Sep 29, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Thank you Fox for this video! Dr. Makis is a brilliant man! I've done 24hr fast.... I need to step up my game to 72!

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You're welcome! Me, too. I've done a few 24s, but I'm also wanting to try a 72.

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

I’ve done a 5 day it’s amazing! Be sure you’re using drainers to help your body get rid of toxins (berberine is good as is Pau d’arco) and binders for same reason (activated charcoal) and include non-fat soluble vitamins. I also did daily warm water “tea” with Himalayan salt and Perique so as to avoid refeeding syndrome. When you start eating again the sudden increase in sodium etc can destabilize your electrolyte balances. By making sure you’re getting sodium and don’t dehydrate yourself you can avoid this. There are some great sites online if you look up refeeding after a 5 to 7 day water fast. Bone broth is a good starter food. Day 3 is really the game changer for sure! I did drink one black coffee once daily during mine though. Was in ketosis starting day 2 could feel my metabolism ramping up. Your body feels like it’s 2-3 degrees hotter. My doctor recommended all these things as she has seen patients actually get toxic from burning fat stores with stored toxins being also released. Unfortunately fat is where the toxins we are exposed to go to live and as you burn thru it they will be released as well.

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I usually stop at 5 days not because I am hungry, but because my brain starts not functioning as well. I like your other observations and points you made.

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Perque is a buffered vitamin c powder with potassium calcium magnesium and zinc)

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It's probably made from GMO corn in China (unless it's not ascorbic acid, or only the organic, non-GMO form, or it otherwise makes clear that it is not GMO), so better to switch over to Ester-C (non-ascorbic acid, non-GMO, organic). It's non-acidic too, which is also good against disease (acidity increases disease). Cheers!

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Once again. Spike proteins are important but this protocol doesn't solve the core issue. The nanotech hydrogel graphene oxide creates circuitry that CREATES little dna spike protein machines. Detoxify heavy metals - and you eliminate the root source - not just the symptom.

MOST studies showed NO spike proteins in the vaccine samples. But using dark field, live blood microscopy you can identify the nanotech prevalent in the Pfizer, Moderna, Microsoft, etc patents. The written documentation overwhelming shows how they use Wifi and 5G to send signals to this nanotech that is now prevalent not only in the vaccinated - but also in the unvaccinated through shedding and environmental poisioning.

So far the only clinically validated way of removing these is through EDTA Chelation + IV or Liposomal Vitamin C.

There is circumstantial evidence that the following may also help but none - that I've found - have any real testing to support it:

- Activated Charcoal / C60

- Glutathione (NAC) + Liposomal Vitamin C

- Boron/Magnesium

- Near Infrared Therapy

- Humic/Fulvic Acid (Zeolites)

Others mentioned:

Confirmed live blood samples of the “Hydrogel Graphene” Ribbon structures seen significant clinical symptomatic improvements with combination therapies including EDTA Chelation, anti aging and neurogenesis enhancing peptides like Epithalon, Selank and GHK Copper, Methylene Blue, Plasminex ( sister to Nattokinase), nitric oxide supplementation, Humic and Fulvic Acid, NAC, DMG, high dose Vitamin C, full nutritional supplementation, Hydrosol/ Colloidal Gold, alkaline diet and more depending on the patients.

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Yup was just in a conversation this morning saying similar, however, I still believe intermittent fasting does help detox. But I agree ... not only treating/handling the symptoms of hydrogels/clots, but getting to the root as well. Only by treating the root, will you be able to eliminate and/or reduce frequency of the symptoms rather than temporarily alleviating it. I think likely statins and use of aspirin are similar blood management "treatments" in this respect, that do not fix root cause.

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My next post will be related to this topic. I use a microscope too.

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I have been doing a lot of the supplements you recommend the diatomaceous earth charcoal clay and fulvic humic and ulnic acid. I've been doing a long chain carbon Nano size fulvic acid called biotoxin binder and I just found another one called HM ET binder heavy metal environmental toxins binder from cell core which specifically targets Metals which I'm switching to next week Cellcore.com

I've also been doing a nasal spray my nurse practitioner who was holistic made up which is colloidal silver, lugol's iodine, and EDTA which is taken away a lot of my brain fog. I had massive blood clots in January in my right leg and a pulmonary embolism in my right lung. They put up a large cell tower in my front yard without my knowledge and if you go to antennasearch.com type in your address....or they say to type in your neighbors....I have 244 antennas and 74 Towers in a three mile radius of my house.

Now my D-dimer is 231 and it's back to normal as I'm off Eliquis because I found out it had human DNA in it from aborted fetuses from a company called senomyx.... now I'm doing nattokinase and my blood has been normal the last 3 months.

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Thank you for this. Was any live blood dark field analysis done to identify impact on the hydrogel nanoparticles? (TY also for the lead on Cellcore. I've reached out to them to ask them the same thing).

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The spike proteins wouldn't be in the mRNA vaccine itself as they are only produced after the vaccine has been injected into the host.

