We all need to step up, the musicians, artists, actors, blue collar, white collar, scientists, doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, teachers. Just give it your best shot.

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Something about “living in the New World with an old soul” really struck me.

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Agree. Gut punch when someone articulates the gnawing that you feel.

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Rich men north of Richmond are the parasites in DC. Bullseye!

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DC is a swamp full of lazy federal government workers.

You could get rid of over 50% of them and not notice any change.

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The only change would be less tyranny, less corruption, less graft, and more economic growth.

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I’d change that figure to 80%.

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I'm waiting for CNN to label this song "QAnon adjacent" and speak in earnest tones how it makes the listener feel good to care about something that is really not a problem.

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CNN can say all they want but no one’s watching them so they are completely irrelevant 😁

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Sadly CNN is pumped out and locked in at every hotel lobby, airport, and doctor’s office. It’s the mainstay channel for popular mind control.

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Yes, I noticed that. Prob paying those people to broadcast their crap cuz no one would tune in otherwise

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You know. It’s funny you say that. Everyplace I go in and they have [CNN] on- I immediately go to the desk and ask them to please change it or turn it off. I have gone up to the TV’s myself and just turned them off. Yeah. I did!

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I love you for doing that!

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...unless you are stuck in an airport.

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Like the wokebroke CBC CTV Globalist CP24 etc etc

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My CNN eye roll is a reflex

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They're already talking about 'controversial' lyrics when he talks about the person who's 5'3" and 300 lbs.

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What's not great is what fuxking pussies everyone has become. Oh these men are mean and unfair and theyve left no place for me. Well l be G damned WTF. Is there no fight left? Yall with no fight deserve to die. And soon every last man and women that swore an oath better meet in barns all over this land and do what needs to be done. Thrse people are humans. And they bleed. They BLEED. Sorry but I'm sick of this shit. I'm sick of all he bitching and whinning. Like the world owes you something. Stand the fuxk up and do something!

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I’m with you 100% and I’ve been screaming it from the top of the mountains. It’s time to fight back. It’s time to show these ass hat motherfuckers who the majority really is. Yeah everybody’s preaching “ no violence no violence. They want us to fight so they can arrest us and put us in jail.”I think that’s just controlled opposition to keep us down and to keep us from fighting back. This shit will not end until we end it. And it’s past time to end it.

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1000%. Marxist cowards. You see what happens the few times we fight back they run and hide. They live for this life nothing else. That doesn't make a man or women. That makes a coward And ask these marines, soldiers and special force's people... they clearly need US TO LEAD BECAUSE THEY AREN'T DOING SHIT. THEY CAN WIPE THEIR ASS WITH THE OATH THEY TOOK AT THIS POINT. TRUMP? HE'S THE ONE KEEPING PATRIOTS AT BAY. HE'LL DO IT JUST WAIT. BULLSHIT. HE LANDED PATRIOTS IN JAIL AND PUSHED THE DEATH SHOT. UNDER HILARY NO ONE ON THE RIGHT WOULD HAVE TAKEN IT. I TRUST NONE OF THEM. NONE. ALL THEY DO IS TALK AND TALK AND TALK.

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You ain’t wrong!

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"They live for this life, nothing else." Because they have nothing else to hope for.

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I see what you did there you wrote another verse!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. But I don’t think Oliver is going to put that language in it sorry

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I wasn't writing a verse I was telling it like it is. You don't like rhe cursing? Neither do I. BUT at my age it's been in my face in movies and culture since I was a child. Our society has gone to SHIT in all regards. Its disgusting . If I hear about voting one more time im going to lose my mind. They insert presidents. If Trump wins again I'll know 100% they insert them, not 99%. He's there to keep.patriots at bay and feed them the eugenics shot. Don't agree. OK. Tell me he has not done both of those things? No conservative would have taken that shot under Hilary. And no patriots would be sitting at bay under Biden without Trump

It's up to the people,, they're all a scam

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I support Mr. Trump and I never even considered taking the shot. Whoever--Hillary or any other-- was promoting the shot is meaningless to me. And I consider myself a conservative and have done so for 50 years.

