Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023

I know one! I actually know one. I am completely anti all vax and have been my whole life after reading a dozen books on it. BUT I do have a friend who has a highly autistic kid and the mother is like us, no vaccines!

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Steve is smart to continue to pound home the message that the Amish community is the ideal "placebo group" to study. If they don't get any of these vaccines, shouldn't they be much more unhealthy? Shouldn't they be dying at a much higher rate since they didn't take any of these miracle wonder vaccines?

In fact, the opposite occurred. They are much healthier because they didn't do what the experts said they must do.

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This is arguably the biggest reason for mandates. To eliminate the possibility of a control group.

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I remain the control group

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Was he vaccinated by the father without the mother knowing it? It wouldn't be the first time! (also mothers vaxxing their children in spite of the father)

There's a way to know that by a genetic study proving he has "de novo" mutations (casuse by vaccines).

Unvaxxed autism should have the early guesstimated rate of 1 in 50 000, not 1 in 30

That's why we need a law to force Government to open the data:

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


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There are other ways for neurotoxins to contaminate someone. Just cooking with aluminum pans. You have to look at over all exposure, and because it can indeed get murky that is where they get us. However if the overall picture is ten kids out of a hundred show signs of adhd/autism who are vaccinated and only one kid when not vaccinated. That is a big deal.

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The aluminum from pans forms oxides while cooking, are usually inert and not associated with increases aluminum concentrations in humans.

In general, Al+3 only exists at very low pH. Al+3 is not stable will react with most anything to form Al(OH)x. Aluminum is usually at the center of most soil matrices. Aluminum can be taken up into plants as other minerals become in short supply. This is usually associated with the enzyme release by microorganisms that live in the plant root zone. All this aluminum must go through our digestive system to be absorbed.

Aluminum adjuvants from injections and vaccines go directly into the blood stream.

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+Monsanto toxins glyphosate etc?

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Why is the only way you get autism through vaccines and if someone suggests otherwise they are not believed? No, the father absolutely positively did not vax the kid. He's an organic farmer whose more against it than her. So there is that.

Not sure politics is the way out, but it's a nice thought. Blood would need to spill first, you think these people are just going to give up if we fix the voting system and elect real people? It would get much much worse actually fast. So there is that TOO.

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I didn't mean to offend nor question, just needed to get that doubt out. It's more common than you think, couples fight over this and it could get nasty!

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Jun 30, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023

It’s true couples do fight over vaccines. During the pandemic my three year old daughter was scheduled for her vaccines. My wife argued for them and argued against them. My wife said she will do it secretly and I said I would divorce her and it’s battle that I willing to fight for my daughter’s health. I told her we will take a wait and see approach to vaccines. When she saw the circus unfold for COVID-19 vaccines and mandates she apologized. She said I was right about being anti-vax. Our daughter will never get any kind of jab.

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I am not offended and I am well aware they do. It happens all the time, it's happened to many I know. ONe wife did do it and the father divorced her. Either way, not this couple

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My sister has done a huge amount of research on this and contends with evidence that autism did and does exist before and without injections.

The injection process has had the effect of accelerating neural diversity. Interesting to think that the effort to poison humanity with childhood injection may be accelerating the evolution of the neurological processes and structures of the human animal.

Of course, this in no way justifies or rationalises a behaviour that is killing, and torturing individuals and families! It is the observation that messing with nature often has unexpected consequences.

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Oh really?

What does she say we used to call non-verbal children who bang their heads against the wall for relief?

Show me a single medical text pre-1980 that has officially diagnosed autism with the same degree of symptoms as modern day vaccine injured children, I'll wait.

"Neural diversity?" Is that what the Luciferians are calling it now? There is no evolution, only creation with adaptability programming. The only evolution humans are ever going to achieve successfully is extinction.

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You are most likely correct about the 'degree of symptoms'. I haven't argued these kinds of points with her and she has supplied me with ample evidence.

Neural diversity may not be Luciferian per se. A descriptive, perhaps inappropriately so perhaps not, to indicate that the human animal is changing.

She was non-verbal until she was 5 years and our mother kept her out of a 'home' despite our grandmother's insistence that that was the only thing to do with that kind of ... creature? In her research she was concerned how in the history of pre-1980s the few autistic people born were typically horribly abused and/or killed.

I am sorry you are filled with such a negative prognosis for the human animal. Although you may be correct. Or maybe you are incorrect, the future is mostly unpredictable.

