I still have hard time understanding how Canadians and Australians just bend over, electing people who are worse than dictators. Same people who think Trump is Hitler?

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Most elections of the last decades were rigged.

Individuals are selected for the position, not elected.

And people don't "bend over", their vote, voice or opinion don't matter to the "rulling class", who keep forgetting they are public servants.

Lately truckers and farmers started reminding them. It will get louder.

Hence the panic and calls for criminalization of free thought.

As history shows, this approach from the "ruling class" always fails. Miserably.

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""rulling class", who keep forgetting they are public servants."

Except the public servants serve the ruling class. AKA globalist's.

This time they have technology. They have the pandemic treaty and the IHR, they have the CBDC, they have nano tech.

Its curtains for freedom. I read this thread, people pointing fingers at nations, not understanding we are all in the same sinking boat.

voting in an oligarch is for fools. There is no less evil.

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Not much to add here

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"It's not who votes that counts. It's who counts the votes"

-- Joseph Stalin

Dinesh D'Souza's "2000 Mules" would appear to vindicate Uncle Joe. and remember: It took nearly 90 years for Communism to fall in Russia, and have a look at the damage they did in that time.. (2000mules.com)

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like in the US

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Or Canada: Justine Castreau and her Merry Men are like bad pennies. They keep bouncing back. There's no getting rid of them... 🙄

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I'm laughing so hard, because it's so true! Trudeau is a pedo groomer; like Biden.

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No different than the USA voting in Biden. I love America, but y’all have a lousy leader too.

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Biden cheated...Trump won 2020.

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And when he returns the whole world will see who the traitors are.

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He'll do nothing if he returns. What a waste of time his previous term was.

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Right now, we can see a lot of the traitors.

Who knew the rot went so deep?

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Exactly. And to think if he had never come on the scene, we’d still be in the dark. We’re coming into the light. There’s a Great Awakening!

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You call that thing a "leader'? Hah!

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Where are you? Seems to be a problem all over...

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He thinks he still lives in "the land of the free" 🤡

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the choice is imaginary, the vote is for someone but what they do is unknown till they are in power,

It is an elected dictatorship, we vote they rule however they like

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Martin correct your mindset. You must do it for yourself, no one can do it for you, we cannot do it alone. www.orsja.org

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stop voting

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In Australia voting is not voluntary- you must vote or get fined.

This has been the way for over 100 years.

So those who don't want to vote for anyone just make it informal, and the informal vote sometimes gets the most votes!!

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Australian Voting Exemption:


9.28       Section 245 of the Electoral Act provides voting is compulsory. Section 245(4) provides that a DRO is not required to send or deliver a penalty notice if satisfied that the elector: is dead, was overseas, was ineligible to vote or ‘had a valid and sufficient reason for failing to vote’. Electors with a valid and sufficient reason for not voting do not have to pay a fine.


Section 245 (14)

(14)  Without limiting the circumstances that may constitute a valid and sufficient reason for not voting, the fact that an elector believes it to be part of his or her religious duty to abstain from voting constitutes a valid and sufficient reason for the failure of the elector to vote.

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You need to investigate further. We have evidence now of Chinese interference in our election. We have the Liberal Party and The New Democratic Party that have joined forces and out number The Conservatives in Canada. We are literally being held hostage. We haven’t ( all) bent over. Look at The Truckers. They saved people’s asses around the world. Governments actually took notice and stopped the “mandates”. The only problem is, the government in Canada froze the bank accounts of the working class and brought in their jackboots to crush dissent. Yes, we need more people to pay attention to what’s going on but we haven’t just bent over. We aren’t giving up...yet.

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We don't sweep our own front porch here in the USA.

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It's no better in the USSA though. That's where all this w0ke crap originated from. And Americans elected a demented paedophiIe. 🤡

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Hard Time? Its called Voting, they dont have that where you are from?

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I still have a hard time understanding how AMERICANS do the same!

