Even for the elderly I think the vaccine was very suspect. no one needed that vaccine not one person at all. a lot of the elderly that got vaccinated died so it didn't work for them and it didn't work for anybody else because that's not what the vaccine was designed to do the vaccine was designed to maim disable and eventually kill people because that's exactly what it did, it did nothing to stop coronavirus SARS Cov2 which is simply a respiratory flu that you could get over with a little bit of Nyquil and some antibiotics and some ivermectin

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I had an unvaccinated elderly relative with 4 comorbidities who caught covid thanks to a fully vaccinated and boosted first class citizen. My relative's case of covid was milder than the first class citizen's reaction to the shots.

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Same story here! But it was me. Myself contracted virus from a triple vaccinated good friend - first class citizen. My bout lasted 3 days his was 7 days. He passed away a year later. Collapsed suddenly. By collapsing and hitting the floor with force he managed to crack one neck vertebra. His death certificate blames cracked vertebra as the cause of death! Not sure of he had more then three magic juices injected, possibly.

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Glad you're still here. I knew it was all a scam. Ì have to move, but it's going to be positive for me. I hate losing the back yard. But I can't live with drunk going into dementia. Let the neighborhood handle him. Eventually they will find out. It will start being evident, once I get moved out.

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Damn, sorry to hear about your friend. Flipping sucks 😥

The triple jabbed person I know had a heart attack 5 months after jab #2 and was fighting off a post operative infection when they got jab #3. The unvaccinated elderly relative was actually taking care of the triple jabbed person when they got home from the hospital full of triple jabbed health care heroes.

Once the triple jabbed recovered enough to be left alone at home I gave the elderly relative a ride home and a few days later the elderly relative had a fever and chills for a night and then was tired for a few days after that. We just assumed they had overdone it until I got sick a few days later with the same symptoms and used an at-home test. I figured my symptoms were so mild this couldn't be covid, but everyone is fighting to the death for at-home tests in January 2022 so I might as well use this test here and holy crap it's positive!

Yeah, I stocked up on oxygen tanks and nasal canulas and pulse oximeters and horse dewormer and a nebulizer in 2020 and all I got was a stinking cold!

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She knew what to do. Ɓet she ate chicken 🍜

It's nickname is Jewish penicillin!

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You're absolutely correct: the mRNA vaccines were atrocious for older people as well. The gold-standard clinical trials done by Pfizer and Moderna themselves showed that the mortality NET EFFECT of mRNA vaccination (even counting any COVID "benefit") is actually WORSE for older people than younger people, and VAERS concurs with this as well.

In the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials combined, among the older age groups, there were 21 deaths in the vaccine groups versus 16 deaths in the placebo groups. 31% HIGHER all-cause mortality with the "lifesaving" vaccine than the placebo, in the OLDER age groups. (The important take-home from these results is not the exact "31%" figure, but rather the fact that it is extremely likely that the "lifesaving" vaccine actually INCREASES all-cause mortality in older people by SOME amount).

Among the older age group (>65) in the Moderna RCT, there were 9 deaths in the vaccine group versus 6 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf - see Table S19 on page 53/54

Among the older age group (>55) in the Pfizer RCT, there were 12 deaths in the vaccine group versus 10 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.fda.gov/media/152256/download - see page 57, BOTTOM of Table 25

And finally, the same age-related trend appears in VAERS as well: over 70% of unexpected post-vaccine deaths with known ages were in people aged >65 (and about 90% with known ages were in people over age 50). https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality

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Yes and Redfield had the gall to say the shots "saved a lot of lives". That was bull shit, the shots killed and maimed millions....if they are still alive now, for how long? Mark C Miller's substack tallies weekly deaths and makes a special note of the fact they DIED SUDDENLY.

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Agreed. “Saved a lot of lives” is the argument consistently used in the UK parliament - to put it politely, they are idiots, a counterfactual cannot be proved.

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I agree with your elderly comment!

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My vibrant handsome healthy father that had a sharp mind (a full head of thick hair:), walked morning & night, ate very healthy food & on rare occasions had a glass of red wine died suddenly with turbo cancers after fourth vaccine.💔When I gently asked his wife (before he died) how many vaccines did he have within a year, she snapped- “vaccines are only a problem if you want them to be”. I didn’t respond & we’ve never discussed it again. My son & I are the only ones in family unvaccinated & treated as such. Our family is fractured beyond repair.

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It’s very sad. So many tragic stories. So much division. This event hurt our country in so many ways- it’s not even recognizable now. Peace to you.

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Redfield said himself that the experimental gene altering bio weapon had the ability to make large amounts of spike protein- you just don’t know what the body will do. So how he still says it is safe and effective is ridiculous. Covering his ass of course. He said he is using a different vaccine now that limits the amount of spike protein received. And to give it to the most vulnerable- the elderly and babies- yikes!!

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When do we get a retraction on the saved millions lunacy

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Absolutely agree with every word you said, Inga.

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Thanks Inga, my feelings EXACTLY!

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Idiot who wanted to vaxxinate all the old people.

Fuck you, Redfield.

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"F" all these people they need to be lined up for a lead vaccine!

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couldn't have said it better myself.

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Redfield is 72 years old.

He should take 1,000 doses of the covid DeathVax to prove it is "safe."

