I’m wondering why so many are apologizing for Donald Trump’s flaws when they admit they are voting for him. But, no one has EVER mentioned another candidate’s flaws when declaring their support.

It really aggravates me!

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Well he forgot to mention that they know each other well as they are both stakeholders in the WEF

In order to WIN we MUST refuse digital IDs, CBDC and crypto ( if you have crypto sell now before it's too late) refuse toxic "va€€ines and start using cash only


It doesn't matter who we vote into power they do not have the authority to violate our BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS

If we don't want to have toxic chemicals injected into us than NO ONE can make us

They also don't have the authority to block our freedom, steal our money or take away our right to earn a living if we refuse unless you just stupidly give up your rights

But I know you are not stupid, these rights are ours as humans and NOBODY can take them away from us

Look at the state of bill gates and Klaus Schwab do you really want to just hand them your BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS on a plate?

These people are the same bondholders that the world was forced to bail out in 2008 - as if they haven't enough money - does that not make you angry?

We need to make a stand and take back our BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS and demand a proper democracy - when was the last time we got to vote on the passing of a new law? And in a Democracy you aren't under surveillance 24/7 or have your freedom of speech taken away. We have very few rights left is that what you want?? Me neither

We need do something about it as they aren't going to just give us our rights back, so we need to refuse everything they want to impose on us against our will and demand a proper full democracy

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Unfortunately you left out the most important part. Our rights are God given. And we are a constitutional republic not a democracy. And FYI “they” already have taken away our rights. Voter fraud has been proven by video and yet they installed a communist govt right before our eyes! Only God can save us at this point.🙌🏻✝️

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This coming Tuesday is the 6th day of the month. Will you join me in fasting and prayer for the salvation of our country and release of and reparations for the J6 political prisoners?

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This is utter dreaming.:

"And we are a constitutional republic not a democracy. "

It's always been a klepto-plutocracy and the "constitution" was a tool to facilitate plunder and slavery under the guise, as usual, as "doing good." The whole shit show has been a farce from the beginning.

“The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was not a popular document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d'état.

“It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production — Vilescit origine tali. (the dice were loaded from the start)

Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle


PS: God, as far as I can see, had very little to do with imposing the constiitution on us "little people."

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Sorry, I don’t agree. How old are you because you speak like you are product of current public education. We are the freest country on earth. That is why we are being invaded by the millions. God bless America because we are the last bastion on earth. Come sweet Jesus and save your faithful.🙌🏻✝️

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I have seen the fraud over and over yet the media pretend da it didn’t happen. I recall live on TV throngs of election workers who stood in line with papers attesting to the fraud. What happened? The DemonRats pretended it didn’t happen. Those in power would not allow these witnesses to speak. The holders of power pushed Biden into office when it was all a fraud. They cheated in many ways but big tech changed the rules. I’ll never forget the true heroes Sgt Waldron and Mr Pulitzer who exposed the machines on live TV. You can’t find it anywhere anymore because it was trashed. The people in power only want power at any cost. Be watchful today about election integrity

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Do you see the fraud here?

Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt.

Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.

Photos https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/lets-take-a-look-at-donald-trumps

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They want to tear the whole thing down and replace it with something far worse. CBDCs for all and lab grown meat. I’d rather have what we have now than what they have planned for us in the future.

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Satan has no original thought but only corrupts the good that God blessed us with. Praying fervently for America.🙏🏻🇺🇸🙌🏻✝️

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We won’t be able to refuse anything, or demand anything if the wrong leader emerges from this corrupt system they are concocting. Like M Drake says below, “ Only God can save us at this point.🙌🏻✝️”

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All very true Anne, but, but, but, they have, taken away, as we have very few rights left. As accurate as your reply is, there’s something drastically irreversibly wrong about what rights, if any, we actually can stand up for and fight back with. Not in the current environment! Most definitely not!

Think back to 2020 Presidential Election. From that point forward “We the People” have been trampled over! Lied to, stolen from and completely ignored! While an overwhelming influx of illegals and military age illegals have invaded America!

I’m sure you’re aware, the endless charade of lies since Biden was placed in power! Biden was NOT ELECTED as many people want to believe. Biden was PLACED IN POWER! Starting with an “Illegitimate President Biden / Obama administration” up and until the attempted assassination on President Trump.

Everything in between has been concocted to make the majority of Americans believe, Trump is our man! Sadly, I do believe Trumps heart is in the right place, I am absolutely convinced, the United States “DEEP STATE” powers heart’s is not!

A “New World Order” is where we’re headed for. I pray I’m wrong, something, everything is drastically wrong today which tells me what’s happening.

In reality, the “Globalist Elites” are the parent power structure! Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard, WEF’s Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the WHO, the UN, NATO, among many others. These are the power structures responsible for implementing everything from who wins an election to covid lockdowns.

“We the People” are being gaslighted, stonewalled and manipulated so badly, in fact, half of American voters believe the entire narrative the MSM spews daily, yes 100% “lock / stock / and barrel” half of Americans believe this nonsense! It’s very sad, though crystal clear how bad this is.

They’ve been brainwashed to a degree I never thought I’d see, ever! I’ve had numerous conversations with such people and I decided that, there’s nothing I could ever do to change their mindset’s. It’s absolutely insane how many people have been brainwashed! I do believe the Covid “Bioweapon Injections” have something to do with it.

An entirely different story all together, although very relevant with what’s happened to the American mind more recently. Quickly I’ll say that before Covid (BC) the same people were completely open minded about nearly everything. Not so today.

I want to believe there’s a way back for “good & decent” people. The middle class group of people which is the primary target for the “Globalist Elites” agenda! Think about who’s really been hammered? Mainly the middle class.

Yes the poor in America are getting poorer and so is the middle class. The “Heart & Soul” of America from a financial standpoint. Destroy the middle class and you know the rest.

I’m absolutely convinced it will take at a minimum, 5 consecutive conservative presidential wins and at least a conservative house or senate majority as well. The reasons are simple when you think about it.

I’ll use “Ping Pong” to explain why I feel this way.

