Joe Biden is a disaster, the democrat party is the party of criminality.

Obama's Army gets stronger each day

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Trump is just as bad or worse. Our entire government needs to be reconstructed from the bottom up.

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What a load of crap.

Biden is the sickness, Trump is the cure....

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Not true!!! Trump is the best!!

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There's an old saying: It's better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you are a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.

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o k a y

good luck with that.

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Agree that's why we need someone other than Trump!

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i've heard diaper rash is quite painful, have your mommy get some of that butt hurt cream for ya davey.

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No, the guy that will need the diaper rash creme will be the 78 yr old that will take the office if he's not in jail. Looking forward to his Joe Biden/Mitch McConnell/D Feinstein moments. Don't understand how the American public is giving a total pass to Mr. Operation Warp Speed? That injection has hurt so many families?

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He's not the one who pushed it down people's throats. He's not a doctor, so he had to count on his agencies for medical advice and they're the ones that conned him into this. I don't think you could name a president who was given the fake info he was given who would not have done the same thing. It's those criminal democrats with their sock puppet leader who forced this, and many other things, on the country. Trump would have let people make their own choices. Get informed!

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The Plague Upon our House by Dr. Scott Atlas was an excellent book portraying the incompetence & what he describes as AMATEUR HOUR that went on in the Trump White House. Dr. Atlas, Dr. Bhattacharya, Dr. Ladapo tried to educate the President that the path the country was on was the wrong one. They could not get through to him. The one individual that did listen to these guys was Governor DeSantis, he pivoted once he educated himself on the true data through these guys. Trump closed this country down, that has NEVER happened before, EVER, over a IFR of 0.054% age 70 & over, 0.00003%/0-19, 0.0002%/20-49, 0.005%/50-69? WTF? Then he WARP SPEEDS a very dangerous injection that has impacted millions of Americans. Even with all of the data/evidence out there today he still thinks he saved 100 million lives? Printed trillions that has definitely caused a good portion of this inflation we are experiencing. I could go on for another 7000 words, but I'll end it here.

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Thanks for ending there. It was getting monotonous.

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I notice that you don’t mention the lies that Fauci and Birx deliberately told Trump about Covid. Hmmm

Have you been paying attention since Biden took over?

Even if you are right about Trump (which I vehemently disagree with), everything you said about Trump got massively worse under Biden.

Not only that, but Biden and his fellow leftists are rapidly turning this country into a dictatorship, and I don’t see anyone other than Trump who has the popularity to maybe put a stop to it.

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I don’t read or believe ANYTHING that is published in the New Yorker magazine.....especially when it comes to Donald Trump.

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That's where I stop. He tells us everything we already know and what we want to hear but what really matters to the elites? Population control. And Trump doesn't address that or mention anything about jabs or the damage they cause. He'll likely be inserted again to continue the massive division and keep the lemmings on the right taking the jabs as the lemmings on the left are so dumb they'll take it anyway. It's a show, the whole thing is a show IMO. Most people are too scared to admit the truth. You don't exterminate the population easily. This has been planned careful for a long long time, they're all part of it. IMO

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I do not think DeSantis can win.

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I know that he can’t win in 2024. He should have never tried to beat Trump and waited until 2028.

Now he’s just pissing off Trump supporters and ruining his chances of winning later....

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and by ''win" I mean - can't not win anything

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sure, go ahead and vote for Hillary, bc that is what you will really be voting for.

That includes her best friends Schwabby and all of his friends at WEF

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Vote??? Oh go away

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If people would wake up to the fact it's all rigged and the game is to keep people thinking it's not. Then we get the whole thing stolen away unknowingly. That's what's happening on this blog and why I just unsubscribed. Fox does nothing to show me he's not a Trumptard. Newsflash. I was one too, voted for him twice, now I am awake.

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So, as an outsider, a non-Amerikan, how does one determine which characters have never lied, acted corruptly, or unethically? Is there ONE who hasn't lined their own pockets? For every Hunter, is there a Jared? 🤗 System's broken. The People are fodder. Tear it down.