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Disgusting. I wrote about this here:


As is always the case with ‘hate crimes’, this definition requires the government to assess the mindset of the person who committed the crime. Does Jack hate all Latinos, or just the one who totaled his car? Does Jack hate all women, or the specific government employee who sucks at her job? Guess who gets to decide!

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Speaking as a Canadian? The sooner Canada breaks up and becomes part of The Union, the better. At least then, we'll have the minimal protection of The First and The Second Amendments...

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Speaking as a fellow-Canadian and as one who admires your written commentary, would it not make more sense for Alberta and Saskatchewan to separate and declare UDI and leave the rest of Turdland to it's own devices?

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At least 75% of Canadians would move to Alberta or Saskatchewan! We just need a True North Strong and turd-free.

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I'll move there if they do. Here in British Columbia? Like the gates of Hell, they should put up a sign at the borders and International arrivals at the airports: "Abandon hope, ye who enter here."

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Please be my Guest

Im going to tell you what I tell the Nationalists here in Quebec, you dont like it Fuck off, and dont let the door slam behind you

You dont like our love Canada


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Which union? The US? We might be experiencing a break up in the years ahead.

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And we should have done so when our election was stolen!! That set the precedent for all future pretend elections!! I don’t know about you but I am sick and tired of supporting the “ruling classes” fake alarms! Such as ukraine, sex selections and fake climate change just so they can fill their own pockets!!

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I remain optimistic that "The Law of Unanticipated Consequences" will kick in, and the Red states and most Canadian provinces will unite and form a new, healthier country; one that respects the rights of the individual and pays scant attention to the neomarxists among us and sundry sexual curiousities...

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Yep. I've been watching your situation with great interest.

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I describe my pathetic life and my little projects as "mending the deck chairs on the Titanic"; as Lt.-Cmdr Scott so aptly put it every other episode at least: "She's gonna blow, and there's nothing in the Universe can stop it!"

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Navy Captain or Army Captain? As you refer to Lt. Comdr Scot I could assume Navy. When I was US Navy enlisted 1956 to 60, a 4 stripper with a star was not ever to be considered pathetic. He phuquing commanded Aircraft Carriers on which I served AT2P1.

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A trio of items that may interest you:

🔴 "My Dad's Medals" – https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/my-dads-medals

🔴 "War and Remembrance" – https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/war-and-remembrance

🔴 "November 11, Armistice Day, Veterans Day, St. Martin of Tours Day" – https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/november-11-armistice-day-veterans

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Captain Jack whom I'd like to emulate in most ways is not pathetic.. Lt.-Cmdr Scot of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701also is not pathetic..

I alas am more along the lines of Walter Mitty... 🤔

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RAF or rather RCAF (Royal Canadian Airforce) Captain... in WW 2.. I base my on-line persona on "Capt. Jack Harkness", my favourite "Dr. Who" character whom I'd like to emulate in every way.. well.. except for the "gay" parts...


In real life I only made it to the rank of Master Corporal... 😥

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Have news for you- canada, us and Mexico are now one border less union.

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Including slaughters in schools?

You stupid cunt

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Nutjob. What slaughters?

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What on Earth are you talking about?

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It will NOT STOP until the hangings start.

Trudeau, Biden, Euro leaders have ALL crossed the line.

Fair trial and then execute them for crimes against humanity.

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Fuck that: Just lynch the bastards.

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Yeah right on! Can I have your real name, address etc? ;)

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Um.. no... Not that brave.. 😘

Or rather, "imprudent"... 🤔

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But seriously, isn’t it beyond sickening that we are now, or soon will, have to think twice before making a comment that reflects our true feeling!?

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I do not. www,orsja.org 150 videos on youtube and Brighteon. Freedom an anon. You must do it for yourself, no one can do it for you, we cannot do it alone.