For more than 50 years, every election cycle has both parties advocating for whatever that party’s running on. Republican Leadership has been so lame throughout the years, including today. They’ve always been reactive, seldomly proactive.

IMO, the Republicans only show up when it’s time to get reelected.

On the other hand, the Democrat party has been playing, what I call

“Political Ping Pong”.

Meaning, they have never missed a beat on the campaign trail from the moment they take office. Democrats never wait for election season, they’re in perpetual motion the day they win an election.

Then, they use their “useless idiots” to do their dirty work while promising the world for all Americans. Unfortunately and quite accurately, the Democrat Party has been playing

“Ping Pong” alone for decades!

Very little pushback from Republicans except when it’s election time. Then they’re reacting which is a bad place to be all the time.

Think about how much money and effort they put into each election cycle? The Democrats campaign nonstop 24X7 as I mentioned, the moment they take office, regardless if their ideology stinks and or will destroy America! They will lie, cheat and steal while the Republican Party also lies, cheats and steals, only when it’s election season! This is my point. The Republicans are busy playing “Hand Ball” while the Democrats are busy playing “Ping Pong” alone! Republicans are and have always been, MIA!

This is the reason why, IMO everything is so upside down and backwardly broken. This all by design and the flowcharts have only been followed by the Democrats.

This has been the Democratic Party’s primary strategy for decades! Another name some people call this is the “100 Year War”. Which I agree and we’re 98 years into it.

Ultimately, they’ve been fighting for “Socialism” so they say. Sounds great right? Of course it would, reality is the Democratic Party has truly been fighting for full blown “communism”! And we’re seeing varying degrees of such all across America.

This is where “We The People” of these United States are headed for! Thanks to the help of the “Globalists Elites”, the MSM, and a lame “Hand Ball” Republican Party!

Politically speaking, for every “Ping” there must be an equal and opposite “Pong”! There hasn’t been, next to nothing literally and the unelected bureaucrats are allowed to implement “UNOPPOSED” policy / regulations destructive to the American way of life and the American People!

Please forgive me Anne, for such a long reply. Your post response triggered something I needed to explain and express in response to exactly what you’re saying.

I do believe both link up rather well, so I thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights.

Thank you again Anne.

Hopefully you understand why I call this political nonsense a game of political “Ping Pong”.


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Yes I agree that a lot of people have lost the ability to think critically and some don't really think at all they just accept being spoon fed ideas.

The elite have been planning this for decades and to think that they have infiltrated only one political party is very naive, you are playing ping pong while they are playing chess

The point is that we shouldn't just sit around while they change all the laws and take away the last bit of freedom we have - just because they are in power, as they are supposed to be acting for the publics benefit, after all they can only do to us what we allow them to do

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Exactly Anne. My “Ping Pong” analogy was to emphasize how the conservative side doesn’t show up to the match. That’s all I was trying to convey.

Chess is more accurate and even with chess, the conservative side never shows up for the match. By default, we are where we are because of this. Regarding of the analogy.

I agree Anne, 10-20 moves ahead because? Because they haven’t any competition! I could have saved my thumbs earlier!

Thank you Anne for simplifying my much too long diatribe!


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Our systems are fully corrupted. The biggest problem humanity faces today is that we have lost all trust in our systems. Society cannot function without trustworthy systems.

To fix it we must build a new one that is much much harder to corrupt that is 100% controlled by the people, and we use it to hold the other corrupted systems accountable.


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Interesting that I also mentioned Gates and Schwab before I read your excellent post!

All the "big dogs" can take a flying leap into the nearest sewer as far as I'm concerned.

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We do not live in a democracy. That’s opium from Democratic Party. We are in a representative republic. You need to understand terms. None of us voted directly. We vote for groups of other people who are supposed to represent our wishes. There is no democracy at all. Lose that word!

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Because the media is truly the enemy of the people. The only difference between Olberman and the rest of the media is that the rest of the media keeps most of their radical hate under wraps even though they think the same things: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1819459657532166625.html

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It’s the same when someone on TV says “both sides of the aisle are to blame.” Diplomacy is unnecessary when you’re comparing a basically people oriented political party to a party ravenous for power and money, and the people be dammed.

When and why did so many Americans become soooo weak, so worried about offending their opposition. You can make your political point without using personal attacks. The reason I call most Democrat voters brainwashed or brain dead is because their comments or statements are proof they’re not informed nor critical thinkers. They’re so easy to challenge.

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Can anybody tell me how Trump could possibly be better for our country than RFKJ?

If RFKJ was running against Reagan and Clinton, two all-stars in the eyes of the two parties... I would still vote for RFKJ. Why don't people see that he isn't just better than Kamala and Trump, but leaps and bound s better?

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Because the only good item on his agenda is mandated vaccines are bad. Unfortunately, he wants to reduce military spending President Trump got him Secret Service Protection!

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I agree that his idea of winning through economic might rather than military might feels a little risky. BUT, the CCP has focused primarily on spreading economic might, and they're winning the day.

We, the USA, have used the dollar as a military weapon more than all of our traditional military weapons combined over 70 years. I would say the dollar has been our single most effective and important military weapon in the last 70 years. My guess is it isn't even close.

RFKJ is proposing we focus our traditional military investment on a stronger dollar. Otherwise we risk become Russia. A non-#1 super power using our nuclear weapons as a threat to re-establish our relevance in the world.

RFKJ has lots of very good policies, that go far beyond Vaccines. I've said it many times.. I would vote for RFKJ over a Reagan in his prime. Let me know if you're interested in learning what those are.

I'd like to hear what Trump's great policies are? I do like the no taxes on social security. I think RFKJ could and should adopt that one. But what else?

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You mean like this flaw?

Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt.

Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.


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I enjoy reading how lay people “evaluate” medical situations. I could tell non-medical people any bullshit & they’d believe it.

It would be like me predicting interest rates with zero background in finance. Medicine, especially plastic surgery, is very complex. It’s humerous to see people’s comments. They are wrong 99.99% of the time.

