I heard thousands of veterans volunteered their services to protect Trump. A beautiful thing

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I’m in.

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They could be used to quadruple guard this prisoner. Bring in food not poisoned, etc.

Unbroken Chain of Custody.

No medical appts. For X-rays, injections, the last pill, etc.

Surveillance of Hillary’s Assassin pals.

Get the evidence on videotape and blast it to the American public.

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They should monitor Hillary’s phone, seriously.

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It’s Obama’s phone and you can bet… they are monitoring it.

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But did he take them up on it? Nope, they are too competent. No hollywood there, those guys mean business.

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He really needs to listen!

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Hopefully it’s the ones who got vaccinated so they’ll fall over and die soon.

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Trump too? He looooves the vax.

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I don’t understand why he doesn’t just hire a private security team at this point.

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I don't think it is unreasonable to expect Secret Service to do its job.

We the taxpayers are paying for this pig circus...

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You're also paying for those Haitians murdering people's cats in Springfield OH, and Venezuelan drug gangs taking over apartments in Aurora, CO. What exactly, McKeekitty, is your point?

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Don’t you know that all these democrats say it’s Donald Trump making these things up false allegations I just read! I guess they want us to not believe what we can see with our very eyes. They should rename themselves the Pathetic Party. They disgust me more and more everyday. I’m so damn sick of their lies and excuses for the most pathetic candidate Harris and walz. Useless and if they cheat and steal this next election we better break this country up and we take our states and they can keep California New York Chicago. All these places they have screwed up royally. I’m not living in a country they would make just because democrat voters are low/no information voters.

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My point is that we are paying for ALL this crap!

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Tell me all about it Honey.. Up here in Woke Canuckistan I'm supposed to be automatically getting Cdn$650/month in "Old Age Pension" (after 6 months, yet to see it..) but thanks to Dear Leader Justine Castreau, Illegal Migrants are each given over $4,000/month! Tax free!!

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This is madness! Utter insanity!

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I watched a more finished version of The Kiffness' song last night--I gather he wrote it as a dig to injure Mr. Trump--but it seems to have gone, as so many Democrat nasty efforts do, in a direction opposite to intention.

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I do not believe it was to injure Trump at all. I saw the finished version too. One of demoncrat’s ploys is to use the comments sections to give that impression to anyone watching it. They are full of it. And I’m glad Kiffness isn’t openly saying either way. 😂 It cracks me up that he’s driving them mad. Only democrats are trying to pin him down. We aren’t. 🤣

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October Surprise: After the success of George Floyd, the Borg couldn’t pull off a Gay Floyd, a Drag Floyd or a Trans Floyd. I’m betting on a Cannibal Floyd.

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No, it's not. However, look at how that worked out for President John F. Kennedy. He was murdered by one of them. His driver.

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I have seen some stuff that certainly LOOKS like the driver turns around and shoots him. But,you are the first person I’ve seen( in a very long time) mention that,in all these smart posts. Lots of smart people doing a better job then I ever could in uncovering that” conspiracy “, but,none of them mention it as a possibility…?

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His driver?

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Maybe they should go back to counterfeiting as their ONLY focus.

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If the Secret Service’s Ron Rowe’s job was to protect him - he failed. If it was Ron Rowe’s job to get DJT killed - he failed.

But Ron Rowe didn’t get fired, he got promoted.

Understand Gubmint now?

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No, don't trust the current SS

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It may not be unreasonable but it is wishful thinking at this point.

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It would take a huge amount of personnel and resources that one private security company could not handle alone. I would, though, like to see his own private security team involved and overseeing everything.

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Could be costly as hell. Trump is rich but he doesn't have infinite money. Just my guess

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I thought that could be an issue. Seems like they could allocate the budget for his secret service to a security team of his choosing. Since the SS isn’t doing their job and the feds seem to be compromised.

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What’s odd, kamala rides around in a bus,(not very secure), and biden lays on a public beach for hours and they appear to be safe, yet the golf course had “holes” in the security perimeter. It’s the upper echelon of the SS to blame for both attempts

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To blame? How about orchestrate.

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I have same feeling.

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My thoughts,exactly.

I can only conclude that he is putting himself at risk,on purpose. I hope I’m wrong.

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Tones why do you think he would do that?

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Exactly what RFK Jr. had to do, and maybe that company would have some resources available. I honestly can't believe he hasn't at least supplemented, especially from two months ago, but even going much further back. I hardly think money would be a big concern.

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Gotta wonder.

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Bongino provides more intel, information, analysis and accurate commentary in a 1 hour podcast, than all fake media and gov stooges do in a month.

If you have not watched his 1 hour podcast, you need to. They hate him, because he's exposing everything, and knows what the hell he's talking about, because he was in the SS for 12 years.

He's been correct about everything from day one.

