Pureblood in Canada. proud and clean. Made it through.

They won't ever vax me or mine without guns to force us.

Mark my words - this isn't over. They will keep trying with threats of taking our money through CBDC's and food crises.

The elites want fewer people. Which would be fine if...

they were the people to go.

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God bless Canadians From big fan in Texas.

You make me proud.

Try that little bitch Trudeau and psycho doctor for treason.

Real question: are some of these possessed? They got a lot of $.

So what... The world has seen them sputter hatred, and they are hated by 2 billion at least

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We usually call him "Castreau"... 🙄

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I've told off by Facefarce and Twatter plus Screwyoutube for calling him Dustbin Turdeau. I think it suits him

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You're far more charitable than I am...

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My other far less charitable epithets for the slimy three faced arsehole either disappeared (YT) after a warning or just got me banned for a month (FB) and account suspended until I deleted the comment (twat-x), which I weould never do. So far I haven't had a response from Mr Musk.

One of 'em almost reported me to the cops for a hate crime because of me sharing my opinion of what should happen to Tony Bliar and enquiring if tickets would be available if it came to pass!

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This Just In, Castreau has no balls!

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A mathematician named Hall

had hexahadronical balls.

And the cube of their weight

Times his pecker plus eight

Were three-fifths of five eighth of fuck-all!l 😘

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LOL - I'm originally from TX. Longview, near Tyler.

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I lived very close. Love gators, buffalo at zoo in tyler!!!

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Where are you now?

My old man lives in Troup - ever heard of it?

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Troup, absolutely. My in laws lived in Tyler.

Austin now... I loved East Texas

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';[=-][=-[==Тḣе ǵⅼоḃаⅼіѕtѕ іո tḣе ոеԝ ԝοrⅼḋ οrḋеr аrе рսttіոǵ tḣе ΜŔΝÁ ⅴах іո уоսr fοоḋ уоս ոееḋ tо ḋο tḣіѕ ΑЅΑР

Ꮩіѕіt... https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Frileynews3.blogspot.com%3AHAW6AfCqoi3IVA9_fgrwpTurf5E&cuid=7987t7

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Van, Texas

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lol..howdy neighbor…Marshall, Texas here😄

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Try him and those in solidarity with him for genocide.

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Dump Trudeau , the maggot , closet Homo !

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Nov 15, 2022
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David you are sick and need help .

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Davids fine and he is correct. These people all of them have to go. They have so far to date murdered with their vaccine 13 million people world wide and more are dying every day. It is truly amazing that so many ran out to get the death shot and did no research at all. The people orchestrating this world leaders, politicians, health experts, doctors, nurses, police, military all need to pay for this crime against humanity.

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I’m also against the vaccine and the mandates. As a physician I knew what mRNA normally does in the body: carry the genetic codes from the cell nucleus to the cytoplasmic ribosomes to make proteins. I wasn’t going to allow anyone inject spike protein genetic instructions into my body. Further, in my youth the Thalidomide crisis erupted resulting in deformities in newborns. The drug had not been sufficiently studied prior to introduction to pregnant women to test for such adverse effects. I’ve never forgotten that tragedy.

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Me too , qualified doc but left the nhs to become a holistic healer . My mother was pregnant and offered the Thalidomide drug . At med school we were told pregnant mothers should avoid any chemicals , but today they are told to take an unlicensed untested gmo product , the mRNA vax. Innocent people trusted the word of their government not understanding that the voices of many eminent doctors were silenced and vilified . Billions of pounds profit was made , the vax injured cannot sue the drug companies. The younger generation have not seen mistakes like the thalidomide generation! My mum believed the bbc and took the jab and suddenly lost feeling in her legs , had falls , concussion , lost her health . We were lied to over and over, natural immunity has always outperformed a vax induced immunity!

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The Amish are a people who do not vaccinate their children and the children are the healthiest in the USA. Also the Amish turned out in numbers because the democrats were attacking Amish farmers, threatening their livelihoods. It's part of the plan of the WEF to control our food sources. I hope Trump coupled with RFK,Jr will be a plus for small farmers and help move big ag away from the chemicals that are making us sick. South Africa banned GMOs and glyphosate because it was proven they cause cancer and other illnesses.

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Well, it sort of has in rats, but they never made the findings public. You had to go dig for the facts yourself at the time.

The horrific truth is - it renders women infertile.

It deliberately does something to the uterine lining, so that the egg cannot take hold at all.

And if the woman is already pregnant at any stage, and the woman gets one of these shots, it aborts the baby.

Most worryingly, there were also reports of unvaccinated women aborting their pregnancies though the shedding from vaccinated women that they were near at the time, which is VERY dangerous!

I do believe that it doesn't do anything good for sperm as well, but for women in particular, it renders the uterus incompatible for supporting life.

This is deliberate.

They're killing us off.

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40 to 60 percent of Doctors and Nurses took the vax. So what would you like to do to them?

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Fire them!

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Aug 13Edited

A game of "Dead Pool" sounds about right.

We don't have to do anything. They've poisoned themselves. Repeatedly. The more shots they took the more their health will suffer. Good.