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Well genius, did you enlarge the photo & see the notch in Trump’s ear? It hit the edge of his ear. Did you see how much it bled? That’s because the ear is very vascular. It bleeds easily which means it also heals quickly. You sew the edge together & it’s barely visible afterwards. However, you CAN see the indentation on the outside of his ear.

Nice try.

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Funny... someone was telling me the reason Trump had no blood (or his shirt) is because the ear is cartilage and does not bleed much at all...

But you are saying the opposite.

So Ms Rocket Scientist... why was there no blood on his hand or his bright white shirt?

A miracle right ... just like that is no evidence of a wound on his ear that was hit by a supersonic round from a high powered rifle

I get it ... you want someone to save you ... Trump performs the role of messiah...

He is in The Club... he did not oppose Operation Warp Speed... and just recently he insisted the Death Shots saved millions of lives

You have been played


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I can answer that. You see, we are brought up thinking we are equal and have a say. This isn't true. People are desperate to be relevant. That's why they vote for the "lesser of two evils", when there is only one evil.

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I agree with Elon Musk. I have made a similar journey from Democrat to Trump supporter.

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Well he forgot to mention that they know each other well as they are both stakeholders in the WEF

In order to WIN we MUST refuse digital IDs, CBDC and crypto ( if you have crypto sell now before it's too late) refuse toxic "va€€ines and start using cash only


It doesn't matter who we vote into power they do not have the authority to violate our BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS

If we don't want to have toxic chemicals injected into us than NO ONE can make us

They also don't have the authority to block our freedom, steal our money or take away our right to earn a living if we refuse unless you just stupidly give up your rights

But I know you are not stupid, these rights are ours as humans and NOBODY can take them away from us

Look at the state of bill gates and Klaus Schwab do you really want to just hand them your BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS on a plate?

These people are the same bondholders that the world was forced to bail out in 2008 - as if they haven't enough money - does that not make you angry?

We need to make a stand and take back our BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS and demand a proper democracy - when was the last time we got to vote on the passing of a new law? And in a Democracy you aren't under surveillance 24/7 or have your freedom of speech taken away. We have very few rights left is that what you want?? Me neither

We need do something about it as they aren't going to just give us our rights back, so we need to refuse everything they want to impose on us against our will and demand a proper full democracy

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Do you see the fraud here?

Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt.

Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.

Photos https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/lets-take-a-look-at-donald-trumps

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How about RFK Jr.? He's got an excellent track record, he's humble but tough enough to be in politics. His campaign has a phrase that explains one reason I like him:

Right isn't better

Left isn't better

Better is better.

He's not indignant, no combative, but listens to all sides and finds common ground.

Just one example of the innovation he can bring: he'd organize a GI Bill style home-loan system, funded by bonds not taxes, of 3% interest for qualified first time home buyers, and would use the tax code to curtail the State Street and BlackRock system of swooping in to a sale in process with cash so that they plus Guardian will eventually own over half of all housing.

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RFK Jr. is a dyed-in-wool democrat. He supports full-term abortion. Have you ever seen an abortion? Can you picture what happens during the procedure?

Have you seen his VP selection???? Have you heard her speak?

I could go on, but not sure you care about any of the things I have to say.

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You forgot to mention how

many thousands of babies are killed by vaccines. SIDS is infant vaccination caused. A fact. Autism is destroying the country. A fact.

I think an abortion is disgusting. I have no doubt RFK feels the same. He said the restrictions are UP TO THE STATES. After that it is up to the woman. You can argue this all

you want but if you like vaccines you are a hypocrite — without intending to be — supporting the death and impairment of countless children. This is fact like it or not.

You can lobby your state legislators on State restriction on abortion if you are in a blue state. Most states have restrictions as RFK has noted numerous times. He is only saying it is not up to him.

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Not only is autism destroying the country, but so are mood altering drugs which have always been pushed by rich scum. Also, before submitting to "statins" for cholesterol, do your research. I doubt anyone needs the side effects and I maintain that it's utter criminality to puch them on anyone but especially on old folks.

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testosterone = masculinity.

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RFKJ is pro-life, but not by force.

Time to hit RESET on the who pro-life / pro-choice fight. It has been insanely counterproductive.

At least 99% of all American would be pro-life AND pro-choice without the fight. Honestly --- who is pro-killing babies? And who is pro-forced-control? Is it more than .5% that would proudly claim to be in either of these groups?

No way.

The abortion issue is a perfect example of why RFKJ needs to win.

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You clearly have no clue what an abortion is, nor do you care. It’s an indictment of a society when they allow wanton killing of innocent life.

I realize the left has painted anyone prolife with a dunce cap on their head. That’s what they always do because it works on a society full of mindless sheep.

Those who “decided” to be prochoice are the same lemmings who rushed to get the vax. It’s call mass formation psychosis. Look into it. Mattias Desmet wrote about it in his book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism.

Congratulations! You belong to common plebes of our universe.

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Of course its an indictment of society, and yes it is sick.

But I want results... I want to see abortions drop dramatically, and don't think this fight is the way to go, nor do I think incarceration, nor capital punishment saves more babies' lives.

The pro-lifers who choose contention unfortunately exacerbate the very problem they would like to see resolved.

I get that righteous indignation feels good, and that it gets emotions up and even more feet to move. But we are missing the bigger opportunity.

And Kennedy has to be right, as counterintuitive as it may seem but... "More Choices can = More Life." I think a LOT more of it.

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you are being subjugated, you will be force vaccinated, controlled with CBDC, and culled. Is this the right time to worry about abortion of the yet conceived when they are plannign to kill many more than the millions they just killed. Priorities.

The mRNA gather in the testes and ovaries. They will sterilize a good portion of the population. Abortions' wont be an option. The mass murder is coming on the living. Or it is in process.

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RFK Jr does NOT support full term abortion. Respectfully, you are completely wrong about that. AND he's the only candidate with policies that would drastically change societal factors that force many women to choose abortion.

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I agree and I'm voting for RFKJ.

The idea of "More Choices, More Life" is perfect. That tagline is going to live on forever.