(Since you used the word 'Luciferian' with a capital, I infer you are guided by the Bible. If that is the case, why aren't you confident in God's ultimate success or victory?)

I have no idea if you would interested or not in *The Origins and History of Consciousness* by Erich Neumann. It is a look at how Consciousness has changed (evolved?) over time. Fascinating book. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/129503.The_Origins_and_History_of_Consciousness

All the best in this time of covid, an apocalyptic opportunity of seeing what is true beneath all the babel. (I haven't yet done a deep enough dive on autism to make strong arguments beyond knowing that the vaccines are certainly increasing the numbers and severity of the symptoms.) We are living the Bhaghavad-Gita. An amazing opportunity!

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So, there is a child not vaccinated but whose mother had amalgam fillings taken out while 23 weeks pregnant with son. Amalgam fillings are 50% mercury and vaporize when drilled. Mercury is breathed in and passed through the placenta. Also, mother is rh- and received rhoGAM shots. The two children born after the autistic child were not autistic but mother used a gluten free and dairy free diet during pregnancy and afterwards for children. Look at mercury and aluminum toxicity for autism causes. None of the children were vaccinated.

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Of course they exist.

It's absolutely absurd to believe unvaccinated children can't develope autism.

It just defies everything we know about autism.

Steve is - as always - just trying to prove he is right. Can't blame him though, since I have the same tendencies...

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Why is it "absurd" when the data makes that conclusion highly likely? "Everything we know about autism" points directly to vaccines.

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I am not saying there is no association. Neither am I denying the link could be causal. I can still only advise you not to jump the gun here. The data is inconclusive and the matter is complex.

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His EGO really does get in the way and makes him less believable and a good source.

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Yeah I totally agree. I am a bit worried about the debate he is going to have. I talk to some of the people on the team and they generally seem to assume it's gonna be an easy win.

The other day Steve posted a long list of evidence for people to try and invalidate. I hate to say it, since we are basically on the same side, but most of that evidence is extremely weak. Some of it is simply a misrepresentation of data.

I've been going at this for a long time now and I think we have a chance of proving the harm outweighs the benefit, but we have to work really hard to do that.

It's not easy and we have to be very self-critical.

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OR it's not his ego, he's controlled dissent. I have for a long time thought if anyone is controlled dissent it's Steve. They talk a lot of truth we already know but it doesn't amount to anything. I also feel the same thing about Trump BUT it could be that both Steve and Trump are real but it's the ego. I'm not sure.

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Haha we are definitely on the same page here.

Just yesterday I was asking the guy who is financing my research:

"Do you think Steve Kirsch could be some type of controlled opposition?"

I won't quote him exactly, but he considered it unlikely.

My reply: "It's probably just his ego then."

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I have 2 unvaccinated children who are Autistic. It gets pretty frustrating to people claim vaccines are THE cause for Autism. Does it make the symptoms worse? I would say,most definitely, but obviously not the ONLY cause.

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Absolutely. Only someone with no understanding of general pathophysiology could assume there's only one cause for a neurodevelopmental disorder as complex as autism.

I can only see two explanations why Steve would be making these claims:

A) He is completely full of himself and just doesn't understand much about the human body.

B) He is trying to discredit the entire medical freedom movement.

And regarding the vaccines... The link is not clearly established.

I recently wrote this: https://vigilance.pervaers.com/p/autism-and-childhood-vaccomations

Only looked into it for a day, but I will dedicate more time to the topic at a later time. The correlation is remarkable, but one should be careful drawing conclusions too quickly, because there are definitely confounders that could explain this.

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Maybe what the takeaway here should be is that our government health agencies tasked with honest research (I know - a reach) should be focusing on why autism was so rare I (& others I’ve asked in my baby boomer bracket) never heard of autism while growing up, much less know anyone w/ it or any family dealing w/ it. Furthermore during raising our children I never heard of autism or of an autistic child.

The statistics are stunning so something has dramatically changed to see autism almost common.

We can see a correlation between the super charged childhood vax schedule & appearance/rise in autism. My children & my fellow baby boomers had minimal shots. We all experienced measles, chickenpox, etc.

So umpteen vaccines and/or environmental agents should be dissected to the hilt.

With Big Pharma owning our government agencies this won’t happen. Also no corporate entity wants their products studied either.

At least Steve is calling major attention to an apparently recent phenomenon

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Go ahead and explain ? Most doctor's when you ask them about autism they say they don't know. Do you have a medical degree? I do as do my sisters my brother and both of my parents. Please do tell everything you personally know about how autism is acquired?

