We also found out that the CIA is incredibly destructive, they blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, they performed a coup in Ukraine to install US puppet zalensky, they Instigated Ukrainian Nazis to attack the largely Russian Donbas territory of Ukraine, they squashed Russias desire to enter NATO and be an EU member after the Soviet Union split apart. And another dozen episodes of failed regime change with calamitous blow back. They are a detriment to world peace.

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And they killed JFK, who wanted to end Vietnam debacle quickly, but they didn’t want that.

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JFK was also going to end the FEDERAL RESERVE and put us on a silver standard AND shut down the CIA but Bush Sr. and his butt buddy Bumbsfeld were complicit in the killing and coup

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Are you aware of the Silver Certificates that JFK issued independently of the Fed?

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That’s what I’m saying… Jack and Bobby were staging a revolt from the Oval Office and it got them both killed by the global criminal syndicate evil cabal. These fuckers have more wealth than the other 99% COMBINED and it’s still not enough?! So done with this timeline. TIRED OF WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!!!

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If Jack and Bobby were to return today they would be experiencing the same Lawfare as Trump. The populous has been asleep at the wheel for a very long time. It will take a fully conscious, committed to our Constitutional Republic and truth-based educated citizenry to right this ship.

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Are you unfamiliar with RFK Jr's current independent campaign?

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Bobby never made it to the Oval Office, and Jack died in a limousine.

You are already doing the most you can, unless you have more money than the Kennedys.

Myself, voting for RFK Jr., if he can get on my state's ballot, would be better than Trump or Biden.

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If the two of them coordinated efforts, as Independents, and dissed the Dems and Repubs, the would WIN biggly!

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It was the benevolent Martial law of the industrial / military complex; E.O 100 the Lieber Code 1861 as Juxtaposed to the de facto, Malevolent martial law of big pharma WEF UN 2023 as juxtaposed to a non de facto Actual de jure Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024. You must do it yourself, no one can do it for you, we cannot do it alone. A solution is found at www.orsja.org

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Yes and I have several squirreled away.

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Since they qualify as numismatics, they might not have any "bullion" value when you need it.

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RemovedFeb 11
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How long do we have to endure commercials for a survival food company?

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RemovedFeb 10
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And the very low pH of your stomach acid will destroy it.

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And JFK was committed in disbanding or overhauling the CIA which was probably the primary reason they murdered him.

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Old news. Gonzalo Lira broadcasted from Ukraine 2 years ago!!

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Actually there was information from someone on the ground in Donbas region way before Gonzalo. Live videos.

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Patrick Lancaster

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Yes. Do you have any of his videos. Were they posted on GAB? I can't find.

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RIP Gonzalo. 🙏

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He died in Ukraine prison. For speaking the truth.

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If we repeal the 16th Amendment, it will go a long way in shutting down the 3-ltr agencies who hate Americans.

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You must have read a different article by Seymour Hersh about the Nord Stream attack than I did.

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One very subtle but important remark by President Putin is that the US decision-maker is not the "elected" president, but the CIA... the khazar Mafia ?

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Oh I wondered how many caught that.

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Absolutely true. Biden is a puppet

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RemovedFeb 10
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Scram "kim." This is a comment forum not a spam forum...

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I think the fact that the libtards are losing their minds over this interview is hilarious! I have been told by someone who has visited Russia on several occasions and speaks their language that Putin is really not the bad guy he is being made out to be by the United States. So two questions,

#1 What gives the United States the right to depose anyone or take down any foreign government? The arrogance of the people that supposedly run this country is mind-blowing!

#2 If Russia is the largest land mass on the planet with only 150 million people, why aren't all these illegal immigrants rushing the borders of Russia to enter illegally and take over? The United States should round them all up and send them to Siberia!! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤔🧐😂

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If you let immigrants in willingly you cannot call them illegal anymore.

I would rethink the motives of your own government who don’t seem to care about the needs of Americans!

You are getting destroyed by your own “people”.

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I'm not letting them in willingly and I didn't vote for that pedophile fake puppet "president". It's not fair for working poor people like me to have to pay extra for everything so that illegal immigrants coming across the border with no repercussions get everything for free. My point is why are they all coming to the United States when Russia has so much open land.

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Get rid of your disgusting government, to begin with!

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I would love to and probably the only way is the military to go in and arrest every single member of Congress and every politician in Washington DC.

