Seems a hallmark of totalitarianism that you are not allowed to say certain true things.

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Hey, you noticed that too, eh? Got banned so many times from Shitbook for telling the truth I dumped it.. never mind day-to-day existence in Justin Castreau's Canada.. (AKA "The Democratic Socialist Republic of Canuckistan...")

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My husband (100 % disabled Navy veteran)has that t-shirt too! I love it when he wears it in Boston, where we live. At least our secretary of State has refused calls to remove Trump from the ballot. He ( William Gallivan - an old school democrat) made a public statement just this week stating that if constituents don't want Trump on the ballot, then they need to vote him off.

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Ha-ha..! That’s a good one.. mine would simply say, “if I die remember I don’t vote” - lol

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Exactly. It's a charade. Trump elected or Trump assassinated isn't going to chance anything but speed things up.

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Robert Kennedy, Jr, is also concerned about being assassinated, I assume. His father and his uncle were assassinated. IN THIS COUNTRY.

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Research more on JFK JR. He was likely assassinated too. He was living in the same district for democratic senator as who? Who ran and won after he died??? Hilary Clinton. Go look and when thr fact checkers and "USA TODAY" assures you its bullshit, you know the truth is much different.

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That's what you call a "no-brainer"... 🤔

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A $1M assassination plan was by HRC. But I don't believe he died because I saw the Navy helped him do a cover up with a navy guy in the plane who jumped out b4 the explosion.

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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023

Yeah, I don't believe that YOU saw any of that, you were the navy guy Rebecca? Lol. An armed forces agency saved him?

🤣🤣🤣 if that person existed they wouldn't be blabbering about it on a public board to people they don't know. There was no motive or reason anyway for the military to be involved. And why would he feel his death? And why wouldn't he go after her? I can't stop woth this absurd comment

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Please enlighten me, I guess I'm the dumb one. What are you talking about

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People nowadays can stitch together any old lying myth out of fragments of half truths and quarter truths, plus a good dollop of innuendo and then bow down and worship it as it takes on a malevolent life of its own.

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And he has been denied secret service protection. How much more obvious does the Biden Administration have to be? They want any and all threats to the brainless one's reelection out of the way by whatever means possible. Until we return to the rule of law in this country, we will continue to give Venezuela and North Korea a run for their money in the totalitarian Communist stakes.

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RFK & Trump should both have VP picks that the Deep State also hates and fears.

Tulsi Gabbard, for instance...

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The mob in DC and their servile corporate media lapdogs hate Trump because he doesn't care about their power and he can't be bought (not to mention he does care about the American people). To understand their behavior we must understand power is all the self serving sociopaths in DC really care about. Their narratives and accusations are just manipulative, deceitful nonsense.

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My working hypothesis is that before 2015, Trump was enough of an insider to learn some very, let’s say, uncomfortable things about other insiders and their operations. He knows the location of a few buried bodies, methinks. Add to that his stated intention to exact revenge on those who have wronged him. Now we’re in crunch time. The oligarchs who make the puppets dance can’t let us see them in the shadows. Assassination is a no brainer. However, it’s impossible that Trump doesn’t know this. It’s possible they’ve tried already. The real question is what happens if they can’t get to him?

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If they wanted him dead he'd be dead by now.

Just ask Lincoln and JFK how fighting the deep state ends.

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I thought they tried a drone attack at Mar A Lago, fired a bullet and he was not in the bedroom or something?

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Congratulations you're brainwashed.

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What would follow next would be us for our willingness to vote for him. We live is dark sinister times. But it is always darkest before the dawn so we have hope in a merciful God.

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Tucker’s dad was Goverment intelligence I believe and the story goes that Tucker wanted to be an asset as well but they turned him down and he ended up as a journalist. I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you if you believe that is true. He’s possibly controlled opposition and he’s planting the idea in the public consciousness. To prepare us? To trigger the groomed, psychotropic drugged lone wolf waiting for his 15 minutes of fame? To frighten people? I don’t know but it’s suspicious to me especially in light of his recent interview with Alex Jones who I also believe is controlled opposition. Does anyone get that well known today unless They allow it?

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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023

There is absolutely no doubt at all in my mind. And why isn't Trump part of that gang too. He likely is.

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He most certainly is.

If you had all the evidence you needed, as Trump claims he does, why would he sit on it for 8 years?

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PS. The best part of the show was the envelope scam at that old sicko bush seniors funeral.

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All part of the psyop.

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You poor people……. Calm down. You’re not helping.

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Doom porn. No to that. Everyone IS flawed. Get used to it

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Alex Jones is controlled opposition? 😂🥴

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If AJ is what's known as "controlled" opposition, I'd like to know what uncontrolled opposition looks like!

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He is controlled opposition.

The fact you can't see that is part of the problem with everything this country.

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The sandy hook verdict argues no. I do wonder what part of that he got right.

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Ever heard of false flags?

Not only was sandy hook but so was that b.s. trail.

The fact people believe this stuff is "real" is part of the problem with the world. 95% of anything to do with MSM is pure propaganda.