And Steve isn't a physician but he told the truth. He couldn't find any autistic children in the Amish communities he visited and they are all non vaccinated. Does that mean autism ONLY comes from vaccines? No ot just means the Amish who aren't vaccinated aren't acquiring autism. The autism is in my personal opinion a product of the adjuvant in ALL vaccines. It makes the immune system start attacking the brain. It's the heavy metals. Are vaccines the only way to accumulate heavy metals in the blood and brain? No. Could it be passed down from mother to unborn baby? Yes possibly.

Suramin and heavy metal detox have been known to " cure " autism. There have been small studies that confirm this.

I don't agree with everything Steve says. Having said that, he has done a hell of a lot more than you to bring awareness to many things vaccine related. Trying to split hairs to attack him sees pretty mean spirited and petty. Attack the pharmaceuticals that have probably killed millions by now. Attack the government who is forcing this upon the population. But to attack Steve? What a joke.

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Amen brother.

These ppl reek of controlled opposition and undercover shills.

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Nope. Just because there are unvaccinated people developing autism doesn’t in anyway mean that vaccines aren’t causing autism; you see you have to look at the effect of the vaccine ingredients upon human physiology; there are other phenomena also adding similar ingredients to the body, like chemicals in food for example and a bad diet; but the vaccine gets the poisons into the body more aggressively. Autism is likely related to dysbiosis in the human gut; i.e. the immune system, modern vaccines can wreck that system quite efficiently; as can a diet unfit for human consumption i.e. corporate food.

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Lol "Nope"?

Nope to what? Did you even read my post?

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Having said that, I don't particularly like SK either, but the information is accurate.

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Yeah, I think the claim that there are no unvaccinated autistic is too strong of a claim to make. I don't know if Steve actually said that or what, but comparing current autism levels to pre-vaccine autism levels wouldn't make any sense if only vaccines caused autism. Clearly.

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He said he couldn't find one. That doesn't mean they're aren't any. GOD only knows what the exposure to chemicals, let alone the known toxic ones, in various combinations does to kids.

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My point in my comment here; why so much autism now & rare or unheard of in past?

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Pre-vaccine as in which year?

Last I checked, vaccines were invented and used since the late 1700's..

Aluminum was added in the early 1900's.

Out of 350 million Americans, the chances of you even meeting an unvaxxed person are slim to none.

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I have 2 sons who aren't vaccinated and yet are Autistic. You are correct

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Did you take Tylenol during pregnancy? What about a flu shot? How many products or foods do they eat which contain Aluminum, Mercury or other neurotoxins?

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We eat very clean. Mostly raw fruits/veggies. My wife DID take Tylenol twice during her pregnancy, but I doubt that would be enough to do it. My mother took all kinds of Tylenol etc while pregnant with me. She had an abscessed tooth at one point during her carrying me. Plus I was vaccinated as a child. I did get asthma as a result, but that subsided when I turned 19. However, I'm not Autistic. My children were even home births,so no chance of the hospital doing anything shady. At this point I'm convinced that there HAS to be something in our environment causes some of the Autism cases we're seeing, and vaccines are causing the rest.

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God knows, I don't. I'd believe it's the food supply, that's the easiest way. AND as we know all of our immune systems are different. I could have been hit with whatever gave someone else autism and not have any effect on me. Who knows.

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Yeah I believe food is part of it too. Just throwing out some other possibilities.

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When I have posted about this online for the past 10 years there is always someone that chimes in and says my kid isnt vaccinated and still has autism. I always was suspicious of this and since then I have learned they have paid trolls to post this kind of disinformation I realize they were most likely fake troll posts. So beware of people who claim this as they might be paid trolls. I am not saying there arent any out there, but it always really strange that people immediately chime in and post it.

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Wait Fred. It's a conspiracy when someone reads an article that makes a claim the reader knows isn't totally true and then comments to this fact? Think through it. You could easily be a person who reads an article, has had a different experience and then what do you do? Comment. I PAY for Fox. If you looked you would see that. And if you looked you'd see my 100's of other comments proving I'm not a troll. Lastly, just because kids get autism without shots DOES NOT MEAN shots are good and we're trying to convince you otherwise. This is why we get the label conspirarcy theorists nuts. It's because people take things that aren't conspiracy at all and confuse. AND If you read my comments you'd know damn well I'm not OK with vaccines. I have 2 cousins on either side of my family that have HIGHLY autistic children BOTH were completely vaccinated and BOTH of them say their babies changed right after the rash of shots at 2. Let's not paint everyone with that brush BEFORE we think through it and LOOK at the data that you have access too, namely info on the people you are inferring could be plants. BEFORE you infer they are plants. Also again, the logic schewed. Just because people have this experience doesn't mean they are pro vax.