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Ain't never gonna be allowed to happen. For one thing, most of the military is completely brainwashed. That's the way most militaries work for the most part, at least in the beginning when people first sign up, with boot camp, etc. When they're told that Americans need to be controlled, and killed "if 'necessary'", or detained in camps, most U.S. soldiers have no problem with those things, or at least most of the ones who are specially trained and brainwashed for this task, or wouldn't have a problem with it "when push came to shove". They believe the lie(s) that dissenters are a "threat" (a threat to the empire and the status quo, that is; for, they're not a threat to "True America"). They will soon be, completely unconstitutionally and illegally, and in anti-liberty-and-freedom, arresting US; so, they're certainly not going to so-arrest government "leaders". They falsely believe U.S. empire is "a good thing" and "necessary", etc.

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The blowing up of of the Nordstream pipeline is seen by me as an act of war by the most important member of the NATO, the USA, to it’s closest allies. (Friends!) Instead of holding the USA accountable, they act submissively and fearfully, Europe turns out to be no more than a vassal state of America, President Putin is right in that regard.

Nato which turns out to be an aggressive assault organisation should be terminated with immediate effect and ties with hostile America should be broken.

In my opinion the USA is responsible for all the needless killing in Ukraine!!!!

The world has had enough of American terror!!!

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I deeply empathize with the American people, you don’t deserve this!🙏

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Neither do you Canadians, Brits, Aussies, New Zealanders, South Africans, French, Germans, etc.

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Thanks. None of us want this (except for a few crazies who are brainwashed). We all want the same thing all over the world: peace, harmony, prosperity. We want to raise our kids in a safe environment. The demons on this planet have the opposite agenda for us. It’s a true spiritual battle.

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Here is what gets to me > I am 68 and when I was in school - from jr high through college - the instructors repeatedly advised us NOT TO HAVE CHILDREN. If we did have children, only have 1, maybe 2, but no big families due to world over population. Stay with me on this. Then the govt turned around and began allowing in millions upon millions of illegals and demanding that we support them through our tax dollars. Okay, so let me get this right. You first demanded Americans not have children, and now that we are old and having to take care of ourselves because we either had no children or had 1-2, you are demanding we SUPPORT children that are not ours? What is wrong with this picture and why is nobody saying a word about this detail?

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Amazing how successfully the few can control the masses. The innocent people in the countries around the world are all in this together, we are all subject to the same conclusion. I hope the world realizes that the majority of Americans do not side with these imposters and criminals in our government and the fake polls they put out saying otherwise. We should also realize that many people are in the same boat, and are also not supportive of their criminal governments. Pray for each other! I believe things will get much harder in the days ahead. Pray! Unite as citizens to end this tyranny around the world! May God protect us and our children!

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I’ve been saying forever that Putin was not the enemy. The enemy is in Washington, DC.

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There are several different messages between the lines. One; Putin is telling everyone that the times are a changing and that China already has the upper hand. Two; he confirmed a great deal of buried history that ties in with the Tartarian folks. Three; he confirmed that the Biden administration was a complete dumbass and bombed the Nordstream pipeline, which BTW, he will pay dearly for. (I am betting that we lose Alaska over it). Four; he came off as a level headed leader and not the Killary monster. Lot’s more there to digest.

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How could we lose Alaska?

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Good morning Donna, number one; everyone needs to fully understand that We are at war and we are losing to the BRICS. If you go look at the Tucker Carlson interview with Putin, it’s pretty obvious that they have us by the balls. Countries are divided up when they lose a war and the odds are now against us.

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Tucker, I watched the entire interview with Putin last night and was eager to hear your thoughts today. I'm a bit confused though. Mr. Putin made it quite clear that his reason for invading Ukraine was most specifically done to counter the inclusion of Naziism or Neo-Naziism in Ukraine's governing (policy-making) bodies. Frankly, I felt your response to his assertion was a bit laissez faire. Russia suffered horrendous losses at the hands of the Nazis. As you pointed out yourself, their population is quite low even compared to the U.S., and extremely low compared to China and even other countries with much less land mass. It is understandable to me that he would be quite concerned that Nazism, or Neo-Nazism not be given fertile ground, especially at his borders. He made a very good point that nowhere else in the free world allows anyone of Nazi persuasion to permeate their governments in any policy making positions.