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Exactly. Actually watch both the day before too. His testimony before a congressional hearing was great. I loved it. Ignore Marc. He’s a planted troll. Lol

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Bongino is a puppet - enjoy falling for controlled opposition bullshit.

Doesn’t sound like you’ve connected any dots.

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Making statements without explaining yourself???

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The Globalists have ordained Trump won’t be President even at the cost of a Black Swan event between inauguration and swearing in

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you mean evilglowballassed

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That’s when we take to the streets..

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I think it's even darker than that.. I don't think Kamala will be sworn in either... they plan an extended event of terror.. more showy than their 9/11 party.

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I disagree with Dan. This is not a case of being unable to protect Trump; it appears to be a case of being told to stand down, hiding behind the excuse of insufficient resources. Hanlon's Razor does not apply here. Second, why should I have respect for a rank and file of SS/FBI agents who go along with violent politically-motivated instructions from the top? Are Hannity's vaunted "regular men and women in the ranks" just following orders, the excuse given at Nuremberg for allowing atrocities to be committed?

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If you reference then do it correctly: "OCCAM'S RAZOR"

who is "Hanlon"???

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These are two entirely different sayings. Occam’s Razor says the simplest explanation of an event is usually the correct one. Hanlon’s Razor (named for a Robert Hanlon in Scranton PA) says we should not attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence. I reverse that in the case of Biden’s DOJ/SS/FBI, saying that when mountains of evidence and hundreds of evil events occur, the explanation must be malice and not incompetence.

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and the simplest most obvious answer is a twice failed contract hit. dont give them any money, desolve the agencies and incarcerate the perpetators for murder, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, treason, and high crimes.

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You cannot just quote something called "Hanlon's Razor" for the purpose of negating what it says! That is missing some logic, bud.

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These are two totally different sayings. Occam’s Razor refers to the concept that the simplest explanation of an event is usually the correct one. Hanlon’s Razor (named for a Robert Hanlon in Scranton PA) refers to the idea that we should not attribute to malice, that which can be explained by incompetence. My point is that Hanlon cuts both ways, to wit: Do not attribute to mere incompetence that which inarguable quantities of evidence suggest is indeed malice. The evil actions of Biden’s DOJ, his SS, his FBI, are entirely too numerous to be simply stupidity or oopsies.

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thank you Roger Beal

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believe he's referring to Robert J. Hanlon

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Oh man! Thank for being the only voice of reason! People are like pinballs pinging all over the place & jumping to conclusions without the slightest bit of common sense, seems to me. Frankly, looking at some unbiased analysis it seems all this is theater. Butler was so fake, so many ridiculous inconsistencies! Not sure why, more support for Trump maybe, or maybe hes supposed to "die" as in disappears, so Kamala can finish the job of tanking the country. In the meantime I cant stand Bonginos fear mongering exaggerations based on his "expertise", havent been able to watch him for yrs. now.

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ALL USSS should walk off the job...INCLUDING all protecting the Left. That will get their attention.

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Not going to happen… they are getting paid to overthrow/assassinate our legitimately elected President. We should bag the whole lot of them and build a nice retirement home(with steel bars)for them on an Aleutian Island..

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"Steel bars" or dirt. There's an in-between or progression to dirt.

That said, there are too many players in this...the complicity is insane. That's why nothing will happen, which kills me. MAYBE the vaxd will wake up and?

I guess I got off on the jabbed issue, somewhat.

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Yes and our Patriots in the military step up and take our nation back from the corrupt. We need strong leadership and a fair leadership until we can all see the voting process is complete and done accurately. Also, before election the Brunson case getting completed by the Supreme Court is a must! 380 broke their oath of office? Great place for the new Congress to begin with term limits put into law.

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If our military were living up to their oath, this woulda been resolved long ago.

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Breaking one’s oath to the Constitution needs to be a capital offense

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Exactly. Their ultimate allegiance should not be to their superiors but to the constitution. Any order that conflicts with it should absolve them from punishment for refusing to comply.

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There would be more bodies than we could handle. I don't think you've thought that through...it would be a SMELLY place.

Side note: Rope is reusable...

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Trump's golfing was a so called "OTR" movement. Meaning that is not planned in advance and not an event that is easily "discoverable" in public domain (e.g. you cant Google the next Trump OTR but you can the next Trump Rally location).

Sooo. We have assassin #2 (aka a many year groomed alphabet agency asset) that is from Hawaii via North Carolina and yet is in a sniper nest 12hrs prior to a Trump OTR event. He has 100+ arrests since 1998 (go read Greensboro, NC local news reports) including a "weapon of mass destruction" machine gun conviction and yet only ever got probation for any of the convictions... aka the Epstein sentencing guidelines.


