Will malone speak up against mrna weoponization? Will he crack the wall of propaganda and expose the DOD for their treachery? WILL HE?

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Whether Malone "speaks up" or not, he's still a deep state operative

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True that.

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He is not safe. It makes me crazy to see him promoted with legitimate truth tellers and patriots. I believe he is neither.

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It strikes me that there is very little talk about the DoD connection, the contracts Pharma has with the DoD, the fact that this whole Covid scam was and is a military Operation. Researcher Sasha Latypova has been able to reveal very much about this , see her Substack.

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There’s other information out there. Pfizer has repeatedly come back in lawsuits and said they ‘’made the product the gov ordered.” That’s another reason the lawsuits don’t go anywhere.

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Wasn't that from the Brooke Jackson case ?

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Hope Tamara Lich and Cris Baber who led Canadas Freedom Trucker Convoy get an invite to one of these events. They are currently in court for SIX weeks on a mischief charge that threatens 10 years in jail because our PM Trudeau is having a toddler fit b/c Millions of us disagreed with his mandates. Like someone took his SOOTHER away.

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Yeah it is like putting a first year college student from a wealthy suburb in charge of the country.

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…And yet, in that lineup, we still have a fox in the henhouse…

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I'm tempted to go for that very reason.

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Oh, good point! I would have boycotted, but you're right.

Keep an eye on the henhouse!

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I slow blink that he is suing the Breggins. Over two million. Dem hurtled hims feewings. At least Fauci is a consistent liar.

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I was SO pleased to read that BUT that was from the Breggins regarding Malone’s lawsuit against the WP:( I did find it hopeful!

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I just heard this! Great news.

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Yes we do.

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Hope to see you there! Thank you @Vigilent Fox for spreading the word. I'm looking forward to Saturday in Rochester.

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The only negative is its in NY. Ive traveled there many times in my life and its always a chore. Like the idea thought.

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I was born and raised in Rochester NY and am not yet willing to go back there after escaping to South Dakota, even though this event sounds amazing. Almost two years later, all I can remember is being so depressed that I'm still amazed that I didn't become a death of despair statistic there. I wake up every day thankful to be where I am now. For the first year after I left, I dissociated really heavily, and I still can't believe what happened. I'm still recovering in every way, even physically, from being there in 2021.

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That's great. Where in SD? I had a second home, a cottage, really, in the southern Black Hills. We sold it a few years ago, but I wish it back. I live in Colorado, and the BHs remind me of Colorado many years ago before it became popular and crowded. SD is so relaxing. The cold was the only drawback to my living there. A humorous story, I met an old rancher looking at a property to purchase; he was from North Dakota and ran a cattle ranch. He was looking for a place to winter in warmer weather. I was shocked and said, dude, how fu%king cold is ND to winter in the Black Hills SD? I was shocked; it must really get cold there. 😂😂 The little town is called Hot Springs, and that's what it has - hot springs. The river running through downtown is warm and steams in the winter, which is really cool. Now that I am writing about the place, I dearly miss it. Thanks for your comment, Phil

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These docs are not telling the full story. And they know the full story. Who told them to hush it? Is a certain doc fighting release of this info harder than the others?

Ask yourself why they do not discuss the bigger concern.

The Breggins did interview Dr. Ana.

Check out Dr. Ana Milhalcea. https://substack.com/@anamihalceamdphd

It’s so much bigger and concerning than you can imagine

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"Dr Malone" is a deep state operative...DO NOT BE FOOLED

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The "Sage Hana" substack does best at exposing Malone.

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Vigilant Fox uses what I call “trust washing.” They report a good bit of truthful and useful information and mix Malone and Kirsch in with it to make you associate them with “truth,” instead of things like Remdesivir, which they are associated with- the true story of the Countermeasures Holocaust. Do not fall for Vigilant Fox’s deceptions and propaganda.

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Vigilant Fox is also in the tank for Trump and RFK. Jr. The only substack exposing all of them is "Sage Hana."

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Did you know that Dr Malone is involved with at least 25 law suits against truth tellers? Like Dr Peter Breggin and his wife and Dr Jane Ruby? Dr Breggin was one of the FIRST truth tellers who were sounding the alarm on the fraudulent pandemic. See https://breggin.com/ COVID-19 and the GLOBAL PREDATORS—

We Are The Prey

By Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin

Dr Malone is not safe.

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I already follow her work. Katherine Watts is another among many.

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