While I'm sure RFKJ has done his homework to conclude that financial concerns are the #1 reason for women choosing abortion, he needs to add more choices than the singular incentive to pay for a mother's child care expenses.

Education has mostly been "teacher first" not "student first." Similarly child care seems like a "parent first", not a "child first" policy. Another choice RFKJ should add is the option to send the money that would be sent to child care, direct to the mother, if it means she can stay at home, perhaps even subsidize that decision with work-from-home options.

There was an Oprah episode I watched ~20 years ago where a mother was working full-time and had never done the math... but it turned out that an extra car, gas and child-care was nearly equal to her net take-home pay. She cried on that episode when realized the stress she was putting herself, her husband and children through. It felt tragic, and made me wonder how many women are in that same situation?

Anyway... this is a big tangent comment. I think RFKJ will listen and his policies will only get better, as they already have over the past year.

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Really excellent point! And I completely agree that RFK Jr will listen. He's an amazing listener.

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Aug 4Edited

Historically, the greatest leaders against ruthless totalitarian authorities were amazing listeners. Churchill about Hitler and the Nazis:

"We shall go on to the end, we shall listen in France,

we shall listen on the seas and oceans,

we shall listen with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,

we shall listen on the beaches,

we shall listen on the landing grounds,

we shall listen in the fields and in the streets,

we shall listen in the hills."

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Ronald Reagan to the USSR Dictator:

"General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, Listen to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, Listen to this wall!"

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This is not true. RFKJ DOES NOT support full-term abortion. He has made his personal opinion ultra-clear --- "every abortion is a tragedy."

I don't know why total number of abortions as a percent of total Americans came down from 1993 to 2017, but when Trump was in office abortions started going back up, then the data stopped being tracked. It came down the second half of roe v wade, and actually got worse during Trump's term in office.

I suspect that force is not always better than persuasion, and think this truer in the situation of an expecting mother considering abortion of her unborn fetus, than in almost any other human interaction.

I for example am very pro-life (personally) but pro-choice (for others). This means if I'm put in a situation to influence a mother considering an abortion I would do everything on God's planet to persuade her to go full term.

This appears to be RFKJs position. Shanahan's seems similar based on the little I've heard from her. She seemed a little more liberal, but don't really know. The good thing with her is she has parted ways with the Democrat party in some very big and important ways. Not to mention she wouldn't trade her autistic daughter for the world. She is a mother, and clearly a very passionate and loving mother.

But Kennedy and Shanahan aside.. if God was here ruling on earth himself, he would persuade and support would-be mothers to go full-term, not force. I don't see how God could choose a different position. On the whole, force will never be as persuasive at making a person become like Him, as choice. (don't even include love in the equation, but choice does imply more love than force)

Again, this is RFKJ, personally is pro-life, but can't bring himself to force that position on others.

The technology for assisting abortions is out of pandora's box, and Trump is on record for being in support of that "tech."

I'm always willing to hear people out, but I don't see how Trump is better on abortion than Kennedy. He overturned Roe v Wade, which was a good decision because what is not in the constitution is the purview of the states. You don't have to be pro-life to be against Roe v Wade.

(Note: I use the labels of pro-life and pro-choice and liberal and conservative, only because I have to in orderr to have conversations with people that do, but I don't believe the stigma/perception of these labels do a good job of representing many people.)

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“personally is pro-life, but can't bring himself to force that position on others.”

In other words, he wouldn’t personally kill anyone, but won’t prevent others from doing so.

Until you’ve witnessed an abortion you aren’t qualified to say it’s a personal choice. If you have witnessed one & you’re ok with it then that’s on you.

Those who know about heinous crimes and say nothing are complicit.

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You missed the point. Kennedy will do more good for reducing abortion than any President since Roe v. Wade. And he won't be using force.

Do you want results or do you want to keep fighting for your all or nothing position that breeds more contention and hate?

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Elon forgot that Trump crumbled under pressure in 2020. He caved to the DOD/cabal and will again. Kennedy is the only qualified candidate.

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Here are the ways RFK caved to globalist agenda with very little pressure:

1. Supports gender reassignment and chemical castration for children. https://revolver.news/2024/05/rfk-jr-last-hope-gone/

2. Supports giving black farmers $5 billion in reparations. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/rfk-jr-says-he-would-give-black-farmers-5b-in-reparations-despite-ruling-that-it-s-unconstitutional/ar-BB1mJN8m

3. Labels global warming “the biggest crisis we face globally.”: https://revolver.news/2024/05/well-rkf-jr-just-found-a-radical-new-way-to-wipe-himself-off-the-map-in-texas/

4. Supports abortion up until birth, "Even if it is full term." (Isn't this just infanticide?) https://thepostmillennial.com/must-watch-rfk-jr-says-he-supports-abortion-up-until-birth-in-shocking-interview

5. Expanded from race-based reparations to "Targeted Community Repair" after pressure: https://nypost.com/2023/10/26/news/rfk-jr-quietly-changes-stance-on-reparations-after-blowback/

6. John Stossel exposes his Big Government Spending mindset: (cave-ins galore) https://townhall.com/columnists/johnstossel/2024/07/31/an-interview-with-rfk-jr-n2642764

7. Anyone who once said this is an Elite who is clueless and not reformable: https://slaynews.com/news/rfk-jr-red-state-people-murder-you-impregnate-teenage-daughter/

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Everything you claim is indiscriminate cherry picking. Trump had the opportunity to avoid the biggest catastrophe in our history and utterly failed.

On gender reassignment Bobby said “I don’t know enough about it.” He’d says if there some exception he cannot second guess it would be up to the parents. You have an agenda you are supporting with out of context remarks.

I don’t agree on global warming per se but he wants expanded regenerative agriculture. Trump is clueless about the Global

poisoning and so are you. Vaccines must stop and if you don’t know why quit commenting to you do some research. Trump

Is clueless once again.

Co2 does not cause warming but does cause shallow ocean acidification. In any case regenerative agriculture is effective sequestration. Nothing to argue about … it is the thing to do.