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

i SERIOUSLY doubt his vax's were the killer ones....he's a nutcase anyway, who in the hell would be vaxed 8 times!!!

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I met an American in York last week who proudly boasted he'd had eight. I quickly moved from the park bench where he'd sat down beside me...

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No doubt he received saline while others got the death shot.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

Absolutely agree. This BS is a cover-my-back operation and save my friends who committed crimes against humanity and enriched themselves in the process. Poor little Fauchi, he meant well and he’s so misunderstood and I did try to warn them (so I’m innocent) - who in their right mind believes this BS.

All Frankenstein bio-labs must be shut down (of which the US terrorist state has many hidden away in Ukraine)- NO to gain-of-function.

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Thank you for the info will definitely share..

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The real question is how to we prevent the masses from being persuaded by a free cheeseburger and fries. Anyone who could not see through that BS, I’ve no words. I do know many book smart people who took it, and many of them just so they could keep their vacation plans or no longer need to wear a mask at work. Stunning decision making skills on display there.

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If one could display all of the human rights violations in history that were perpetrated by the CDC, it would help the average person understand that they indeed capable of pushing and mandating harmful and deadly injections.

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Tuskegee experiment, Guatemala 1946, the experiment on African American and Mexican babies in Los Angeles along with Kaiser Permanente (can’t find the details of this one anymore). Anybody have others?

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They were killing the elderly before the jabs came in to make it look like we needed the jabs to survive, what a total lie that was. I thank God everyday I didn't fall for any of it, I also ask God every day for protection and wisdom for what to do next.

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That's exactly why they moved him out. Covid wasn't the problem. Giving the vaccine was the goal. Big Pharma got richer, and the WEF eugenicists were looking to decrease the population.

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One month after i turned 70 years old, the much anticipated mRNA jabs were approved and just bout everyone was thrilled. After months of scare tactics and fears of an extended lockdown, Fauci and Trump had delivered their savior. And I wasn’t buying any of it. Sadly a dear friend of mine who was working as a security guard in a private residence in Malibu was told it was mandatory for him to take it to keep his job. A few months later, his brain and body were overcome by Creutzfeld Jacob Disease and he was gone by Agust of 2021. We’ll probably never know how many elderly people left this world too soon due to this murderous ploy.

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In my area, it was fairly bad, but so many were the ones that were productive. Now what's left is overworked (40-60), and they were mostly the ones mandated (WHICH DOESN'T MEAN A DAMN THING) to take that v poison.


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Very sorry for the loss of your close friend.

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A little bit late on this. Also the “vaxxine” is a bioweapon. He’s not saying that. Apparently Chris Cuomo has still not reached clarity on that. He is not fully awake. So he is useless as a journalist. He has nothing to offer us.

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I think Chris Cuomo asked excellent questions. He's not useless. Don't watch if you know the answers to his questions.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

So he felt the elderly should be maimed and killed first ? I just am not buying that anyone at his level or above did NOT know these were Bioweapons all along. Even if he was not looped in to that knowledge, as an MD he can read the research and figure out Vaccines of all types by and large have harmed more than they have helped. These people are all feeding at the Big Pharma Trough. I have ZERO faith any longer in Allopathic medicine until it free’s itself from the corrupt strings…

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It was EXPERIMENTAL!!! New Technology… no long term studies. No informed consent. How could anyone clinically think that this was a good idea? I don’t buy what he is selling.

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What the hell is going on with all these 'truth admissions' coming out lately... so many in the last fortnight, from diff parts of the world in diff mediums... I am SKEPTICAL at this... why now?? After yeaaaaars of us screaming the same truth out, them denying it, us being censored, now all of a sudden they come out with it??? What gives...?

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1. It’s an election year, and Trump spearheaded operation warp speed. They’re going to lay blame for all of this right at his feet.

2. It’s an election year, and Biden is a buffoon. He’s the one who enacted mandates and threatened a season of death for all of the unvaccinated. They’re going to use this to remove him from the ballot, and insert a cherry picked candidate.

3. This is all purely speculation, of course. But it kind of makes sense, don’tcha think?

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Yet again -of course they did not track it bc so many people that took it were hospitalized and died, the complete opposite of safe and effective. They knew their cash cow was showing big flaws.

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0% effective. The where effective for sudden death, Myocardtius, blood clots, Turbo Cancers, immune disorders .

They knew when they pushed them on the public. Any doctor still pushing these gene therapy shots needs to loose their license.

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Never ever understood COVID as being serious... for me. I had Chicken Pox, Measles, and Mumps at the same time. That was the winter of 1961, I have been ill for exactly one day after that for the next 52 years. Thanks to my triple play, I never needed a vaccine (I did receive the Small Pox vaccine). Know yourself, do something beyond your normal activities, go outside, and question authority.

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Good advice! As a general policy, I suspect any action by any government that attempts to manipulate with fear.

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All 3, wowser, you are an a immune treasure

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

This is an Unlimited Hangout. SPARS anyone?

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No kidding....Redfield wanted to kill all the old people with the covid DeathVax.

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Forget "is the lab leak true" rather "regardless of origins, was it novel or deadly to begin with?"

You could argue that for the elderly it was deadly, but then so are colds and other infections. The older you get the weaker your immune system gets.

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