I'll never forget the 24/7 Covid case/death counter perpetually shown on all major "news" outlets throughout the plandemic. Funny how these same outlets now say nothing of excess deaths when the counts are exorbitantly higher. They terrified people into believing Covid was so deadly that they didn't even think twice about taking an experimental vaccine. The media was always complicit. Of course, none of this could have happened without the doctors going along with it. I guess they were just following orders. Oh, and they were getting well compensated for it.

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The Nuremberg Code was quite explicit about what should happen to people administering experimental drugs -- which is what the "covid" injections were and are -- without informed consent: The Death Penalty. The Nuremberg Code is subsumed in Canada in the War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Act. I don't know the name of the equivalent legislation in America, but it's there.

Their executions, all of them -- after a scrupulously fair trial of course -- and I'm aware there must be 10s of thousands of them in the Media, Health Professions and of course the Drug Cartels -- must public, and televised. Nothing less is adequate.

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Totally agree with all you have said!

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First they came for the unvaccinated

And I did not speak out

Because I was vaccinated and boosted, not an anti-vaxxer

Then they came for the truckers

And I did not speak out

Because I was not an extreme fringe minority trucker...


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Excellent! We've certainly read about this happening before. I always thought every young school-aged student should be required to watch the movie, "Schindler's List." Most people do not know their history and are gullible and naive. They don't realize history often repeats itself. I'm afraid this time on a much grander scale.

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Agree, Blair. We were protesting in Italy against the "green pass" (aka Nazi pass), in Oct 2021, and the sign I was carrying translated into English read, "What's the difference between the green pass and the yellow star? 82 years." Some high school kids asked me, "What's the yellow star?"

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I'm glad you were protesting, Cathleen. I remember when the establishment was of course demonizing that comparison. Nothing dare ever be compared to 1930's/40's Germany and the atrocities they committed. Yet, here we are. I have a feeling the sacred miracle elixir has already killed and maimed tens of millions of people. Sadly, I think it will get much worse. I hope I'm wrong.

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An excellent article, Yuri, and frighteningly true - they are coming for us all...

Then they came for the vaccinated, well those that survived the death jab. And they put them in 15 minute cities, gave them a small pod to live in, (saying it was to save the planet) and drugs to keep them numb and passive and a virtual reality headset to keep them occupied (since all the professional sports, musical artists and film stars have long been gone since the majority took the death jab too). But what happened to the unvaccinated? They all went to the valley, for they understood, "The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it." (Ayn Rand)

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Well said!

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Those involved in, literally forcing people to take this poison, need to arrested and jailed for murder. End of story.

When I say we were forced to comply I mean for millions it came down to comply or you lose your livelihood.

Not allowed to get on an airplane or leave the country for fear of not being allowed back in.

Man businesses were forced to close ... we were fitted with useless pointless masks that did much more harm that good.

Being called selfish and a misogynist, terrorist ... whatever .. we were vilified and intensely hated by our fellow countrymen and even our some of our own friends and family.

I won't forget how I was regarded and treated. I do not trust anyone anymore.

Vote for those who won't do such things in the future ... because you can bet ... it ain't over.

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Why aren’t the insurance companies going spastic or are they being paid by big pharma too

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They are being compensated for their losses behind the scenes. That's why !!

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They are being reimbursed by the Govt. Have you ever heard of the inflation reduction act??

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They are also in a tough spot because they mandated the shots to their own employees.

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Interesting “take” l have wondered this too!

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The truth cannot be told, it has to be realized. ~Ralph Smart

We have turned the tide, and slowly but surely folks are waking up. We must continue to be the lighthouse and shine our truths!

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I have 2 dead sisters a dead son and a dead friend in USA that's my stats

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I am so sorry for your loses, I cannot pretend to know how to offer comfort. I send you love. Jean

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How awful for your family and you. Offering my deepest condolences isn’t sufficient.

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💔 Words cannot express my sorrow, but at the same time, my fury.

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In New Zealand there were 30 people in one vaccine centre injected st the same time on the same day all dead

If that isn't evidence

They can't hide for ever

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New Zealand is a heartbreaker! ARDEN is nothing less than a mass murderer and should be treated as such. She should be given multiple doses of the vaccine she mandated! Now .. That would make excellent prime time viewing .. there will NEVER be compensation enough for the dead and dying .. to see those responsible paying a similar price would be a step towards JUSTICE

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Mr Bridgen is such a hero. I heard another speech of his in the relevant committe and with the same disinterest from the other committee members. They were present but showed all kind of rude attitudes. Mr Bridgen was also in Stockholm recently to talk to a big demonstration against the WHO Treaty and the new IRS to be voted on next May. A true hero!

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Haven't read your post yet, but will shortly; but I have to mention Robert Malone's latest post:

"A quarter of Americans Say Someone They Know Died from COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects" https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/a-quarter-of-americans-say-someone

They can't keep the lid on this pressure cooker for very much longer, Mr. Fox.. and when it comes flying off..? Well..? It's not going to go so well for them, is it? 🤔

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Never underestimate the power of mass psychosis and denial. 💔🤬

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The ugliness of the last nearly 4 years Fred, is why I live as reclusively as possible: At work, I talk to the guy I relieve, and the guy who relieves me. The only human being I spend much time with is my wife..

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Understood! The irony is that we hardly noticed the lockdowns…other than the harm inflicted on others.

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Oh, I noticed.. 🙄

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Once you know that the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation donates large sums to the BBC, you then know the reason the BBC is pro-vaccines.

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The entire medical apparatus has defiled itself and shredded whatever credibility they once had. Power-mad government apparatchiks, at every level, joined in this cancerous morass of OVERREACH. Your day is coming. The Nuremberg Code of 1947 ensures you must stand ACCOUNTABLE for the "death and injury"... Nuremberg 2.0 is coming.

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Hi Everyone - REACT19 is a non-profit dedicated to helping the vaccine injured get treatment.


Recruitment is now OPEN for our patient-led research collaboration:




The study will help all of us understand many aspects of what we are experiencing, including treatments that people have tried.

The study is a collaboration between React19 and the University of Maryland, Baltimore. We plan to publish the results in top research journals and through our platforms.

Many have already joined and interesting patterns have already started to come out.

However we need all your contributions to send a clear message through the scientific community! You can truly make the difference if you participate.

You do not have to take the survey in one sitting. You can start the survey and save vour progress so that vou can continue when you preter.

Feel free to flick us an email if you have any questions.


#Vaccinelnjuries #Covid Vaccine

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Looks like excess deaths will continue into the future. VT is still pushing kids jabs on the news. How many are actually getting them? Who knows. Here's the news story I am referring to. It's terrifying to see how many people are still asleep.


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And how many are dying whilst sleeping.

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Andrew Bridgen is probably our best MP in the UK at the moment. The papers really went after him. I'm so glad I don't pay my TV license.

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Great work as always. There's also a veil of fear over addressing the liable party:

Intellectual Property


Grant $


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In both American and British legislature, as soon as one of the pols is brave enough to speak out on the truth that no one else wants to confront, the chairs empty out, and the poor soul stands speaking only to himself and the Good Lord.

Is there a chance in hell that sovereign countries can continue with this level of corruption?

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