When he comes clean and expressly states how truly bad the clot shots are, apologizes sincerely for pushing them and trashing the unvaccinated, AND announces to the world how the media went along with the censoring and attacks complete with details, emails, meetings, ET AL, then maybe I'll take him seriously. He's nothing but a gluttonous opportunist and he made $$$$$ on the entire shit show.

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Hear! Hear!

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RemovedJun 1
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This is part of the information stream that will continue as an attempt is made to seed the consciousness of the asleep before full blown disclosure. I know that this was on the agenda, but I have my doubts whether it has been accomplished at this point. In addition, knowing that this was the plan, makes one very aware of the value of getting to know a local food source. We have taken so much for granted that the food we eat is safe, but now we must be aware that this is not always the case.

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I'm right there with you. 💯

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Love it! Thank you!

Cuomo and Bill Mayer - total tools. And I'm being kind.

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Don’t trust anything or anyone so sitting back to see what’s next.

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Surprised that he seems to be speaking more truthfully. I wonder if he was in a MSM bubble and now he is waking up. Or he is trying to win back viewers.

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Chris cuomo is simply auditioning for a spot on the opposing team. He doesn’t have any actual opinions of his own. He goes whichever way the wind blows. He realizes the winds have shifted so he wants to get on the other team.

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Chris should join forces with that popcorn fart Morning Joe and his imbecilic wife - Joe probably pulled a Jeffrey Toobin the moment they announced the Trump guilty verdict.

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He is attempting to save his arse and he was not ignorant to what was going on during the Covid years, because he was paid well to support the agenda.

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My guess is trying to win back his lost viewers.

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I think he just wants to stay relevant. He’s seems to like the fame and attention.

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He’s trying to win back viewers. Believe nothing that man says.

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Sounds like Cuomo has had an Epiphany of sorts….Probably based on the realization that he had been lied to about COVID virus and the “Safety” of the vaccine (re: his reaction to it opened his eyes.!!

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Yeah once you start going down the rabbit hole there’s no turning back…

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My rabbit hole 🕳️ entry was about a year prior to covid. A friend’s toddler— a darling girl, very bright, engaging, went in for a round of “catch up” vaccines, singing, clapping, talking about their trip abroad, and to the beach. She emerged a limp noodle, screamed the DTaP Scream (it’s a thing), up to 18 hours a day. She never made eye contact, never spoke, never clapped nor sang again. She wouldn’t cuddled, barely ate, wouldn’t do any of her previous activities. No coloring, no letting the dog, no nothing but screaming or staring into space. She was clearly miserable.

Her parents took her to the ER 4-5 times where they were “poo poo’d” for mentioning a possible connection with the vaccines until ONE nurse pulled them aside saying it absolutely WAS vax

injury. Thirteen or 14 days afterward, her parents thought she had finally slept through the night. They found her dead in her crib.

It was ruled a vax injury and they were eventually paid out via the vaccine court.

Covid came along not long afterward. Let’s just say, my rabbit hole is fully decorated. I’m down there a LOT. If I’d only studied and researched this much while attaining my

college degree, I’d have made Dean’s List every semester.

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How heart breaking. Sweet babies being poisoned and so many, don’t care enough.

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My hubs practically begged for the vax

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So did mine. He got 4 of them. I refused any.

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FB wiped the group from the platform as soon as covid hit, too.

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I read that the average pediatrician causes 40 cases of autism in his practice. And I’ll bet there have been few apologies and very few stop jabbing these kids.

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They sin because of the LOVE of money

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There are a handful

out there that know and have apologized.

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Wow that is a really sad and tragic story. It encompasses all the horror stories I’ve read about vaccine injuries, including SIDS. The “rabbit hole” I mentioned refers to all the hidden truths about the world we live in (aka The Matix), vaccines being one of them. My awakening started back in 2009 or so, so when Covid rolled around I knew it wasn’t what they were telling us. I also immediately knew it was about vaccines, which I was much more worried about than the virus itself.

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I had an inkling of how bad regular vaccines are by 2009, but I stupidly thought it was “only a few” problem vax. Now I know health doesn’t come from a needle, especially a needle full of formaldehyde, heavy metals, aluminum, the fetal matter of both sexes of aborted babies, porcine (porky pig!) cells, canine, monkey kidney, alcohol and more. They take this a jab newborns with it for “vitamin K” and HepB! They’ve just come into the world and instantly they are hit with these vials of toxins. And we wonder how so many kids have autism, ADD, hyperactivity, learning issues, childhood cancers abounding

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A woman connecting the dots about her child's crib death that occurred in 1984.


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OMG !!!!…….. Nothing worse than that loss !!!!….. My 2 y/o drowned in a hot tub.. Snuck in!…. But due to DPT !!!!!!!!… HORRIBLE !!!!!

