s amazing how many people have had “a really bad upper respiratory infection” and flu with weeks. didn’t everyone just get their flu vaccines too? Many of my family members had both jabs together and got knocked to their beds.

I the unvaxed rebel have been the primary caretaker for my 89 yo mother since April. I did not expose her to so much as so much as a head cold. She left to go spend the winter with my brothers vaxxed family in Carolina 2 weeks ago. She couldn’t stay in my brothers house because everyone was sick, so she had to stay with another brother.

I think she was safer with the radical unvaxed, then with the compliant and unthinking vaxxed. I worry for her health this winter.

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Everyone I know who is vaxxed and boosted is sick all the time, coughing, sniffling. It never goes away. Have a family member who vaxxed her little kids and they both have RSV right now and bad cases of it.

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My wife Annie just told me my step-daughter had to cancel getting together with her this afternoon... her eczema has become so bad it was too painful to shower. It was a minor issue before The Injection. My wife has also told me since the injection, her periods, which were always heavy, have now become more like a hemorrhage. I tried to warn her. She wouldn't listen. Annie has also told me she doesn't expect her adult children -- who all took The Injection after ignoring our warnings -- to survive. Oh! Her sons seem okay, unlike her daughter... But there's all these stories of people in fine health after The Injection... just... suddenly... dropping dead.

The reality of The Lethal Injections, LesaKey003, is so grotesque, no-one will believe you. 😱

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I have 2 very liberal GenX sons (40 & 42 yo) that live in Nazi CO & CA respectively. The younger eagerly vaxxed and boosted out of sheer terror, the older travels to other countries a lot, he’s fully vaxxed for that but I imagine he won’t do anymore boosters unless req’d for travel. I sit here daily knowing that at 62, I may very well outlive them both - especially the older because he’s physically fit and enjoys skiing and other heart activating activities. It seems the more active your lifestyle the higher the risk of heart issues. It’s horrifying. I’ve taken a lot of flak, especially from the younger about my “conspiracy theory” views. He sees it as a mental health issue. I do believe we are going to witness a lot of loss and grief for decades to come from this plandemonicdemic.

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I've frequently remarked in other places what we're living through is a scenario co-written between HP Lovecraft, Franz Kafka and Stephen King. As for your younger son.. well, he's like so many of the blue-pilled: It's useless and often very dangerous, even to try to alert them. Best thing you can do far as he's concerned is to shut the Hell about all this. Not a word, ever again. There's a good reason learning about this stuff is called "taking the Red Pill"!

PS If you haven't watched "The Matrix" yet, high time you did. I also recommend "V for Vendetta" released in 2005, which has become eerily prophetic.

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The Tomorrow File by Lawrence Sanders, is another form the 70's. I am reading it and to me it sounds like the "plan" for all of this. People take a drug or pill for everything. The US has changed all it's alphabet agency's to nicer names. A lot of sexual activity is described and non of it is normal. Food is mostly petroleum based. It will really make you see Fauci, Gates, WEF and all those players represented in along with their ideas of controlling the masses. The book is 1984 on steroids.

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This is really troubling. Do you think shedding is a thing - from parents to children? https://oldschoolcounselor.substack.com/p/shedding?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=949969&post_id=88195523&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email

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Numerous researchers are worried about spike protein transmission from the vaccinated to purebloods. There are numerous stories, most of them anecdotal, discussing transmission. "Dr. Panda" just released a post, (https://drpanda.substack.com/p/mrna-is-shedding-from-the-vaccinated?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1031585&post_id=88106023&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email)

Other substack writers to look at are Dr. Paul Alexander and Steve Kirsch. You can also investigate the works of Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Vladimer Zelenko (https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/) and Dr. Joseph Mercola (https://www.mercola.com/). His older stuff can be found on https://stateofthenation.co/ -- try not to let the antisemitism on that site affect you...

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If the injections indeed inhibit one's immune system then of course viral infections will go up among the jabbed. What a bonanza for health care! Should be renamed $ick Care, lots of disease and poor health makes hospitals and drug companies wealthy and powerful. No wonder they love the injections.