Kennedy would STOP the nuclear provocation by cutting off advanced weapons support to Ukraine. Trump has already supported more and more to Ukraine … a betrayal

He is a strong supporter of fiscal restraint. The waste under Trump was historic. Your claim to the contrary is utter garbage.

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LOL - Thats enough cherries to make pies for all those red state people RFK thinks will murder YOU and impregnate YOUR teenage daughter.

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What on earth? You are picking the cherries, not me. You are making the pie, but it’s not cherry pie.

Since when does RFK think red state folks will murder us? That must be MAGA garbage we hear from the DNC. RFK neither says nor thinks such gibberish.

I do not and never hated Trump. Nor does RFKJR. They are quite cordial to each other.

Trump is simply not smart enough to grasp the existential issues that RFK understands so well. That why Trump fucked up in 2020. Bobby was right at the other end of the phone line, but Trump was too proud to call … or something.

Elon was dumb enough to take the shots. He still doesn’t get it.

How about you? Did you take them?

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I'm pretty sure you are keith olberman in his basement...

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What a shit ton of info!👏

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Aug 3Edited

Right? Poor Edward can't seem to see the insane hypocritical RFK positions of supposedly (as if he won't flipflop on that ALSO after the Kennedy compound gets a rich donation) opposing Big Pharma's vaccine but having no problem with Big Pharma's funding of the lucrative gender dysphoria lifetime of expensive drugs/surgeries given TO CHILDREN possibly WITHOUT notification and approval of their parents plus the infanticide of filling a human just starting to move through the birth canal. Someone needs to ask RFK why he is a part of the harm to children gang. Does he hate them? Well, he did admit hate for the ones in the Red States...


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I thought you might be impressed by the 25 million links I just generated about RFK Jr --- https://prnt.sc/pMQCNwcxmOOx

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I am more impressed with this story. Yet another Kennedy leaving a dead body behind: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2024/08/04/rfk-jr-admits-he-dumped-a-dead-bear-cub-in-central-park-n2642963

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I hope everybody clicks on this link and sees how desperate people are getting.

How does this persuade you to not vote for Kennedy? Was it that he let perfectly good bear meat go to waste, and he's wasteful, and therefore would not be a good President?

If we are going to help this country, we have to rise above what isn't important, at all.

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That is crazy shit! Just another Democrat with more taxes, more taxes, more taxes about BS his uncle and dad would laugh at him about!

Democrats want a MONSTER of government and it doesn’t matter which democrat they all do this dumb shit!

We need to REDUCE the damn size of the government cause that’s our Fing problem! Look at the mess we are in now because of government😳

Money, money, money is all they seem to worry about and steal it from the American people.

Also, did you notice after his father and uncle were assassinated it was just a few years later abortion came into play?

The democrat party went to crap after that.

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Nearly all your links misrepresent RFK Jr. largely due to being out of date.

1. RFKJ chose to die on the bodily-autonomy hill, and it clouded his thinking. He is on record many times for being child first.. His non-profit the "Children Defense Fund" was built on this very ideal. RFKJ has updated his position from "I don't know" to disallowing gender surgery until a child is 18... https://thehill.com/homenews/lgbtq/4649915-rfk-jr-pivots-on-gender-affirming-care-for-minors-says-treatment-should-be-deferred-till-adulthood/

2. Reparations for an injustice from just 4 years ago. RFKJ is an attorney who is anti-big business and very passionate about small farmers. I hope people will read the article, put themselves in the shoes of the small farmers, many of which happened to be black - https://www.foxnews.com/media/rfk-jr-vows-give-5-billion-black-farmers-effort-return-stolen-property

3. revolver.news is a trump-only ad. Read just the first sentence of what Gary posted, and you'll be inclined to throw-up from the bias. Judge for yourself. Kennedy has made it clear over and over again... He isn't focused on Global Warming. It is air, soil and water. Another extremely out of date claim.

4. RFK Jr has left quite a few cherries to be picked on the topic of abortion. Just as God has left a few cherries in the bible... i.e. - 1 Samuel 15:2-3:

"Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt. Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’” RFK Jrs stance is pro-life and pro-choice. 99% of America would be as well, if didn't we have such a profitable and beneficial division. Anyway, another attempt to spin RFKJ as the same RFKJ from a decade ago.

5. RFK at no time in his life said he is ONLY for race-based reparations? So this really is a stupid article. Nothing out of date, it is simply a spin against Kennedy. Most people know if Kennedy could solve all poverty and injustice with tax dollars, without violating any liberties, he would do it. He has strong David/Goliath syndrome. He identifies as David, and you can feel it in everything he does and says. His whole career has been slaying Goliaths. It is his identity. While there is a negative side to this, the positives (for RFKJ) far outweigh the negatives. Watching his transformation over just the year to the right, and his ability to listen and be open-minded tells me he will continue coming right. I love his promise of "Direct Democracy." Sounds amazing to me for several reasons. We will have more direct input with RFKJ than we have at any time in American history.

6. this article was the only one with real substance. Kennedy has said dozens of times that he will repurpose military spending to domestic spend, and he said it once again here. Kennedy won't grow the budget or debt, but he will be doing everything he can to spend more tax dollars on programs on US soil. The strategy is simple... China is beating us, because they are focusing on economic might, so we will do the same THAT is what is justifying military to onshore program redistribution of tax dollars. The idea is if we invest all our dollars back into the American worker, that is the best use of capital. I am honestly nervous about this. For example microfinance worked essentially everywhere in the world, but developed countries like America. China is lifting people out of destitute poverty. That is a much easier task than lifting people out of welfare.

7. This is a pathetic article based on a video that must be ~20 years old. The argument is even more ridiculous and ultra anti-christian. The argument that you can't change is ridiculous. RFKJ is not only a reformed drug-addict, but he is a reformed democrat that has only begun his reformation toward the right. People can change. If you don't believe that, then you're part of the 1% with Gary.

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Aug 4Edited

"Nearly all your links misrepresent RFK Jr. largely due to being out of date."

So to summarize: Clock goes tick tock; RFK Jr. goes flip flop.

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You said you used want to vote for RFKJ. What changed? Or should I say you flip flopped?