The punishment fits the crime and they literally get a taste of their own medicine.

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Compassion to all . Jail time to all those in politics and power if found guilty of crime . Truth and justice

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May 5, 2023
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Jun 18, 2023
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Shut up, you stupid faggot.

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Feb 15, 2023
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lol all-knowing god needs a snitch?

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You’re not a terribly nice fellow, it appears. That’s obvious by the hatred you spew towards others. Nor do you provide evidence for your vindictiveness against many people. I can’t stand Obama because of his political actions but his wife is a transvestite? Your arguments fail because you’re screaming and readers suspect you use insulting rather than reason to express yourself. Calm down.

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Sorry, bro, but it's a VERY well known fact that Obama's "wife" is a dude.

I even saw some speech Obama was giving at the time (when he was president) and he slipped up and referred to him and his wife as "Michael and I". I shit you not.

There's lots of evidence to show that "Michelle" is a dude.

Hell, there's multiple shots of him in an an unfortunate plain coloured dress on a windy day, and you can SEE his dick outlined in it! Really quite barf-inducing, lol!

And if THAT isn't enough, there's even been really old photos of Obama and his "boyfriend" who looks unmistakably like "Michelle".

And if you'd seen what I have seen, you couldn't even argue at that point.

It's all there.

But yeah, have a genuine search on proof of "Michelle" being a dude, and it'll be there!

For the record, I think that Obama is the "bottom" in the relationship. :P

I can see him being a little bitch. :P

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JEWSUS . . . NO THANKS . . .

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Jun 18, 2023
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Jan 26, 2023
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YOU are not "God's witness." God hates liars. YOU are the one of those that Christians and Messianic Jews (the true followers of Jesus) witness against.

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Jewsus . . . ha ha ha . . .

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Nov 26, 2022
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Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are new, but they have come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals. . .

The transnational, transracial, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond peoples, race, culture) and are the daily sustenance in our schools, in our media, in our pop culture, at our universities, and on our streets have our biosymbolic Identity and our ethnic pride reduced to their minimal expression.

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You and David, together again. Birds of a featherbrain.

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Nov 26, 2022
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Nov 25, 2022
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Turn around. Your "point" is pointing at YOU!

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Aug 17, 2023
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Nov 25, 2022
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Sure wouldn't want to be YOU!

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Nov 26, 2022
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Where did you get the idea that Trump had sex with his daughter. Biden showered with his daughter

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I believe it's a thing called "projecting", where you accuse the other side of doing the exact same thing as you are doing.

Narcissists and lefties do it a LOT! :P

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soooooo...you're a 'real man' who's killed 'scum people?' or does 'god's witness' simply rage, that others might step up to the plate? have you ever actually read/heard the words of jesus? hell is knowing how badly we fucked up. no excuses, no rationalization, no denial (but painful mortification that we relied on such things here). and god doesn't punish us, we punish ourselves. check out nderf.org and maybe take a good long look in the mirror, or you're not going to enjoy 'the movie of your life' when you go Home. I say these things with love. 'forgive him, lord, he knows not what he does...'

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Sep 9, 2023
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as are you (and everyone else), I'm just another of god's children walking this earth until it's time to go Home...

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Like Mel Gibson's character's response in The Patriot, "My only regret is that I have only one life to give for my country."

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Nathan Hale is alleged to have said, “I only regret that I have one life to give for my country.”, just before he was hung during the American Revolution. Both Hale and his quote are on a U.S. Postage stamp.

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Pureblood in Oklahoma here.

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Fellow Okie!

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"Made it through" ? You think they're done? Canada just declared shots every three months to be considered "Up to date."

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We've already won. They're just conducting a retreat and siphoning more fiat profits through the government teat in situ by getting guv to buy millions of garbage destined syringes. Only the willing idiots will get these shits (sic).

Mandates will get so much pushback it won't be the method of Great Resetting.

Doubtful it will be Climate Change either.

Most likely - food crisis vanguard with CBDC's as the main force, driven by the 'excuse' that we need them for XYZ.

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And how do we fight that? Not everyone is physically able to farm . Personally at my old age I don't see a solution, except to starve and die.

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I suggest you make friends with those who can. :D

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There aren't any awake people in my state. Totally blue ie liberal.

Trust me ive tried. The few people who grow veggies have openly said there are too many people in the world. No one in this state knows what is happening and they all think everything is good as long as dems are in charge.

I think the cog warfare has really been very successful.

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Nothing has been 'won.' You're high on hopium :(

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You're high on pessimism, my friend.

Sure, there will be another attack (as I said, it will be a food crisis - how is that 'hopium' again?). I am mainly saying they have exhausted this tactic (for now, at least) because the population is alert and largely against it. They don't push into great resistance, in general, but shift focus to another area of less resistance. They've been operating in this manner for decades.

That is likely to continue. It's not hopium at all. It's watching their methods and analyzing how they work in order to strategize the best defense against it.