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Wonder how much they'll love those injections when the gangs are relentlessly hunting high and low for them... 🤔

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Across the globe...there will be no place to hide...IF the majority ever come around. That's starting to be a BIG if. How many people have you red-pilled? Probably none, like me. If I was successful, they didn't say so.

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Oh, I've tried... 😥

In one Brainwashed ear, out The Moronic other... Only thing likely to wake the zombies 🧟 up, will be when the children start dying en masse...

Oh.. wait.. I forgot. Children die of heart attacks and strokes too... 🙄💩

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At least someone listened to you.

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Exactly- their business model is to create lifelong customer$!

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What is it going to take for these people to be prosecuted for what they have done to this world? When are people going to start calling the vaccine for what it really is? It is a kill shot to destroy the immune system and kill as many as possible. Our fraudulent federal government is all in on the plan. Things must change soon and from what I've heard from several prophets I listen too, people are already going down and there will be many more to come. The Biden admin is getting ready to fall very soon from what these prophets are saying and so are other world leaders.

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The election is on Nov. 8. PLEASE vote and make sure everyone you know does! I know the game is rigged. But if enough of us flood the court we will overwhelm them as we did in 2016 when they never saw it coming! With Pelosi, Schumer and crew out of power, people with integrity that take over, Sen. Ron Johnson for example, who held hearings on covid and brought in doctors and others persecuted for resisting the evil.

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Everyone must vote IN PERSON, on Election Day. Otherwise, the manipulators will know in advance how many fraudulent "votes" are needed to overcome the red wave. The less time they have to manipulate the count, the better.

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The mail in ballot scam was evil genius! Voting day turning into voting month also! I know people back in PA who went to the polls in person in 2020 and were told they ALREADY VOTED! They could of course cast a provisional ballot which would be tossed as soon as you went out the door!

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Massive numbers of unvetted mailed ballots were just the tip of the iceberg. It was indeed (to paraphrase The Big Guy) the most well-coordinated system of voter fraud ever seen in this country.

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Jovan Pulitzer has pointed out that if you're told you've already voted that you need to call the sheriff and report your Identity has been stolen. Immediately. From the poll.

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Considering the Justice System is every bit as co-opted and corrupt as 99% of our politicians, the medical profession and the presstitute media, the likelihood is very high the only justice these bastards will ever get will be at the hands of a Red-Pilled lynch mob.

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Have you seen any of these recent headlines?

• "G20 Promotes WHO-Standardized Global Vaccine Passport and ‘Digital Health’ Identity Scheme" - https://www.theepochtimes.com/g-20-promotes-who-standardized-global-vaccine-passport-and-digital-health-identity-scheme_4869188.html

• "Biden administration requests immunity for Saudi crown prince in Khashoggi killing: 'Beyond ironic'" - https://www.foxnews.com/world/biden-administration-requests-immunity-saudi-crown-prince-khashoggi-killing-beyond-ironic

• "60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck heading into the peak shopping season" - https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/18/60percent-of-americans-live-paycheck-to-paycheck-heading-into-2022-holiday.html

• "Video: Thermal Drone Footage Shows Army Of Illegals Entering US" - https://summit.news/2022/11/18/video-thermal-drone-footage-shows-army-of-illegals-entering-u-s/

Our governments and institutions are so corrupt and decadent it's enough to gag a maggot. They're beyond redemption and certainly beyond any remediation.

Br. Alexis Bugnolo said last year ("We are at the Great Separation" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/2Udu97lMClL4/) when people finally understand the nature of these injections, that they're going to die as a consequence of having trusted, that they will find the doctors and politicians who did this to them and tear them to pieces... I see no sign of any such awakening and I doubt I ever will. Most of the people around you Skipp Bunn, are so stupid and insouciant it's dangerous even to try to alert them: I speak from bitter experience. Do what you can to protect yourself and those whom you love and forget about the rest.

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And they should fall like YESTERDAY!

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Coming soon: "Polygraph Justice" - FBI polygraphers know that undetectable deception is impossible when using a Stoelting Ultrascribe polygraph.

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The FBI is NOT on our side...it's CLEARLY with the Biden Admin and thus Big Pharma and Big Tech. Have the FBI done anything with the Hunter Biden laptop, other than bury it? There are ALL KINDS of crimes, with The Big Guy, Joe. Crickets.