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Broke way back in 1871 when the government turned into a corporation

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Actually we had two forms of Incorporated bodies along with 4 unincorporated bodies until the start of the Mercenary conflict otherwise known as the Civil War, which was automatically disbanded when the south walked out of session of what was the unincorporated congress at the time. The first Two Incorporated bodies were the British Territorial given authority in 1789 (ruled from the City of London by the Gangster Bankers), who in turn in 1790 gave authority to the Holy Roman Empire at the time (since transferred to the Holy See or the Vatican), both were restricted to the District of Columbia as subcontractors to do business on the sea Jurisdiction under Maritime Law via British Territorial, and Internationally controlled by Canon Law and the Vatican (Roman/Latin) and under the Air Jurisdiction, we the people were American Sovereigns on the Land and Soil Jurisdiction until Lincoln issued the first executive order #100 that installed the Corporate entities in the American governments place which was under Emergency declaration, which have been in place ever since at varying degrees. Which is where the Fraud began and oh so much more since then.

The American States Assemblies are being repopulated in all 50 States, but not many can wrap their heads around it, and even when they do learn about it want to continue to operate in the fraudulent system they are so familiar with, as they apparently enjoy their servitude as a U.S. Citizen or basically Federal Employee.

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I studied American history both in high school and university ( I’m Canadian) and then taught American history as a secondary school teacher and I never came across any information like you posted above. I would love to get a handle on your resources as I have come to understand that most everything I thought was true and fact is a distortion.

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I just posted info for Beth below her reply

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It's jibberish. The guy had his head up his Coolio. I've heard this view a number of times and it's total baloney.

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I would love to find a detailed sourced history of this issue. Any suggestions? Thanks for the post.

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Sadly the conqueror's write/rewrite the history as we've all seen, and been erased or hidden beyond sight if documents are still available in the archives.

This fraud was perpetrated across most of the globe, and Anna's team has been and is still uncovering info all the time. So when you watch this video (if you chose to) remember when you see this little old grandma explaining this to us like we're 6th graders, that she and her team has reestablished the American Assemblies in all 50 states, she has won in the ICC or International Criminal Court against these corporations and the Vatican who holds the charter on all corporations (Air Jurisdiction, which you won't find in a search. So if you want to learn start with her 49 minute video, which I did, and after about 15 minutes grabbed a legal pad and pen, rewound it and spent close to 3 hours pausing it and writing down the information. I just wish it had a transcript like the Dead in the water video below it for reference. There is lots more info on her site, which some assemblies are in the process of organizing them as there are over 4000 covering all the topics that can be searched. Her and David E. Robinson have books on Amazon as well, her's are available on my State site once joined for free, and possibly at internet archive or other sources too.

6 forms of government


Dead in the water also on youtube, but there is a transcript below for reference. There are also links to each State on the right side panel.


Her site, you could start way back at post #1, or search specific areas, I'm still getting used to it


A search under American Government sample


This first link details much


As I said the Fraud goes beyond our borders as does her team exposing it, here is the Australian site


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Here's the one on Lincoln's executive order.

General Order 100 is also known as the Lieber Code


The search results with more articles on it


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Thank you so much for all of this! I will pay it forward! 🙏

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Beth, I just got around to reading this one concerning the Vatican and cases involving the air jurisdiction cases from several groups scheduled to go to Rome. There's much info in it, and discusses her books as well with Disclosure 101 explaining all the links to the Vatican.


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I hope it helps you find whatever can help you're looking for, as everything we come across that helps us in our battle to free us from these bastards is a step in the right direction. This route isn't for everyone, and I've come across many other groups throughout my life that I couldn't put my faith behind, and stuck with the tax battle which has worked for me since 2004. When I came across this information, and saw all that had been done, and being done, now after 7 months am preparing to move forward. Good Luck! Feel free to contact me if needed.

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So the republic lasted about 100 years, not 244 years.

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Pretty much. Those two are for real? They're.not actors? Tell us the jab is killing us and you fked up. Then I might half listen..

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Trump is afraid to debate the other candidates? Lol

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Now that is funny Lucy! Trump is so not afraid. Fox bashes him constantly. Why should he debate and give Fox the ratings? The other candidates aren't even close to Trumps polling #s. Who will be watching the GOP debate anyway?

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

still hoping .. amazing ...

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Apparently. Who you rooting for?

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

thats not the issue.

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Kennedy is a nice guy. But the deal killer for me is he is pro abortion and pro "climate change"

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See the masks and jab pushing coming? Yes, I sure do but please explain why that relates to Trump coming back.

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Exactly. Reminds me of that H man who ruled Germany. Only much worse.

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Thank you. You just proved it. Rooting for? Wow. You're all stuck in the left right fantasy and think they're are people to root for. TY for this comment, you've made it 100% clear. I was 95%.