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We could use a little 'hopium'...at least I could. Thank you and I do believe it is helpful to be aware without losing hope. I live too far north of the equator to farm to support myself either. But I can be smart.😉

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Sep 13, 2022
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Where haven't they been lifted? I live in Canada and my unvaxxed wife and kids just returned from Germany. there is a quarantine requirement, but the border guards didn't even mention it and public harm (er, health) has a half-assed recording that calls you every day to try and get you onto the idiotic ArriveCan. So far as I know, there are still foreign restrictions on the unvaxxed, but only US and Canada mainly.

Watch the action - ban on kids vaxxed in Denmark. Jersey changing, Fauci quitting.

I'm telling you man - we've finally won this battle. NOW - on to climate fruad or engineered food crisis or the final battle - Central Bank Slavery Money.

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Kein Land führt bei dieser Invasion sein eigenes Rennen, weil es alles eine politische Agenda ist, die von den Vereinten Nationen geführt und von den Juden und ihren Marionetten (Politikern) vorangetrieben wird. Die meisten Menschen wollen einfach nicht wissen oder verstehen, dass dies eine politische Agenda ist. Einige schaffen es jedoch zu verstehen, dass Politiker absichtlich daran arbeiten, Muslime zu importieren und die Menschen zu ersetzen, aber das war's auch schon, sie sind wie ein Computer, der nicht weitermachen kann, weil das Programm es nicht zulässt.

Der Juden-Messianismus verbreitet seit fast zweitausend Jahren seine giftige Botschaft unter uns. Demokratische und kommunistische Universalismen sind neu, aber sie gekommen, um das alte jüdisch Narrativ zu verstärken. Das sind der dieselben Ideale . . . Die transnationalen, transrassischen, transkulturellen Ideale, die diese Ideologien uns predigen (jenseits von Völkern, Rassen, Kulturen) und die tägliche Nahrung in unseren Schulen, in unseren Medien, in unserer Popkultur, bei unseren Universitäten und auf unseren Straßen sind, haben unser biosymbolische Identität und unser ethnischer Stolz auf ihren minimalen Ausdruck reduziert.

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For those who do not read German: this is an utterly despicable comment that I was shocked to see on this substack

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Nov 15, 2022
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Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are new, but they have come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.

The transnational, transracial, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond peoples, race, culture) and are the daily sustenance in our schools, in our media, in our popular culture, at our universities, and on our streets have our biosymbolic Identity and our ethnic pride reduced to their minimal expression.

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You have turned the Good News into Hope is Gone.

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Sep 13, 2022
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In Canada? Yes, still possibility of fines, but at least now the unvaxxed CAN travel. Just odious quarantine and testing 'requirements.' So it's not totally rolled back, but wasn't expecting that. And they're pretty cautious in giving out fines - only a few. If you're polite but firm, you should be fine. And they're dropping most of the fines when you fight back. So I hear.

Hey - it's a war, not a poker game. It's not going to be easy. Gird your loins, my friend! Sharpen your sword.

Stay strong.

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For me Up To Date means zero shots, ever!

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Pureblood also in Canada at 84 yrs old. They come at me again, and they did , they will feel how well I can wield my cane. Little old lady ha

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Do one better and get yourself a gun, lol!

You're 84 - what more can they do to you if you need to pop someone off in self-defense? :P

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That's WHY America is entirely different for WE have a God given "Bill of Rights" to defend ourselves 10 ways from tyranny = just for starters...!!!

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Yes, that would be fine with me too but we still have Gaza to contend with, and if you want to explore some recent and past history of what is happening in France as a precursor or warning about both democrats and republicans and the elites, read on. If we start looking more like France, them we will know we elected the wrong choice and maybe we will become a people of people, planet, and peace first.





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I agree that this is not the past in Trudeau’s Marxist Canada. There are insinuations from ‘the Kremlin’ that masks and mandates will return in the fall. They are still reminding people to get boosters. No one may work in the all encompassing socialist medical system without being jabbed.

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100% agree.

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Move to South Carolina ! We don’t put up with the BS !

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I'll move as soon as you tell me you are createing a soverign state bank to stand against the CBDC.

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Nov 15, 2022
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You finally made a worthwhile comment. We must resist with every fiber of our beings.

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Feb 15, 2023
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I assumed when you said you would die before allowing yourself to be jabbed, I thought that meant you would RESIST the jab. But I see you are simply a passive person.

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Sep 9, 2022
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Many people who choose the homosexual lifestyle, not all, are looking for affirmation when deep down they know their life isn't what it should be. That's why they are hateful to others.

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Sep 10, 2022
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That's true and again, it comes down to needing affirmation.

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Sep 10, 2022
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It's destructive. If you're looking for acceptance one is often tempted to choose the wrong path, in spite of the harm it will do to others. I've seen it in family and friends.

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Fox, the video was absolutely chilling—very influential to reflect on what people around the world are going through. No one is alone in this — thank you for taking the time to put this together.

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And as I recall that wasn't even half of the abusive videos out there.

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Agreed, there is a ton of videos from 2021 exposing the pure evil that govts attempted to enslave and destroy its citizens over this ‘common cold’ virus.