Why do you think the Biden Admin and FBI are looking into Musk and Twitter? They can't have free speech. In fact, the Dem party can't exist with free speech. Why do you think we are here?

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the cat is out of the bag https://www.bitchute.com/video/Agiu39Uipu2M/

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The cat has been cruising around the room for a while.

They are trying to eliminate the control group. Without them/us, we will have a harder time proving anything.

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ALARM about Musk’s Twitter -- https://substack.com/inbox/post/81487823

Meet the New Boss…Same as the Old Boss -- Scott Ritter on his most recent suspension from Twitter

Scott’s suspension was on Oct. 29 reinstated for his initial tweet (below):

“The Ukrainian National Police committed numerous crimes against humanity in Bucha. Biden, in seeking to shift blame for the Bucha murders to Russia, is guilty of aiding and abetting these crimes. Congratulations America…. We’ve created yet another Presidential war criminal !!”

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Back in the days when Noam Chomsky was still credible, he remarked that if the standards of Nuremberg applied, every American president since Franklin Roosevelt should have been / should be hanged.

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Everyone should understand that many CA school districts do not allow medical or religious exemptions. These are 100% vaccinated populations. If 1,000 kids are out sick in 1-2 days, 100% of those children were vaccinated.

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Not true.

I know several kids from that school in SD who were sick and did not get the jab.

Thankful they are all ok.

Not vaxxed and proud too!

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California public school students are required to get all the other vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule - just not the ones for COVID-19 (yet). Religious and personal belief exemptions no longer qualify as an excuse.

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I actually found a PowerPoint presentation submitted by the board which stated this as well.

I’m wondering if students are being accommodated on a case by case basis and we just don’t know about it. I say this because certain school districts in CA were slow to implement any such policy.

My employer is certainly, very quietly accommodating employees who do not want to be vaccinated.

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This is helpful info. I’m glad to know SD didn’t bully you all like LAUSD. Not vaxxed and proud too! :)

Still trying to figure out how so many kids could be out of school down there over something that they’ve potentially already been exposed to… since RSV is not new.

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Fortunately, we were not subjected to the same LAUSD tactics!

Plenty of San Diegans thought back hard against the mandates too.

And I, too, am trying to figure out how so many kids could be out of school.

The mask mandate across California doesn’t explain the increase in mass illness, at least for this particular situation. Perhaps one day, we will learn more about it.

Stay well!

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Maybe I just don’t hang in the right circles, but I had never heard of RSV before this year......

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I have research that shows adequate levels of vitamin D3, like at least 50ng/ml is rather protective, for RSV and for Covid both. You’re going to need far more than the piddley Recommended Daily Value, and you need to be already taking it, like now.

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It’s a little kid thing like really little, used to be under age 1

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This seems to be a giant worldwide test to get rid of all the stupid and the weak, and ensure only the strong and smart survive, thus improving the gene pool overall.

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So the unvaccinated will rule and world leaders who took the saline shot and ivermectin! Criminal!

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I believe these viruses may also affect the unvaccinated as well since we have a higher pressure in the population of that virus. I saw this with mono. However NOT with the shingles increase because shingles does not cause shingles outbreak in another person. So I saw the increase only in the vaccinated

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I suspect COVID-19 vaccine shedding may cause shingles. My aunt and mother both came down with shingles last year after the vaccine rollouts, but neither got the jab. However, both had frequent close contact with healthcare workers, nearly all who would have gotten the jab.

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I had shingles in April of 2021 and I am un-vaccinated and hadn't had covid at that time.

I believe you are right, it and the shingles along with covid I had in Jan 2022 and again September was caused by vaccinated shedding after waves of vaccines and boosters. I am 69 and retired along with my wife. We only go out when needed but the timelines they tell for exposure to symptoms don't add up. I feel her and I are in the right place as un-vaccinated but watching my siblings who all are brings us a lot of fear and dread for the future. One sib, at 68 has over the last 18 months had to start insulin shots, had a second heart bypass surgery due to blockages, the first he had in 2010, and a week ago had level 5 prostate cancer so removal was done.