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It’s like claiming there are no cases of lung cancer without smoking and if there is a case then that means smoking doesn’t contribute to causing lung cancer. That is a ridiculous assumption isn’t it?

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Air pollution causes respiratory illnesses and lung cancer. Toxins in our food, water, soil, and air plus vaccines cause illnesses

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Indeed, it is called being honest. We should be looking into all populations that aren’t highly vaccinated to see if there. Are similar rates of autism.

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We have. they're called amish. They have no autism and no vaccines. They also died at a rate of 90X less than the normal population in COVID, which means to say they basically didn't die at all from COVID.

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The problem is there will be autistic Amish out there. The idea is to not make hyperbolic claims. . It probably would be fair to say that because so few Amish are found to be autistic it is effectively zero.

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Think there were a very few, adopted as I recall.

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You think you're smarter than you actually are. Take it easy.

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It has nothing to do with being smart.

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In regards to Covid, the Amish also have no incentive to mark a death as Covid, they are not invested in the narrative.

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So that data is false? You don't need any information Jimmy. All you need to know is the rate is 1 in 30. I was 1 in 1500. This isn't a genetic mutation this is being done intentially with shots, chemtrails, food, and any other method that you could think of.

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The data isn’t completely accurate. The problem is we don’t want to fall into the same issues as those well ensconced in the narrative . We can’t afford to be even the slightest bit inaccurate because that is what they have done from the start.

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Except in the comment thread we know this not to be completely true. I would estimate a lot of developing countries have Lowe vaccine rates and zi bet they too have lower autism, peanut allergies. And other issues as well.

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One troll herein claimed they have 2 autistic children and both are unvaccinated. Why not 17 kids with Autism, LOL =Q

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Complete list of studies comparing vaxxed with unvaxxed:

Mothers who don’t vaccinate their children are the most educated ones:

Smith, P. J., Chu, S. Y., & Barker, L. E. (2004). Children who have received no vaccines: who are they and where do they live?. Pediatrics, 114(1), 187–195. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.114.1.187

Why? Unlike pediatricians, those mothers actually READ the scientific literature comparing vaxxed v. unvaxxed children:





CDC’s Unpublished Verstraeten Study on HepB Showed Dramatic Increased Risk of Autism (7.6X), Sleep Disorders (5X), Speech Disorders (2.1X) and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (1.8X)

Thomas M. Verstraeten, R. Davies, D. Gu, F DeStefano Increased risk of developmental neurologic impairment after high exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccine in first month of life. 1999 CDC



DTP and Tetanus Vaccinations Increase the Odds of Allergies (1.63X) in Children

Hurwitz, E. L., & Morgenstern, H. (2000). Effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis or tetanus vaccination on allergies and allergy-related respiratory symptoms among children and adolescents in the United States. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 23(2), 81–90.



Hepatitis B Vaccines Increase the Odds for Special Education by 8.63X

Gallagher CM, Goodman M. Hepatitis B triple series vaccine and developmental disability in US children aged 1–9 years. 13 Nov 2008 Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry Vol 90 Is 5 Ps 997-1008 https://doi.org/10.1080/02772240701806501


Hepatitis B Vaccines in Male Newborns Increased the Odds of Autism 3X

Gallagher CM, Goodman MS. Hepatitis B Vaccination of Male Neonates and Autism Diagnosis, NHIS 1997–2002. 6 Nov 2010 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 73(24), 1665–1677. https://doi.org/10.1080/15287394.2010.519317


Flu Shot Increases Rate of Non-Flu Infection 4.4X

Cowling, B. J., Fang, V. J., Nishiura, H., Chan, K. H., Ng, S., Ip, D. K., Chiu, S. S., Leung, G. M., & Peiris, J. S. (2012). Increased risk of noninfluenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 54(12), 1778–1783. https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/cis307


DTP Increases Mortality in Girls 10X, boys 5x

Mogensen, S. W., Andersen, A., Rodrigues, A., Benn, C. S., & Aaby, P. The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment. 1 Feb 2017 EBioMedicine, 17, 192–198. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.01.041

"DTP was associated with 5-fold higher mortality than being unvaccinated. No prospective study has shown beneficial survival effects of DTP. "

"It should be of concern that the effect of routine vaccinations on all-cause mortality was not tested in randomized trials. All currently available evidence suggests that DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis. Though a vaccine protects children against the target disease it may simultaneously increase susceptibility to unrelated infections."