These monsters need to brought to high tribunal court for crimes against humanity, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM! 😤

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I've watched many videos throughout Europe where the police were using tear gass, clubbing, and using water cannons on peaceful protestors against the vax mandates.

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Congratulations on reaching 100k Telegram subscribers, TVF!

And thank you for this bittersweet trip down Memory Lane. So much overlaps with my own content, from my first essay about propaganidizing the public (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized) in April 2021 to my second essay about the secret to toppling tyranny (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it) to the Down Under Edition of my Recommendations Roundup (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/recommendations-roundup-2-down-under-41b) to my exposure of the discrimination against the uninjected (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel) to my mapping of the 10 Stages of Genocide (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier) to my celebration of the Canadian truckers (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-the-canadian) featuring that darling image of the little girl sent to me by Sirka Sie, who is friends with the photographer and is featured in the opening video of my Canadian truckers piece.

What a journey it has been—and we ARE winning!! 🙌

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"and we ARE winning!!"

We are winning what? A nuclear war with Russia? China? Both?

We are at plan C (well, monkey pox - a.k.a. "pandemic 2" was B)... not to forget the 80k+ "IRS" agents and their shopping spree on ammo.

This will NOT change without regime change; if that is not going to happen, we all lose.

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Bro, that is exactly what they want you to think. Have you not noticed the positive changes in the right direction this year.

Despite the crimes these monsters committed, we have many successes to support life, liberty and pursuit of happiness from an American standpoint.

1) The mandates are ending

2) The CDC made a completely reversal on their ‘guidelines’ Thursday 8/11/22

3) Roe v. Wade was overturned back to the states

4) The Georgia Guide Stones were destroyed

5) The EPA has been disempowered

6) Gun rights have still been upheld

7) The Supreme Court still protected the right of the coach was fired for praying

8) Multiple non-Western countries and govts rejected giving up their power on they respond to health pandemics to the WHO = Bill Gates

9) Pfizer was required in Jan 22 to release all their docs by end of this month Aug 22 instead of the insane 75 YEARS!!!

And many more successes! I believe whatever BS they push next, we will continue to stand up and dismantle them, but yes they are persistent bastards.


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Look at the debt they have encured which we need to pay.

The Patriot Act. The Emergency that never Ends.

Yes there are some wins, but, 2/3rds of the USA took a toxic injection which may have genetically altered them, and the Central Digital Programmable Currencies are still coming, while AI is searching for truth on the internet and destroying it.

We have more to do!!

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This is exactly my point... chaos is coming, even if not at the tip of a needle anymore.

This was all a theater to hide an epic financial meltdown and they would do ANYTHING (including planetary level genocide) to keep their privileges and control.

They have bunkers; we don't.

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Need to covertly , systematically take them out , a few at a time , until we are safe

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That's a realistic solution. That's what the resistance did in Europe in WW2.

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Also the campaign to vaccinate children, for f... sake! Not to mention that they STILL push mRNA hackcines - now for the flu (they have been normalized). and the perversion of the drug safety/ approval process.

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The debt they have incurred is THEIR debt. They are corporations hired to provide government services who stole our credit via impersonation and other forms of fraud. The US national credit dwarfs the so-called "national debt." They owe this debt to the American people and that's why they tried to murder us, their priority creditors. Similar things have happened all over the world in other countries.


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Nothing like a nuclear war though - right? Right?

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We're in the 2nd inning and they completely run u. This is just an intermission. because most people are too big of cowards to do what needs to be done. As an example. There are 1000's of law enforcement professionals in LA. The DA shits on them. They go out and do their work of collecting criminals and the DA puts them right back on the street and let's them out of jail. This isn't political or partisan it's a fact. Recently two police were killed by a man he let out. So? What the FUCK is going on the the cops? They are fucking cowards the lot of them. WTF don't they take him out. They could kill that guy in 1 minute but they all just fall in line. It's disgusting. IF you're in law enforcement and you're reading this, don't be a fucking coward! DO SOMETHING! You can have a ski mask and a black sweat suit on, it doesn't need to be done with a name tag and in uniform!

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Good points Katherine, we still have a lot of work to do collectively!

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There was never any virus.

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BUT they won't give up, this is just an intermission for the next inning.

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I think you are exactly right, so, let's get fit and better organized ... there is no other way forward than "through" my friend!

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Nov 15, 2022
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I don't know how much smart has to do with it. They control everything. Plenty of races are smart, they are the most sinister impure mother fkers that will do anything to get ahead nothing is off limits. What are you going to do when they come to force you to wear the mark?

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Sounds like you’ve been absorbing too much mainstream propaganda and not paying attention to the Great Awakening sweeping over the planet. You have succumbed to the very despondency the puppeteers depend on for their victory. Fortunately, the majority of those in the Resistance are driven by relentless passion for truth, liberty, and justice, and we are not swallowing the black soma pill our opponents are trying to force down our throats.