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Me too. But really. RLM. YOU WROTE THE PERFECT VERSE! I really liked it! And you are right. Social aspect of today’s speech is full of that vulgar talk and it is very hard to resist it -it takes a very strong person to be able to stand up and not fall prey to their influence! you are absolutely correct. ! You are a very passionate person- stay strong. 💪

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Get out of the fog.

Trump tweeted get the shot. Said it was great. Didn't fire Fauci. Didn't fire anyone. Did nothing to Hilary. Didn't finish the wall. Trump.is there for people like you who need a leader. You believe in Christ stop there. Man is corrupted and there is no man that is in the public eye thats actuslly the Trump you think exists. Because they'd be dead. Trump has had 3 wives and he's not a Christian. He's FOS. He's killed multiple people because of his shots. And? You miss the point entirely. If Clinton was President 50% less of the conservatives that took the shot would not have taken shot. He was inserted or allowed to win for this purpose...among others...creating the best division anyone could create. Hes a massive distraction and rhey knight let him win again to create even more division and have people like you do whatever they tell him to tell you to do. How can you not see this??? I know it's a tough pill to swallow but swallow it..

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Moving ever closer to “watering the tree of liberty”.

Painful, poignant, cry from the soul song. Well done sir.

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Watering the tree of Liberty. Hope everybody knows what colour that water is.

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Amen Brother .....these are the type of musicians we need to support....raw truthful lyrics -bloody great song!much love

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Mr Oliver Anthony’s song… a Spiritually Powerful Song!!!

I played the song at least seven to eight to ten times.

Powerful Voice & he plays a mean Dobro. Love it!

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Simply excellent, we need more talents like him to speak or sing out! Amen.

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He's great 👍

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No violence, no GAIN…

When did Art , Poetry, Music, Language, Media, books, magazines, etc ever Stop a Bully from being a BULLY? I forgot, the God of the Bible too…or praying to Jesus….

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Bingo. 1000x. All the bitching and moaning....laying down like little bitch babies.

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A quote from David Koresh: “We should never allow ourselves to be attacked without fighting back. Jesus my have gone meekly to the Cross, but we should follow his command, according to the apostle Luke, to defend ourselves against anyone who threatens to destroy us. The time is coming, he said, and now is when he that has a cloak should sell it to buy a Sword. We should not start any kind of violence , but we must respond fiercely to any armed assault.”

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Ever read the Unibombers Manifesto? Wow.

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Amen amen I say to you! Its gospel. I fear no MAN ONLY GOD. AND THIS is EXACTLY WHY THE DIABOLICAL

COMMUNISTS WANT TO TAKE AWAY GOD. IF GOD IS THE TOP WHAT THEY SAY MEANS NOTHING. My concern is if just respond and don't act. I believe it will be too late.

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Shared it!

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Wishing that politicians will help anyone is an exercise in mindless futility. All of them are out for themselves as they prove time and time again.

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Exactly. If I hear the word vote again I going to puke two then ask the rigged view is done. I will but support you. It's the only way. So this voting talk. Everybody.

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Aloha RLM, unfortunately I didn’t read the Unabomber Manifesto. I am very sad Ted K. passed away.

The creepy New York Times wrote a horrible obituary on Ted K. They smeared him!

The commies & socialist always cancels out God from the equation. RLM, do you know the Bible quote where it says there is time and Season to Kill… ?

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I bet Ted K. was murdered...just like Epstein.

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Ted K. did resort to violence, I believe the Press demonized & exaggerated what he was accused of. Creepy Epstein was murdered/silenced by his Handlers. Epstein was the scape Goat. I don’t trust the Media Muppets. Ted K. was a Loner, but I don’t believe he was mentally ill. To a Psychiatrist everyone looks like a mentally ill person, and needs to be medicated with psychotropic drugs… What is the True story of Ted K. ? Oh, John McAfee (anti soft ware genius) wife said he did not commit suicide, he was murdered in jail. (this information is from an underground video his wife produced).

