Love him even more. People I know don’t understand why I won’t give my money to restaurants or businesses who were staunchly against people who were not vaccinated. They say that’s all in the past now. I’m not forgetting. They would do it again in a heartbeat.

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Definitely not forgetting. The boldly let us know who and what they are - pure evil.

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They've shown their true colours, and what they are capable of. Never forget and never trust them to do the right thing by the people ever again.

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Yeah I agree.

I take it one more step...

Not Forgiving or Forgetting.

When I first read Emily Oster's plea, I nearly puked.

"Mistakes were made".

Yeah, sure, by design...

Own it, and live with it...

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Yes, that poem is so powerful and so true. Hopefully it will help to wake those people who are still asleep.

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I found her substack when she made that audacious request; I almost posted ad scathing takedown. Then I remembered the LORD.

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Or worse. 😱

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I do. It's funny when I stopped going I have more money.

Yes I have to be less lazy but my anger still sustains me. Though I did go out for mother's day. I send the odd letter saying I hate them for it too.

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I can forgive but I won't forget the way I was treated for not taking the jabs. Thanks to people with a voice, like Aaron Rogers, for standing up and calling out the BS for what it is - not what it was, but what it still is.

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Sorry, I will NOT forgive and that includes all NFL owners!

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Anyone who hates Rodgers while simping for Jimmy Kimmel and Fauci is too demoralized to reason with.

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Demented better than demoralized

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Ha, or all 3

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And more, TB!

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"while PIMPING for Jimmy Kimmel"

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Rodgers was spot on. And angry doesn't cover it for me. I worked for a public university in a blue state. Jumped through hoops to get an exemption and felt like I was going to lose my job after 15 years over this cruel debacle. I had friends who lost their jobs, partners, businesses, and I helped those where I could so I'm not only angry for what I went through but for all who lost more than I did. And at the absolute lie this all was. I also know if I had the v a xx I would not be here today.

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My husband is in higher ed also. He had to do weekly "nasal probing" for almost two years (between us, I think that was almost as bad as the jab). At times, and for months and months, he was the only person actually working in the Admin Building. Eerie as a dystopian film about liminal living. Scary as the "ef word' for me; I thought he was literally losing his mind. Silly me, he was just becoming a more thorough alcoholic. And the devil in the Blue Dress who is our governor was meanwhile flying to florida to get advise from her murderous father. Ef them all!

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Still pissed.

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Love that he's so outspoken 🫡👏

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Past mad now, now justice is all I crave, not gonna hold my breath though!

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Aaron is 100% correct! This was all a sham and it's the Vaccine that's the real killer and is still killing people!!! My wife and I knew this was a sham from the beginning and refused to get the "clot shot".

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I also like him calling out the NFL owners, who went along with the scam ... just like all the sports commissioners and athletic directors. In fact, all the colleges - which are supposed to be places where faculty and students "search for the truth" - are completely captured.

Let us not forget all our sports leagues set up "public health/Covid advisory committees" which were made up of college academic "experts" ... who we should all now know are either obtuse or corrupt. Which prompts this question: Why do so many parents want their children to be "educated" by such fools and frauds?

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The NFL has my lasting contempt for what it did to the players (forget about what it did to the public, we, including myself are willing suckers). Forcing them to take the jab is a crime and the NFL should be viewed as criminal for that alone. Actually, EVEN ENCOURAGING those (mostly) young healthy men to get clot shots was/is a crime. AND THE NFL KNEW/KNOWS IT. But sure, they'll all play dumb. Wish Brady would have spoken out. Much as I admire him I think I would admire him more if he had spoken up. Then do like Djokovitch & go win the big one anyway. These days Djokovitch and Rogers are the real heroes. Djokovitch gets the edge because he went on to win more slams anyway. Nothing like poking the authorities in the eye

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I wish the intelligent athletes who didn't get the jabs would have used their media platforms to make more great points. They have microphones shoved in their faces several times a week and could have sparred with reporters and explained in more detail why they didn't get the jabs. Djokovitch took the high road and just said the shots weren't for him. Rodgers is increasingly starting to make the type points I would have made if I was an NFL star.