The people are rising up by the millions, and we have succeeded in stopping the injection of schoolchildren in a WEF-governed state with a *unanimous* vote (https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/washington-health-board-vote-vaccine-students/281-a8b79600-a956-4f8a-82a1-6bfff5282533), the IHR amendments (https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/we-knew-the-hhs-and-who-was-doomed), the federal travel mask mandate (https://healthfreedomdefense.org/), and countless other examples too numerous to name. Health care workers terminated for refusing to comply with the mandate just won a $10-million dollar settlement (https://www.foxbusiness.com/healthcare/health-care-workers-fired-vaccine-mandate-awarded-10-million-settlement), and we are racking up victories both in the courts and on the streets.

The tides are turning in a mighty, irreversible way, and those who have awakened to the abuse, propaganda, totalitarianism, and democidal policies of their rulers are withdrawing their support (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it) from the tyrants (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant), philanthropaths (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams), colluders (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling), and Covidians (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel), which will ultimately bring about the regime change you wish for.

You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one …

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Lol! I'm with you, MAA!

But, humans have a hard time facing facts, and doing what is required to stand up against the forces running our Nation at this time.

Being naive or looking through rose-colored glasses now will end us, as has happened to, perhaps, as many as 1.5 million Americans....

How many children in trouble? How many small businesses destroyed, and the underlying assets sold off to Multinational Corporations?

How many individuals now dependent on Pharma to stay alive?

(Or, at least they think so?)

We are on the brink, and while some Nations, including ours have pulled back, thanks to the efforts of millions like you and I and everyone fighting this agenda, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE ENEMY.


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Haha, I appreciate that, Katherine, and I wholly agree, which is why I am an unintentional practitioner of the Stockdale Paradox and Confront the Brutal Facts, as I wrote in “Letter to My Karass” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-my-karass).

We need to be fully aware of the reality while simultaneously clinging firmly to the belief that we *can* win if we wish to ultimately prevail.

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100% Correct, In My View Too!!

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Perfect. And they only way to "play the game," IMHO.

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Margaret Anna Alice, hi.

It is true what you have stated as I have seen footage of those victories, I do feel though that ultimately the courts will let us down because they are bought by the globalists and maybe they are allowing these victories for their smoke screen, I read an article the other day and if it was not for my faith in God….well see for yourself I will share it below.


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"Sounds like you’ve been absorbing too much mainstream propaganda "

That would be impossible Margret Anna Alice... 'cause I never watch it nor read it :). I am more realist that you perhaps (although I wish I was wrong).

I work in a "high tech" company and I see most people STILL wearing masks, even when they don't have to... Where is the awakening?

Ukraine currently is bombing the Запоріжжя nuclear plant; if it blows up, what amount of "awakedness" do you think will avoid a nuclear war (1) and would you suppose that that being awake would make us resistant to nuclear radiation (2)? Russia knows that the West is providing the weapons that enable 404 to do that and they will consider it a nuclear attack so they might respond in kind.

The Great Famine was already engineered and so is the energy crisis (people will freeze to death in Europe this winter; what is positive about that?

Meanwhile, US is provoking China, because it is not enough the proxy war with Russia... does it look like we are winning?

You know? The simple fact that you attack ME doesn't show much awakening; you believe that I am not on your side so what else can you do than jump at my throat...

You just play in your mind the fanfare for the victory, while I warn you that there is NOT MUCH to be celebrated, at least not yet (if ever).

You are tired and wish it would be over; it isn't.

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I am delighted to hear you never consume MSM propaganda :-)

I apologize if my comment came across as an attack on you personally. I didn’t mean it that way—my hope was that you would draw inspiration from the examples of the growing awakening. You may not be witnessing it directly because you likely live in a place where more people are still stuck in mass formation, but people *are* waking up around the world, and it will only accelerate as more and more people gain direct experiences of deaths and injuries caused by the injections.

Having devoted my blog to unmasking corruption, tyranny, and democide, I am fully aware of the bleak realities unfolding, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to give up.

Indeed, the more hopeless things look, the more motivated people become to pull out all the stops to fight it. Morale is crucial to victory, and dwelling on the looming threats while neglecting the victories serves our enemies, not the Resistance.

I am far from tired and know this is nowhere near over. If anything, I’m more fired up than ever before, and I hope you can rekindle a bit of that flame in yourself because we need you on the battle lines beside us 🙌

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Hi Margaret Anna,

I have no doubt that you are a fighter and good on you, the thing is, many do not realise or even believe just who is behind all of this evil.

The Bible tells us that “the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one”

1 John 5:19

We are not just battling globalists, governments and authorities, we are battling against the “wicked spirit forces” only Gods son Jesus and his mighty angelic force can stop these forces led by Satan the devil.

If you don’t believe in God, now is the time to start because his day to judge the whole world is now very close.

Another important thing the Bible reveals is that before the end comes, there would be a declaration of “peace and security” we could make the mistake when that happens, of thinking that the efforts of all of those on the side of freedom and justice have completely won, however, the declaration will be a false one to have us off guard so we will need to recognise this when that time period is upon us.