Those who don't understand history are doomed to repeat its mistakes. My father served for 8 years during WW2. He was one of the original "frog-men" who dove under water and set bombs to clear the way for the allied troops to offload on Normandy Beach. If not for these men, troops and supplies would have had no way to reach the enemy and the war would have been won by the Nazis. I am in complete agreement with President Putin that the seeds of Naziism should not be allowed to grow and I don't understand why you glossed over that.

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Because our government is infiltrated with Nazis. Do some research on the Bushes. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck? Think about the weaponization of our government. It is very much like what was going on in Germany during WW2. The deep state wanted that war and funded both sides.

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Bingo! Absolutely spot on.

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I think what Tucker is missing is that if Putin is telling the truth, that America is the best in propaganda, then Russia has been intentionally painted in a false light. Putin said that Ukraine bombed themselves when they bombed Donbas. I may be mistaken, but I’m pretty sure that’s what started the war. It was reported in American media that Russia bombed Donbas. Do you all remember the woman with a crying baby hiding in a bunker being played across several media outlets?? I didn’t believe it, it felt like an act. There was also an independent journalist who flew into Kiev and filmed what looked like scenes out of Hollywood. Everything looked staged. There was supposed to be bombs going off everywhere, yet there were people out walking their dogs and acting completely normal.

Anyway, can you imagine being Russia and having the Media telling lies about you? I imagine he probably feels a lot like Trump. It’s the same tactic.

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You're right, that blanket lady video was staged, I recall a video on her, who she actually was. A lot of the videos have been staged, given the media backgrounds of Zelensky and his cabinet, it's not a surprise.

The video exposing the blanket lady may have been done by Patrick, the intrepid independent war reporter who has been in Ukraine since the get go. He has exposed a number of other faked events/videos.

Notably the supposed slaughter of locals by Russians that was called a war crime by the US/Ukraine. Patrick investigated it and found the killings were done by the Ukraine govt.

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Presently, American media IS the propaganda arm of the American bureaucracy, which is controlled by the CIA and other intelligence agencies. So, yes, everything coming from government or its appendages is a psyop designed to manipulate, subvert and justify. So it is no surprise Putin’s comments were so shocking to Americans. You would have never heard a hint of that information via the propaganda media, rather only if you read alternative sources, some even here on Substack.

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Then why does Trump say he will be a dictator when he gets elected? Is that a staged psyop?

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I don’t know what you are referring to, but I encourage you to watch the entire segment of wherever it was where he was said to have said this. Sometimes the mainstream media will clip segments to paint the person in a false light. This happens to more than just Trump. The media are very good at unjustly ruining people’s reputations to keep the public from believing in or listening what the person has to say. Sometimes, innocent people are also targeted like the kid that was accused of black face by Deadspin magazine. That kid’s parents are suing the company. He was just enjoying an NFL game and painted his face in his team’s colors (red/black). Deadspin only showed the one half of his face and accused the kid of being a racist. This caused him to receive a whole slew of threats/backlash online.

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To say that Putin is 'wounded' is a bit of a stretch. Tucker even used the word bitter and Putin was quick to point out that was incorrect. Rather, Putin eventually just realized that he was never going to be welcomed into NATO.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

I agree, I think disappointed is a better description.

I remember seeing a video of the UN meeting where Putin found out that the US after calling for and getting a no fly zone over Libya, flew in and bombed Libya. You can see he was in shock.

I think that day was when he realized his hopes to resolve relationships with the US would never to be realized and importantly also recognized there was a target on Russia's back and his own as well.

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The United States government and the real controllers of the government (e.g. the CIA) and the vast majority of the population of the United States (who consider themselves patriots, i.e. lovers of their country) all seem to absolutely require boogeymen. It’s all part of the larger (divide and conquer) psychological operation. I think that a person needs to be absolutely deranged to be a true believer that the United States is a good country with godly values.

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A great summary of a veeeery loooong interview but, for sure, Putin although no angel, is certainly no mug either and has a fair grip of the global situation. For the USA and their lapdogs to think they are just going to roll over after what nato has done by breaking its promise and supplying the Ukraine long before this proxy war, then you are either delusional, programmed, or batshit crazy.

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Great job Tucker! You did what no one else could.

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Oliver Stone did a four part interview with Putin back in 2015-2017 called The Putin Interviews... those were very good as well, you can find them on Paramount or other streaming sites.

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I think hoping that Tucker@X is a man of the people is wishful thinking.

I also think that hoping Putin is in opposition to the globalist agenda is delusional thinking.

Everything that is promoted is propaganda. Independent blogs still expose some honest commentary and expose hidden truths.