We all need to be good judges of character, and yes there is flip flopping for political gain, and then there is real change. Let's not act like the two are ALWAYS equal. Otherwise every change you ever made was a flip flop.

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Reasons I hate RFK jr & would NEVER vote for him; RFK jr is a lifelong, Big Govt loving supporter of failing schools, an eco-fascist who profits from the EPIC BS of the Big Green Scam, a land/resources grabbing commie dimocrat who also tries to buy votes promising reparations, another EPIC BS Dimokkkrat operation.

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Not sure where you're getting your information, Heidi, but literally none of what you just said is true. If you listen to just ONE interview or podcast or Instagram reel where RFK is actually the one talking, I think you might feel differently, and have a clearer understanding of who Mr Kennedy is.

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There are a few things you said that are PARTLY true.

1) RFKJ does believe in making reparations using government tax dollars. He has held this position long before considering running for office. So doing it for votes, can't be true. If you and others would like to help those who have been disadvantaged, there should be better incentives to do that with money that would otherwise be sent to the IRS. I think RFKJ can and would be persuaded. We just have to show and prove we will choose to give money to help others, if given the proper incentives.

2) You also mentioned that he profits from the Big Green Scam. It's true he has made a living as an environmental lawyer. But it's impossible to win multi-billion dollar cases against mult-billion dollar organizations like Monsanto capable of hiring the very best attorneys money can buy when the evidence you provide is false.

3) You mention he is a big government loving supporter. Again this is partly true. He thinks companies need to be regulated. Governments need checks and balances and companies do to. While RFKJ is guilty of being in love with government as a solution... your criticism is more aptly aimed at all politicians, with Trump and Biden being at the top of the list as the biggest spenders in US History. It is clear they are not a better solution to smaller government if that is important to you. RFKJ's Uncle JFK (a big role model for RFKJ) reduced taxes. RFKJ is on record for promising there will be no tax increase, and would entertain cuts. He is the only candidate that isn't bought by all the special interests driving our insane debt. Trump and Kamala are.

4) As far as schools go, yes RFKJ is pro public schools. He is generally pro-fixing-government and helping it work like it was intended, rather than growing it. This said, he is extremely pro free-markets, and has fought for school choice. His fixation on wanting to improve public education is not bad. What needs to be scrutinized are his specific ideas as it relates to improving education. They will not be driven by the democrat or republican parties... and that is exactly what we NEED! Education is one of those funny areas where the agreement is off the charts, yet divisiveness is as well. So much opportunity if we can get the partie out of the way.. RFKJ Wins on this issue, just like he has on 2) and 3). The only one he doesn't win on is using tax dollars for reparations.

Anyway, would love to hear what I'm missing?

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Hi Lauren! I initially thought many of those thoughts but then I did some homework. Please see facts/links in my reply to Edward Flynn just below. A Kennedy will always be a silverspoon elite just hungering for the return to their "Camelot" power days.

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Please read my response.

and keep in mind that in 2020 $14.4 Billion was spent between Trump and Biden. My guess is we will approach a similar amount in 2024.

And guess what, both are spending in 2024 to slander RFKJ!

For every positive a post about RFKJ, my guess is you could find 20 negative ones. This is why people believe money wins elections. If you give me a million dollars I'll definitely produce more articles than if you give $1000.

The fact that both parties are scared of RFKJ, who they claim only has 6% of the vote speaks louder than all $14 billion they will spend.

RFKJ is far from perfect. And yes he has strong democrat roots, but he has become a solid centrist. who will have libertarian, republican and democrat leaning members in his cabinet if he wins.

In my opinion RFKJ in Aug 2024 would be a better choice than Ronald Reagan in his prime and height of popularity. If RFKJ wins, he will be the most popular president in US history. His appeal is so broad, that my impossible to prove claim, feels inevitable.

Dive deeper... Kennedy's honesty is unfortunately a liability for those who can't see a person for who they really are. The honesty is crazy refreshing. His respect for Trump, Biden and Harris... is also crazy refreshing. Somebody kids could actually look to as a role model. Reagan might be the last to have reached role model status.

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John Stossel, a very journalist with longstanding cred, exposes his Big Government Spending mindset: (cave-ins galore): https://townhall.com/columnists/johnstossel/2024/07/31/an-interview-with-rfk-jr-n2642764

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Truth is I too like RFKJ, I like Children’s Health Defense and truly believe he loves and respects this country and her people. However, he has NO PATH to the presidency. None. What his candidacy is doing is weakening the already tenuous path of DJT. His presence in the race will serve to help hide the steal. I’d have liked to see him embraced by Trump but that didn’t happen. He has every right to run and I don’t oppose him doing so but it makes me sad to know that his presence here will harm the process. I’d love to see him turn his fight to help DJT win with a path to his own participation in the next administration as a bipartisan warrior helping to reform two of the worst 3 letter agencies: FDA and CDC. By doing so he could open more doors to his own *real* pathway to the presidency, proving himself to be an “old school” democrat, fighting for the people. If he were the democrat opponent I would welcome it. I wouldn’t even be upset if he won because he is clearly not an “insider” in the democrat party. I believe he would invoke the right kinds of change that I would welcome. But the current democrat regime is terrifying to me and we ALL should be fighting against THAT.

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I really appreciate your words, and agree if DJT wins, DJT would be wise to include RFKJ in any initiatives to fight government corruption.

But I wish you wouldn't give in to the same logic that handed Ross Perot his defeat. https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/sites/default/files/2018-07/42015.pdf

It turns out 36% of the country wanted Ross Perot for president but 47% of that 36% said they didn't want their vote to not count. Had they actually voted for who they wanted Ross Perot would have been our President Instead of Bill Clinton.

Republicans and Democrats continue to slander RFKJ, and act concerned, and will do so all the way to Novermber. Why? Because, RFKJ has a better chance in the current environment than Ross Perot did vs. Bush and Clinton. RFKJ currently beats Trump and Kamala in favorability ratings... and is the absolute favorite.

