Oct 11, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

I’m sorry I can’t be a paid subscriber. I’m 66 and crippled on a marginal salary. But I’m sharing your work across my social networks. Hope it brings in a subscriber or two.

Love your work

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This matters a lot. To everyone who has an honest voice. We honor honesty and demand more of it.

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Take care on the road, heart attacks and strokes are now more frequent.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

This video was the most well informed, concise, easy to understand explanation of the fraud perpetuated over the C19 injections that I've herd. Huge thanks to you and the courageous RFK Jr.

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The vaccine did not fail, its purpose was never to stop you from getting Covid, its purpose was to inject you all with 99% Graphene Oxide and nanotechnology and parasites, which sometimes cause those long white blood clots recovered from the dead.

Let me put that more simply. If you were taken to a race course and told you were going to bet your life on a horse race outcome, where one horse had never been beaten and had a 99.17% chance of winning and the slowest horse in the race had a 0.87% chance of winning - according to The Lancet - and had never won a race - why then did you all bet your lives on the slowest horse in the race?

Let me explain Covid 99.17% Pfizer 0.87% - do you understand the gravity of those vaccines now?

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The jab was only approved for emergency use, that means it's still an experimental vaccine. There is no evidence of full approval from any document on the FDA website. Even life insurance companies know this and they won't pay if a person dies and took the jab. They don't pay for death from experimental procedures.

I figured people knew this by now.

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I don't know of a single US case where any life insurance payout was refused based on jab status.

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If you die from Coronavirus 'vaccine', your life insurance may not pay as it's an 'experimental medical intervention'. https://tapnewswire.com/2021/03/if-you-die-from-vaccine-your-life-insurance-wont-pay-as-its-an-experimental-vaccine/

I wonder if this is only a problem in the UK. As always, check with your own life insurance company.

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Yes, so far, although Ed Dowd says post jab mortality is off the charts here in the US too. I'm guessing the gov would rather do a bailout of the insurance industry than admit they killed millions of citizens

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not in new zealand (so far).

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Give it some time.

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This is a fundamentally incorrect way of interpreting the results of an RCT. In an RCT we don’t get to “determine” the cause of death as anything other than INTERVENTION vs PLACEBO. This is the very purpose of RCT, to eliminate any secondary guesses, inference, estimations about causality. Even if more people died in car accidents in the study following the vaccination, this would have to be statistically attributed to the vaccine (intervention), even if we do not understand how the vaccine could cause more lethal car accidents. In this sense both Pfizer and RFK are committing a basic methodological error (although Pfizer surely knows this). The study shows that 15 people died in the intervention arm and 14 in the placebo arm, and this is all we can say about these deaths if we want to stay within the RCT protocol. Additional 5 deaths are reported soon after unblinding, and all of these deaths occurred following vaccination. This result (mortality) was not statistically significant, which only means that Pfizer failed to show, via RTC, that their vaccine does not kill more people than it saves, and this is all we need to know about their quackery.

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Hi Michael - Can you clarify what you mean in that first sentence by the first word “this”? What are you referring to? Is it to both Pfizer and RFK? I think yes is the answer. Based on your comment, assuming yes... Isn’t RFK with his own example proving his own point about that kind of RCT conclusion for the vaccine? I thought it was really well done what RFK said. And then at the end, the deaths in the jabbed group from cardiac arrest... wasn’t RFKs comment about that correct?

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It is not correct to say about a randomised controlled study that it shows that people died from X or Y, if the RCT intervention was Z. The study itself is meant to show whether more people die if Z than not-Z. I understand what RFK is trying to argue here; he is applying the same (defective) standard that Pfizer uses, but this is already falling into their trap. To exclude some deaths as not caused by the intervention, and assign cause of death by any other means than RCT geared to that specific end-point, is no longer part of the RCT, therefore disinformation (by Pfizer). This RCT could only tell us the relative risk of death for the intervention vs non-intervention (if the results were statistically significant). The purpose of randomisation (of all causative factors apart from the intervention) is to isolate the intervention vs placebo as the only two causal variables, otherwise there is no point in randomisation (we could just “determine” that vaccine is safe by “determining” that nobody died from it, and this would make RCT pointless. But we cannot reliably determine this without the RCT protocol, therefore nonsense.

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Your claims about the “true” definition of RCT might be right - I have no idea, I am not a professional in thus field - but still proves that RFK is right, since the arguments you cite don’t seem logical at all. If one dies within 6 months after the trial vaccine perhaps by a car accident caused by a stroke due tot the vaccine - and today we are aware that this can actually be the case - it should simply be investigated or at least have an asterisk on the EUA, don’t you agree?

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I agree. This is what I was trying to say, that we must not dismiss or re-categorise any death arising in randomised controlled trials. This study compared only two variables - vaccine vs placebo - so if we start making claims about any other causes of death, we are no longer talking about THIS study. If we insist that we do, then we can no longer consistently argue against Pfizer’s claim that they have determined that none of these deaths were caused by the vaccine, because we have agreed to secondary (not randomised) determination of the cause of death.

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Thank you! Very helpful.