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The timing says a lot! I hope you haven't had any lingering effects. I'm so sorry about your brother. I hope he does well and lives many more years. I too am very concerned about some of my extended family members who took the shots, wondering what might happen to them. I have a few friends and relatives who now have good friends who were diagnosed with cancer - in most cases fast-growing - after taking the jab, Some have now died.

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Shingles is one of the most highly contagious conditions. Patients are required to be in an individual room, serviced by only one hospital worker who wears a protective gown going in and out. Pregnant women are especially warned not to get near a patient with shingles.

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My son, my daughter, my baby grandson and I, all of us unvaccinated, are going through RSV at the moment. How is this happening? Thankfully, we use Biomagnetic Pair Therapy to treat all pathogens.

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I’m a pediatric and NICU nurse who has been working since a few years before the pandemic. RSV has always been a very common respiratory virus but it would only cause small amounts of kids to be hospitalized. Ever since the lockdowns and masks, RSV and flu hospitalizations have been lower than pre-pandemic times (in the pediatric population in my experience). I have been predicting since the start that once everything went back to “normal,” as it inevitably would because we can’t live in a bubble, RSV and flu would come back with a vengeance. Childrens immune systems are amazing, but they have to be exposed to pathogens in order to know how to fight them off.

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If this is true, then it would only affect younger kids? Kids over the age of 8 or 9 have had plenty of years in school to be introduced to RSV. Kids who were 9 yrs old when the lockdown started, are 12 now. Wouldn’t those kids have already been exposed?

OAN, if all of these viruses are mutating, is that normal? Has HIV mutated in 30 yrs?

I’m seriously trying to understand because right now, I’m looking at the vax.

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Younger kids have much smaller airways so they just get overwhelmed with all the mucous that gets produced with RSV and other respiratory viruses. Older kids and adults frequently get RSV too, but for them it often just manifests as a cold…. There are always different strains that come out. Viruses are smart and are constantly trying to evolve so that they survive for longer. With lockdowns, kids and adults weren’t exposed to much of anything. So while they might’ve had an RSV strain a few years back and developed some immunity to that strain, it mutated several times to a worse virus that their immune systems had a harder time fighting off. And there is evidence that masks worsen respiratory symptoms because all you’re doing is re-breathing all the nasty germs. I’m sure the vax has a lot to do with it too. I’m just arguing that the uptick in RSV iS multi-factorial. But I agree, the vax is badddddd news!!!!

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Look how many mutations of covid there have been in just 2.5 years. I can’t say for sure that HIV has mutated but I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t. It has to find a way to infect more people and try to “outsmart” the antiviral medications that people take for it.

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Are you sure it's not one of the new COVID variants. There claiming 3 news ones are circulating but not telling anyone about symptoms, severity, or morality?

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This is what I've been wondering. We all had two different things one entero which is CoVID connected and one upper respite y and headache also CoVID connected. I kept thinking that's what it really is and I should be treating these differently for quicker recovery.

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I just treated my mild to mild moderate COVID like the flu, and let it run it's course. I only had a mild headache, very mild sore throat, stuffy and really bad head fog, all went way in 5 to 8 days.

Tylenol for pain and mild temperature.

Day and Night Quil.

Saline Solution 6 times a day to kill the virus load in my nose, over the counter Walmart brand.

And because I have bad allergies, I kept taking my Claritin everyday which I believe helped dry up the runny nose and kept my sinus mildly stuffy, and I believe since there was no run or drip it never got in my chest.

Rest, and made sure I ate 3 times a day.

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I'm unvaccinated and only got COVID after 32 months, and haven't gotten a relapse, that's because I have really strong immunity per the clinical test, not that home crap.

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Cause there's nothing worse than an immoral virus.

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Whatever that is! What is it? Does it work?

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A. Covid vaccination is not the only cause of RSV. It already exists, the jabs are just making it much worse.

B. Maybe your therapy doesn’t work?

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It’s been working for years and we’re getting better.

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Isn’t it contagious? Do you think it originated in your household. Or were you exposed to it?

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No idea, really

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Hope you all feel better soon!!