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Grow a pair. All of us in our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly of several hundred, stand and deliver in our own name. www.orsja.org

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You're in America. I'm in Justine Castreau's "Woke Democratic Socialist Non-White People's Republic of Canuckistan" AKA "Canada" where already you can be arrested and imprisoned for 2 years for questioning the Holocaust, or fined $250,000 for taking exception to Transgenderism or even not using someone's demanded pronouns; or like Robert Hoogland, sent to jail for "Contempt of Court" because you're trying to prevent your confused teenaged daughter from "transitioning." Justine Castreau tells me I'm not entitled under any circumstances to defend myself, it's illegal for me to open-carry a pistol, the police can come to my home any time of the day or night, enter without a warrant and take my guns away -- on the basis of an anonymous phoned-in tip!

Thus as it is, I have to choose my battles online or not, wisely. And the Online Harms Act hasn't even been passed yet. Patience. They'll get what they want.

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Hahaha 😆

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Wrong. That type of rhetoric is the same as what you say you oppose.

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Probably. But you're not looking at arrest and 2 years imprisonment. You have The First Amendment. I do not.

Though to be fair to myself, if they try any of the Covid garbage again, I will not comply even if it means prison

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I salute you.

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And they accuse people for exactly what they are doing! Globalists are lawless criminals. Trudeau must be related to Castro!

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I read a post last week about that. The story seems legit. The visit to Cuba by Trudeau's very horny mother is well documented. She was gobsmacked by Castro. Trudeau was born 9 months after the visit. Castro's eldest son apparently complained regularly about Fidel favoring his Canadian son.

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After looking at many photos. He is not Castro's boy.

His father sold Canada to international bankers in 1974. P.E.T..

Both of them scum

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After having looked at many photos myself, how on Earth could you believe that? 🤔

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More insanity.

Draconian laws that will protect the corrupt.

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Ah, someone else noticed? Good! 🤗

As a resident of Justine Castreau's Woke Democratic Socialist Non-White People's Republic of Canuckistan I'll be keeping an eye on this, but in any event will be shortly deleting my Substacks, my blog, "Sex Diary of an Oboist", my Twitter / X account, my YouTube and Google accounts (latter is a small loss)... and in fact, hire a computer geek with appropriate software to comb the Internet and delete ANYTHING with my name on it... 😳💩

Won't help of course, because all it will take will be one techsavy Woketard using something like The Wayback Machine, and I'm nailed to a tree along with at least 70% of the country... 🤔

What's really Hellish is of course, "Hate Speech" is whatever Justine Castreau and her Merry Men say it is. Consider whom I used as an example on my own post about this, Dr. William Makis and his reportage of the consequences worldwide, of The Lethal Injection. (https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/mending-the-deck-chairs-on-the-titanic-bb4 / https://makismd.substack.com/)

That, under the terms of "The Online Harms Act" can be considered "Hate Speech."😳

I shit thee not. 😱💣

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How Do You React To An Ambush; ARMY:

(1) Return fire immediately. If cover is not available, immediately and without order or signal, assault through the kill zone. (2) Return fire immediately. If cover is not available, without order or signal, occupy the nearest covered position and throw smoke grenades.

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Castreau took away our guns.

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I was being metaphorical; e.g. The best defense is a good offense.

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Get. More.

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Need some way to smuggle them... 🤔

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They’re already there already. Just take them from the PLA Chicomms that have infiltrated. Or the gangs in the inner cities.

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We still have hunting guns.

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Not for long...

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love your work Captain...

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Thank you so much Dr. Paul! 😘🤩😍🥰

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What about if the offensive speech is directed at the unvaccinated? Shouldn’t that also be a crime?

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I recently re-read a 1970s dystopian book (very like the New Canada!j by Ira Levin, “This Perfect Day”. In it, the worst swearword is the word “Hate”. 1984 gave us our “two minutes of hate”. They’ve certainly taken on the playbooks in full.

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I live in Canada and was disgusted when Trudeau himself called anti-vaxxers racists and misogynists and that they should not be tolerated. I guess he would send himself to prison for life?