The republican and democrat propaganda machines are spending a lot to make RFKJ seem irrelevant.

RFKJ is NOT an outlier. He easily represents the views of more Americans than either Trump or Harris ever have or every will. Comes with the territory of being a Centrist, and a very a decent guy.

Courting disdain for the party and division speak to humans, because it becomes personal. This emotional division is all that Trump and Kamala have over RFKJ. That disdain clouds the thinking of way too many Americans. They start voting for a team like the Spurs or the Bulls, even if they're one of the worst teams in the NBA. Loyalty has its place, but we need to do what's best for our country for the next four years, more than we need to stay loyal to the Republican or Democrat team.

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Look, I VOTED FOR ROSS PEROT, twice. So I get it. I just don't believe in RFKJ as much as I did RP back in the day. I have spoken about this many times tbh and I never considered my vote for him to be thrown away as I despised the R candidates at the time, and also Bill Clinton. RP would have NEVER signed NAFTA. NEVER in a million years. We might actually still have a functioning economy if he had been elected. It's a damn shame. I happen to think DJT was good for our economy and I can't say that we would have the same outcome with RFKJ, because, as a "true" democrat he does not believe in small government which we so desperately need right now. So, here I am.

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Absolutely amazed that Elon speaks as if there is only one strong courageous contender in this race. Everyone should listen to RFK junior for themselves and not believe the propaganda making him out to be a kook with no chance. As an lawyer he has a long track record of winning against corrupt corporations and can break the stranglehold they have over absolutely everything. I wish I was American so I could vote for him.

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RFK Jr. is not a kook. I read his book about Fauci cover to cover. He’s a very bright, serious guy. But …… he IS a liberal!

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The “Wuhan” book is excellent also. Kennedy was first to interview Sasha Latypova who revealed that the pandemic was a DOD project from the get go and the shots were of shoddy manufacture by DOD contractors … total fraud. Sasha is one of the most brilliant authors on substack and she had nothing negative to say when I asked except that he doesn’t have the big money behind him.

To say he is a WEF stakeholder is beyond absurd. Propaganda.

BTW on global warming he said long time ago “I think CO2 plays a role but I don’t expect you to believe it.” That is a quote. He is saying the imperative is agricultural reform not matter anyone “believes.” If I tell him the physics of CO2 as atmospheric warming agent … not feasible .. he can turn around a show me there is shallow ocean acidification, data I cannot deny. It is a concern to deal with RATIONALLY.

He listens, he learns. He is brilliant. Many people live in a world of black and white, no nuance. This creates impenetrable sanctimony. He said this. He says that. These are not bottom line

characterizations ALWAYS removed from context to suit bias.

Most important he will cut off the nuclear provocation via Ukraine decisively. Neither Trump nor the other one will do that.

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couldn't agree more.

A candidate that is respectful and sincerely listens to the pont that he is willing to become a pariah to the party his family has espoused forever, for the sake of of fighting corruption... says it all.

The fact we have somebody as good to the core as RFKJ running for President, feels miraculous. He comes with ZERO irrational strings attached, including strings to irrational orthodoxies. He can be persuaded, and has been. But you better bring 2000+ references supporting your case like he did against Fauci.

I've watched easily over 20 hours of interviews with and talks by RFKJ, and if everybody spent just 5 hours doing the same... Kamala and Trump wouldn't have a fightting chance of winning.

Just start witih 15 minutes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1yUOGGC_I8

We need a peoples' president... not a party president.

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"liberal" is not an accurate description of Kennedy... you can't group him with Ocasio Cortez Nancy Pelosi, and Schumer"

On a political spectrum, RFKJ is as center as we have ever seen, and if elected will have Republicans in his cabinet. This is why he attracts ultra-conservatives... such as myself, and ultra liberals.

He is level-headed and is country before parties. If elected he will become the most popular president in US History, and for good reason. His appeal is broader than perhaps any president in history, save George Washington.

I said it elsewhere if RFKJ was running against Reagan and Clinton, it would still be an easy choice.

A dual defeat to the (bought) Republican party and (bought) Democrat party is one of the best thing that could happen to our country. We need a president who isn't bought.

Ironically, that is exactly what Musk is doing... attempting to buy Trump, because he thinks Trump is going to win.

RFKJ needs to win. If people would stop saying "I would vote for RFKJ, but he isn't going to win" and vote for RFKJ, I think he has a fighting chance.

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seriously, do you think politics is defined by label any more? Conservative and Liberal are the exact same party, different colour.

If any label fits, its fascism. Both parties, same pile of gooey shat.

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Please see facts/links in my reply to Edward Flynn just above. A Kennedy will always be a silverspoon elite just hungering for the return to their "Camelot" power days.

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what? RFKJ was offered the Senate seat offered by NY state when Hillary Clinton vacated the seat to serve as Secretary of State. He turned it down.

Trump is 10X the politician that RFKJ ever was.

Branding you by your family members actions and choices isn't something you or anybody could ever agree with.

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Jr probably didn't want to be bothered with a minimal big government position. He wants to run for president after writing a book and being a Green Crusader - oh wow!

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Gary, how did you go from pro RFKJ to the most anti-RFKJ person I have ever seen in a comment section?

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I would add PDJT supports CHOICE on vax/masks/healthcare & School choice!

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You can add my reasons to this great list!

I’m not supporting the caricature that the lying media and the lying democrats have created.

I am supporting the man who became the lender of last resort for Harlem businesses destroyed by the 1991 riots and refused repayments.

I am supporting the man who put his own money and the use of Trump Tower behind the (finally) 1987 welcoming home of Vietnam veterans.

I am supporting the man who dated a black woman for 2 years, a woman who has yet to say a bad word about his supposed racism.

I am supporting the first president in a long time who didn’t instigate any new wars.

I am supporting the president who, through his Abraham Accords Initiative, brought peace between Israel and 3 of it’s formerly hostile Arab neighbors.

I am supporting the president whose policies brought forth historically low unemployment rates for Blacks, Hispanics, and Women.

I am supporting the president whose policies finally returned America to energy independence.