BTW, note that Rodgers is no longer the paid endorser for State Farm Insurance. He's been replaced by Taylor Swift's boyfriend, who Rodgers now calls "Mr. Pfizer" for his "two-for-one" TV commercials.

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All if possible should leave State Farm for other insurance co's

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LOL They put cardboard cutouts in the stands.

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I forgot that, but they did. Those cardboard fans couldn't go to the local pub before and after the game and spend some money to help a good business that could have used some help.

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And didn't buy concessions, or actual tickets, or pay for parking......

My 'favorite' part was when some teams could have fans but other teams couldn't have fans, because science!

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In the SEC, somehow the rulers decided that 17 percent of stadium seats could be occupied. At Alabama, that was still 18,000 fans going to a football game. These fans weren't all wearing masks and they were mingling before, during and after the games with large numbers of fellow fans ... And no "super spreader" events happened.

In the NFL and other leagues, no fans were allowed. In many states, all high school sports were cancelled for a year. I still think of all the high school athletes who couldn't play sports they loved in their senior year - which would have been their best season in sports.

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when the cardboard fans attended games........ the propaganda machine had jumped the shark.

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😂😂😂😂 I remember the cardboard 'spectators', as if none of us would notice!!!

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People actually paid to be put onto those things :/

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Yes and thanks a thousand times for naming all those who fell in line. We've got to make them PAY.

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It's the same reason that we're all furious about covid, Aaron Rodgers just has a bigger platform than we do.


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I’ve forgiven (mostly) the people who were hateful and shunning of me and my husband who are both unvaxxed. And the strain of the discrimination has faded some. But people around me are dying and often dying young! I’m so stressed about this and I’m angry too. We’ve lost six people we know to cancers. Some are in their early 40s. This is outrageous. I’m so angry at people being forced to get these injections and I’m very sad for all the grief the authorities are causing from their bone-headed decisions. I know several people with pulmonary embolisms or clots elsewhere. They killed my mom, who was doing well in her assisted living place until they jabbed her against my will. She had even had Covid several months before the shots rolled out and she’d done beautifully. I can’t forgive the “authorities.” Never. Never. NEVER.

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But Mel, with all due respect, those "non-authority," small people who were "hateful and shunning" around you, were merely the outer face of the evil onion, the bottom rung of the authoritarian system. These gee-shucks, common folks who -- by the way -- just happened to treat you and your husband with hate and shunning would be the very people who would quietly watch you roll by in cattle cars on your way to a death camp. These small people are the safety perimeter for the big actors in the greatest crime (so far) in world history. These nasty "nice" people in the doctors' offices, churches, bureaucracies, restaurants, etc., were the frontline, storefront enforcers of the unmitigated evil. NO! Do not just give the small people a pass on this any more than the big fries --- including RFK, Peter McCullough and Robert Malone. On[c]e we get clear on this and make this small adjustment in thinking, I can fully add your voice to my "never, never, NEVER!"

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I know. You are right. I just try to forgive to help myself, to be frank. Carrying loathing around is a heavy burden. I tend to reserve that for psychopaths like Lord F. But I do hear you.

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I understand Mel. But not "forgiving" and not "forgetting" does not have attach itself to your emotional life and health. You can be detached and intellectually resolute that these people cannot be let off the hook. Be cool. Be clinical. Be as steely as they were when they jabbed little boys and girls, when they told you and me that we should die rather than be served by the medical system that WE paid for and built.

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As a young lad, I recall being advised by adults that the less illumined, and the ignorance they demonstrated, should be pitied, and that I should be tolerant even if that meant indulging them and their ignorance. Indeed, Christians are presumed to understand that in a fallen world, error must exist alongside the truth.

For much of my life, I did as I was advised, and while I did so, the wicked roistered unchecked, their villainy magnified by the maniacal industry of hordes of the ignorant recruited into the service of the most viciously malevolent of degenerates.