Vaccination of Preemies Increased Odds of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 6.6X

Mawson AR, Bhuiyan AR, Jacob B, Ray BD. Preterm birth, vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders: a cross-sectional study of 6- to 12-year-old vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Apr 2017 https://oatext.com/pdf/JTS-3-187.pdf


Vaccination Increases Risk of Allergic Rhinitis (30X), Allergy (3.1X), ADHD (4.2X), Autism (4.2X) Eczema (2.9X), Learning Disability (5.2X) and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (3.7X).

Mawson AR, Ray BD, Bhuiyan AR, Jacob B. Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12-year-old U.S. children.24 Apr 2017. Journal of Translational Science 3: https://doi.org/10.15761/JTS.1000186 https://archive.is/PwUrN


Vaccinated children were more than three times as likely to be diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum than unvaccinated children

Vaccinated children were 30-fold more likely to be diagnosed with allergic rhinitis (hay fever) than non-vaccinated children

Vaccinated children were 22-fold more likely to require an allergy medication

Vaccinated children had more than quadruple the risk of being diagnosed with a learning disability than unvaccinated children

Vaccinated children were 300 percent more likely to be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder than unvaccinated children

Vaccinated children were 340 percent more likely to have been diagnosed with pneumonia than unvaccinated children

Vaccinated children were 300 percent more likely to be diagnosed with an ear infection than unvaccinated children

Vaccinated children were 700 percent more likely to have surgery to insert ear drainage tubes than unvaccinated children

Vaccinated children were 2.5-fold more likely to be diagnosed with any chronic illness than unvaccinated children




“higher ORs were observed within the vaccinated versus unvaccinated group for developmental delays, asthma and ear infections.”

Hooker, B. S., & Miller, N. Z. (2020). Analysis of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children: Developmental delays, asthma, ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders. SAGE open medicine, 8, 2050312120925344. https://doi.org/10.1177/2050312120925344


Lyons-Weiler, J., & Thomas, P. (2020). Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(22), 8674. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17228674 (Retraction published Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jul 22;18(15):)


If you've got more studies, please share: I'll be soon publishing the complete list.

In the meantime we need a law to force Government to release the data:

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


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Excellent, thank you for this!

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I’ve read that unvaccinated autistic children can usually trace their damage to environmental exposure to industrial pollution.

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Kind of like DDT poisoning can manifest the same symptoms as polio.

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Same. I've stumbled on information pointing towards electromagnetic frequencies but haven't done the deep dive yet.

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EMF's are definitely a factor. Read the books EMF*D and ZAPPED.I watched a long video course (40-50 interviews) delving into various aspects. Jabs are certainly a major cause but cell signals, wifi, blutooth, all contribute.

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Thank you. I will check those out.

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The Amish also are not eating the goyslop. That’s really helpful all around.

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and no doubt ARE eating extremely healthy, natural whole foods and not junk.

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Yeah. I bet they don’t spray Roundup all over their corn right before they harvest it. Good luck finding organic non GMO corn at the big box grocery store.

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My grandson is mildly autistic and he had no vaccines, not even the vitamin K shot. His father has autistic behaviors and I believe there is a genetic component. Both of them are highly intelligent with the father having a 180 IQ.

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That makes sense. Also, our world is incredibly toxic - a predisposition for autism could be inflamed by the myriad of chemicals we are exposed to in food, lawn care, etc...

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I think this supports what I believe, that autism isn't just one thing. There's no definitive biological test for autism. I think it's an umbrella term. One person diagnosed with autism could have one condition, and another person diagnosed with autism could have something else. As long as the symptoms fall within the defined parameters, the person is labeled autistic.

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My daughter is a special ed teacher for low functioning autistic kids. I think we used to call these kids retarded back in the day. It has always existed but the incidence has worsened with the rise of toxicities. My daughter says some of them are quite bright but have lost the ability to speak. Fortunately now they have computer devices to assist them. My daughter loves these kids and looks forward to work every day.

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Fantastic!!! I watched the congressional hearings on the opioid crisis as I knew something was being perpetrated by our own government agencies. It should be mandatory when such a crime at the level is committed that people in every community watch. It was so shocking, criminal and they knew exactly what they were doing.