You sure seem to be Johnny on the spot when it comes to commenting here.

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Yes he is and has been. Complete controlled opposition

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Alex was one of the biggest ring leaders of J6 but he isn’t in jail…..his punishment of nearly one billion for SH was to put the fear of government in the alternative media I believe. I don’t know for a fact but I felt like SH was a humiliation ritual for Alex. TPTB will seemingly “promote” you if you participate. I’m just spitballing but it seems to fit.

With the Tucker and Bret Weinstein interview, it’s very apparent they are not on our side but they are telling us what the other side is doing in terms of mRNA etc.

We, freedom loving people, have been given heroes to keep us somewhat in line; Elon, Tucker, Jones, Trump but when you know their history, we’re just being played. This could actually be applied to many throughout time.

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What happens in the days & weeks following such a repulsive, fascistic act? Hopefully tens of thousands of armed defenders of freedom & clean elections should be prepared to launch a nation-wide punitive reply to the lawless treasonous globalist enemies of the country, enemies who gave safe harbor to those who orchestrated the genocide of 17 million globally (ALL those officials who still walk free) & who now have enabled the murder of a Presidential candidate. At some point there has to be accountability for the criminals attacking our elections, our Constitution, our people, our sons & daughters, our very future. This assassination was a vetted, planned, state-directed criminal act by the globalists who have illegally taken over this nation and those who blindly support them. It's painfully easy to imagine. At a minimum there could never, never be forgiveness. There could only be accountability, punishment, preferably state authorities in adherence to the Constitution.

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Actually Army Col McGregor has a new org looking for 8000 patriots/guardians to unite across all states for our future peaceful state.

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McGregor predicted to Tucker, mid August, that Russia was going to roll through Ukraine and in 6-8 months hundreds of thousands of Russian troops would be at the border of Poland.

We're more than half way through that time period and Russia is still stuck in their 18% eastern part of Ukraine, losing more than 1000 troops per day. So how long are you going to gullibly follow Benedict Arnold MacGregor?

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He is worth a lot of gold compared to most the Generals in DC. EXCEPT FOR GEN ERIC SMITH (USMC)

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The punitive reply must not be violent

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I’m not a Trump fan anymore. AT ALL. Thanks to Warp Speed. That in and of itself, should be enough of a red flag 🚩 regarding what Trump’s true motives are. My mother got sick and died after she got the Covid booster shot, so I couldn’t care less what happens to him. But, I saw an interview between Alex Jones and Jack Posobiec the other day where Jack said that if Trump chooses Nikki Haley as his running mate in 2024, then he’s as good as dead ~ the “establishment” WILL have him assassinated. Surely, he wouldn’t be that stupid, right???

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So sorry to hear about your mom. I can't get the right kind of traction with Trump either after his warp speed shenanigans. My brother-in-law dropped dead suddenly after his second Pfizer shot. There was nothing I could have done to talk him out of it. He was a true believer in mass media.

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Thank you. I warned my parents and begged them both not to get the vaccine, but they wouldn’t listen. I’m so sorry about your brother-in-law.

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If Trump was fighting the good fight he'd have been dead long ago.

He's part of the psyop. He has a roll to play.

Operation Trust 2.0.

I'm sick of Trump too. So are a lot of others that are tired of the stupid talk and want arrests.

The poll numbers are fake. Trump is losing support by the day.

He will never be re-elected.

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Nikki Haley is a war monger. Seems to me the "establishment" would love her!

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Yes, I can’t stand her!

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That’s not what they said. The reference to Haley was about MAGA voters would revolt because she is Deep State.

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I’m not referring to the videos posted above. I’m referencing an interview that I saw on InfoWars between Alex Jones and Jack Posobiec where Jack states that a Donald Trump/Nikki Haley presidential run would be a HUGE mistake on Trump’s part and would more than likely result in his death at the hands of the Globalist’s or the “establishment.”

In other words, they would have him assassinated.

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I don’t know what Jack says but I’ve heard Alex talk about the same issue but from the perspective that, if Trump gave the nod to Haley, he’d lose his base. I agree with that. It wouldn’t even get that far. Perhaps Poso was suggesting he’d get offed so they could put Haley in his place? Doesn’t make sense any other way. But no way to Haley.

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That’s exactly what Jack was eluding to ~ that they’d get rid of Trump so Haley could then take his place. I can’t stand her. She’s running as a Republican, but she seems to have a much more Liberal stance on just about every issue than Trump does. I think the “establishment,” “globalists,” “Cabal,” etc. (I’m not sure how to refer to the current installed powers that be) see her as their answer to the looming “Trump problem”...

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They don't need to shit. They control the whole money system. They brought down, reversed, and destroyed everything he did within proverbial minutes. The only thing that had a chance to stop these parasites are the people of the US and the world. If that doesn't happen it doesn't matter if Trump is assassinated, elected, or otherwise. It's over if anyone thinks Trump himself is going to save it. He might believe it and he might be making you believe it but it's a bunch of bullshit.