I now realize that Christian piety might itself be a cunning deception, and even though it is most certainly not entirely our fault, nonetheless, the state of the world is such as it is also because the more enlightened have tolerated the ignorant.

With your permission, I'd like to take a copy of your excellent comment.

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You expressed elegantly my internal conflict.

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Dear aux playing@radio phanærozoic, this is an interesting reflection and I would like to expand on this issue in the future, perhaps in conversation with you and/or others. I gained my awareness of the calls for amnesty and the avoidance of retribution by RFK, Jr., and Robert Malone from an article by Dr. James Hill, MD, here: https://hillmd.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-says-dont-blame-anyone-for; and here: https://hillmd.substack.com/p/dr-robert-malone-again-steers-you; and here: https://hillmd.substack.com/p/redacted-intends-to-kill-billions; and Dr. Peter McCullough, MD's shying away from Nuremberg-like trials here: https://rumble.com/v2amzve-shocking-625000-increase-in-myocarditis-since-vaccine-roll-out-dr.-mccullou.html. I found Dr. McCullough's reasoning to be unconvincing regarding this: he seems to base warrant for legal accountability [t̵o̵ ̵b̵e̵ ̵b̵a̵s̵e̵d̵] upon [the] alleged perpetrators freely admitting wrongdoing. This completely sidesteps the very important role and possibility of prosecution rather than reliance upon the accused "'fessing up."

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What does this mean, "-- including RFK, Peter McCullough and Robert Malone"......maybe I'm reading it wrong but it sounds you are throwing those 3 into the fray of vaxers????

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Well, they did allow themselves to get injected. To be fair, I'm not sure whether RFK Jr and McCullough did, but Malone admits to having had two shots of the Moderna Monster Mash - not exactly the kind of courageous defiance we should expect of real 'heroes.'

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I am glad that you asked, Kent. These fellows are calling for forgiveness for the perpetrators of the COVID Scam and the pseudovaccine kill shot. I should have cited my source: James Hill M.D.'s Newsletter: "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joins the ranks of McCullough, Malone, Malhotra, Makary, Kulldorf, Bhattacharya, and Atlas in apparently telling us to “move along” and not investigate or punish anyone for deaths and disability associated with Covid shots, masks, and lockdowns."

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I don't think that forgiveness is a virtue here. But that's your choice and I respect it. Remember, without acquiesence the "authorities" would have had no power. I will never forget, nor forgive.

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I feel you, sister. ❤️

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Thank you, Saskia. Very much appreciated. It’s so dark sometimes.

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Everything he said! And my friends ask the same. But sadly, people, especially Americans, have extremely short memories, which the deep state is counting on. I do not want people to forget how they lied to us and manipulated us because those memories will hopefully never allow the freedom sucking extremism we experienced to ever happen again.

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When I think of masking toddlers on planes and kids in school, the “othering” of those of use who wouldn’t wear masks or take the jab my blood boils. The small businesses that had to close their doors, the people who took the shot who are no longer with us. Yeah, I’m still mad.

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I still think that masking was a way of causing a type of psychological break that would make these children think sadomasochism is normal. All of their actions are exactly what happens to abused and traumatized people.

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Don’t forget the developmental damage to children’s ability to speak clearly who could not see how lips were moving behind the masks of the idiot “teachers.” Add this to the wholesale carnage that is still being visited on the

passive and incurious cud-chewers who just stood there taking poisonous mRNA injections that are known to kill all test animals in 2 to 5 years.

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Angry yes!

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I am FURIOUS at what these Government, medical, WHO idiots got away with. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. There will be NO twice. Do NOT comply ever again.

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Ok, A-A-Ron Rodgers is now officially my favorite Professional Athlete…dropping straight facts, you know, THE TRUTH.

And no doubt he will receive mega-backlash for doing this, yet he’s NOT A COWARD, so he’s saying what needs to be said.

This is how real men act, think and speak like; he’ll of course be labeled everything from being toxically masculine, to racist, to anti-science and every other nonsensical trope there is…which means he’s TELLING THE TRUTH.

Amen, brother, A-MEN.

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