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All you have to do is tune into your local fire and emergency live feeds and it's all heart attacks, strokes, people just collapsing all over the place-- in restaurants, while pumping gas, while grocery shopping. I listen all the time and it's shocking.

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It truly is very surreal, and a rollercoaster every day.

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I really appreciate the support from the substack community.

All of my friends and family are triple or quadruple jabbed and thinking I wouldn't have got this sick if I had complied. This is hard to take but I don't regret my decision to stay unjabbed and will enjoy my natural immunity once I recover.

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I am wondering two things:

1) Do we know the specific comorbidities and ages of the people that died of or with Covid in the vaccine group and placebo group, because if they had the flu and a comorbidity they would have been reported as a death based on their comorbidity, not the flu. So I am wondering if any of these three deaths were truly solely Covid.

And 2) Do we know what the placebo was made of? Was it saline or was it the adjuvant? Obviously a trial comparing the entire vaccine to the adjuvant of the vaccine would be misleading and fraudulent.

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My adult son got three Covid jabs even though his brother and I told him it was a bioweapon. Now he has heart issues. I told him again in September it was a bioweapon and he still doesn’t believe it. Maybe it’s too much for his mind to accept, although he did say he won’t get another jab.

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When people tell me they won't get another shot it says to me they have figured it out.

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It's hard to accept the our own government wants us dead.

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Is it easier to consider that they don't mind using us in search of efficacy before safety?

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No, they want us dead.

No such thing as efficacy with the covid death shot.

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This is much bigger than covid and "vaccines". Subjects have value

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Not if they are dead.

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This is just my opinion of how those that have put this into place think: "Experimentation is the first priority, and death is a possible outcome." It's basically akin to gain-of-function research whereby humans are expendable, but used as they are found to be useful. Some are given a selective pass.

I don't agree with it, but it's what I believe is happening.

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Yes, I have been following all of this but still surprised how brutal I feel.

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Off topic but I need advice from my fellow unjabbed. Just got sick for the first time since the plandemic started. Am feeling truly horrible -- fever, massive headache that won't go away (I never get headaches normally), nausea, chills, body aches, fatigue (but it is hard to sleep because my head hurts so bad). Have tested negative twice but am assuming covid so I started my Ivermectin and the nutraceutical protocol from Truth for Health Foundation yesterday. No improvement so far. Any suggestions? I am an otherwise healthy 56 year old in Canada.

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Check out the FLCCC protocol (which includes ivermectin). Nasal irrigation is very important as the virus replicates in the nasal passages. Also, they recommend gargling with Scope 3x a day.

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You might want to try nebulizing hydrogen peroxide. There is a protocol from doctor Mercola. All the best for you🌺

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Why are you assuming covid?

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I have never had it and, over the past few weeks, I've had multiple exposures in my family and at the office. Also, I can't remember feeling this bad with a cold or flu before.

Just tested positive last night so looking forward to natural immunity now once I get over these miserable symptoms.

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Thank you for explaining. Feel better soon. I have no idea if I've ever had it, but I think it's entirely possible to catch something and fight it off. I have found if I'm stressed and lose a lot of sleep, that's when I'm likely to get sick.

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Humidifiers can be helpful to prevent dry air and sinus infections. Your headache likely a sign of this and congestion may follow.

If vomiting then maybe stomach flu, so simple things like clear liquids, toast/crackers, apple sauce seem to work for me.

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Conversation between Dr Mercola and Dr Thomas Levy (Dr Levy wrote a book about this treatment) Hope you get better soon! Https://brandnewtube.com/watch/dr-mercola-nebulized-hydroigen-peroxide-dr-thomas-levy_4cd3nkfg1gLZ1dE.html

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Thanks but your link didn't work for me.

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Chicken soup and bed rest?

Also if any drippies, keep head up while sleeping. During day make sure drippies go out through the nose and not back.

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The secret servants of Satan (members of the Satanic Globalists' New World Order ORGANIZED CRIME SYNDICATE, aka the Kingdom of Satan) are becoming so obvious: murderers, warmongers, liars, thieves. "Ye shall know them by their fruits."

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I know this is really just an aside when considering the totality of evidence of statistical nitpicking, deceit, fraud, corruption and glib disregard for human health and life, but...

Does it bother anyone else that they made a beginner's mistake with this "100% effective against COVID death" claim? Of course they have to divide the treatment group number, 1, by the placebo group number, 2, and not subtract the former from the latter and divide by the former, that should be obvious to anyone even remotely involved in any scientific enterprise of any kind.

Dividing the placebo group number by the treatment group number is madness. Imagine doing a study on motorcycle helmets where you smash dummies head's with a sledgehammer and you find that 19 out of 20 dummies without helmets had fatal head injuries and only 1 out of 20 dummies with a helmet did. Their formula would make their motorcycle helmets 1800% effective against fatal head injuries, meaning it prevents your head from being injured, plus the heads of 17 other people?

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Not sure of these stats, I remember reading in the Pfizer trial data that was published that 1223 people died in the trials in the vaccine control group . there were about 48k people in the vaccine group and about 46k in the placebo group. Please confirm the stats. Thanks

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