The gov't response to COVID is still ruining my life.

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The government IS Google and big tech.

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As a tech geek, following him from the beginning. Remembering the videos from back then, how Google will take over control and everybody laughed at me telling them.

It almost feels like it is too late. But i still habe hope, because the woke mind virus spilled in so many dumb people. Which you are able to notice on so many levels. Hopefully, we will win this war, somehow.

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Yeshua will wrest control from all of them in due course, and when He does, it will get ugly! The Bible describes it as the valley of Jezreel filled wit blood up to the horses' bridles (about 4' high to the bit on the average horse); that's a LOT of blood!

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"Yeshua," "Jehovah," "Elohim," "Adonai--" NO MATTER your favorite name, God, or Fate, or the supernatural-- is not going to be able to get one thing done by some kind of "magical" miraculous hoo-hoo unless He uses OUR hands. Enough with the adult fairy tales. Grow up, people-- Sheeesh. And MOVE YOUR FEET when you pray ;-)

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OUR hands have brought us to the brink of extinction. We need someone smarter and stronger than us to save us from ourselves. Denial of the existence of the spirit world is to deny ultimate reality. All things physical rot, rust, decay, die, go back to the elements from which they came, a state of entropy, nonreality.

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To share a favorite quote: Without God, we cannot. Without us, God will not.

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Thank u Sandra, verses always help.

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The only real solution. "What harmony is there between Christ and Belial?" Peaceful coexistence is impossible. One or the other must be completely eliminated along with their minions.

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Dr. Epstein's courage is unfathomable.

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For a very long time, the forces of evil who largely control the world have been trying to make us believe that they're good guys.

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The power-elites with their veneer of respectability vs. the lost, the forgotten, and the damned whose faults are out in the open for all to see.

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Epstein supported and admired Hillary Clinton. Just goes to show you how brilliant people in one field are completely naive and ignorant in another.

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Angel of God

My guardian dear

To whom Gods’ love

Commits me here

Ever this day

Be at my side

To light

To rule

To guard and guide


Protect this poor man.🙏

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Why ya think they made the batteries inaccessible in the first place 🧐 we all have phones now well not all but the majority.

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Mine is an old I-5. I will never get a new one.

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Google , Facebook and Amazon came out of DARPA . They wanted to tracks ppl conversations, habits and purchases. Jeff Bezos ' grandfather started DARPA. And Silicon Valley is a hub for the cia

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Yes, dog food is a bit concerned as well as cat food should be as natural as possible however vaccines for animals are making them sick, it’s silly obvious. I don’t spend any money on mine animals unless they get an accident. They’re neutered spade feed them good food. They’ll be just fine

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I don’t spayed or neuter my cats until they’ve gone through one full cycle. It gets a little rough to deal with those males.

So they can be fully mature and not have issues later. my male cat is still upset at me 10 years later but he had his fun for 2 years

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Isn't this a rant rather than a meltdown??

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I’m not a Ph.D but he comes across to me as needing to cleanse his soul, to bare all. He wants the world to know before, what could be the inevitable. He has held it in for so long, and lives the nightmare daily why not choose one of the most popular podcasts to spill his guts to? I wish him well and will pray for his protection.

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Proton mail is out of Switzerland enough said.

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Other recommendations appreciated

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The one problem we should all unify against is the corruption in our systems. We can us new systems such as collective intelligence systems to help us. Like this: https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/the-one-problem-we-should-all-agree?r=7oa9d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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For some reason this video won’t play full screen landscape on my iPhone 14 Pro. This is regular Substack?

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The company name of Mr. G, the flag bearer of information manipulation, is also included here.

Since 2020, there has been an abnormal proliferation of "FactCheck..." and "Trust..."

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Seriously? In the midst of Geo-Political upheaval, the sixth great mass extinction, this is the narrative you choose to disseminate?

Lame AF, Bruh.

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