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ohhhhh, I’m so sorry!

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Let’s just say my rabbit hole is decorated. I’ve been down here a LOT.

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It really is despicable what the jack asses are doing.

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That awful belief that vaccines save lives has been instilled in most of the population. You’ll be hit with “ What about polio ?” “What about tetanus ?” It’s become a religion and believers are fully committed to it. No amount of proof of the duplicity of the “industry” will convince them that they have been fooled. It took me 20 years to question why my third child never slept for more than three hours ( with the

“Help?”) of a sedative at four months ? Why my first born had a fit at 22 months without a fever which is normally thought to be a catalyst? Why my second child had chronic inflammation on her face till a knowledgeable baby and maternity sister told me to remove eggs from her diet ( one year later) as eggs were used as a medium to grow the vaccines. Why I had the most horrific reaction to a smallpox inoculation at age ten which left me with a suppurating and swollen arm for weeks?

No one “ knew” only the makers knew of this planned generational harming of the population. When you go down that rabbit hole you can’t come out of it blinded by the “ science” ! A darling boy born to my brother turned into the model “ no eye contact “ baby at three months ( first jab) with diagnosed autism at around two years of age. It took years of noticing and finally waking up, thanks to the small group of devoted people who had the courage to speak up and warn us parents. I personally know two families who lost their babies to SIDS and the consequential break down of the family. To see these horrific lies being exposed is good. If we can get the “believers” to take note and understand, then we can stop this whole evil train .

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What a horrific story. I can see that singing, clapping girl. 💔

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Jun 1·edited Jun 1

He's currying favor with Trump in case his brother needs a pardon.

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he wants a job in 45 administration that is certain

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MAYBE…………….. Cuomo is just being honest.

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He’s a terrific LIAR. 🤥

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Covering his arse the best he can. The Abusers were given the opportunity to REform ,come clean, be the best people they could be and they chose....biden' time s is nearly over and this trap is no secret.

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Merchan has fouled HIMSELF, and the judiciary, with a historic stench.

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Vigilant Fox, you always take the high road and help us look at the other side. Thank you. Cuomo is challenging to listen to, even before Trump. Ok he still is too much to tolerate, so elitist.

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Jun 1·edited Jun 1

Parasites are superb at ensuring their own survival - this is as true for the human sized ones that appear on the MSM as it is for the microscopic ones.

Three years ago I said that once the truth begins to come out about the jabs that lots of the pro jab actors, journalists and TV presenters would begin to reinvent themselves in order to appear to be on the right side. It is how they ensure that they keep in the public eye and maintain getting those fat TV contracts with the enormous multi-million dollar / pound salaries.

Before this is over you will have loads of some of the vilest TV / acting personalities denying that they ever promoted the jabs or called for bad things to happen to those who bravely stood up, spoke out and refused to take the jabs.

NEVER forget!!!

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Still don't trust Cuomo.

He was one of the mouthpieces for the parasite class.

Maybe he has changed, now that he isn't their whore any more and could be a force for good.

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Chris Cuomo is a flip-flopper and all this realization is simply to try and relaunch his career. A phony but very good manipulator. I had a difficult time watching this due to Cuomo's constant attempts to take over the conversation and be RELEVANT. The fact that he STILL puts all the 3 letter agencies at the top of his credibility list simply proves he has no REAL clue what is going on. Saying this was a mistake about the trial against Trump is just the best place for Cuomo to be right NOW. lol

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He's a schmuck. So many died or injured because of his advocacy in the jab and show no remorse. Its we and them attitude..new reports shows that hospital inflate the deaths of the jabbed by writing it on their death certificates as unjabbed. And we know remdesivir and incubation was the main cause of it, Chris do yr research.

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Don’t trust him further than I can spit

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Something just rubs me the wrong way with Chris Cuomo. He was a real wussy on CNN. A real over paid puppet. Now he's not making what he used to. How much of him is real? Redemption would be an admiral quality. I hope for the best...

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Hold on, making a lot of sense? No, not at all, he quoted the false data repeatedly to excuse his behaviour. He has a rubber neck, so even though his answers were not adequate they were presented with the utmost confidence and people fall for that. He basically admitted he would be shooting himself in the foot if he apologized, and won't do it, saying he did nothing deliberately wrong. But ignorance does not get one off the hook, particularly for a reporter who could easily have gathered information from docs and scientists without conflicts of interest. I bet he conferred with media docs for his opinions, he didn't ask Dr. McCullough, which he should do, to get the truth. He has a new platform, and he is drawing attention to it.

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The most important information to date about C19!

And up coming Gain of Function future Man Made Viruses

1 Election

2 Distribution of wealth

3 Reducing the Population

4 The Chinese


Dr. Charles Simone – The DOD Created The Vaccines, What If Cures Already

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