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I would not characterize Putin as being wounded by the rejection of the West, rather he seemed resigned that the West is not a trustworthy partner

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It’s both.

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What struck me in the interview was that Tucker wasn't being himself: He spent part of the interview with his eyes narrowed and the effect at those times was a kind of suspicious, wary, hostility. Now whether this was due to the chorus of hostility towards him for even having a conversation with Putin, and to try too hard to not give the impression that he was Putin's poodle/lap dog, I don't know.

And there was a point at which I thought Tucker raised his voice volume and tone towards hysterical.

And there were so many questions that could have been gently asked that were not asked at all. For example, the bio-labs in Ukraine, or for example, how did you react when Merkel confessed/blurted out that the Germans et al had no intention of living up to their agreement re Minsk agreement.

The point here is that when Tucker is on his game he is relaxed and has empathy for the interviewed person, and a quick wit and a sense of humour. And in that style he often comes out with telling points that contradict and infuriate the purveyors and true believers of propaganda. But at the same time, the interchange between Tucker and interviewed tends to be a dynamic and fascinating sort of verbal dance, and includes the quality of promising surprises.

In the case of the Putin interview, Tucker as not quite himself was marginal to the interview.

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I noticed this but put much of it down to the delay in waiting for the translation to come across, and then Ticker needing to process that and respond in a timely fashion. Perhaps a bit intimidated too. Putin was definitely trying to maintain control and clearly had a few messages he wanted to convey regardless of the questions.

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Good point about Tucker having to process both the translator/translation and then even having to gauge the tone/attitude/intent of Putin himself, since Putin has a sense of humour and wit sometimes attached to a somewhat cryptic way of putting things, whereas Putin,, who apparently is fairly proficient in English, would be at advantage.

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Tucker was kept waiting for 2.5 hours by Putin, which would be frustrating, the language barrier would be a hindrance. Most importantly Putin's 28 minute walk through history may have appeared to Tucker to be Putin's way of blowing off the interview.

But they settled in over time, I think Tucker bring up NS2, their humorous exchange on the subject and Tucker agreeing that it was the US brought them to a level of comfort with each other. It just took time.

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#6. America and the West are controlled and operated by liars and thieves.

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I have heard over and over that Putin is insane, unfit, vile, etc, but I must say, I found him to be knowledgeable, sane and completely loyal to his nation.

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Interview with very high expectations ended up as a simple failure:

Russian Telegram channels reported that the interview with Carlson and Carlson himself was not to Putin's liking, and the interview itself was considered a failure:

"The Kovalchuk clan sharply criticizes the idea of an interview with the American journalist Carlson. They say that the problem is the unpreparedness of the interview arrangement - it was Gromov's and Peskov's mistake. Putin should have talked about conservative values, the creation of a conservative alliance, and moving on - but he went into history and platitudes about Ukraine. Naryshkin, who allegedly planted ideas with documents of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi and nonsense with Poland, also played a negative role here. He set Putin up to the fullest. Medinsky would not allow such a thing."

According to reports, Putin didn't like Tucker Carlson - "a snob and a useful idiot who got a meaningful fee, but was lazy and lacked creativity."

Kovalchuk family believes they could have done better with Tucker Carlson, but "everything was wasted." There's a wave of complaints in the Kremlin.

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Respectfully, I think to have chatted about values would have been a waste of time. Putin has a war he wishes to end on favorable terms, that was his focus.

As to his comments on Poland, I thought they were timely especially with the EU's Tusk now in power there.


I wasn't familiar with the Kovalchuk clan, apparently they were backers of Wagner's now dead leader and are involved in media, banking. I would not be too quick to take what they say at face value. The US has been trying to undermine Putin for some time, there are always willing ears.

I am genuinely surprised that Putin would have spoken of Carlson that way, why burn a bridge, so unlike him, do you have a link?

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Brilliant and correct observations. Keep following the thread and you'll eventually come to the truth, which Tucker can possibly never say. The US/UK is the true Evil empire, the enemy of the world.

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One has to entertain the possibility that Tucker is controlled opposition

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Yeah, daddy worked for CIA news. He worked for MSM. I am not impressed with him even though he is saying a lot of the nice things he is able and effective at dividing the people along quite a few artificial fault lines.

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History demonstrates that humans are incapable of self governance. Though the US/GB may comprise the great Satan, Russia’s Putin is substantially governed by the same underlying motivations

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