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Thanks so much for making this crucial point, RLM. Back when I was fool enough to vote for president, I would always write in Ron Paul. The criminals in charge would never let him get within a country mile of it, of course. And even if he did, without a sea change activation of the people demanding Liberty First and government last, he would have stood the chances of Barney Fife kick-boxing Godzilla. It is SO up to the We the People. ~~ j ~~

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BTW. I wrote in Ron Paul TWICE.

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NICE. One of our grown kids spent too much time in Austin and is now "woke" but I have proof that she was exposed to the truth ... pics of her as a teen wearing "Ron Paul for President" T-shirts. Ha!

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I’m trying to figure out what is Tucker Carlson's angle in bringing this up repeatedly. Is it a warning to those who are harboring such ideas? Is it that he's telling them "don't do it, he'll become a true vampyre”. The undead, nosferatu, who won't be killed off so easily, and will actually come back stronger and harm them even more? I don't know why he keeps bringing this up.

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This is purely my interpretation, but:

I think it's a reflection of a larger anxiety about this country being so divided it devolves into fighting. Could be something in the US that resembles the Troubles in Ireland more than the first Civil War. Could be a larger fight than that even-- WWI began with one assassination.

It could be some people are so tired of the tension and oppression they feel that they're like someone daring the storm clouds above to open up even if it's a deadly flood because they can't take the high humidity and temperatures any more. They want that sweet relief of cool, fresh air after that storm enough to not care how bad the storm itself is.

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What's the deep state known for?

Divide and conquer.

What's happening right now? Division.

Trump is the cause of this and its all by design.

Operation Trust 2.0

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That is what it boils down to, right? And they have been dividing the American people ever since , every which way from Sunday. I figured I would give Trump a chance, but the Quackzine Caper and all the fallout from that, plus Trump continuing to brag about his part in it did it for me. I just dont trust or follow leaders....

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If you keep that possibility in he dark it allows ‘them’ deniability. But if you bring it out into the open, they more than likely won’t do it because too many are talking about it.

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Because he's controlled opp like them all likely. That's why

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If everyone is controlled, there is no need to do anything. Just pull the covers over your head already. I say it’s the ones shouting controlled op that are conducting it. It’s perfect really. Makes people just give up, because we’re already doomed. No thanks

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Not everyone but about 90% of online personalities are. People think having hope means abandoning common sense or critical thinking. They constantly say "oh don't worry Trump is going to save us all. If you don't believe that then you're a doomer or a black piller"

No. I'm a critical thinker. I criticize everything. Que to me is no different than the Wizard of Oz at this point. Big talker with nothing to back it up.

People give up because they're tired of hearing talking 💩 and not backing it up with nothing.

Who's been arrested? No one. All Trump has done for 8 years is talk. All talk and no action.

If he has "all the evidence he needs" why would he sit on it?

Why would he even be alive at this point?

Everything the Trumpers claim has no proof whatsoever!

There's not one shred of proof of anything the Trumpers are claiming.

Devolution? Show me proof. I've asked for proof from many people.

They can't produce any because there is none.

This is the biggest psyop ever in history. Trump is the ringleader.

The guy still brags about the covid shot. If that was Biden you would crucifiy him. Since it's Trump he's gets a pass. Why?

This is operation trust 2.0.

I don't know what's worse.

People that blindly follow Trump and never question anything they're being spoon fed?

Or people that just don't care?

Remember what Que said.

"The ending is not for everyone"

Know why?

This isn't going to end like you think.

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The concept itself comes from the CIA, just like ‘conspiracy theorist”. Its a well used and documented tactic, readily seen in every effective post infiltration, to cause chaos in organized groups, exploiting human weaknesses like ego, envy, resentment etc, by pitting members against each other, because “controlled opposition”. Don’t think a lot of comments you see using CIA terms aren’t CIA sock puppet accounts or “CIA adjacent “.

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Proof? You're asking me for proof of this?

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Obama could be standing over Trump's lifeless body with a smoking gun and nobody in America would do anything...

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It’s not just Trump they are after, it’s every single one of us and if Trump doesn’t get back in next year, the only option left is to overthrow this illegitimate government

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Likely a real possibility.

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When I was a wee lad, it was accepted that Presidents got assassinated. Worked with both Kennedy. A couple of losers made lacklusters efforts against Ford and Nixon. They almost got Reagan, but he survived. And no one has really seriously come close since.

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I was thinking they might hit Biden first. Hopefully neither. But yeah, it has happened here before.


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Biden?? LOLOL. Biden? When waster last time a SOB in govt was assassinated? Not one fucking time.

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Pretty consistent through history. Some softballs would be JFK, RFK, Lincoln. Then you have the Clinton and Obama lists. So not never.

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As a CIA agent, Tucker is an expert in keeping the ignorant sheep distracted with fabricated illusions!!!

And of course, the Trump lovers buy them all!!!

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I can’t believe anybody still thinks national / international politics is real, It’s theatre for the profane. Why are you giving this obvious nonsense oxygen?

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Pull the covers back over your head, doomer

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