I am supporting the president who was unafraid to confront dictators like Kim Jung Il of North Korea, even daring to cross the border into that country to show American strength.

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Trump has 4 years to do that and while he did commit to some of those things, he massively failed on other. And where he fails RFK Jr will not. Kennedy all the way!

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Agreed!! And any of you fuckers that can’t understand what happened when Trump was a hairline away from being assassinated should cut off your dicks lol. You really truly should. I mean it because none of you have any balls. Trannies have more dick than you.

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Everyone knows President Trump's flaws. I've known him since he was in his early 30s. He was news everyday. He was the same exact way, only "tamer" Lol. He's not a politician so nobody owns him that's why he speaks the way he does.😊 I believe as far as Musk he's come around and sees how the left is insane. My big worry #1 is his safety. They are already plotting big time. We must pray for peace.

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Trump has been doing politics since he came out of the womb.

This idea that there are no politics in business needs to be put to rest forever.

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Here is the reason we think billionaires are our friends.

testosterone = masculinity. -- statin destroy testosterone

Fluoride is a neurotoxin - causes dementia and damages I.Q of children. It also causes APATHY. It causes a host of other diseases. It kills the enzymes in your cells when you drink it. It is a topical treatment not a systemic treatment.

ALL vaccines include toxic components that damage brains...

Look around the world. We live in an Orwellian based cesspool of inequality wherein fascism = democracy, genocide = defense, men beat up women and call it sport and inclusiveness.

This 60 year old man is glad he is on the final leg of his journey.

With respect to abortion ? None of my business, nor is it any of your business. If you want to take that child and dedicate you life to bringing it in the world, without killing and maiming it with fluoride and vaccines and other medical interventions then feel free. But to force another person unequipped, to raise a child in the TOXIC world ? makes you no different than those forcing vaccinations on children. A SLOW KILLER.. Just like the fluoride is a slow killer.

Anti abortionists are illogical, irrational, and share a lack of empathy for people that resembles psychopathy.

Save the "equity denial" or "false equivalence." for someone stupid enough to buy into it.

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All I can say is that Elon has immense power and he is still censoring people, what is he afraid of. or what is he being told to hide?

I wish there were more candidates like Kennedy Jr. in the world, I would hope they were given equal airtime and people were brave enough to vote for hope and reconciliation instead of fear and opposition to other equally corrupt parties.


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There will be one positive article about RFKJ online for every 20 negative ones. That's what happens with Billions in funding from two parties thar are both slandering RFKJ.

May the people win.

RFKJ all the way!

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It will be fascinating to see how influential Musk and X are, and if his influence can offset the Kamala Harris whitewash propaganda psyop currently operating, as well as counter the massive censorship operations at other social media companies, such as Facebook, Google and YouTube. I realize that is a lot to heap onto a person, but like Trump, Musk is no ordinary person.

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There ain't no perfect candidate. There ain't no perfect human being before or after Christ. A warrior is needed to defeat the totalitarian vote-stealing, open border country-changing, coup of the Globalists world order. The UK and Germany are practically toast with "refugees" and their unwillingness to adapt to the laws of the country they have invaded.

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Elon, the "good billionaire" also supports US coups in foreign countries who have stuff he wants... so who cares what he thinks?

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Well he forgot to mention that they know each other well as they are both stakeholders in the WEF

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Oh noooooooo... not the "good billionaire"...

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Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt

Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.


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Bait and Switch is one of the oldest con games in the world.  You offer one product, and substitute another.  

This is what the British Territorial U.S. Government has been doing to the American People for over 160 years.  

Abraham Lincoln was the "President" of a foreign corporation merely calling itself "the United States of America, Incorporated" --- not the President of our unincorporated American Federation of States, not even the President of our Federal Republic. 

Donald Trump is playing the same game. 

Lincoln unlawfully converted our American Armed Forces into British Crown Territorial Mercenaries without a word to the troops or to us. 

There is no evidence in the record that they were ever lawfully converted back to the status of honorable soldiers after that.  

This explains why SERCO, a British Crown Corporation, is their Paymaster.  It explains why such characters as George H.W.Bush and General Norman Schwarzkopf were knighted by QEII.  

They are not our Presidents and not our Armed Forces --- until and unless they lawfully convert back to their birthright American status and cease functioning as "U.S. Citizens".  

U.S. Citizens are not Americans.  They are British Territorials, like the people of Puerto Rico and Guam. 

They may serve under the Constitution of 1789, but they are not Parties to them and do not receive the Guarantees or have the authority to enforce these venerable contracts on the other Principals. We do. 

This situation also mandates the Funky Monkey political party straw poll elections that have been substituted for our Public Elections. These events are fraudulently deceptive in that they are designed to make the American people believe that: (1) they are voting for a President occupying their own Public Office; and (2) that their vote for a foreign corporation's  "President" counts, when in fact, it's just an opinion poll.  

The "President" of the foreign British Territorial corporation involved is elected by the shareholders of that corporation, who are represented by "Electors" --- who are members of the Electoral College. 

This same foreign corporation doing business as "the United States of America, Inc." and its Successors and affiliates have engaged in another fraudulent practice --- registering American babies and using their names to create franchises for their own benefit, without disclosure.  

They have the Usufructuary Duty to hold all Americans affected by this practice harmless and exempt from any charges, harm, or consequence resulting from the existence of these fictional --- and unconscionable U.S. Territorial franchises --- but they conveniently "forget" and routinely charge Americans for debts and charges owed by their "similarly named" franchises----especially tax debts and mortgages.  

Their courts are all cesspits engaged in accidentally-on-purpose committing crimes of personage and barratry against Americans, under the known pretense that those Americans are U.S. Territorial Citizen Franchises or Federal Municipal Corporation franchises deemed to be "citizens of the United States", instead. 

They have tried to dignify all this as something occurring under The Law of War, from 1861 to today, but no actual War ever existed.  No Congress competent to declare war ever declared anything about the so-called "American Civil War". 

Nor has our Congress of States ever declared anything about any "war" since then.  

This means that all actions undertaken since 1860 by Lincoln and

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