1 Thess 5:1-5

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Amen, the Great Reset is all happening to set the stage for the antichrist, who will promise the world he has all the answers to the wars, financial collapses, and famines. All laid out in the books of Daniel and Revelation. I pray Jesus comes quickly, but so many haven't yet turned to Him, that His tarrying is a blessing giving them time to do so.

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Thank you <3!

(Yes, I live in "blue" CA; our janitors have more common sense than our engineers...)

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Ah, living in California explains it—you need to join the mass exodus and flee to Florida or another free state while you still can! 😆 Meanwhile, connecting with likeminded individuals on Substack should help :-)

I also recommend joining the World Council for Health (https://worldcouncilforhealth.org) mailing list, too, as they are working with courageous individuals all over the globe who are truly impacting the world in positive ways, and watching their videos (https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/) is both informative and inspiring.

Great point re: the janitors and the engineers! The “intellectuals” are captured by groupthink (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/administrative-state-bad-training), whereas the blue-collar workers still have the capacity for independent thinking.

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Nov 16, 2022
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"You are totally brainwashed by the Jewish Media."

That would be rather hard, considering that I don't follow legacy media for 20 years or so.

404 can still do harm, with the resources pouring in from Uncle Sam (& vasals), David; by itself, 404 was defeated in March - April.

At the time I wrote the comment, LOMARS, with targeting from US were hitting the NPP auxiliary generators; the propaganda you were mentioning was claiming that the Russians were targeting themselves.

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"Sounds like you’ve been absorbing too much mainstream propaganda "

That would be impossible Margret Anna Alice... 'cause I never watch it nor read it :). I am more realist that you perhaps (although I wish I was wrong).

I work in a "high tech" company and I see most people STILL wearing masks, even when they don't have to... Where is the awakening?

Ukraine currently is bombing the Запоріжжя nuclear plant; if it blows up, what amount of "awakedness" do you think will avoid a nuclear war (1) and would you suppose that that being awake would make us resistant to nuclear radiation (2)? Russia knows that the West is providing the weapons that enable 404 to do that and they will consider it a nuclear attack so they might respond in kind.

The Great Famine was already engineered and so is the energy crisis (people will freeze to death in Europe this winter; what is positive about that?

Meanwhile, US is provoking China, because it is not enough the proxy war with Russia... does it look like we are winning?

You know? The simple fact that you attack ME doesn't show much awakening; you believe that I am not on your side so what else can you do than jump at my throat...

You just play in your mind the fanfare for the victory, while I warn you that there is NOT MUCH to be celebrated, at least not yet (if ever).

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We are still going down into darkness, I agree. Until the illegal, unconstitutional government agencies are gone, or have their teeth and their budgets pulled, until elected legislators grow some integrity + some flipping spine, until the sheep wake t.f.up, get educated on the evil that runs rampant among us, we are still in deep, my foxy friend!

Fight back with all you've got my fellow freedom lovers....file lawsuits, if that's your thing. Educate a Legislator.

Give mainstream media hell for lying, lying, lying lying, and more lying.

Pull the kids from the state run dumbing done system, buy local, find a farmer & a rancher and a guy with a boat, and buy DIRECT!

Boycott all the criminal Corporate Killers: Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter, MSM, Banksters....etc.

Raise Cain with your "representatives!"

Tell them they have presided over the destruction of the United States of America and the US Constitution.

Traitors and murderers, all. There is no other way to describe the past 2 & 1/2 years....

Read Kennedy, Mercola, Wolf, and Kirsch. Mail a copy of Letter to Liberals to a Democrat.

Read it if you have not. Then check out a dozen great Substacks...

Literally Sunstack and Telegram saved my life during the insanity, Narcissism, Psychopathy and Sociopathy of the past 2 years.

Last book: Political Ponerology!!

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1. <3

2. You cannot get out of tyranny through legal means, I'm afraid... I still hope for regime change :P...

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The financial system will collapse before they can deploy their would-be IRS thugs. No money, no thugs.

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Ha, ha...

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Eternal vigilance ... is what integrity and peace require. We will learn a huge lesson in these years.... because we have needed it.

Our thoughts create our world ... be conscious of this always - teach your children this.

May we focus on what it is we do wish to create too -- what does it take to have a healthy and strong culture/ society? ( I recently discovered Asha Logos (YT Channel) .... some good thoughts and ideas on this, I think.)

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Without a regime change of the Global Cult.

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Full title: Global Cult of Death.

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Judgement day is coming and Almighty God will not lose 🙏🏻

Ezekiel 38:23 ASV

23 And I will magnify myself, and sanctify myself, and I will make myself known in the eyes of many nations; and they shall know that I am Jehovah.

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There was never a virus.

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Hi Margaret, thanks for. your links. Going to look through them.


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I really wish I could feel as optimistic as you seem to, but no way is this over yet. Yes, here in the US there are a significant number of unjabbed who have no intention of getting the shots. But many of these same people lost their jobs due to the mandates, and are still not able to get them back. Here in the People's Republic of Washington State, our dear leader Governor Lord Jay assumed emergency powers more than two years ago and has not yet relinquished them, and (according to him) has no intention of doing so. State employees are still required to be vaxxed, and while the latest update to this decree does not require workers to be boosted, you still must have your initial jabs to be eligible for a job with the State.

