Someone said to me the other day after I said I had not been sick in over three years, never been tested, and never been jabbed - after admitting he got jabbed to keep his cushy job, “You’re a PUREBLOOD!” What I am is a member of the Control Group. A not so small contingent of brave, stubborn, self educated folks who saw the writing on the wall early on and said, “Nope!” It has no t been easy to keep our business open through all this drama, shaming, and virtue signaling. We are here now, and we, my spouse and law partner, are not backing down or giving up. What we are doing is making plans to exit our Blue, Tyrannical state and its fascist governor as soon as our commercial lease expires next year. My partner was approved for bar reciprocity in a healthier state just two days ago. Our plans are taking shape. We will take our courage and tenacity to a new place where the fight is fairer and there is a much better chance at winning, unlike the PNW dystopia.

Know that your Substack, and some others, are lights in the dark for us. We are grateful to know we aren’t alone. Others are standing up, been standing up, and won’t sit down - or kneel - to the Church of Covid, and it’s globalist tyrants who pull the levers behind the curtain. Thank you for being a Light!

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It’s thanks to people like you that people who are rightly sceptical of government and big pharmaceutical financed propaganda have overcome this tyranny.

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Thank you for consistently sticking your head above the parapet and letting the rest of us unvaccinated resistors know that we are not alone.

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Zuckerbook being what it is, I doubt that my posting your article there boosted your likes much if at all. did it anyway!

since my permissions there block external sites, I have to manually copy over URLs rather than use that ubiquitous "share to Facebook" button... so you probably didn't get any sharing statistic from my copy paste of the page address.

enjoy reading your articles! keep up the good work.

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Thank YOU! ! ! ....for your dedication and commitment to helping inform the rest of us.

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I was part of No New Normal until we got banned. I have always been skeptical of Dr’s. I have a long history of bad experiences with them.

Last year my kid got to go to school again. Masked:( It was better than the zoom third grade experience we had to endure.

I worked on the principal for the most of the year. You see, I was not allowed in the school, on a field trip, had to mask, wait in a distanced line to pick my kid up, the kids ate outside in a tent(we donated two heaters at least) etc. The experience was horrible.

I worked on that principal. The great Barrington Declaration, videos from our amazing Front Line Doctors, Yeadon, Cole, Malone. I made her download Telegram and subscribe to your site. I sent dozens and dozens of emails asking her to use her position as an educator to fight this battle. I sent the footage of Canadian truckers, Robert F Kennedy Jr etc.

Long story. She finally told me to fill out a medical exemption form. So I went to the Oregon dept. of education site and read through it with my husband. We both agreed that we did not “qualify” unless we paid a Dr. off.

So I kept working on the principal. Finally I am in the office to drop off papers and I tell her the teacher really wants my help on the upcoming field trip. I remind her that I am not allowed. She looks at me and says “I told you to fill out a medical exemption form”. So I relay the information from the website. She said “just fill it out”. I looked at her and said “you mean fib”. She said “yes”.

I was only slightly happy. I did get to go on a field trip at the end of last year. Fucking bitter sweet.

Anyway, that’s how I got you one subscriber. Facepalm. Much love.

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It ain't over yet. Wish I could be more optimistic, but I believe that since the Vaccine Mandate was so popular with the majority who believe everything that's fed to them by the legacy media and the "health officials", and with the push for digital ID and so many people too busy to search out the truth. .. .we, the non-compliant, are still at risk from those who hold the most money and power. . .and from medical apartheid that hasn't yet disappeared from the hearts of the pro-vax.

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So glad to hear that. We all need to hear the positives! Thanks.

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What’s really sad, and scary… is that it wasn’t those of us who refused the vaccine that stopped parents from vaccinating their kids. It was those who did get vaccinated….

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Aug 20, 2022
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Truck Feaudau !

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We will need to get more organized first...

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