"𝕏 user Jordan M. Thomas said it best: “Virtue signaling doesn’t end racism; it perpetuates it.”

....and THAT is exactly why they do it.

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Yes. They need racism!!

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hola, el duke.

and beyond that, critical race theory and the like re-energised it.

it is interesting to consider that the media could have basically 'killed' the blm violance with headlines on the actual number of unarmed people, mostly men, killed by police. it certainly isn't nothing, and yet isn't what nor the race they have in their minds. same applies to domestic violence by and against men.

in the 90s as fear mongering was expanding about violence in canada, the actual measured rates of violence of all kinds was declining and at or below all time lows.

that this 'fear' was being stoked with the other false narratives to generate division and separation, is too common and frequent to be excused as more gore more money etc. it is a co-ordinated plan with a purpose. fear, division, disharmony, de-civilise.

we are living the bhagavad-gita and the great apocalypse at the same time!

all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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“If you can catch about 100 red fire ants that live in the southwestern desert and also about 100 of those large black ants that live there and drop them in the same jar, not much will happen– until you shake the jar vigorously and dump them out on the ground. The red ants will attack the black ants, and the black ants will attack the red ants and they’ll devastate each other. The thing is, the red ants think the enemy is the black ants, and the black ants think the enemy is the red ants and all those ants put together never do figure out that the real enemy is the guy who shook the jar.”

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I love it! 😃

It’s the same Down Under.

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shake it all around!


we are living the bhagavad-gita and the great apocalypse at the same time!

all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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paraphrased quotation from morgan freeman: 'you want to stop racism? stop talking about it.'

on sixty minutes with mike wallace.


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So true.

Marketing shows the mind creates and tries to complete the picture provided. So, talking about racism, war on drugs, stopping human trafficking, or anything else stated in the negative will just produce more of the purported undesired thing. More racism, more drugs, more human trafficking.

We get what we focus on. Focus on anything (health or disease) and watch that flourish in your life.

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hola, cafe comments by laura harris.

long before marketing, the yogi's of old knew and taught the same thing; calm the fluctuations of the mind by calming the manner of our reactivity with breath, focus and body calming practices.

all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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@Guy Duperreault, so the yogi’s of old taught that what you focus on is what flourishes in your life? I know that’s what my Grandparents taught. And what marketing has shown to work in society. I didn’t know yogi’s taught this too. This is also what the Bible teaches: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

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yes, cafe comments by lauri harris:

when we focus on the grievances of the past, we keep them alive and we will not have the calmness to respond appropriately. resentment comes from the combination of living the past pains sorrows as today's victim.

the yoga practices — not the 'popular' north american style once or twice a week slow aerobics, the real stuff of living with yoga's ten 'commandments' or gautama's 8 'commandments'. both are to be aligned with truth, integrity, compassion, proper work, respect for self and others in mind, body and spirit/soul. and specifically the 10th commandment of the yoga sutras is 'surrender to god.'

of course, they aren't called 'commandments' - the 5 yamas and the 5 niyamas in yoga although most people with weekly practices don't know them. with gautama, the 8fold path, very similar without stating the path is the surrender to god. likely many buddhist will quibble or be upset with this comment that, from my reading a bit of what gautama actually said not what many buddhists say he said, he was cagey about god. i've come to infer that for him god is the existence of all — called dependent co-arising — and the 8fold path is how we 'surrender' into god, the dependent co-arising that is the all of all. the destination of the 8fold path is god, he just didn't say it. imo.

these ideas inform and guide how i teach my version of various yoga styles combined and includes buddhist and christian principles along with diet, body awareness, breath and more.

we are living the bhagavad-gita and the great apocalypse at the same time!

all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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I agree, Guy Duperreault, we are called to surrender to God: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

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I still think vaccinating kids is making them dumber, and finally we have somebody like Kennedy who can do something about it. In New Zealand it was lead in our petrol, and anyone who grew up close to a highway during the 80's had lower IQ. Officials ignored the problem for 15 years before we moved to unleaded.

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how bout writing, PAY YOUR CHILD SUPPORT n the endzone, that would shut them up

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The woman says ‘and there are people who don’t know they are racist’… like I need signs posted to tell me that I am a racist or someone shouting at me that I am one, when they do not know me and don’t bother to, but go by the color of my skin?

Lets not ignore the fact that many of the players playing in football are black and make incredible salaries, and the stands and watchers are mostly white. Hypocrisy is so deep, they are barely treading water.

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Yes I have had people telling me all about me (or the me they think I must be) and how racist all my white ancestors must have been (actually they weren’t- and I have receipts uhm John Brown abolitionists was a racist??

stf up - they literally tried to say oh he had beef with Frederick Douglass so he was racist too? not factually correct they were friends Fouhlass just thought Brown was doing things that were too risky). I have even had people try to tell me that white peoples are cannibals and used to eat slaves etc. I’m like what??? The amount of hatred towards white people is growing because no body is allowed to argue back. I m getting alarmed. They are being feed propaganda intended to illicit hatred towards white people. If they expect me to take responsibility for all the fricken white people that ever lived even when my ancestors died as a result of fighting against all that bs then there is nothing to say, fine- then they can take responsibility for P. Diddy (allegedly) drugging and r-ping a young innocent Canadian boy Justin B. so that was what we r doing- everyone of the same colour is sharing these sins right? But no they just want to label other people as racist and be allowed to themselves say really radical racist things without being challenged and hope that they can beat us down mentally so we have to do everything they want and they can relish that power.