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Yes, oversimplified, of course. We all know families who refuse vaccines and still develop autism. It’s why people can claim it’s all genetics. It could be a genetic predisposition, then any toxic exposure in the environment. I know for my boys, when we treat viruses and other pathogens, the symptoms decrease dramatically. So for all we know, there’s an autism-causing parasite out there. We just need to figure that out, for crying out loud.

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I known of/have some studies pointing at EMF as a possible cause but I need to sit down and actually read through them.

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When Kirsch red pills, he really red pills. Hanging out with Bobby has been a good thing.

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In the 1950s, Eleanor McBean in her book The Poisoned Needle showed that vaccines were toxic and the cause of many illnesses in humans and animals. You can read her book online for free here https://archive.org/details/the_poisoned_needle_mcbean

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My old daughter who developed encephalitis within 2 weeks after her Tdap booster at age 9 was diagnosed with PANS. It wasn't pans. It was a vaccine injury. That is what caused me to wake up.

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Your work is saving lives everyday. Babies have a Vax regimine prekindergarden unimaginable. Pharma has a racquet that is govtde. Protected that appears and ensures their retirement thru their Vaxs that could contain illness that they are banking on for future treatment that keeps them going to the bank. Why doesn't anyone present a hearing to congress to show cause to stop all covid Vaxs pending a investigation to show these are not safe.

You and Dr. McCullough are at the forefront in this fight to save lives.

You are our heroes of mankind for all you do.

Thank you and

God bless

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Kudos to Kirsch, in my book, for recognizing and being vocal about the fact that ALL "vaccines" are a dark operation. In the U.S. it's a very small camp that doesnt have perception-managed-lifelong-dissonance regarding the cradle to grave 'vaccines'-program real and true conspiracy. Homeopathy is the accurate model for what people conceive of as the sensicalness of the vaccine mechanism.

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This Rockefeller/Rothschild/Globalist System is so corrupt at this point. I haven't had a vaccine in well over 50 years which is my inalienable right to bodily autonomy. While there may be some unvaccinated (very small number) that get ADHD, Autism etc. the fact is Biden coerced millions to get the mRNA injection which is not a true vaccine and is capable of modifying the human genome. They have also pushed Fluoridated water, forever chemicals (PFAS) now in 50% of the countries water supply, endocrine disruptors in pesticides, herbicides etc. And now Biden and most other world leaders (e.g., globalists) are pushing the tyrannical WHO Pandemic Treaty and a Digital Currency: both of which would reduce us to slaves on a Global Plantation. I think it time we all rose up against this bullshit as we are approaching the event horizon, at which point we will all be sucked into this Globalist Tyranny. The hour glass is running out of sand.

"Basically you can either see the world as dead matter to be exploited which is essentially the view of the current globalists and tyrants throughout the ages. Or you can see the world as an interconnected whole that requires us to appreciate and nurture those interconnected systems. Certainly the most important interconnected system is the family: which has always been the glue that holds society together.

You can see the people as “useless eaters” or “useless idiots” to be exploited under collectivist ideologies, which again is the view of the globalists. Or you can see the people as deserving bodily autonomy, inalienable rights, free speech, free markets and human dignity so they may thrive.

And that is why I am so committed to free speech and opposed to central control through digital currencies (CBDC’s) and the WHO Pandemic Treaty. I will never except a world where human’s are treated as slaves on a Global Plantation and where dissent becomes impossible. I will never except a world where psychotic globalists push their central control ideologies under the guise of fake climate change, indoctrinating our children through Marxist LGBTQ/CRT curriculums and other nonsensical bullshit. And that is why I encourage the people of planet Earth to unite, rise up and support policies that nurture and respect the interconnected reality of this world. It is why I support an agenda that puts people first." Quote from Bruce W. Cain (June 2023)

A Call to Action: It is time for the people of every nation to oppose the Globalist Agenda

Primary demands: No digital currency (CBDC), No WHO Pandemic Agreement and No further censorship of free speech


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What are some of the points dissimilarity between the Amish and the general population? Besides rarely vaccinating, from my distance I have the impression that they are more likely to eat wholesome home grown and perhaps predominately organic food, they are less likely to be exposed to electromagnetism, they are less likely to consume pharmaceuticals such as anti-depressants, they come from a more similar genetic pool, and they are less likely to be programmed by mass media 'expertise' and decadent role models.

There are probably more aspects of Amish lifestyle that may be a possible factors in their success. For example, do they begin having their children at an earlier age?

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Thanks vigilant Fox. God bless.

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