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I don’t know. I won’t be watching either circus show tonight.

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No, if he was afraid of anything he would have dropped out by now. He’s watching the competition.

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Yeah cause we have"elections" elections. LOL. They're all inserted. It's all a facade.

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Funny to you perhaps, but dangerous for America.

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Reading comprehension? Funny to me? I am laughing at fools who think we have elections. We have elections only in name, is it funny? I won't cry so I'll laugh at all the fools who still think we live in the USA of old. It's gone and all the typing and talking isn't going to change a thing.

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Sounds like you’re ready to settle for whatever the elites decide to do to us. “You’ll own nothing and be happy.”

NO thanks.

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Trotskyites would be DemoRats and they’re not debating tonight.

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That’s exactly what the democrats are doing and have been doing for decades…the slow descent into communism.

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Don't be silly. It would be a waste of his time which will be so much better spent with Tucker on Musk's platform.

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Prove it. He’s a powerful and aggressive debater.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

The same fraud was perpetrated on you Australians as U.S. and much of the rest of the world, though you also have an organization working to correct it in conjunction with ours. Just a small portion pasted below. Reclaim it, in essence tearing it down.


G’day & Welcome Home

This website is based on the research of Superior Court Judge Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary of occupying corporate AUSTRALIA, INC., James Belcher, the Living Law Firm, and the team of world wide researchers who have been studying, searching for, and uncovering the truth for the last 40 years, bringing us to the forefront of our journey here on the landmass Terra Australis commonly known as Australia....

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

Exactly. Follow the "instructions" in the U.S. Declaration of Independence. "...(F)ind new guards for (our) future security..." (True Security, not the "'security'-at-the-extreme-expense-of-liberty-freedom-and-rights" kind of "security").

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Hunter/Jared.......most ridiculous comparison ever. Really imbecilic.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Love your content...:)

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Anything to help CNN go out of business is good for us all.

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Go out of business? It will never happen. Lol. They just call it TLL, switch the channel or medium. Go out of business. Lol. As if it's just a business and not an ideology controlled by the richest in the world.

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🤮 never forget what Trump did to this country. Operation Warp Speed, the Cares Act, the lockdowns, he destroyed this country worse than any other president.

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I will never forget. He is absolutely the worst president we ever had. Turned our country over to FEMA. Destroyed our economy purposely. How many millions will die from his bioweapon warp speed operation? Could even be billions of Americans disabled or dead in the end. He is incredibly evil. All of them are evil but Trump is really good at lying. Why people believe him after all he has destroyed I don’t know.

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@Lucy Your accusation contains a trace of truth, yet it is totally disproportionate and misleading. Lucy, you have got a very serious mental illness by calling Trump an “evil and the worst president”. For sure, Trump made a bad mistake when walking into the COVID and Vaccine traps masterminded by a huge global conspiracy cabal. But you blame it all on Trump! This is both ludicrous and reckless.

In short: You are completely hopeless. You deserve to suffer the rule of “Pedo Pete”for no end. Maybe Hunter will lend you bags of cocaine.

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The illness is in the false hope and balancing act you just displayed. Biden is clearly evil and horrendous. Trump is the same but he's dressed in a different suit. He speaks the part while doing the same thing as Biden. I'd rather have a disgusting pig Democrat than a Trump who pretends to be the opposite.

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Trump contracted with the pharmaceuticals for a "safe and effective" vaccine since people were begging for a vaccine and the media made fun of the therapeutics Trump encouraged, so if what was delivered was not "safe and effective" then it would be the fault of the maker!

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We are the sane people here, not you. Get help.

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It is a cult, no better way to describe it.

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You and Lindy need to get a room....

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In a mental institution....

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You’re obviously forgetting Joe Biden.....

Again, for those too dense to understand the first time...

Donald Trump doesn’t know everything, he’s not a scientist.

He expected what every other American President has received, honest advice from people in the bureaucracy who had the best interests of the country in mind. Instead he got crap advice from leftist bureaucrats who wanted to sabotage his Presidency (Fauci, Birx, etc...Birx admitted as much in her book).

Anyway you look at it, Donald Trump was a far, far better President than Biden (and his minders).....Biden, who is rapidly changing this country into a leftist dictatorship.

It may still be possible to vote Biden and the Dems out.....we just don’t know yet, and won’t until the votes are ‘counted’.

I personally have no desire to live in a left wing, globalist dictatorship so I plan to vote for Donald Trump (or whoever wins the Republican nomination, most likely Trump) for President in 2024.