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Not surprised, considering how many ppl hate him, Heck, I'm not Canadian and I can't stand the guy. Didn't know who this despot was until I saw how he treated the Truckers Convoy. He's a narcissistic, coward.

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Who is actually running Canada? Obviously, Castreau Trudeau is a puppet, and was not elected by the people. Is Canada overthrown? Is the Monarchy involved?

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"Who is actually running Canada?" Same as everywhere else Dave: The Rothschild/Rockefeller Crime Syndicate... 🤔💩

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TURDeau, Freakland and Singh are all graduates of WEF's "Young Global Leaders" program. I call them what they are: "Young Global Infiltrators". Does that help? At the end of the day...it's the banksters that control it all. Here's a list of Rothschild owned banks and other info.


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The Black Nobility

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Thank you for making this comment! Indeed, the majority of Canadians did NOT vote liberal. The pm is there for the same reason potus is there.

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Strange how these narcissistic minions (often disguised in political power suits) manage to carry out their heinous crimes against humanity by consistently manipulating truth, portraying themselves as benevolent, all while using more control and criminal behaviour to cover up more of their latest schemes and crimes. Hell is a helluva downward spiral 🌀

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And it is no wonder. Even Satan tries to make himself look like an angel of light.

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So ... if the PM or such other politicians throw HATE SPEECH towards Christians ... does that count?

Or like what is happening in the US - there is a two tier "Justice" system?

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No, of course not. If it's directed at "Whites" or "Christians", it isn't "Hate Speech". Just like according to Woke Doctrine, only Whites are capable of racism or bigotry.

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I anticipate a flood of Canadians crossing the US border the nanosecond this is signed.

This law if enacted may be Trudeau's way of purging Canada of opposition voters. Kind of clever actually.

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Speaking as a Canadian: "Where's a Mannlicher-Carcano, with a defective bolt and a non-functioning toy scope on it, when you need one?"

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Ebay possibly??

Just kidding, I think you might be able to take this fellow and his admin out with water balloons, they are so unpopular.

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"I'm MELTING! All my beautiful wickedness, OhhhHHH!!!"

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think it would work...well hope it would anyway :)

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From the frying pan into the fire. As if it's any better in the USSA.

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Well, while I agree with you that the USSA is less than ideal, there is the fact that, as of yet anyway, you don't go to jail for life for a meme...

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Nobody has ever gone to prison in Canada for a meme. It's a proposed bill. People do go to prison in the UK though for memes and wrongthink.

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Just to clarify, my original post said there would be a flood of Canadian immigration the nanosecond the bill passed. I do know of the UK one, and see an even chance something similar will show up in the US. We are in for a very rough ride, and very soon.

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This WEF, WHO and UN minion won't rest until he totally destroys Canada! So far, he's batting 100. TURDeau must go!!! How many CRIMINAL scandals has he been involved in...I've lost count. Digital ID's and Digital Currencies are coming sooner than you might think! Then, these Luciferians will have total control.

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Randy, they won't rest until they have brought every Western Democracy down.

This is the US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

What is it gonna take before we the people revolt?

Are they putting something in the water?

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You're right...when it gets right down to it, it's "humanity" that they intend to take down. People wonder why the masses put up with it. Well; look how easy it was to pull off the "covid" psyops - globally! Very few people know how to think for themselves. Sheep will always follow the rest of the sheep. Gee; I hope they don't come after me for "hateSpeech" against sheep!

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Yes they are putting ‘things’ in the water … and in the air, soil, food, pharma etc. etc … worst are all the false beliefs so many are still programmed with … as just one example … that it makes any difference who one ‘votes’ for, who gets ‘elected’ in so called ‘democracies’.

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I’m glad you called them “criminal”! It drives me crazy when everyone calls his crimes “scandals”.

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I don’t believe Trudeau has won any elections.

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I think Dominion voting cooked every close riding in his favour.

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"All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force"

George Orwell

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