Children in daycare (!) are required to wear masks! And school districts are still allowed to impose mask requirements if they choose to do so. I have absolutely no doubts that once we hit flu season the mask mandates will be back, and pressure will be cranked up again on the jabs. If this coincidentally happens just before the midterms so much the better for those who want to tamper with the elections.

It has already been announced that "new and improved!" versions of the vax are coming this fall. Watch for increased pressure to take one of these untested experimental treatments, to protect you from a disease that might give you a bad cold.

This will finally be over when those who drove the whole vax movement are arrested and put on trial for crimes against humanity, and then convicted to life imprisonment in the worst hell-hole that can be created for them. I wish I could believe this will happen soon, but I just don't see it happening.😥

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Just saw this post from Robert Malone that demonstrates that the jabs are far from over. I am unjabbed and will never willingly take ANY Covid vax, regardless of any claims of safety, efficacy or and fear porn spread by the FDA or CDC.


As an aside - Fox, I have been following you since way before you were booted from Facebook. I have passed your posts on to many friends and relatives. While I think you're too optimistic about the state of the battle between the jabbed and the "unclean" like myself, I really appreciate all that you do to present current and relevant info every day and think it's fantastic that you've hit 100K. Keep doing what you do, you're definitely making a difference!

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Never was a virus.

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Spear bucket, Same tyrannical situation in deep blue NM. The road whore running my state is keeping a low profile because she’s up for re-election but I expect it all to come back after (if she wins). Thank God I’m in a red part of the state. We barely complied w/ any of the nonsense the 1st time ‘round

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Spearchucker 🙄 sorry

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Congratulations on 100k.

In July 2021, my wife and I went to a freedom rally in Sydney. As we walked into Victoria Park, we thought there might be 100 people there. We were excited to see a mass gathering of people overwhelming the small police presence there, about 100 officers.

The media reported 4000 people were there but there were at least 60,000 maybe 100,000. It was awesome to realise the large resistance.

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Same here in Brisbane probably 30,000 or more. There were greens, hippies, aboriginal flags, gays, Christians, grannies, people in wheelchairs and skateboards. The premier decided she had an urgent meeting out of town though.

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Aw poor soulless girl couldn't face the music from the many beautiful souls 😀 🌻💜

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Thank you for the nice summary.

I ignored it all until it was mandated for my employment late summer 2021. I ignored it because it looked like a manufactured panic. In the case of a *real* fire, remain calm, don't panic. In the case of a *real* earthquake, remain calm, don't panic. And so I knew that this was fake, being managed by the people who were making and controlling it. At the time I thought it was mostly about money. Was I in for a surprise once I started to do the research.

After the mandate I began to research it and was horrified. My partner and I joined the local protest and stood out in the Yukon cold (-30F on the one Saturday). Masked drivers often shaking their hands angrily at us and swearing.

Since then I've been steadily disseminating hard to refute knowledge to the not fully asleep.

Your description of the steps toward genocide was exactly what I saw happening in Canada. The Canadian truckers stopped us between 7 & 8, bless them their courage and calmness. The peacefulness was key, because the government couldn't use violence to discredit them. Wonderful act of intelligent bravery. So powerful and, as we have seen, it inspired much of the world. Amazing.

With what I saw happening, which was before the truckers' action, my partner and I left Canada in anticipation of 'safety camps' or some such thing for us. I think Canada is still hovering around 7 with Trudeau completely zombified by Schwab's indoctrination program and publicly equating we uninjected to misogynist, racist mentally defectives. (See JP Sear's video on Trudeau: https://youtu.be/-1Ch5d2OZ_A.) When I described this to my co-workers as possible, they invariably said something like "Naw! I don't see that happening." And I would reply, "And you saw that I would be losing my job, did you?" No, they would confess. Then I added that this is exactly what happened in 1930s Germany. And they would say that I was exaggerating, of course. Of course I wasn't, as several survivors of the holocaust have come forward to attest. And I would send them those links.

If only this battle was the war. It is not. It is likely a preliminary assault, a small battle in a much larger war. Yes, let us own this small victory and use that energy to prepare for the next set of assaults on the mind, the body and on freedom.

And it is very important for us to *feel* rage, to really feel its energy and then to let it go. Use its energy to inspire and to move us forward into battle without rage or evil in our hearts. To battle evil we cannot ourselves be evil. It is much more powerful to be filled with love and joy and peace, even in the heat of battle. Those are the winning swords. Let that be one of the biggest inspirations we get from the truckers: see the truth, fight for the truth, with peace in our hearts and actions and the tide will turn.

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Yes! Stand against evil however God leads you, but our trust is in Him only, never in man. May many millions truly turn to Him through Christ.

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Excellent post, thanks for sharing!