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Ted K. was a victim of MK-Ultra...

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Thank you very much Kathleen & RLM RLM.

Check out Elana Freeland- www.elanafreeland,com.

Aloha & Mahalo nui loa. Enjoy the weekend.

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Yes I do. Read this.


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Thank you RLM RLM, for The Truth!!!

This is very, very Heavy information. Create a problem,to induce reaction, provide solution…

Oh yeah, I bought a CD on the Judith Bari Murder from AK PRESS, many years ago.

I recently bought the DVD of Cathy O’Brien & Mark Phillips: Trance Formation of America.

I bought Cathy’s book around 2000. I should be receiving her DVD in a week or so.

AKPRESS.ORG- Revolution by the Book. I used to buy magazines (Zines) about the ALF (Animal Liberation Front) from AKpress. My favorite Zines were: No Compromise & Bite Back.

I still respect the ALF, it was pedal to the metal, full speed ahead for the ALF… They really kicked Ass !!! Thanks again RLM RLM !!! Be Cool, Be Healthy,Stay Strong.

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I don't kmow any of the orgs you speak of. I am not involved and have no plan to do anything, I have young kids. My frustration lies in two places. All the young men and women or veterans who took an oath to protect this country from enemies foriegn and domestic. . They are shitting on their oath, this is their fight. Thise with young children get a pass in my book. And secondly, all the lay people talking about voting and falsely believing the system is still working. Even those who support Trump. How long are we going to support a guy that only talks and talks. Whats he do? Push the poison jab. It drives me mad. Lastly, I do not condone senseless violence which squarely lies on the elites shoulders. I do not believe at all that Ted did anything at all. He didn't hurt a single person in my opinion.

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RLM RLM, I am 72 years old. January 17, 1893, Oligarchs and Greedy business men Overthrew the Sovereign Nation of Hawaii. The US NAVY is illegally occupying the Hawaiian Islands. When I say illegally, I mean by US Federal Law. They are breaking US Federal Law. We are under control by Maritime Law. The Marines, Army, Air Force, National Guard are also breaking US Federal Law. They occupy 30 % of our Islands prime lands. Not to mention Pearl Harbor. Native Hawaiians since the illegal Overthow are still defined as wards of the Fake State of Hawaii. May I suggest reading: HAWAII the FAKE STATE: A Nation in Captivity. The author: Aran Alton Ardaiz pased away about eight years ago. He was married to my cousin who is three years older than me. Common Law copyright 2008 Aran Ardiaz.

The last time I purchased a copy of this book was from HPB.com, (Half Price Books. com) $25.00. Or try www.trafford.com. (Trafford Publishing, 2657 Wilfert Road, Victoria, BC Canada V98 5Z3.

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Thanks RLM RLM.

On RT.com, Two residents on Maui saw laser beams (Scalar Technology) strike Lahaina & Up Country Maui. HAARP is the Weapon. ChemTrails over Hawaii…Local & US Media are parroting Wild Fires… Wild Fires..Total Bull Shit!! I bet the FARM there is a plan to rebuild that will role out after the fires burn out. Hawaii is a Major Military Out Post in the Pacific Theater for War.

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I am actually aware of that. Its really unreal. We're about as fair and free as pur election system. Complete sham run by those at the top. It's maddening. When Jesus said...my kingdom is not of this world.. when I was young it sort of meant something....now it means everything. Clearly greedy disgusting power hungry murderers own this place

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There are strong caring American's out there. The battle is heating up. The rest must join in & let their voices be heard w/ bold, firm, GODLY WISDOM !

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people are seeing more and more the war waged against the public.... time to light the torches get the pitchforks and be lead once again by dracula against his castle

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