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Remember Angie, it’s only a tool for those whom perpetuate it, and to the ignorant who won’t or can’t think and reason for themselves, they benefit from victimhood.

We simply start pushing back and telling them, they are wrong and they are being used. Division only helps certain people at the top, they are dividing us for their own gain. When we decide to come together to stand against THEM, they lose. Some of our politicians fuel that fire too.

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What did the this accomplish except stir up trouble and embitter people discord and perpetuate division in in the whole country when people go to watch football they want football not this

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Also: More and more spending on "Health care", worse and worse outcomes.....year after year. More chronic disease, shorter life expectancy, more drug overdoses. Other countries: less money, better outcomes.

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We now know why, more than ever. They were laundering our money and not spending it on the true intention.

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"Don't be an asshole" reminds me of Google's old slogan "Don't be Evil." When I first heard that, my take was "wait ... you need a _reminder_ or a company _directive_ to not be evil?"

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Mind blowing to,hear bill Maher changing his tune and almost agreeing with President Trump and Elon Musk. Hope this is indicative of many other ex democrats.

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Like flags......which I sometimes call virtue signals on a stick. If you fly a Ukraine flag under your American flag to protest the war against Russia...then I hope you are also willing to send your sons and now daughters to war to fight WITH them to defeat whatever or whoever it is that causes such outrage. Even if you are a never Trumper...this is still better than more of the same. Unless of course, you actually like being raped and pillaged by your own government. In which case party politics is also a form of virtue signaling.

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Most of the electorate enjoys being pillaged.

The fact that all persons running for President were not allowed to debate with the Demopublican/ Repocrats candidates.

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Schizophrenic world we live in.

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One National Anthem; anything more is perpetuating racism as well.

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Bill Maher seems to be waking up to reality, which is shocking enough.

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Please keep in mind, he is a performer. Ratings mean a lot.

I don't buy any of his blather.

If Kamala ran again, he would lick her boots for ratings.

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I would have agreed when Biden was first elected, but I disagree. I think he's surprised by what he's been seeing.

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Truth as he is being shocked, Lewes is also correct that Maher will follow ratings and money. He has been around for many, many decades. He isn't changing his lefty leaning tune.

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Oh, I agree 100%. I'm just loving that he's the one explaining to his left-wing base how they screwed up so badly.

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He’d go further than that for 79¢.

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No one likes their message any more cause they are not for us, but for them. Self indulgent self promoting messages of corruption, lies and bull. They got it out, we just hate it.

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Perhaps the NFL should take their own advice on ending racism by hiring more white players same goes for the NBA!! Just Saying what I observe!

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Well stated in each respect. Sensible and accurate summation of all that divide and separate us by color, period. How can we as a people ever get over the psychological walls of reference to race etc? Leave humanity to figure this out. We did in our neighborhood. Spanish. Black. White. When reduced to just friendships, we didn't care about skin tone. Color became an issue when media brought it into the forefront. When employment quotas began-so did resentment.

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Mr. Maher is correct. “We the People” not only didn’t like the message these “communists” as I call the Democratic Party today, spewed narcissistically and condescendingly at “We the People” but they insist we accept their nonsense / Marxist ideological views!

It ain’t happening anymore! Many Americans have awakened to and laser-beamed right through these “hollowed-out”so called politicians! Period!

Who died and left y’all boss? Tell me Bill Maher, who?

I commend you for seeing through your own parties BS!

But you’re not any better Mr. Maher! Not in the slightest sense. You’re as condescending and pompous and flat out wrong as anyone I could ever stomach for 23.5 seconds straight!

Simply not my gig.

Humble pie? Maybe? Maybe not. One thing I will say is, life isn’t about “your way or the highway.” Life is about “treating” people as human beings and not forcing people through bullying to

“sit down and STFU!” I will not get into the transgender nonsense, that’s an entirely different, though extremely relevant “tactic” weaponized against “We the People” as well.

This mentality, of what has now become, the once known “democratic party” of yesteryear, is gone!

Long gone! Y’all have nothing to offer society so you name call / badger / threaten people’s lives / and screw the hell out of young people’s minds!


The democrats of yesterday were more concerned about everyday people. Suddenly, the party slowly started moving towards “Marxist / communist / socialist” politics!

Americans don’t want what you people are selling! So stop making excuses for who and what you people think you messed up and take a hard look in the mirror, truly y’all have loss your minds!

This isn’t, nor was it, any kind of mistake, no not in the least. This is who they are! This is how they believe and how they treat others, in a nauseating and condescending way. In a “totalitarian” way! In a “you’ve” lost your mind kind of way and in reality, you’re all a bunch of liars! By the way “A MAN CANNOT BECOME PREGNANT!” Good God!

Another problem is, individuals aligning with the “leftist-views” literally have 2.5-3.5% higher mental health issues! That’s a fact Mr Maher! Three peer reviewed psychological studies all concurred with this fact.

So the next time you say something like “what are they nuts?” The simple most accurate answer is “YES” they are nuts!

I am sick and tired of being told I’m something I am not! So sick and tired as millions of Americans are. Listen up Mr Maher, “Men are Men” and “Woman are Woman”

That’s IT! Two genders, not unlimited as these nut cases want to make all of America believe!

Lastly, the world was laughing at y’all! Literally laughing and then started to be angry because the world depends on a strong, grounded, prosperous America!

“You the Democratic Party” hates America! And y’all showed your TRUE COLORS over the past four years!

Have no fear though, President Biden, man oh man he’s “SHARPER TODAY” than ever, Trust me, he’ll run circles around y’all! Good Grief Charlie Brown, Biden’s


May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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