Are we all going to have to quit our jobs, so they can’t tax us anymore? What is our purpose, if we have come to the place where we are supporting war, even when we don’t want to?

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We did that during Covid, pretty much. They just print more fiat currency and we pay in inflation instead.

In reality, the system is drastically unstable, and I doubt any of these problems will be actually fixed before it becomes a crisis or economic collapse.

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You don't think its a crisis now? The U.S. government is $3.4 trillion in debt and that figure rises each day while taxpayers fund millions of illegal alien criminals lives and Biden sends billions more to Ukraine and Israel. We are beyond a crisis and in a disaster.

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Absolutely, but if I say it plainly, it mostly becomes a debate about doompilling.

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I never took any time off…still went to work every day, home schooled my kids and kept putting one foot in front of the other. I do not condone war, and feel guilty that my tax dollars are supporting it.

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Same here. I'm a pacifist, a full fledged single issue voter when it comes to starting nuclear wars.

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You don't have to quit. Simply become a non taxpayer.

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at least a national strike is needed!

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Not quit, but simply not pay your employment taxes. Though, sadly, the vast majority of employees have this automatically deducted as self-employed constitute a small fraction in comparison.

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The bill is part of the ongoing ritual humiliation of America.

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Senator Paul you are a treasure, our national conscience robustly ignored.

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Treasonous, criminal, anti-America Government.

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Brandon and his quisling government’s a giant middle finger to America.

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Clown world. But NOT funny...

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Thank you Rand Paul! We are so sick and tired of these America last back stabbing politicians, and that includes Kennedy from Louisiana. I will never vote for that SOB again, and I will do everything in my power to see that he is never elected again. He voted yes on this bill, as with Cassidy, which we are already knew he was a backstabber.

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The criminals in our government can send billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel but our veterans have to account for every single penny they spend for the VA. They cannot go over $250 in expedited shipping charges and what they spend has to balance out exactly. It's unacceptable!! NO MORE FOREIGN AID! IT IS OBVIOUSLY A MONEY LAUNDERING SCAM THAT'S BEEN GOING ON FOR DECADES!

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Is the VA trying to kill veterans?

The VA had safety signals triggered 6 months after the shot roll out for the possibility of developing myocarditis after the 1st Pfizer shot.

VA doc emailed the CDC. VA and CDC remained silent.

VA still forced their employees to take the covid shot because of the federal government worker mandate.

VA never warned veterans that they could be harmed.


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Every medical institution is in on the Kill for Cash bioweapons tragedy!

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"They" want to kill ALL.

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The IRS is the middle finger to US CITIZENS, but since citizenship is a choice, one can only conclude the US CITIZENS do not know they are citizens by choice, or they like emotional, physical, and economic abuse.

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90% of Congress is compromised and beholden to those pulling the NWO strings and Israel. They've sold their souls for money, and many are blackmailed by crimes and pedophilia. How much further does the invasion of our country and the resulting economic crash have to go before even the liberalest of Americans wake up to this purposeful destruction of our capitalist economy and country? They want half of us dead and the other half enslaved by their 2030 agenda.

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How many in the Senate, in the House, see it the same way? How do we take our country back?

Find out how YOUR representatives are voting....and come November - REMEMBER !!

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This senate bill has NO connection to We the People.

F the senate.

P.S. Schumer and McConnell enjoy your “one way” trip to Kiev. Oops, no return flights available!

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#StandWithRand 🔥🔥🔥

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Good man. Best Senator we have. America first...keep our billions here for Americans..

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Amen Sen. Paul!

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