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Well I can see why you would give kids a toxic genetic cell therapy that give them respiratory diseases to keep the doctors and hospitals profitable, and medical insurance companies with increased premiums, makes perfect sense right? Oh, and increasing there profit at the same time.

Big pharm is getting good at creating a solid patient bases for the medical profession aren't they.

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I thought hospitals did a fantastic job making a fortune on covid morbidity!

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And there still using Remdesivir and the sad thing is naïve patients are still volunteering to be injected.

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My question is though with child vaccine uptake at 2% or less does that account for the amount of RSV rise we see? Seems the numbers would be off. Not sure maybe you have numbers to support it being so. The other thing is my kids have both had bad infections back to back in the last two months and they are all pure bloods and I have heard of this happening with many many other friends and I'm sure not all of them have vaxxed kids even though I live in a very liberal place. So why would my kids be getting so sick too? I've been trying to figure this out and wondering if a compromised immune system would allow for more infection and lengthier period of illness also lengthening infectivity. Also what about possibility of compromised immune systems allowing for more mutation? Any thoughts or data would be appreciated.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

It seems plausible to me that the C-19 "vaccines" impair the immune system and lead to other infectious diseases such as RSV.

But I think I found an error in your reasoning here, and I feel I should tell you where, before you get a backlash.

First, the link you provide for Pfizer is not the right one (it's for 12-15 and 16-25 yo people.)

The 6 month-4 year old Pfizer document is here: https://cacmap.fda.gov/media/159195/download (from this page: https://cacmap.fda.gov/advisory-committees/advisory-committee-calendar/vaccines-and-related-biological-products-advisory-committee-june-14-15-2022-meeting-announcement#event-materials )

It's true they found 5 bronchiolitis in the vaccine group and 3 in the placebo group. But since the vaccine group was twice as numerous as the placebo group, the proportions are about the same, and it cannot be used as an evidence.

It doesn't affect the whole reasoning, but I understand we shouldn't rely on the number of bronchiolitis in the Pfizer trial for their vaccine in 6m-4y children.

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I wonder if Florida is having a severe RSV outbreak since it is not recommended for children by Dr. Ladapo.

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There were reports out of Miami not too long ago.

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Please check and correct your links to the EUA docs!

(And some analysis and discussion about risks alternative treatments...)

I followed the links to the Moderna and Pfizer that are used in your article.

These links (currently in your article), are INCORRECT, AND SHOW NO REFERENCE to RSV:-




The ABOVE links are INCORRECT.

The BELOW links (I found them by internet search), are CORRECT.

This is the Pfizer doc that contains the screen-shotted quote:


This is the Moderna that contains the screen-shotted quote:




There is good reason to believe that vaccine-induced innate immune suppression will increase respiratory virus illness:-



There is a dose dependency in the FDA EUA reports: (assuming the Moderna still carries three times the mRNA of the Pfizer). The Moderna showed a likely statistically significant increase in severe hospitalised respiratory disease, while the Pfizer probably did not ** in the context of this out of 'flu season trial**.


These documents are advocacy documents (i.e. pro-vaccine); there is no independent advocacy for the vaccine safety side of the story, so the summary comments are to be taken with a grain of salt. Still worth a read though.


The numbers of RSV cases were small, so the absolute risk from vaccination, (in this trial, at the time it was conducted), was probably not worth worrying about (i.e hardly any kids in either arm of the trial got RSV). However, during the winter coughs and colds season,

(when RSV peaks - https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/scientists-struggle-to-explain-why-covid-spared-unjabbed_4906315.html),

the absolute risk of child hospitalisation from vaccine-induced innate immune suppression will probably be highly significant. I hope the authorities will be checking for this.


There are reasons other than vaccination for RSV and Influenza to peak this northern hemisphere winter.


RSV (like COVID) is an RNA virus, so it likely will respond to the same repurposed drugs, vitamins and herbals, that are used against COVID.

Therefore follow this advice:


I've followed this advice for two years now (esp. with regard to vitamin D) and, - COVID notwithstanding - I have never had such mild colds and 'flu's. I wish I had known their stuff when I was 50 years younger!

There is always hope. But we do need to keep talking.

Stay calm. Keep loving. Go well.

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Thanks! I had the same concern!

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