Those who want to live in a leftist, globalist dictatorship will vote for Biden or stay at home.....it’s the exact same thing.

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It truly is amazing how you think by repeating the same lines all Trump cultists do, you’re making a point. You’re not, there are enough of us who dug deeper into what all Trump did before they released the covaids agenda. You didn’t because you just parrot whatever the Trump cult talking heads tell you to. This began upon his inauguration. There was no mistake, this was part of the agenda from day one. You have to pull your head out long enough to breathe fresh air and then start doing the work. If you don’t, that’s on you.

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Because you keep referring to Biden (quite obviously you have it stuck in your head that if someone doesn’t support one, they support the other) it shows how little you actually know. After all Trump has done, if you still support him, you’re either a cultist or you’re a complete fool.

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No one tells me what or how to think. I’m not a “Trump cultist”.

I’m a realist who is looking at the situation and doesn’t like what he sees.

I see Biden and radical democrats taking over our institutions and establishing a one party state.

And I see people like you doing everything they can to torpedo the only hope we have of peacefully stopping the progression.

If you have a REALISTIC way to fix things, then tell us how to do it.

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You don’t keep up do you? Where have you been the last ~3 years?

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Glad to see Tucker stepped up to make this happen at the same time as the so called debate.

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I don't call this stepping up? The Presidency is not a coronation of King Donald, his butt should be on the stage with every other candidate.

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Trump is a disruptor of the established system ... that's why we've all been taught and trained to hate him with a purple passion.

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All through the Plandemic he went with the established system? When we needed a True Leader he was MIA. Said he was going to LOCK HER UP, BALANCE THE BUDGET, END OBAMACARE, BUILD THE WALL, DRAIN THE SWAMP. None of that happened. Plus he's a DIRTBAG, who has sex with a pornstar while his wife is pregnant?

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Don't know about the porn star to be true but the rest is spot on. He's a spoke on the wheel. But tells his followers what they want abd need to hear.

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Is he hiding in his basement ?

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Someone’s basement? One of those underground tunnels? Who knows?

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BS. Did you listen to his excellent explanation? He doesn’t need to debate “also rans.” You don’t know politics.

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Sadly Tucker is controlled opposition. I researched him thoroughly. I knew he was too good to be true.

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Tucker is real opposition, not controlled opposition.

I’m sure that you researched him, on the same site that says that the Illuminati and the Freemasons run the world....

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He'd be dead otherwise like Trump. It's all a ahow.

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Lol! Stepping up???? It's a business and he got 100m plus lemmings to watch. Lol again

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Upstages? The man doesn’t have the balls to upstage Anthony Fauci...

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and the question is why doesnt he?

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this comment is gold. thank you!

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Remember when he said that if he were president, Hillary would be in jail?

Yeah, that was great.

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That was when I realized he was just another fraud.

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@Lucy : Trump’s service is not that black or white IMO.

Honestly, I don’t think he knew how difficult the job would be. I think he really believed that the POTUS still had a high level of authority, sadly in many areas that is no longer the case.

I don’t think he understands the science/medical field, nor did he understand the power of that complex woven throughout our federal government...

That said he has a choice to admit that he was wrong about the vaccine. I don’t see that happening.

I don’t have respect for people who cannot admit their mistakes.

To give credit where credit is due, I do think he did A Lot of amazing things for this country and really did work hard to make it better (though it was all spitefully reversed upon his departure).

All that said, it is rather extreme to me that anyone would say he was the worst president in history (not even close)

but you have every right to feel that way and I defend your right to say that!

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You don’t understand politics.

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Why isn't he on stage with every other candidate running for the office? It's BS that the RNC agreed to this crap!

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LOL CNN must be falling all over themselves now. Trump will get more air time than all the other candidates now even though he is not showing up for the debate.

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Yeah because in a rigged system that matter so much.

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Just the preview on Tucker had 5.5 million views

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I watched everything. I'm glad Trump didn't go. His interview with Tucker was great. It's TRUMP 2024!

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Great interview. Best President. Awaiting his return🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

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No doubt in my mind that Donald Trump was the star of the night. He outshined everyone again.

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Agree. Very astute political moves.

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Yeah because presidents are elected right? Lol man most of you people are really hopeful OR thick.

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I’m not on X because they xed me out. Not planning on going back . Anywhere else to watch it?

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Don't waste your time

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Not a Trump fan, not a Trump hater, but this will be good.

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