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That's my Vigilant Fox 😁❤👍🏻Congratulations to your reach... You are the best ever. God bless you and continue to spread the truth to all of us.😘🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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wow Fox... incredible video to look back upon. so well done, so crazy to relive. if i may, (and i know its extra work) but there are two watershed moments that really must never be forgotten - that i think would be really important additions to your video: a) the "let them die" front page of the Toronto Star newspaper; b) video of Trudeau calling the unvx "racists and misogynists". I can't think of two moments that did more psychological damage to unvx'd Canadians than those. we can never forget what was done and what was said. a line certainly was crossed. thanks for all you've done over the past year, its made a difference.

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Congrats on an excellent article.

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The globalist can pound sand until they're gone! The curtain has been pulled back so far that even the casual observer gets a look. The globalists' desperation and panic over The People Power movement happening all over the world ramping up with Trump POTUS, Brexit, scared them into exposing their schemes. House of cards built upon a house of cards . . . . . . . . . FALLING! It's been coming for a while.

Enjoy! Stay strong. Onward---->

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Wow this really brings it all back. Well-assembled and described. Choosing early to pass on the “vaccine” (hang on I need to laugh), I remember this vividly, and I can still feel the sick in my stomach. The terror it brought. I remember how dark and aggressive the self-righteous got. Friends, family, coworkers — they had all almost flipped completely on any “unjabbed”. I couldn’t even bring it up without tension, anger, and reprisal. It was insane given the fact transmission and infection weren’t stopped. Literally nonsense. Yet it felt like we were steps away from global camps. But from the very beginning things were shady. The first big tip off was the ignoring and downplaying of natural immunity. Oh yeah, uh, you better go get the shot regardless of if you’ve had covid or not, uh, that uh, it’s more powerful. Wtf? It wasn’t even a discussion. I remember thinking well that’s what vaccines are based around? That was the beginning of the end for me. Fight to the death time as far as I was concerned. Luckily it didn’t come to that. Publishing this is exactly what’s needed however. It reminded me how close it felt like we came to a living nightmare, and with hindsight how tragically awful it was. Obviously it’s not over. But they are going to start with a steep uphill battle out of the gates. The 3rd “booster” was only about 30% uptake. The 4th was just 10%. So 90% said enough was enough by the end. There’s got to be some conversion in there. Although plenty will line up again (monkeypox anyone?). Thanks for this. First time to this stack but not my last!

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We will win, be assured of this. And those of us who were fooled into taking the jab because we trusted medicine, authority figures, media Judas goats, government... we or most of us may perhaps survive a while longer, as long as we do not accept further jabs .

Try to get and look at the old movie “Red Dawn”, with the late Patrick Swayze- it may give you both ideas and the courage to use said ideas, courage in defense of self and of our way of life. And obtain and stock up on the meds that work.

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Thank you for this.

And you're welcome.

I'm in a country where it wasn't as bad as it actually got worldwide, but remember waking up and wondering nearly every day whether or not it HAD become as bad as Australia, New Zealand, Canada....

I had to make some conscious decisions. I'm not going to a concert or restaurant that requires me to wear a vaccine. I have no interest in provoking anything, there's no net benefit in that.

But I'm also never taking a test. Ever. Fuck them, those are lots too, and I wouldn't be surprised if those are a vector to mess you up as well.

I don't trust any of these people.

Unfortunately, this whole thing she's me it's dangerous to trust anybody, including family and friends.

They've won a lot more than they should have. I suffer 5 your reconnect with a few people if you can: more battle are looming, and they (your old friends and disengaged family) 'wil need you as you will need them. At least touch base.

Good luck, and Godspeed.

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Amazing! I virtually attended All the events you've posted. 1000's of hour in covid clown world. Boy I got schooled in so much I was unfamiliar with. Politics, religion, geopolitics, economics, finances, alt media, capitaltism, corporations, human and child trafficking, 5G, Hollywood, Luciferianism, Superbowl halftime events, CERN, symbolism, international peaceful protests and violence, mass pyschosis psychology, and the list could go on and on. Vigilant Fox you rock!

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Scrawled on a wall in Germany. Translation: Gas the Unvaccinated

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Gehen saugen eine Schrotflinte . . .


❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, BY STARVATION, BY INOCULTION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞


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An evil death spirit has taken siege in people’s hearts to wish gassing people because people are making a personal, medical or religious choice to refuse a ‘medical’ product.

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More like an abject fear has been injected into the human spirit by the death cult called capitalism. After all, aren't the biggest 'winners' the trillionaires and billionaires behind the 'pandemic', who never wore a mask, who never 'social distanced', who had nothing to fear from shutting down entire economies? Once again, we've been fooled.

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It never left certain people's "hearts".

Psycho and sociopaths.

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How tragic they can't see the truth or the damage the v has done 😭

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I had thought hatred sprayed on walls, "show payperz" and Nazi terrorism went underground after the Nuremburg Trials...

I lived in Austria in the early 80's: Boy, was I wrong!

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❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, BY STARVATION, BY INOCULTION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞


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Again … I love how you write. It’s clear, understandable, as well as, highly informative and retainable … which is in high demand these days, when one is attempting to wrap one’s head around the many issues at hand. ThankYou ‼️

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