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As taken from: https://covid19criticalcare.com/tools-and-guides/guide-to-intermittent-fasting/

"Can anyone do intermittent fasting?

Generally, the answer is yes, anyone can do intermittent fasting with a few exceptions. Children younger than age 18 should not fast as it impairs their growth. People who are malnourished or underweight (BMI < 20), or who are pregnant or breastfeeding, should also not try intermittent fasting. If you have diabetes, gout, or serious underlying medical conditions, you should consult your primary care physician before trying to fast, as changes in your medications and close monitoring may be required."

If it is not advised for children to do intermittent fasting, what can they do to encourage autophagy?

I had done intermittent fasting for years prior to 2020, so perhaps it helped me avoid covid, flu and colds altogether- https://leemuller.substack.com/p/did-you-avoid-getting-covid-asks

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I saw where over 3000 Israelis required medical attention during the fasting days of Yom Kippur and wondered if there was any connection to their national shot mandates...a spike protein reaction? https://www.timesofisrael.com/medics-treat-over-3000-during-yom-kippur-deliver-4-babies/

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Kind of amazing how Netanyahu made practically everybody get the vaccine in Israel but the Palestine side didn't as there was only maybe 10 15% that got shot on that side but Israel had about 80%

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Sounds great. On a tour of France at the moment. So many sick Americans injected to the hilt. So much damage to our bodies from these injections.

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$55 for some herbs and vitamins doesn't sound like an absolute grift at all, not for a second!

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I highly recommend reading Anthony Williams the medical medium books about detoxing. You can start immediately by drinking his heavy metal detox smoothie, look for the correct ingredients. Also lemon water first thing (2 cups water with juice of one whole lemon), followed 15 minutes to 30 mintues later 2 cups celery juice, followed later 30 minutes with heavy metol detox smoothie, eat lots of watermelon and apples, plus any other fruit you like throughout the day. Do this for most of the day or at least half the day, and for 15 days minimum. You may feel worse for a couple of days but stick with it while the toxics are released. Check out his website for more free information. Wellness to all. BTW good idea to stop eating eggs and dairy while you detox because proteins feed viruses and pathegons.

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The medical medium is full of quackery as he recommends you shouldn't eat meat and meat has taurine in it taurine is one of the most essential amino acids in the body which helps it repair and maintain from your head to your toes. Also meat has vitamin B12 in it vitamin B12 makes all DNA in every single cell in your body including brain cells brain stem cells muscles nerves tendons joints and ligaments. Supplementing vitamin B12 is not the same as eating grass-fed and finished venison bison or elk which is the best. I had a doctor tried to get me to go on his diet which I've been a professional tennis player in coach the last 40 years in my body was breaking down from being on a vegan vegetarian diet when I was in my twenties. Now I've been carnivore in keto on and off the last 10 years and have figured out from the West in A price foundation he was a dentist that traveled the world in 1938. All cultures ate some form of meat nobody was ever vegetarian.

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Have your read his books? He has never said do no eat meat. I have not eaten it for over 40 years and am healthier than other my age. I have been tested numerous times for B12 and have never been low. I am also aware of that foundation and it's beliefs because I have a friend that follows it. Medical medium has helped thousands and thousands of people recover from chronic illness, if you do not suffer than it is fine to go about your life the way you expect. I am merely passing on information that I have learned like everyone esle, take it or leave it, but no need to condem it just because you do not believe. Everyone is different and do what works for you. Some people like myself do not do well on meat, dairy, eggs and wheat. Also there is no proof that there was never people who did not eat meat, although there are many that ate very little, not like what people eat now. If you are happy killing animals for your food then by all means continue, but personally I could never kill an animal and I don't expect others to do it for me.

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Autophagy is definitely a component to consider for helping the body clean-up spike, you still have to stop the spike machinery from doing damage, especially considering that spike is being generated from DNA plasmids, therefore potentially permanent production. Spike appears to hijack multiple systems to inflict damage, including autophagy.

"Autophagy, a cell process involved in cellular homeostasis, stress, and immune responses to viral infections, is a two-edged process in virus infections, since it may have pro- or anti-viral roles. Viruses, on the other side, during co-evolution with the host cell, developed mechanisms to usurp/exploit the host autophagic system. SARS-CoV-2 virus could take advantage of the autophagy reduction, thus preventing viral product degradation and enhancing double membrane vesicles availability, indispensable for their replication."


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Hm. Why did he stop drinking coffee, which also triggers autophagy?

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Get this garbage out of me!!!

Safe and effective my ass...

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I never took the 💉 injection (I don't call it a vax) It hasn't been approved) lol. But for those people wondering about the 72 hour fast, I had to do it for my pancreas and liver. I was in the hospital at the time though. I can tell you that you can do it. They only thing I had was dry lips, which is understandable. I just Vaseline on. Try it. I felt so good. Just like the doctor said. So no worries, that's just my 2 cents input. Good luck 👍🏽

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