At the second press conference a reporter asked FBI Special Agent in Charge and SS Acting Director that question.... neither answered. Both looked very nervous and dodged the question entirely.

The ONLY thing that has saved Trump thus far is that both "headcase amature" assassins were just groomed intel assets with "enough psycopathic" social media and societal footprints that plausible deniablity becomes an "easy out" for their handlers (e.g. both were crazy with a demonstratable histories of craziness).

Any "professional" assassin would operate with a "State funded footprint" and therefore will likely be literally the last option if all the other amature groomed assests fail.

So who is the next amature asset just waiting their turn?


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Could be that; Mr. Trump was known to BE at Mar-a-Lago on the weekend. He is known (I read) to like to play golf on Sunday. So, hiding in the bushes for 12 hours might have been a "just in case, maybe I'll get lucky, and here at the 6th (?) hole is the most insecure spot where I get the best chance).

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Why didnt he hide in bushes Fri night? Trump could have had Golf OTR on Sat. Cell phone pinging shows where he was located. We will never see all the locations.

Sure. He flew from Hawaii on moments notice to hang out in bushes on off chance Trump had an OTR round of golf. With a long rifle he brought on the plane with the ammunition and ballistic porcelean tiles.

Its an approx 11hr drive from where his son lives in Raleigh area to Mar Largo. Hypothetucally He is told on Fri about golf OTR then drives to Mar largo for Sat evening sniper nest. Fun stuff. Or he is already randomingly in Mar Largo vicinity (with his sniper stuff) on vacation and thinks "what the heck".. since I already here why not just shoot Trump.

The BS gets deep quick with this assassination attempt.

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Also, appreciate your handle keeping Hippocrates in the forefront.

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No—I am of the opinion that he was primed—but allow for there to have been an element of just-in-case positioning.

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Who’s the guy that taped Trump’s conversation while golfing and released it to social media???

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Here’s a short list of groomed assassins…

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I'm at a point that if Trump gets struck dead by a lightening strike, I will conclude he was MURDERED.

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Taxpayer funded, orbital laser… they practiced on the Big Island…

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Of course--because "geoengineering". No sarc there.

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Isn't the culprit, the head of the snake, really a level or two up? DHS and Alejandro Mayorkas. Jus' sayin".....

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It’s Obama… all day long

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Its never the obvious culprit in this corrupt country!

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I think that President Trump and his entire family should go into a secure bomb proof bunker with his own security snipers whatever is needed! I do not give a flying flip if having his own security conflicts with ss! They cannot secure our President, it’s quite evident. MAGA understands that he must be protected and kept alive and safe!! MAGA will be happy to have his rallies via a comlink of some kind. Prayers for President Trump and his entire family for safety!

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You also forgot, he won the 2020 Election and it was stolen from him!

The Globalists are planning on stealing the 2024 Election!


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They might not be able to steal it, hence the insurance policy efforts.

Hopefully not to the same absurd levels as shown in the pink panther movie where all of the world's assassin's were trying to kill Cluseau. https://youtu.be/fypxfitiHL4?si=Waf4H-wx0_LaSp4M

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Cannot give up though.

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Well, the pen is not mightier than the sword

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stop repeating death to Trump Bongino. there is a God in America and it's not waheguru. the God of America loves justice. do you think these murderers are going to get away with what they have done? they've already gone to far. there will be no more attempts on Trump's life and no harm will ever come to him in Jesus's name!

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I’m beginning to think you might be right because it’s pretty darn close if not a real miracle that these tiny little things keep messing up the shooters. Like turning his head to look at that chart that’s on the wrong side and he wasn’t going to use it. Now this shooter at the golf course sticks his gun barrel just a bit out of the fencing and an agent just happens to catch a second of it. It just be he has an angel over his shoulder

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Hold on -- seems to me that the SS and whatever organisations were involved later actually DONE GOOD in this latest attempt. SS discovered the would-be assassin before Trump moved into his orbit. Shot at him, causing him to run away, leaving nice physical evidence. And then (thanks largely to a non-agency local in the right place at the right time) actually caught the guy, alive. I think that's pretty good, actually. And now de Santis is stepping in and dealing with the would-be assassin in a way that might actually expose the machinations of BlackRock and the New World Order. I think that's all quite encouraging.

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Hmmmmmm,now,there’s a thought.

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I'd read on another substack-- maybe here on Vigilant Fox, Coffee & Covid or one like it--that Kimberly Cheadle is/was a close friend of the Cheneys and lived with them for something like two years. And now we see Dick Cheney, a part of the Bush Crime family, throwing in with Kamala Harris. That should tell anyone with eyes to see who is actually running this country.

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Its truly one group motivating/handling expendable operatives to kill a former president. And I do sense it will be a constant threat to him. At least until that group is exposed. Then we need an old fashion public neck stretching from a tree event.

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